» Fiction » Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗

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stopped me.
‘Where are you going?’ he asked suspiciously.
‘I’m gonna go into the trees. I’ll be back in a little while so don’t worry I can handle myself.’
‘Yea right. From your past experience I would say you would get hurt the minute you leave.’
‘Bye.’ I said then went walking to the spot.
I walked for a half an hour and then got there. Gabriel was waiting for me under the branches. I sat next to him.
‘So what were you doing that kept you away?’
‘Campfire, friends, want an explanation where I go.’
‘What did you tell them?’
‘I’m going to take a walk into the woods and be back after a little while so I can’t stay for too long.’
‘Well then let’s get started.’
We started making out. An hour later I had to go.
‘I have to go.’ I said between breaths.
‘I wish you didn’t have to.’
‘If I don’t go then they’ll come looking. I gotta go.’ I said breaking off our connection.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m gonna be waiting behind your cabin.’
‘What do your friends say about you leaving all the time?’
‘They don’t they’re either with their girlfriends or are out exploring so right now they would be exploring.’
I smiled then said goodbye and left back to the campfire. Everyone was still there. I sat with my friends. I did a ‘I told you so’ smile at Jaco.
‘So what did I miss?’ I asked.
‘Nothing we’ve just been talking about how tomorrow we get a free day off and we get to go to the city.’
‘Really, cool.’
‘Are you coming with us to the city?’ Newt asked.
‘I don’t know maybe I’ll just hang out here cause I need to catch up on my reading but then again I might go but later on.’
‘You’ve been acting happy after your break up.’ Newt said.
‘What did you think? That I would stay sad and depressed all my life. Nope. I’m learning to just letting my feelings for him go and even though it’s not easy I’ll get through it.’
‘Good for you and maybe now you will get another guy for you.’
‘Yea I’ll wait till I get back home you never know who lives where?’
I don’t even know where Gabriel lives, I thought. I’ll ask him tomorrow.
‘It’s getting late I better get to sleep.’
I went back to my room. I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep.
The next day I woke up to find that Jasmine has already left for the city. I looked at the time, it was 10:00 a.m. I got dressed. I went out to the back of the cabin where I went over to the trees. I stepped in then stopped as I spotted Lacy and Hunter watching me. I waved at them and went in. I only went a few yards before I met up with Gabriel.
‘Ready?’ he said.
‘Ready for what?’ I asked.
‘I am going to take you into the city. I wanted to know if you could come?’
‘Of course I can because today we have a free day so we can do whatever we want.’
‘Great now lets get going my car isn’t too far from here so we can be at the city in half an hour.’ we headed off for Gabriel’s car.
We got there in fifteen minutes. He had a lamborghini. It was black with a red streak in the middle going up and down. I got into the passenger seat. We set off for the city. When we got there we went to the park and recreation center. He parked into a parking space and we got out. We walked along the river.
‘So I was wondering where you lived? If we’re going to be together I want to know that you’re not living in another country.’ I said cautiously.
‘Actually I live at Hadenville.’
‘Are you serious I live at Orion.’
‘That’s only like twenty minutes apart.’
‘This is going to work out great.’
‘Why does it matter where I live?’ Gabriel asked.
‘Well if you lived like across the u.s. I don’t know how this will work because we’re gonna be so far away and we won’t be able to see each other.’
He smiled which made me smile.
We walked some more and then we went back to the car.
He drove for a while until we got to a fast food restaurant. We went in and ordered some large fries. We sat at a corner table and ate some fries. We soon started a game of who can catch the most fries in their mouth in a row. I only got up to twenty when I missed. The score was twenty to nineteen.
‘I win.’ I said.
‘So since you when what do you get?’
‘I don’t know yet I’ll tell you when I think of it.’
Hunter and Lacy came into the fast food restaurant.
‘So what do you want to do now?’ Gabriel asked.
‘I don’t know. What time is it?’
‘Um almost 3.’
I threw a fry at him.
‘Hey what was that for?’
‘Hmmmm.. What are you talking about?’ I teased.
‘Oh it’s on.’ we started throwing fries at each other until we were all out. I had fries in my hair. I took them out and threw them into the trash. I went to the bathroom to check to see if I had any more fries left in my hair. As I got the rest of the fries out of my hair Lacy walked in and stood next to me.
I finished and I was washing my hands.
‘So who was that guy you were just with?’ Lacy asked.
‘Just someone.’ I said.
‘He is pretty cute but not as hot as Hunter. You must be dropping your standards.’
‘Who said we were together.’
‘It’s obvious by the way you two act. Is this some scheme to piss of Hunter or get him so jealous that he’ll go back running to you?’ Lacy faced me.
‘I could care less about Hunter. That guy and me are just friends for your information. So stop talking now or get ready to go to hell.’
I was at the door ready to grab the handle.
‘You should learn to get a life and stop meddling in other peoples.’
I turned around to face her.
‘You should learn to get a life bitch.’ I said harshly then went out to Gabriel.
I sat down. I noticed that Gabriel threw away the trash.
‘Can we go?’ I said.
‘Yea sure. Let’s go.’ we went out to Gabriel’s car.
‘What’s wrong?’ Gabriel asked. We were sitting in the parking lot in his car.
‘Nothing just some things that a certain person said that pissed me off.’
‘I’m guessing it was the girl that is sitting right there looking at us.’
I saw through the window and sure enough Lacy and Hunter were glancing at us.
‘And I’m guessing that’s the ex.’
‘Don’t worry we’re together now.’ I looked and him and smiled.
‘Let’s go. I want to show you something.’
Gabriel drove for a while till we got to an abandoned park.
We got out and Gabriel led me over to some trees. Behind those trees was a river. Nobody else was there.
‘Why did you bring me here?’ I asked.
‘Because of this.’ he led me over to the river. In the river was the most precious stone I have ever seen. It looked beautiful and there were little fishes swimming around it.
‘It’s beautiful.’
‘I found it a while ago.’
‘so now what do you want to do?’ I asked.
‘Ummm…. We could go check out the mall it’s supposed to be huge.’
‘Let’s go.’
We went back to the car and went to the mall. It really was huge.
We went in and started walking around.
‘So why is a girl like you so interested in fighting?’
‘It comes naturally for me. I like to make up moves on my own but the one I’ve been working on, is so complicated that I can’t get it.’
‘What do you have to do to get it right?’
‘I have to get the right height and I have to be fast enough or else I hurt myself. I tried at camp once and that just made me hurt more.’
‘Yea I was in a fight earlier and that pretty much messed me up but I’m okay now.’
My phone rang. It was Damon. I answered.
‘Hello Damon.’ I said.
‘Hey Demon can you do me a favor?’
‘Tell me what it is first.’
‘Kick Hunter’s ass and tell me who that guy is, the one walking with you?’
‘How do you know……’ I started
‘I saw the news and I’m in the store.’ he interrupted.
‘ummmm….Broke up with Hunter and we just met.’
‘Can you pass me the phone to him?’
‘Now why would I do that?’
‘To see if he’s good enough for you.’
‘I can judge for myself now bye oh and I already kicked Hunter’s ass when we were scheduled for a fight, it was a tie.’
I hung up.
‘Brother?’ Gabriel asked. I nodded.
‘Where is he?’ he asked.
‘In the store probably spying on us.’
‘Want to lose him?’
‘It’s like you read my mind.’
I walked fast. We were weaving through the crowd when I saw Hunter and Lacy in the crowd. We kept on weaving until we got to clear spot.
We sat down on some chairs.
‘Think we lost him?’ Gabriel asked
‘Oh yea.’
I saw a fighting store. I got up and went inside while Gabriel followed.
I went over to the boxing gloves, black tape, medical supplies section.
‘You know I can fight too.’ Gabriel said catching me off guard.
‘Really that’s cool.’
‘Yea but nobody knows cause I don’t want to be known as a fighter.’
‘I know exactly how you feel.’ I said.
‘Let’s go back to your camp cause I want to show some moves.’ All right.
We went back to camp where Gabriel was allowed as a visitor. We went into the arena.
We went into the ring.
‘Okay now I’m gonna rush you, now try to defend.’
He came at me full speed but instead of rushing to hit me like I thought he was gonna do he jumped over me and got me from behind. I fell. I got back up.
‘Whoa that was awesome.’ I said.
‘I taught myself that one when I was watching tv.’
‘All right now my turn.’ I said. ‘I’m gonna do the move I was talking about at the mall. I’m not gonna do it to you cause then I could break you so stand back.’ Gabriel got out of the ring.
I stretched then started. I did some combinations to get me pumped up then I jumped in the air and did a spin and kick then I turn into a tornado but then again I fell and hurt myself. I got up.
‘I can’t get the right height and I’m not fast enough.’ I said.
‘The problem is that I went faster than last time.’ I tested my limbs. They were all right but I felt a little sore on my stomach.
‘That move takes a lot of strength.’ he said getting back in the ring.
‘I need to get stronger.’
‘I have an idea.’
‘What?’ I asked.
‘Start running and if and when I catch you then you have to do the move right then and there.’
I started sprinting. I ran out of the arena and that’s when Gabriel started chasing me. He was behind me about a couple yards away. People watched as Gabriel chased me. I was starting to feel tired but I kept up with my
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