» Fiction » Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗». Author mtz.reader.1029

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My name is Raksha. Everyone calls me Demon cause my name means demon. I am sixteen years old. I have black hair, eyes that look the color gray, pale skin, and I have an usual symptom in which no matter how much food I eat I never gain any pounds or fat. I constantly weigh 105 pounds.
I can do many things. I can dance, sneak around, and I am a great fighter. I have been fighting since I’ve been 6 years old. My brother taught me how to fight while he was being trained since he’s been 6 too. We are twins.
My brother is Damon Night. He has competed in many competitions and has won almost all of them. What nobody knows is that I can kick his butt any time. I became better than him because I taught myself moves that include many different skills. The only person that knows I can fight is my brother.
School was over, finally, and I was waiting for my ride. My boyfriend picks me up after school.
My boyfriend is Hunter. He is seventeen years old, a year older than me. He has pale blond hair, clear blue eyes, pale skin, and has some serious muscles. We have been dating for 6 months and are not having difficulty at all. He is a fighter and trains at Sinister with my brother. Sinister is the number one fight place in our county.
He finally came. I got into his car and turned on the radio.
‘So how was school?’ he asked.
‘Fine.’ I answered then we went to Sinister.
At Sinister Hunter trained while I hung out at the bar where they only serve soda, water, and lemonade since they can’t risk any of the fighters drunk.
Damon came in and came over to me.
‘Demon we need to talk.’ he said
‘What is it?’
‘I am coming over to your school tomorrow to give a performance and I need a partner.’
We go to different schools so we don’t get into each others ways.
‘NO!’ I yelled, I didn’t want anybody to know my secret.
‘Come on I need a partner and nobody is up for it not even your boyfriend. He says he can’t cause I’m too good and will probably kick his ass which is true so I need you to fight with me.’
‘Do you know how long I’ve been keeping this secret. Ten years. I’ve kept it for ten years cause I didn’t anybody to know and now you want me to come out of the closet and say all of a sudden ‘hey everybody look I can fight’’
‘Well I’m not so go ask someone else’ I got up and left Sinister. I didn’t want to be around my brother anymore then the next guy. I walked to my house which was about 10 blocks away but I was so angry at Damon I was able to walk that long.
When I got home I immediately went upstairs to my room and went on the computer. I put on some music but that didn’t help so I turned off my computer and went to my kitchen. I got myself a snack as my parents came into the kitchen and sat down and watched me as I got some gummy worms.
I finally sat down across from my parents and gave them a questioning look.
‘We have something to tell you.’ my mom said.
‘You are going to a camp for teens to control their fighting.’
I sat there frozen and staring wide eyed at my parents.
‘Damon told us that he taught you how to fight and that it would be a good idea to do it cause you are just beginning to learn and he doesn’t want you to hurt anyone.’
If he told them that I was better than him I would’ve killed him.
‘I’m not going.’ I finally said.
‘Oh yes you are. Tomorrow you will be leaving for the camp. It is about an hour away and there will be teenagers from all over the country trying to learn how to control their fighting as will you. Now go get packed and you will leave first thing tomorrow morning.’ my dad said then he and my mom left me in the kitchen still stunned that I’m going to camp and that Damon told them I could fight.
I went to my room and called Hunter to tell him what’s happening.
‘Hello?’ he answered.
‘It’s me.’
‘Hey Demon how’s it going?’
‘I have to tell you something.’
‘What is it?’ Hunter said concerned.
‘I’m going to camp tomorrow. It’s a camp for teenagers to control their fighting skills.’
‘You can fight?’
‘Damon taught me and I’m probably gonna put him in the hospital for telling my parents.’
‘Wait tomorrow.’
‘This is bullshit’
‘I know but I have to go or my parents will hogtie me up and drag me there against my own will if I don’t go willingly and it’s an hour away.’
‘At least you’re close by’
‘Not close enough.’ I mumbled.
‘Hey don’t worry I’ll come before you leave to say goodbye.’
‘Well I better start packing or else I won’t have time to beat up Damon and pack for tomorrow.’
‘K well bye. Love you’
‘Love you too.’ I said then hung up and got out my duffel bag.
I started to pack my clothes. Once I had all my clothes packed I got my other duffel bag and packed some personal belongings and some more clothes that didn’t fit in my other duffel. When I got done I went downstairs to find Damon cause he should be here by now.
‘Damon!!!’ I yelled.
I saw him run into the kitchen I went into the kitchen to find him I caught him ducking behind the counter. I went over and trapped him like a helpless bunny.
‘You told them!’ I yelled.
‘And now they’re sending me to some camp’
‘What the hell is wrong with you!!?’
‘It was time.’
I got mad and went upstairs to my room.
I laid down on my bed and just stared up at my ceiling.
I stayed like that for the rest of the day then I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep.
I woke up to someone shaking my arm and calling my name.
‘Raksha. Wake up Raksha.’
I opened my eyes to see Hunter sitting on my bed.
‘Uggghhh….. Few more hours. Me sleepy.’
‘come on you don’t want to miss your first day at camp.’
‘fuck camp’
‘do it for me.’
I groaned then got out of bed.
‘come on lets get you changed then it’s off for camp.!’
I went to my closet and got my clothes. I went to the bathroom and changed then I went back to my room and fixed my hair. I got my duffels and went downstairs. Hunter helped me carry one of my duffels.
My dad was waiting at the car.
‘this is it.’ I said.
‘promise me one thing.’ Hunter said.
‘you don’t forget about me.’
‘I could never.’
Hunter gave me a goodbye kiss then I went into the car.
I waved goodbye to Hunter then my dad drove away.
During the entire trip I didn’t talk at all. I was thinking about what would happen when I get there. Of course I would try to make friends but then again I could pretend to be mysterious girl and not talk to anyone. This was going to be fun.
We finally got there.
I looked out the window to see who I would be going to camp with. There were a lot of different people. For one almost all the guys were hot. The girls were really pretty. I could tell they came from all over the world from how they dressed. I got out of the car and got my duffels. I said goodbye to my dad then went over to a bench and sat down.
I felt guys stares as I sat there and glares from girls around me. Apparently they thought I was prettier than them.
The counselor’s came. There were ten in all. A lot of girls and guys were called out and some of the names they messed up on.
‘Raksha.’ counselor number 5 called. I got my duffels and went over to my group. Guys stared as I stood next to a couple of girls.
When everyone was finally called out we went to our cabins. Our cabin was like a two story house.
We slept on the top floor. Girls on the right guys on the left. We had to share a room with one another since there were 10 rooms and 10 guys and 10 girls.
I got stuck in a room with a girl named Jasmine.
I set up my side of the room while she set up hers. We didn’t talk at all until we were done. I had photos on my little dressers and my clothes in drawers and my bed already had sheets and a comforter so I didn’t have to do anything with it.
When we were done I sat on my bed while she went onto her laptop.
‘So why are you here?’ Jasmine asked.
‘Parents found out I could fight through my bro and now I’m stuck here. I would’ve killed my bro but I was to tired of looking at him.’
‘Is that him?’
She motioned to a picture of me and my bro on cliff with the view in the background.
‘Yea it is. So why are you here?’
‘When I beat my brother so bad that he had to go to the hospital my parents sent me here.’
‘Since we’re gonna be living together for a while why not be friends while we’re here. You know since we have to share a room. I wouldn’t want to be enemies with someone who’s name means demon.’
I smiled deviously.
‘That’s what everybody calls me actually so be free to call me Demon or Raksha. Just so you know Demon is much easier to pronounce.’
‘All right Demon.’ She said testing out my nickname.
‘I fuckin hate this place.’ I said laying down.
‘How do you know? We just got here.’
‘A little something called I’m hot and there’s a lot of hot guys here looking for some action while I have a boyfriend.’
‘You have a boyfriend?!’
‘Yep. Been dating for 6 months now.’
‘I wish guys were interested in me.’ Jasmine said sadly.
I sat up.
‘What are you talking about you’re beautiful, how can guys not be interested in you.’
‘They just aren’t’
A bell rang out of nowhere and then I realized a speaker in the corner in ceiling up in the room.
‘All members of group 5 come down to the living room.’
Jasmine and I went downstairs together. It looked like everybody was getting along fine. I sat on a desk while everyone took a seat on either the sofa, chair, or floor.
‘Okay everyone I’m your counselor Scott. Now there are only a few rules you have to know before we go get breakfast. One, no food fights, Second, you can’t prance around naked, Three, no sex, Four, you can’t leave till the end of camp which is in three months, and Five, you deserve every punishment you get. Now lets go down to the dining hall and get some breakfast.’
Jasmine and I walked together over to the dining hall and sat together. A lot of people came over to say hi then they just left. I finished with my food

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