» Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Two, Heather Ray [top 10 most read books in the world TXT] 📗

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and Clark law firm had welcomed her as their new legal assistant, to work ten hours a week during the school year, and full time during the summer. It was a perfect opportunity for her to get hands-on experience in the legal field, by doing research and helping her bosses prepare to represent victims of corporate negligence and the like. It would be an excellent stepping stone into law school, which would hopefully begin in September, provided she gained acceptance to one of her top choices. If she manages to get into Dreiser University's prestigious law school, then she could even keep working with Givens and Clark throughout her study, and perhaps they could help her find a position in the city.

Rachel was lost in her excited musings, until a strange flash caught her eye. She blinked in surprise, and stared curiously out the window, trying to follow the odd movement she had seen.

It almost looked like a person walking between the tunnel wall and the subway car.

She continued to stare out the window, now with heightened attention. She remained vigilant until the subway car slowed at the Dreiser University Station.

She shrugged, collecting her purse and walking to the sliding door. As she waited for the train to stop, a similar form appeared in a darkened corner.

Her mouth opened slightly in surprise, and she quickly descended the train onto the concrete platform. While the other passengers steadily exited the underground station, she slowly approached the tunnel.

She gripped her purse tighter, and leaned against the wall into the darkness of the tracks. There was a walkway of about two feet of width along the outer wall of the tunnel, most likely for workers to pass through the tunnels without fear of getting hit by an oncoming train, or being electrocuted on the conductive tracks.

A chill crept up her spine at the realization that the station had quieted greatly. At this time of the evening, there weren't many people waiting for connections, so the passengers exited efficiently.

She was virtually alone. Still, while it was slightly frightening, her curiosity drove her cautiously to the narrow ledge.

Her heel collided with the concrete, creating a loud echo in the tunnel. Suddenly, twin red orbs flashed from the darkness ahead.

Rachel gasped, instinctively stepping back in surprise.

"Those weren't subway headlights," she muttered, her eyes narrowing.

Faster than she could react, a form leapt out of the tunnel before her, and a powerful hand muffled her mouth before a breath could even enter. In the blink of an eye, Rachel had vanished.
Chapter Six

("What is this, Kirik?") an armored soldier demanded, pulling off his open-faced black helmet. Narrow ruby eyes moved from his newly-arrived comrade to the petrified human female struggling against his otherworldly strength.

("It saw me in the tunnel, Sir,") he explained, ("I was ordered not to leave any sign of our arrival, and a witness is unacceptable.")

The captain frowned deeply, sharp fangs slipping between ashen teeth. ("Perhaps Phaedra would be pleased if we provide a sampling of Human blood. Then destroy the body. I must regroup with Garni and Fed'er on the surface. Follow us when you have finished.")

Kirik bowed his head as the higher officer left. He then removed his hand from his victim's face, and turned her around.

Rachel stared at the inhuman creature with wide, panicked eyes. She watched as he reached beneath his helmet, and pulled a small wire towards his mouth.

"See what your curiosity has brought you?" he growled, the incomprehensible cacophony of their speech replaced with flawless English, "But your death will provide the Empress with a worthy gift of lifeblood."

Ever since she saw the ruby lights flash in the darkness, Rachel was convinced she was in mortal danger. However, not until the creature spoke to her in English was she able to understand her situation.

The mindless panic that had set in was instantly replaced with the determination of a survivor. Her wide eyes narrowed as the creature approached, a blade in his hand.

To his surprise, his movement toward his seemingly helpless victim was prohibited by a swift frontal kick, slamming into his jaw and crushing his tongue between sharp teeth.

Kirik growled in pain, stumbling back in surprise and irritation.

"A knife?" Rachel muttered with some bravado, "I was expecting some sort of laser gun."

Ruby eyes narrowed, and a smirk spread around the trickle of black blood that streaked his charcoal skin. "Lasers pollute the bloodstream with ashen remains of skin and tissue. We wouldn't want that."

He then sheathed his dagger in his sleek armor, and wiped the blood with the back of his hand. "Still, a nice, painful strangling works just as well. And it will give me a chance to see just how pathetic you humans are."

With that, inhuman speed and agility brought him just inches from Rachel, and he punched through her worthy defensive blocks with a powerful strike to her cheek. Rachel collapsed, coughing up the blood that trickled down her throat and painfully clutching her broken jaw. Anger flashed in her dark eyes at the being who towered over her, his hands folded over his chest.

"Now you can die painlessly, or you can make this difficult."

Rather than answer with words, Rachel rolled away, making a little room between them. She then thrust her leg into the air, smashing into the back of Kirik's knees. With a grunt, the alien toppled to the hard ground, but quickly rolled back to his feet. His hand flew to his knife.

"Pest," he spat, launching himself at the panting, semi-conscious human. However, before he reached his target, he collided with an invisible force, creating sparks of white energy that rained upon the ground.

Befuddled, Kirik rose to his feet, and stared at Rachel.

"Magic?" he whispered in disbelief.

Rachel's eyes widened when another form appeared, this time behind her unsuspecting opponent. This figure was a sharp contrast to the dark creature, dressed in a full-body white catsuit. Ivory hair was pulled back neatly in slender braids and free-falling waves.

Clenched tightly in her hand was a long staff, complete with multi-colored jewels along the rod.

Despite the blinding pain, Rachel couldn't help but smirk faintly.

("I do not stab my opponents in the back,") the newcomer announced, causing Kirik to spin around in surprise, ("I shall give you a fighting chance.")

"I do not need your pity, traitor," the creature growled, reaching behind his back. He rolled out of the way of a fierce swing from the woman's steel rod, and pulled out a long rifle. He crouched beside a wall, opening random fire.

The woman responded by deflecting laser beams with her rod, the gemstone nearest the point of contact flashing with energy. Then, she spun the pole around, causing it to flash with building white power.

("I apologize,") the white warrior stated, slowly approaching the desperate man, ("but you shall not have the opportunity to report to the Demon Queen again.")

The spinning baton continued to magically deflect any blasts Kirik fired. Finally, he tossed the rifle at the oncoming sorceress, which she deftly deflected.

Quaking in fear, he slid up the wall he leaned upon. Once the woman was within a foot of the terrified being, she stopped spinning her staff, and stared him squarely in the eye.

("This planet is under my protection,") she announced, gripping her staff with both hands. With one solid motion, she drove the blunt weapon into the creature's stomach. He released a choked gasp, watching as the silver weapon continued glowing white. She then pushed it through his body, allowing the weapon to cut through to his right shoulder. She then lifted her foot to Kirik's chest, and pulled the weapon from him.

The Denebian collapsed in a pile on the concrete floor.

Rachel watched the scene unfold with an odd mix of fascination and horror. The white warrior then approached her, the blackened silver staff vanishing at her will.

("Are you hurt?")

Rachel frowned at the gibberish that passed through the stranger's lips. After realizing her error, she smiled, and raised her finger. Rachel watched as the woman returned to the corpse, and removed his helmet. After once again approaching the frozen human, she moved a wire microphone to her lips.

"Are you hurt?" she repeated, this time in clear English.

Rachel jumped slightly. She tried opening her mouth to respond, but before a sound could escape her, the sharp pain in her jaw silenced her. She winced mutely, her hands cradling her tender cheek anew.

"I see," she said, kneeling a few feet away from Rachel, "I can help."

She noted the trepidation in the young human's eyes, and smiled as tenderly as possible.

"My name is Spectra," she revealed, "I am on your side. You must trust that I have your best interests in mind."

Rachel's frown softened, and her dark eyes fell to Spectra's offered hand.

After a few moment's hesitation, she reached out and accepted the gesture of friendship.

Chapter Seven

Jocelyn frowned, tapping her fingernails against the pay phone as the message played. She sighed deeply before leaving her recording.

"Hey Ray, it's Joce. It's eight o'clock already, and we're at Cafe Gallery waiting for you. Give us a call as soon as you get this message, okay? Keith's got his cell-phone on."

She pensively slid the receiver into its slot, and let her hand hang from the phone for a few moments longer. With a worried huff, she left the restaurant lobby and returned to the table, tightly clutching her purse.

"No good?" Matt asked, glancing at her as she took her seat beside him.

"No," she exhaled, leaning her elbow on the table, "She said she'd be here by seven. She's an hour late! Rachel is never late!"

"Don't worry about it," Craig insisted, leaning back in his seat, "Knowing Rachel, she got hired, and Givens and Clark are just so excited to have such a capable assistant, they're showing her the entire office."

Tamara shrugged, her grip

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