» Fiction » Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Fight Camp, mtz.reader.1029 [fun to read TXT] 📗». Author mtz.reader.1029

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turned around to walk away but I turned back around at the exact time as the guy and before I knew it we were kissing. My arms were around his neck and his arms were around my waist.
We fell and landed on a dry spot under some branches. We kept on kissing. He was on top of me but he was holding himself up so he won’t have to put all his weight on me. My hands were around his neck pulling him to me. I knew that we both wanted the same thing as we were kissing. A loving relationship.
We both stopped after a while. We were both breathing hard. He was lying next to me.
‘I’m Gabriel.’ he said.
‘Hey. What are you doing out here?’
‘I’m camping with my friends.’
‘So Demon where’d you learn to fight?’
‘My brother taught.’
‘Is he older?’
‘No twin. He trained me while he was being trained himself.’
‘Nice, I have an older brother, he came on the camping trip.’
‘I hate my bro.’ I said sitting up.
‘Why?’ Gabriel said sitting up.
‘He told my parents about how I can fight, remember I told you I think.’
‘If you did I probably wasn’t listening. Sorry.’
I smiled.
‘So I feel bad cause you just broke up with your boyfriend and I jump on you.’ Gabriel said looking away.
‘We broke up two days ago. I found out he was cheating on me from the tv. He came over to the camp because he was scheduled to fight me but while he was here I forced myself to let him know I know and then we broke up. I was sad at first but I’ve been feeling better each minute without him. I now realize that the feelings I had for him are fading away.’
‘So when we kissed you didn’t think it was because I felt sorry for you?’
‘Well what about now?’
He kissed me softly on the lips.
‘Hmmmm….. I don’t know why not try it again?’ I said. He smiled and kissed me again on the lips.
‘Nope.’ I said. We both laughed and smiled.
‘You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.’ he said.
‘You are the hottest guy I have ever known.’ I said.
‘You have to go back to camp.’ he said.
‘I don’t want to go back.’
‘Do it for me, please.’ he pleaded.
‘On one condition, I meet you again here at midnight.’
We got out from under the branches and I turned to go but not before he kissed me. I walked back the entire way. It was after dinner by the time I got back. I walked with confidence up to my room.
Jasmine was in there pacing. She hugged me once she saw me in the doorway. I closed the door and pried her off of me.
‘Oh my gosh Demon where’d you go? Everybody has been worried sick about you. Some people went out to look for you but then they had to come back because the path was too muddy.’
‘I’m okay. I was mad so I left for a little while but now that I have cleared my mind I am now relaxed and cooled off.’
‘So what did you do out there?’
‘Ok but you have to promise not to tell anyone.’
We sat on my bed.
‘Tell me. I promise.’
‘I met a guy out there.’ I said with a big smile.
‘Are you serious?’
‘Yep. He is insanely hot. We met while I was exploring a tunnel. We are gonna meet at midnight by the tunnel.’
‘Oh my gosh that is so romantic.’
‘I know.’ I grinned.
‘So are you gonna tell anybody else?’
‘No I’m only telling you cause I have to tell someone.’
‘You only have five hours till you go so you better get ready.’
I changed clothes cause mine were all muddy. I brushed my teeth cause I felt like it and I put my hair up cause it was all desheveled. I went to sleep at ten like everyone else but I put on the alarm clock on my phone for eleven-thirty cause it takes half an hour to get there. I slipped out quietly and made my way back to where we were making out. I stood there looking for him.
Someone grabbed me from behind and spun me around. I recognized Gabriel at once and smiled. We started kissing. We went under the branches and this time I was on top. We were getting pretty serious when a noise interrupted us. We both sat up. Then we heard an owl and relaxed. I took out my phone and checked the time. It was getting late or should I say early.
‘I gotta go.’ I said.
‘But we only just got started.’
I got a text. It said: You gotta get back-Jasmine.
‘I gotta go. If I don’t then they might kick me out.’
‘And then I won’t be able to see you again. Go and tomorrow at midnight we’ll meet again or sooner. Keep a look out by the trees.’
I gave him a goodbye kiss then I ran back to my room. I got in just as I heard some movement in another room. I slipped in silently and laid down on my bed. I went to sleep.
Jasmine woke me up three hours later. She looked anxious.
‘So tell me what happened between you and that guy?’
‘Nothing we just kissed a little.’
‘Really? How good of a kisser is he?’
‘An awesome kisser if I say so myself.’
There was a knock on the door and I immediately laid down and faced the wall away from the door. I pretended I was asleep. Jasmine opened the door and talked a little then closed the door.
‘Demon wake up!.’ Jasmine shouted into my ear. I opened my eyes and acted as if I just woke up. It was a good thing I changed into my pajamas before I went to sleep.
‘What?’ I said groggily.
‘Someone is asking for you at the front cabin.’ a guy said. I got out of bed.
‘I’ll be there in a little bit.’ he left and I quickly got changed.
I went to the front cabin. At the front cabin I went inside to find a secretary there. I went over to her. From the way she was looking at me I knew she was expecting me.
‘Demon someone here has something for you.’ she mentioned to some chairs I haven’t noticed before. Sitting in one of the chairs was Gabriel. I acted as if I knew him but not as if I was in love with him or liked him.
‘Yea I just came to give you this. Someone told me to give you this I think it was your friend or something I just came as a messenger.’ he handed me a cardboard box.
‘Thanks.’ I said then he left.
I went back to my room where I locked the door behind me. I made my way back to my bed where Jasmine accompanied my.
I opened the box. Inside it was a piece of paper. It said:
I can’t wait to see you soon. I’ll be thinking about you till then. I don’t know if I can wait till midnight so here’s a little treasure map and at the x you’ll find a great treasure. - Tunnel
I smiled and then I found another piece of paper with some directions on it.
‘Time to find my treasure.’ I said with a grin then left. Jasmine cheered me on while I left.
It said to go to the cabin where I received the box and go behind the cabin. Behind the cabin I walked onto the path until I found a log that blocked my path. Then I walked onto a little narrow dirt path that you could barely see until you got to a short tree. At the short tree I took ten steps to the right then turned to my left and walked straight till I got to a tiny clearing where trees surrounded it like a wall. I saw Gabriel standing there with a smile. I smiled and went to him.
‘I knew you would find me.’
‘Why wouldn’t I?’
‘I don’t know maybe because you’re still not over the guy that cheated on you.’
‘I haven’t thought of him since I met you. You’re different than him. In a good way though.’
‘Well I wanted to give you something so you never forget me.’
He took out a bracelet. It was really beautiful. It was a charm bracelet with twelve charms on it. They were numbers.
‘I don’t know what to say.’ I said lost for words.
‘Just say that this makes us a couple. And that when camp is over we go on an official first date just the two of us.’
‘Of course.’
I threw my arms around him and gave him a hug.
We stayed in each others arms until I saw how late it was.
‘I gotta go. See you tonight.’ I left back for camp. I got there just as lunch started and I caught up with Jasmine where I showed her the bracelet and she squealed in excitement.
We sat with Rachel and the guys.
‘No hard feelings?’ Rachel said.
‘No hard feelings.’ I assured her.
‘Hey cool bracelet where’d you get it?’ Jake asked.
‘Someone sent it to me. I don’t know. A package came for me and when I opened it this bracelet was in it and nothing else.’ I lied. Jasmine was good at hiding her smile.
I saw Hunter and Lacy sit down at a table at the other side of the room.
‘Umm…How come they’re still here?’ I asked.
‘Oh they were accepted into the camp yesterday and now they are campers here. I don’t even know why they call this a camp for controlling how to fight cause we don’t do anything except hang out.’
I ate my lunch thinking about Gabriel.
‘Attention Campers. Attention Campers.’ The director said. Everyone got silent.
‘Tonight we are gonna have a campfire. Be there and have an excellent time.’
The director left and the dining hall erupted in conversation about the campfire.
I finished my lunch and went outside. Jasmine followed me.
‘So are you gonna meet up with this guy at midnight.’
‘Oh yea. I’ll have to leave early from the campfire so you’ll have to cover for me this once. Please.’ I begged.
‘All right.’ she finally said.
‘Thank you.’ I said then hugged her.
‘You really like this guy don’t you?’ she asked after a while
I nodded my head unable to speak.
‘Well come on you have to get ready and if you’re lucky you’ll get to stay a little while longer.’ we went to my room and got ready for the campfire. We both changed into something casual but also hugs our curves and make us look hot. I changed into some black skinny jeans and a red shirt. I put my hair up. Jasmine put on some shorts and a tank top.
Finally it was time for the campfire. Dinner was gonna be served at the campfire. We sat with Rachel and the guys. We were getting our food when Hunter and Lacy got into line behind us. I ignored them and focused on getting some food. I got a hotdog, some chips, and a bottle of water.
I ate my food. I drank my water last. Then came around the smores. It was getting dark. I ate one and then denied any others. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that I only had a half an hour left then I had to go meet Gabriel.
I was getting ready to leave when Jaco suddenly
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