» Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Two, Heather Ray [top 10 most read books in the world TXT] 📗

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Two, Heather Ray [top 10 most read books in the world TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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unconsciously tightening around her boyfriend's fingers. "I don't know... I feel guilty about letting her take the subway alone at night. Maybe something... happened?"

Keith smirked. "To Rachel? She'd kick any mugger's tail clear to Wisconsin. After three years of kick boxing training at the gym, she's one of the toughest people I know."

Jocelyn conceded, picking up the menu. "Still, I've left three messages on her beeper. Where could she be that she can't call us back?"
Chapter Eight

Rachel moaned quietly as her heavy eyelids parted. She stared in confusion at the aqua blue light pulsing above her head. She blinked, making an effort to turn her neck and get a better look at her surroundings. However, two padded surfaces prohibited much head motion.

She continued looking at the light, a growing sense of dread building as she recalled the events that immediately proceeded her unconsciousness. She remembered the demonic being that abducted her, the terrible wounds she sustained, and the white woman who came to her rescue.

Could it all have really

happened? Or was she merely dreaming?

*No... everything happened,* a gentle voice said. Rachel shuddered at the realization that the voice pulsed within her mind.

*I apologize for my presumption,* the voice continued, *I took the liberty of touching your mind. Considering the injury to your jaw, verbal speech will be impossible for a while longer. This is the most efficient means of communication.*

*How are you inside my mind?* Rachel thought, with a measure of alarm, *You can read my thoughts?!*

*In a sense. My species are telepathic, but only for communication purposes. Higher life forms can think in words as well as images. We can only speak to each other telepathically, through words directed at the recipient. I cannot read anything in your mind other than the thoughts intended to be communicated. While you didn't have me in mind when you asked the question, you were searching for an answer. I provided one.*

*And who are you?*

*We've met... but I should perhaps elaborate.*

She heard a click, and suddenly the cushioned bed she lied upon began to elevate her back. Her head was still restrained, yet in this new sitting position, she was able to get a clearer view of her surroundings.

The room was sterile-looking, with all surfaces made of ivory, marble, and metals. It was longer than wide, and at the very end of the space was a large screen, with white clouds and blue skies behind them. Standing near the screen was the woman in white that saved her life.


Spectra smiled at her, lifting her gaze from the helmet she was tinkering with from the soldier she had killed. She pulled a headset from its place within the helmet, and slipped the earphones onto her head. She moved the wire microphone to her mouth, and then approached Rachel.

"Telepathic communication transcends verbal speech. There is only one mental language, as the neural energy is similar across verbal species. However, the only way I can understand your language is with these earphones. You can understand me because your language has been programmed into this microphone, automatically translating my speech into a form you can understand."

Rachel gazed at the gadget in fascination. When Spectra drew closer, Rachel found herself transfixed by her peach-colored eyes.

*What species are you?* she inquired.

Spectra smiled gently as she lifted a surgical tool from the tray affixed to the bed. "I am Denebian. My home planet is approximately 1800 light years from the Earth."

Rachel watched as Spectra attached a wire brace to her injured cheek. She activated the device, causing a narrow beam of white energy to stream onto Rachel's skin. While she felt a building warmth, no pain resulted from the treatment.

*What are you doing here?*

Spectra was pensive for a moment, forming an explanation for the human girl. "Currently, and for the past several thousand of your Earth years, Deneb has been ruled by a tyrannical dynasty. Once, we all were peaceful explorers of our galaxy. A race of scholars... not warriors. However, we discovered something that would pollute our entire culture: black magic."

She fell silent, her brow furrowing with disappointment as she continued to tend to Rachel's wound.

"Fortunately, not all of us were so corrupted. A small remnant of us escaped, and dedicated ourselves to the mission of stopping our brothers from conquering the universe. However, the Denebian Empire recently acquired the deadliest resource in existence. Information.

"The empress Phaedra conquered the planet Fesp, the most powerful civilization known. She obtained precious scrolls, which contain all the information the Fespins ever collected from visited planets... including Earth. With her knowledge of Earth, as the only inhabited planet in the Outskirts of the galaxy, she intends to create a foothold for her empire here. Such a gain would surely lead to the destruction of the Remnant's forces."

Rachel listened silently to the astonishing tale, and watched through the corner of her eye as Spectra spoke. She saw the torment and worry in the seemingly-young expression.

Spectra finally removed the wire device. "Try to move your jaw."

Rachel slowly opened her mouth. To her infinite surprise, only a weak, dull pain struck her. She rubbed her jaw in wonder, rotating her jaw slowly.

"It's amazing," she whispered, "It's completely healed."

Spectra nodded. "During the centuries of conflict, both sides have developed impressive medical techniques. There are so few of us... it is necessary to provide rapid treatment."

"So, how many of your Remnant is here on Earth?"

Spectra raised her hand, and helped Rachel off the elevated bed. Once she was on her feet, the bed descended back to its horizontal position.


Rachel blinked in astonishment. "How is one

person supposed to stop an invasion?"

Spectra stepped away from her guest, and sat at the helm of her ship. She gazed at the clouds that slowly passed the vessel, and pressed a few keys on the helm.

"One person makes all the difference," she revealed wisely, "Still, I shall not do battle alone. I was sent to assemble a team of humans, and train them to defend the Outskirts from Phaedra's invasion fleet. I shall give them the power needed to save Earth."

She then fixed Rachel with a meaningful stare. "Time is of the essence. I would have liked to conduct lengthy scans of the planet, in order to determine who would make the best warriors. I do not have such a luxury. As you have witnessed, Phaedra has arrived. The soldiers you saw were only scouts, sent to collect information. Phaedra may launch a devastating attack at any time, and I alone cannot combat her."

Silence reigned for a long moment. Rachel's lips pressed into a tight line, and she folded her arms over her chest.

"What... kind of people are you looking for?" she inquired, "Experienced soldiers?"

"Youths," Spectra revealed, "Humans with the ability to learn from example as well as error. Humans with the selflessness to yield their lives for the good of their planet, and all civilizations that exist. Humans with the courage to face impossible odds, strengthened by their determination and will."

"What about fighting skills?"

"That is not as crucial, but certainly any previous training would be an asset. However, armed with the White Stone, they must learn to fight with their imagination. Magic is the key weapon of the Spectrum Force."

"Spectrum Force..." Rachel repeated with interest. Slowly, she approached Spectra. "I can volunteer myself. I'm not the best fighter in the world or anything... but this is my

planet. I want to help."

Spectra favored Rachel with a warm smile. "You showed your determination and will when fighting the soldier earlier. You refuse to surrender, even given impossible circumstances. In all honesty, I feel we were destined to meet."

Spectra then turned away from her guest, and held out her open palm. In a flash of vibrant white light, a multi-faceted spherical gemstone appeared. It was the size of a thumbnail, and glittered with internal magic.

"This is the White Stone," Spectra instructed, "and it is the primary power source for the team of Earthlings I will forge."

She gently placed the crystal in Rachel's open hands. Rachel cradled the gem, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Do you know of others who would be willing to accept this responsibility, and carry it out?"

Rachel responded without hesitation. "I have five friends. Five dear friends... and I know I can trust them with anything

. Even this."

Spectra nodded. "So be it. Close your hands."

Rachel enclosed the gem within her hands. Another flash of light erupted, startling the young woman. Finally, she opened her hands, and marveled at the six smaller stones that floated freely in the air. They each were clear, until suddenly they were internally filled with vibrant colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

"Amazing," Rachel whispered.

Spectra then reached out, and took Rachel's right hand. She noted the silver band and amethyst birthstone.

"What is your name?" she inquired.

"Rachel Castaneda."

"Then Rachel Castaneda... you are the Purple Enforcer. Leader of the Spectrum Force, and charged with the responsibility of building a team of humans trustworthy of the power you shall yield. You will face countless enemies, armed with the support of your teammates, the strength of your friendship, and your determination to survive. I shall not mislead you; this will be a difficult journey. I cannot guarantee that you will not lose everything you hold dear. Knowing this... do you accept?"

Rachel nodded instantly. "I do."

The purple Spectrum Stone then descended from beside its peers, and hovered over Rachel's ring. In a brilliant flash, it merged with the amethyst, replacing it.

Spectra then released Rachel's hand, and held out her own. The five remaining stones fell from the air above into her palm.

"Give these to your friends," she instructed, passing her other hand over the gems. In a brilliant flash, the stones were connected to five silver bands, identical to Rachel's ring.

"Six is the number of unity... and as the rainbow itself you six will combine to form the Spectrum Force. Assemble your team, and then you will learn the next step."

Rachel nodded, opening her left hand to collect the other five rings. She then gazed at her own, awed by the inner glow it harnessed.

"What do these rings do?" she asked, "What kind of weapons will we have to fight with?"

Spectra smiled at the new Purple Enforcer's enthusiasm. "You shall see. Once the hearts of your team are united, then the instruction can begin."

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