» Fiction » Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗». Author mtz.reader.1029

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before anyone. No matter how much I eat I never gain fat cause I work out a lot.
‘You were hungry.’
‘Left in a hurry.’
I made up an excuse cause I didn’t want anybody to know.
‘So have you ever had sex?’ Jasmine asked me curious.
‘God no’ I said.
‘Why not you look like someone who would’ve already had sex.’
‘I know and that’s the reason why. Why would I want to have sex with anyone I meet. It’s just not natural you should have sex with someone you love.’
‘I haven’t either.’ Jasmine said.
A girl came over to us. She looked dangerous which is perfect for me but not for Jasmine. I could tell she felt uncomfortable.
‘Hey.’ she said and sat down.
‘What’s up?’
‘Lookin for a place to sit. Everyone seems afraid of me like you friend here. By the way I’m Rachel.’
‘My friend is Jasmine. I’m Raksha but you can call me Demon since they both mean the same thing.’
I knew I caught her by surprise cause of the reaction I got when I introduced us.
‘You aren’t afraid of me?’ Rachel asked.
‘Why should I be? Once you get to know the real me I would seem tougher than you so why not do it the other way around and anyways I hang out with a lot of fighters like hardcore fighters so I’m used to the dangerous type people.’
‘Your not half bad.’
‘Thanks oh and just so you know try not to get into a fight with me cause I can pummel you to the ground’
I sat back and watched her. She was happy with me and I could tell she has met someone who she can be friends with.
I noticed some guys comin over to our table so I signaled Jasmine and Rachel. They acted natural.
They got to us there were four guys in all.
‘Hey mind if we sit here.’
‘Not at all.’ Jasmine said.
They said down.
‘So what are the prettiest girls here talkin about.’
‘Come on I bet you said that line to every group of girls here. Try something new.’ I said. Jasmine and Rachel smiled at me.
‘Oh she got you.’ His buddy said.
‘I’m Jaco, the one with brown hair and black highlights, that’s Simon, the one with geeky glasses, that’s Jake, the one with a scar under his eye, and that’s Newt, he has blond hair and brown highlights and newt is just a nickname.’
‘I’m Rachel, the one with brown hair, that’s Jasmine, the one with blond hair, and that’s Raksha, the one with black hair and the one who likes to be called Demon.’
‘Why demon?’ Jake asked.
‘That’s what my name means demon.’
My phone rang. I answered it cause it was Hunter.
‘Hey.’ I said.
‘How’s camp so far?’
‘Made any friends’
‘Oh here’s your brother.’
‘Your with my brother!’ I said shocked.
‘Yea apparently he needs a ride to school so I offered.’
‘Hey Demon.’ Damon said.
‘Hey Damon.’
‘You still mad at me’
‘Oh yea just wait till I get home after this you’ll wish you never told mom and dad.’
‘Gotta go. Bye talk to you later.’
‘Well I gotta go to if I don’t get off I’ll probably run into a car.’ Hunter said.
‘ok bye and stop talking on the phone and driving.’
He laughed then hung up.
‘Was that your boyfriend?’ Jasmine asked.
‘Wait is your brother Damon Night?’ Newt asked.
‘Yea why?’
‘He’s an awesome fighter.’
‘Just wait till you see me in action.’ I said.
‘Wait if you know how to fight then how come I’ve never heard of you?’ Jaco said.
‘Been keeping it a secret since I’ve been six. If anybody knew I could fight I knew things would get worse.’
‘What do you mean?’ Rachel asked.
‘It’s a little thing called school and ever since people found out I can’t participate in my fighting class they hate me so if they find out I could actually fight they would hate me more.’
‘Oh ok.’
When everyone got done eating we went outside to get some fresh air. We were talking about how Simon should get some cooler glasses when a group of girls came over to us.
Rachel, Jasmine, Jaco, Simon, Newt, and Jake stayed there and talked to them while I walked away. I went for a walk along the river there. When I hit forest I backtracked and went to a little clearing full of fighting stuff.
I went into the clearing to see what we would be practicing on. I saw dummies small and big. Wooden boards big and small. A ring for fighting.
I didn’t know someone was there until they came up to me.
‘Hello I’m Rick the director of this camp and I would like to know if you would like to be in our little demonstration.’
‘Come with me then.’
I followed the director to a room. I changed into a fighting training outfit then went to a building where a ring was set up. I had to wait and come out on his cue which was introducing me.
Half an hour later I heard a lot of noise so I guessed everyone was here. I didn’t get to be in that room for very long cause I heard my name. I went out to face everyone.
‘Raksha is here today to fight for her life or actually just fight against the best fighters in the county.’ I stood there stunned at what I just heard.
‘I would like to welcome Ricky, William, Jose, and Pepe.’
These three big muscle guys came out and stood at the other side of the ring.
‘I can’t fight against them. I haven’t fought against anyone in my life.’ I whispered to the director.
‘And fight!’
The fight started. They all cornered me. Then I jumped over them to stand in the middle. I never got a chance to run away because they started punching me and kicking me. When they were done I had pain everywhere and I was on the floor of the ring.
That’s when I got angry. They were high fiving each other when I slowly got back up. They looked at me surprised.
‘Enough!!!’ I yelled loudly.
‘You wanna fight let’s fight.’ I said putting my hands up.
This time I was ready. I fought with all I had. I was moving around the floor so much I lost track where I just was a minute ago. After a long time I was standing up with my fists up ready to fight and four guys on the ground groaning in pain. When a long time passed I put my hands down and my guard down but that was a mistake. Ricky tripped me and got up but I got back up and punched him so hard I heard his jaw crack and he was down. I was breathing hard. The director came onto the ring.
‘Well look at that.’ he said looking at the four guys on the floor.
‘Our winner DEMON!!’
I heard a lot of cheering and clapping.
The four guys got up slowly and practically limped to the director.
I left when one of them got up. I ran out of the room and outside. I kept running until I got to my room. I ran to my room cause I didn’t want anyone to see how badly hurt I was. Strangely enough when I ran it didn’t hurt do much but when I stopped it erupted in pain.
In my room I sat down on my bed and check my side. I had a nasty bruises all over my chest and sides. I looked at my legs and saw bruises there too.
I got up to get some ointment for my bruises when Jasmine and Rachel came tumbling in.
‘Hey why’d you run away everyone wants to cheer you on and those guys you beat up want to talk to you.’ Rachel said.
‘Shut the door.’ I said angrily.
Jasmine shut the door.
I limped over to my dresser and got the ointment. I went back over to my bed and lifted my shirt up. Rachel and Jasmine gasped at what they saw.
‘Now I understand why you ran away’ Jasmine said.
I started rubbing the ointment on my bruises which made them hurt more. By the time I was done I was lying on my bed in pain.
‘Hey are you okay you don’t look so great.’
‘Just hurts.’ I said weakly.
The ointment was to cure my bruises but with a cost. The ointment is used right wouldn’t do anything at all but if it’s used wrong I can so weak that I have to go into the hospital and that’s what’s happening now.
‘Get me a bowl of water now. I have to take this stuff of.’ I said.
They ran out of the room and ten minutes later were back with a bowl of water.
I washed the ointment off before I would get worse.
‘Oh god what am I gonna do without that ointment I’m gonna be in pain for a long time.’ I said while laying down.
‘Well we could make an excuse as to why you ran away like you did because you just wanted some alone time. And then we could hide you out here while you get better’
There was a knock on the door.
I widened my eyes in panic.
‘Who is it?’ Jasmine said.
‘It’s Jaco, Simon, Jake, and Newt. Let us in.’
‘Should we?’ Jasmine asked.
‘Hold on.’
I went into the bathroom.
They opened the door and I heard four pairs of footsteps go into the room.
‘Hey what’s up? Demon runs off and then you two disappear. What’s going on?’
‘Oh she needed some alone time so she came here. She left a while ago to the river, I think she wants to be left alone for a while, you know.’
‘Oh ok well come on the fighters wants everybody to go too the dining hall to have a victory dinner.’
‘I thought Demon beat them up. How can they still walk?’
‘They have this special stuff they put on to heal their wounds and bruises.’
‘We’ll be there in a little bit.’
I heard the door shut.
‘Demon come on they’re gone.’
I got up slowly and went into the my room and laid down on my bed. I winced as I bent down to sit on my bed.
‘Oh god. How long do you think you guys can cover for me?’ I asked closing my eyes.
‘Maybe until tomorrow but by then the counselor will get suspicious.’ Jasmine said.
‘Might as well go to the dining hall then there’s no point of me hanging around here.’
I got up and walked normally over to the door. It hurt a lot but I was able to deal with it since I’ve been through worse.
Rachel, Jasmine, and I walked to the dining hall were everyone watched as we made our way to a table.
‘How you holding up?’ Rachel whispered to me.
‘Pain lots of pain but I’ve been through worse so I can bear it but we’re gonna have to leave early.’
‘K. I’ll tell Jasmine.’
We finally got to a table and sat down. I had every urge to wince but I didn’t.
The guys came over and sat with us. A lot of people came over to congratulate me.
I was still in pain but I was dealing with it until I felt four people pat me on my back.
‘Hey winner.’ the guys I fought said.
‘Hey how’d you like being beaten by a girl?’ I teased.
‘It’s a change for one.’ Ricky said.
‘Hey what’d you do about your injuries?’ William said.
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