» Fiction » I'm Scared, mtz.reader.1029 [phonics reader txt] 📗

Book online «I'm Scared, mtz.reader.1029 [phonics reader txt] 📗». Author mtz.reader.1029

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all called asking for Tory so we just assumed she wasn’t with them”
“When was the last time you saw her?”
“I dropped her off at school that day” Josh said.
“Is there anything else that could help us find your daughter?” the police asked.
“Yes. The day before she disappeared she came home with a twisted ankle. She said that she was taking a shortcut through an alley when a group of guys jumped her. She said she beat up one guy and then they started chasing her. She twisted her ankle while running. They were about to get her but luckily a boy from school saved her. He took her home but oddly enough she didn’t have her shirt on so she was only in her sports bra. She said she took off her shirt because it was covered in blood and she didn’t want to come home with a bloody shirt on”
“Thank you. Do you by any chance know the name of the boy who saved her?”
“No but I can tell you he just started school yesterday and he’s in her grade”
“Thank you very much. We will call you when we have something.”
The police left.

The pain was excrutiating. I can’t fight back because of the pain. They each took a turn kicking, punching, or just plain whipping me with a belt. I noticed I left my bag in the alley.
“You ain’t never gonna see the sun ever again” they said and then they kept on beating me. When they were done I couldn’t move at all. They left and before they left they said “Have fun rotting in here cause no one is gonna find you”
I felt something in my pocket and took it out. It was my cell phone. Luckily there was no damage done and I still had full battery. I flipped it open and it turns out it’s been two days since I got here. I was about to call when I fainted.

The police went to Tory’s high school. They asked for any kids that have recently came. The secretary found one. Shane.
The police walked down to Shane’s math class which is his first period. They knocked on the door.
“Come in” they heard the teacher said and went in.
Everyone became silent.
“Hello officers what’s the purpose of your visit?”
“We have come to talk to your class. I understand they all know Tory Cavanaugh”
“Yes they are probably the only people who talk to her please go ahead”
The police turned to the rest of the class. They were all silent.
“We have come to talk about one of your classmates Tory”
“Is she in trouble? Where is she?” Sabrina asked.
“That’s the reason why we are here today. Tory has been reported missing as of today. She hasn’t come home since two days ago”
Everyone started talking.
“Quiet!” the teacher said.
They all became quiet.
“We wanted to know when was the last time you saw her?”
“After school” everyone said.
“She was waiting for her brother but when he got here she wasn’t here. Did any of you see where she went?”
“I saw her walking but then she disappeared when she reached the side of the school” Roger said.
“Good that’s a start. Shane we need to ask you a few questions concerning about how you saved Tory the night before she disappeared”
Everyone became silent.
“Describe everything that happened that night”
“I was riding my motorcycle when I saw her running away. She was also kind of limping so I bet she hurt her ankle. She didn’t have a shirt on only a sports bra. This group of guys were chasing her and were gaining up fast. She tripped. I rode quickly to her. I put her on my motorcycle and quickly drove away just as they got to us. I took her home and after she explained to her mom what happened I left and went home. But by the way they were chasing her it looked as if they wanted to kill her”
“Thank you”
“Ummmm……there’s something you should know” Sabrina interrupted. Everyone looked at her.
“Before she disappeared it was in this class and she got upset. She went to the bathroom crying. I went after her. We talked. But what she said bothered me. I have never knew her that well because I always thought she was scary. Everyone thinks that so no one pays attention to her. Well anyways while we talked I found out a little about what happened but not details but more disturbing stuff like feelings and such”
“Can you tell us what happened in the bathroom?”
“I went in to see if she was all right. She was crying in the corner. I asked her why she wasn’t telling the whole truth because I knew she was holding something back. She said that not even her parents know the whole truth she kind of lied a little. She said she couldn’t trust them. But what really got to me was what she told me. She said that they weren’t trying to kill her they were trying to get her back, I’m not really sure cause she didn’t say but I think that’s what she meant”
“Did she say anything else?”
“She was scared. Not that I’m afraid of ghosts crap or I’m afraid of getting beaten up by this person but real scared. I’ve never seen anyone in my life that scared. If you looked her in the eyes you could see that how scared she was. She was scared for her life, she was scared that if she told someone the truth they called the police and the guys found out they would come after her”
“Did she describe what they looked like?”
“No but I bet if you found her bag you can find out”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because she sat with me at lunch and one of the girls asked her if she could look through her bag but she snatched it away and held it tight and I saw that fear again in her eyes”
“Thank you for the information. If you receive any news about where Tory is please contact the police or her family” the police said then left.

After the police left everyone was talking.
“What do you think happened to Tory?”
“I bet she got kidnapped by those guys”
Sabrina stayed silent because something was nagging at her. She looked at Shane who was looking at his hands on his desk. She made his way to him and sat down in Tory’s seat.
“Shane did you happen to see Tory before you saw her running you know like in the past”
“I saw her once walking. She was walking with her bag. She had her shirt on then. It was before I saw her without her shirt on and only a sports bra. I noticed some shadows in the alley before her and I thought she would just walk right past but then I took a right and didn’t see her till later on. I didn’t know she was gonna go in the alley” Shane said.
“It’s not your fault you know”
“I know but I can’t help but wonder why did she go in the alley in the first place”
“I guess she thought it was a shortcut”
“No because when I dropped her off I noticed that she was really far away from her house like not even twelve blocks away more like twenty blocks away. It makes me wonder why she was even there in the first place”
For the rest of the day Shane and Stacey tried to figure it out and after school they paid a visit to Tory’s house.

I woke up and noticed that my phone was still in my hand. I was about to call when a pain in my arm stopped me. I noticed I had a piece of glass in my arm I took it out and fainted again for the third time.

Tory’s house was surrounded by police cars. Sabrina and Shane made their way to the front door and rang the doorbell. Mom opened the door.
They went in. They went to the living room where the rest of Tory’s family was.
“Hey Josh” Sabrina said.
He looked up.
“We wanted to ask you guys something. I saw Tory walking earlier that day when I picked her up. I noticed she was a long way from home. Do you happen to know why she was so far away”
“She was training that day. You see Tory trains to fight so when she’s in trouble she uses that to defend herself. She was walking home cause she didn’t want a ride. We argued and then it was agreed she would walk home”

I woke up the third time and this time I dialed Josh’s number and called. I put it against my ear waiting for him to pick up.

At the house they were all silent when suddenly Josh’s phone rings. He takes it out and see’s it’s Tory.
“It’s Tory” he said then answered immediately.
Everyone became silent. Josh put it on speaker so everyone could hear.
“Tory. Tory are you there?” Josh asked urgently. The police were in the room tracing the call.
“Josh?” Tory said weakly.
“Yea Tor it’s me”
“Josh, you gotta help me. It’s those guys that were chasing me. They got me when I ran into an alley. I thought I could lose them but it was a dead end.”
“Tory do you know where you are?”
“Tor you still there?”
“Yea I was gathering my breath. You gotta find me soon. I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna last”
“What do you mean?”
“They beat me up pretty badly. I can hardly move. I was barely able to get my phone out of my pocket. Right now I’m lying in a puddle of my blood. The last thing I remember is that I was close to fighting school. I dropped my bag. I drew a picture of them in my journal. If you find them you find me.”
In the background everyone heard a door open.
“I’m gonna leave my phone on in my pocket so you can hear everything but hurry”
‘hey you it’s time’
Josh left his phone on incase they could hear Tory again but they just heard a bunch of moving.
“We got her she’s at 15 west street in the basement”
Everyone raced to their cars and went to 15 west street.

They carried me into another room but this one was weird. There was a table and a sofa. I saw a little stool. They laid me down on the concrete floor and left. I didn’t get why they put me in here until when thee door closed I heard a soft growl. I looked up to see a dog baring his teeth at me. Now I knew why they brought me in here. They were gonna let the dog kill me.
I reached into my pocket and found what I was waiting for, my pocketknife. I was so glad I remembered it or else I would be dead for sure. I threw the knife at the dog. It lodged into it’s throat. It gave a small yelp and fell sideways now lifeless.
After the dog was killed I laid there for a few minutes before I heard gunfire and shouting on the other side of the door. Then finally opened and policemen came in with their weapons drawn. When they secured the room the ambulance came.
They put me on a stretcher and carried me outside. My family, Sabrina, Shane, and a bunch of onlookers were watching. When my mom saw me she came running over crying.
“Mom” I whispered.
“Oh Tory,
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