» Fiction » Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗». Author mtz.reader.1029

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me. I went over to him.
I took my hood off so he recognized me.
‘Hey.’ I said.
‘We need to talk.’ he said.
‘yea.’ I stayed standing.
‘I am so sorry for yelling at you over the phone. I never meant to hurt you. I was having a bad day and I guess I expressed my anger to you.’
I looked down at the floor.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked once he saw the tears in my eyes.
‘You were cheating on me with Lacy.’ I said quietly.
He looked at me stunned.
‘I saw you two on the news like three hours ago.’
‘I can explain.’
‘What is there to explain you were cheating on me with that slut Lacy! When were you gonna tell me?’
‘I never wanted you to know.’
‘how long?’
‘a month now.’
‘How could you do this?’ I said my voice breaking.
‘It was a stupid mistake I never meant for it to get this far but we were just having fun it wasn’t serious or anything we were just fooling around.’
‘Why would you do it?’
‘I wanted to do things that I couldn’t do with you’ he said quietly.
‘Like what?’
‘Have sex, go skinny dipping, make out naked.’ he said in almost a whisper
‘I thought you loved me.’ I said quietly.
‘I do.’
‘Then why did you cheat on me!!’ I yelled. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
He didn’t answer.
‘Is this some sick way of saying you want to break up?’ I said.
‘Of course not. I want to be with you. You Demon.’
‘Then answer me this, if you loved me then why did you cheat on me?’ I didn’t want to say it but I forced it out.
‘Cause I wanted to be with someone else at the time. But I don’t feel that way anymore. I love you more than ever.’ he tried to touch me but I backed away.
‘Demon please it was a stupid mistake and I will never do it again I’ll end things now.’
‘you’re still seeing her.’ my heart felt like it was broken into a million tiny pieces.
I started crying. Just then Jasmine and Rachel came through the door and saw me with Hunter. Jasmine led me up to our room while Rachel told Hunter to leave. Rachel soon joined us in Jasmine and mine’s room.
I laid down on my bed and cried until I had no more tears left again.
‘Raksha, are you okay?’ Rachel asked.
‘I feel like my heart is shattered.’ I said in a tiny voice.
‘You loved him a lot didn’t you.’
I nodded my head.
‘Are you two still together?’ Jasmine asked.
‘I don’t know. I love him so much that I just want to be with him even though he’s seeing that slut then another part of me never wants to see him again because of what he did. I thought he loved me and then he goes and cheats on me.’
‘Well what did he say before we came?’
‘He asked me if I wanted him to stop seeing her. Then I asked him if he was still seeing her and he said yes. How could I be such an idiot?’
‘You’re not an idiot he’s the idiot. He was the one who cheated on you.’
‘but I was foolish enough to get into a relationship with him. I don’t even know if we’re together or we’re broken up but I think it’s over.’
‘you want to be alone?’
‘no I need to keep my mind occupied or else I’ll start thinking about him and my heart breaks even more every time.’
‘Ok then let’s go on the midnight hike today at midnight. Come on let’s go ask the director if we can come along.’
We found the director by cabin number eight.
‘Hey director we wanted to ask if we can join the midnight hike?’
‘Of course anyone is invited. At ten o’ clock be at the dining hall and have a pack ready with clothes, water and some snacks and even a blanket, you can never be too prepared.’
We went back to my room and Jasmine and I got packed and then we went to Rachel’s room and waited while she got everything packed and then we went back to my room. I packed my special first aid kit and some other medical stuff that wouldn’t fit in my first aid kit. We hung out in my room till 9:50 and then we went to the dining hall where a lot of people were already waiting.
We hung outside the dining hall. While we waited I got out my phone and texted: I just wanted to know if we’re still together or not but I don’t think we are. I don’t think I could ever forgive you for what you did but I’ll try but I’m not so sure. Don’t bother stopping by cause I’m going on the midnight hike and I won’t be back till late afternoon. I will always love you Hunter.
I sent it then shut my phone shut and but it back in my pocket.
I got a text ten minutes later saying: I just can’t break it off with Lacy. I’m sorry. I will always love you too Raksha.
I gasped cause he never calls me Raksha only Demon. And then I knew we were over. I shut my phone closed. The director came and we started the midnight hike. It was pretty dark outside so we had to walk carefully. Two hours later it was midnight and we were on top of the hilll looking into the view. I smiled as I saw the beauty of nature.
The trees towering over the river that sparkled under the moonlight. There were owls hooting in the night and flying to catch a meal. My smiled faded as I remembered when Hunter and I used to take midnight strolls in the dark.
I walked away and sat on a rock while everyone else saw the beauty in nature.
A guy I don’t know came over and sat down next to me.
‘So how does the night look?’
‘Beautiful.’ I said sadly.
‘Why so sad?’
‘Nothing just something personal.’
‘Boyfriend break up with you?’
I looked at him stunned.
‘I overheard your conversation while I was passing by your cabin.’
‘We were that loud huh?’
‘Don’t be sad. He was a jerk for cheating on you.’
He moved in to kiss me but I pushed him back.
‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ I said angrily.
‘Well now that he’s out of the way I thought that now we can be together.’
‘No thanks, I don’t sate jerks like you and I’m still not over him even though we broke up, we just broke up two hours ago dumbass.’
I got up grabbed my pack and went with the others.
He followed me.
He grabbed my arm. I struggled under his grip.
‘Let go.’ I screamed at him. He let go.
I was caught off guard and I fell but unfortunately we were on a hill so I went downhill. I rolled down the hill at a fast past and finally stopped once I reached the bottom.
I got up.
I was ready to punch something right now. I checked to make sure nothing was more bruised. My stomach was already healed but I didn’t take off the bandage and my legs were good. I heard someone yell my name. I look up to see everyone looking at me. I started climbing back up the hill. It was really steep so it took me a while to get to the top and by the time I got to the top I was exhausted.
I fell onto the ground breathing hard from that hard climb. I drank some water. Jasmine and Rachel helped me up.
I started walking back to camp. No one stopped me from walking back the way we came from. I got there in three hours cause I wanted to take my time getting there. I noticed an unusual amount of cars parked right outside my cabin. I knew I was the only one at my cabin that went on the hike but what was all this about. I silently went in. There was a hushed conversation in the kitchen.
I stopped and listened carefully.
‘I hate her.’
‘I know me too she is such a bitch.’
I wondered who they were talking about.
‘She does the stuff on purpose to get attention. I mean seriously who runs away from winning a fight and hurt themselves while doing an easy move.’
They were talking about me.
‘I bet you she does all that stuff so people don’t know her for her brother Damon but as the person who suffers a lot.’
‘I mean seriously she is the worst actor ever.’
I ran up to my room. I knew they heard me cause they shut up immediately. In my room I turned on the tv and watched the news.
Tv reports were on about what’s happening lately and then Hunter showed up on the tv again. I turned up the volume.
‘Hunter Niell is scheduled to fight his girlfriend Demon tomorrow at Camp Victory. I wonder who will win.’ I turned off the tv.
A million questions were racing through my head.
If I’m gonna fight Hunter then that means he is here right now.
I ran to the visitor’s cabin and sure enough Hunter’s car was right there parked and I also saw Lacy’s car. I can’t believe she’s here too. How can he do this. I saw two people in front of a window and I recognized them as Hunter and Lacy. They were making out. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I noticed that Hunter saw me through the window so I ran back to my room and didn’t come out till the fight.
The next day I got dressed in my special fighting outfit. It was made with black fabric that is so flexible and comfortable. I put my hair up in a ponytail with my side bangs hanging out. I put my shoes on and went to the arena where everyone was waiting.
I took my shoes off once inside and got ready by the door. I noticed Hunter and Lacy. I ignored them and stretched while the director talked about what was going to happen.
‘And may I present HHHHUUUUNNNNTTTEEERRRR!!!’ Hunter ran out. I heard a lot of cheering.
‘And now may I present the fearful DDEEEEEEMMMOOOOOONNN!!!!!’ I walked to the ring since I still can’t run. Everyone cheered for me but I showed no emotion at all.
I went to one corner where I saw Jasmine and Rachel. I guess they were acting as my coaches.
I put in my mouthguard then went out into the ring where I stood opposite of Hunter.
I got into my stance. I heard people point and laugh at me because my stance looked incorrect but was very effective. I could move anywhere swiftly and hit hard in this position.
‘FIGHT!’ the director said and Hunter and I started fighting.
Hunter started throwing punches but I defended against them easily. I threw punches in the most odd circumstances like when I ducked I would punch him in the gut right then and there and I would punch him in the chest when I defended one of his kicks. I kicked him time from time again. We were just getting started when the first round was over. I went over to my corner and Hunter to his.
‘How you holding up?’
‘Good. I feel like I have the strength to do anything.’
‘Good now go get that son of a bitch.’ Rachel said.
I smiled and went to the center of the ring.
This time
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