» Fiction » Evolutions Problem, Tristan Depuy [rosie project .txt] 📗

Book online «Evolutions Problem, Tristan Depuy [rosie project .txt] 📗». Author Tristan Depuy

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“ Ummmm………. Okay guys don’t freak but the filthy vampires we got a lead on kidnapped her. I don’t know why, but neither does she. Sooo…. I want the pack to protect her until we know what they want.” I stat.

“ What the hell we need to protect our own, not one of them.” says Trevor. He was right but I need to get to know her.

chapter 5

Chapter 5: ( Sarah) What the hell are all those guys rambling on about. I guess it’s about me, cause well its obvious. They are pointing at me and I don’t think they are saying nice things. Guess the big man broke the news about me. I get out of the car doing what I do best, standing tall to men. They are not going to push me around. 

“ So I guess I’m going to have to see all of your faces for a little while so, I’m Sarah.” I say.

“ We haven’t decided if you will be even staying living so no introductions please.” states I’m-going-to-be-an-ass. I kind of like the name, suits him very well.

“ Well good thing you say that cause I got to go take care of some things so I got to be…….” I say before Alexander cuts in.

“ You will not be leaving… and she will be staying here.” 

“ Ummm no I will not be, who the fuck do you think you are?” I screech.

“ Well I think I’m the guy that saved your life, so what I say goes.” growls Alexander. This man/dog or whatever is getting on my last nerve and I have a short fuse so he better be wearing a seat-belt.

“ I told you I didn’t need your hero act, and you ruined my plan.” I say.

“ Yeah and what was that plan to get yourself killed.” said Alexander.

“ What the fuck do you care?” I growl.

“ Cause I just do.” he says another one of his bull-shit answers. 

“ My plan was to find out who sent them to capture me.” I say. God what the fuck does this bastard want with me. I mean he is hot and I wouldn’t mind if…… what the hell am I thinking. We fight for another twenty or thirty minutes, then the pack and I talk and everything cool. I stay with the pack for about a week and these guys are really cool, they seem to really like me. Alex is pretty cool but he seems sad about something and all I want to do is give him a hug. I need to go see Paige she is probably really worried about me.  So Alex and I hop into a cab while the pack is looking for more leads on the two vampires and guess who is driving us in the cab. Its that same asshole I wanted to murder viciously.  We get into Paige’s hotel room and we find her on the couch crying.

“ Paige are you okay.” I ask 

“ What the fuck do you mean if I’m okay, I thought some one killed you.” she screams then leaps on me giving me a very tight bear hug.

“ Well these two other vampires abducted me but Alex here saved me.” I said gesturing to Alex.

“ Stephan you can come out now.” says Paige and Stephan comes out of the bathroom.

“ Stephan can scan the body and see what’s wrong like pregnancy, cancer, broken limbs you name it and well he can detect it like off of Hellboy you know the character Abraham .” says Paige.

“ What is that smell, is he…..” says Stephan.

“ I thought you guys would since it by now Alex is a werewolf.” I say. Alex growls and so does Paige, she really doesn’t like then since…….. Well you know.

“ Why would one of then protect you.” says Paige. “ because it’s the right thing to do.” says Alex. “ and also I think Sarah is my mate.” he admitted.

“ What but we just meet each other.” I say trying to wrap my head around this. BRAINFART!!!!!! Well he is kind of cute, and I don’t like how close Paige is to him. What the hell……is wrong with me….???? I feel like I’m getting dizzy, my feet give out I fall into a complete sleep.

..Sometime later..

I’m in someone’s bed when I wake up, what happened.

“ Good morning sunshine.” says the man I met about a week ago and oh yeah who also claimed I was his mate.

“ What do you want?” I croak.

“ Well seeing how you might be might I need you to go on a date with me.” he says.

“ I need to go on a what with you?” I ask.

“ you, me go on date.” he said trying to dumb it up.

“ Why I don’t want to, and I’m not your mate.” I say.

“ You might be.” he says.

“ What the hell does that mean ‘I might be’?” I say with air quotes.

“Well you might and you might not.” he says. “ but I think you are.” 

“ Well I think I’m not.” I say. 

“ Well if you aren’t, I will leave you alone.” he says.

“ And how do we find out if I am.” I say. The topic of how didn’t look that promising because it looks like he was embarrassed.

“ Well that’s why we need to go on a date.” he says. 

chapter 6

   Chapter 6 : (Alexander)

I’ve decided I wouldn’t tell her the actual way to find out if the female is your true mate. There has never been a female werewolf except for the first werewolf ever, she was female but she quickly died but not before she made others to pass on the curse. Women don’t have the power to stay a werewolf, and we don’t know why.

“ So shouldn’t you be leaving?” Sarah asked.

“ Why would I be, I have the right because you might be my mate I am allowed to court you in any of these rooms.” I say. Wonder what she is going to say to that. 

“ Who said you had any of those rights?” she asks.

“ I do and since you are my mate you have to do as I say, so you have to go on a date with me cause I say so.” I say. Isn’t this how all relationships work.

“ Ummmmmm……… okay.” she says it doesn’t look like she will obey me. “ and there are rules when it comes to this relationship.” I say.

“ Well who says we have a relationship-?” she says. I ignore this and go on“ First you are not allowed to talk to any other males even if its Stephan. Second you will go on dates with me. Third if I tell you to do something you do it. Fourth if I want sex you will give it to me.” I say.

“ okay.” she says but she keeps her head down.. So I tilt her head up and kiss her on the lips.  She doesn’t seem to pull away, so I swirl my tongue in her mouth. She does it too, I lay down next to her. We do this for what seems like forever while Paige walk in and whistles.

“ So you guys like a thing or something now.” she inquires.  I answer yes when Sarah says no and Paige looks confused. I look at Sarah and growl, she is my woman she should say what I say.

“ Ummm no we are not a couple.” she says.

“ Ummm yeah we are cause I say we are.” I say, why is she not getting this.

“ Ummm actually I don’t take orders from anyone.” said Sarah.

“ Well I am the man in the relationship, so I wear the pants. You have to do as I say, and you have to follow my rules.” I state.

“ What honey you letting the dog wear the pants, thought they couldn’t get them past the hind legs.” says Paige. Sarah laughs and so do I but I don’t like the way she talks about me. Maybe I should do something about her, like charm her into liking me. For Sarah and I to get anywhere I need to make her mine forever. Not to sound weird but I’ve never felt this way. It just seems so right to want her for all eternity. I edge near her, I fingered a lock of her hair, and I didn’t even care that Paige was there. Then I moved toward her, my lips were searching endless to find the spot that stunned her with satisfaction and yearning.  I guess I reach the spot cause she gasps and whines for more.  I have to stop or I cant hold it in anymore, so all I do then is inhale the smell of her hair. I don’t want to fight with Paige so I sit on the edge of the bed. I growl at Paige to go away, I don’t want to fight but I need to talk to Sarah.

“ Ok, ok I’ll leave.” she says. Sarah hasn’t said anything in awhile and it is worrying me. 

“ Do you have anything to say?” I ask.

“ Well yeah, you will not be telling me what to do.” she says.

“ That’s what happens in relationships with werewolves, essentially with an alpha.” I say.

“ What is your mind stuck in the 1960’s, newsflash this is the 21st century. Not many girls like to be bossed around!” she says with expression.

“ Well you better get with it cause you’re my mate and you will be going on a date with me. Is that to much to ask?” I say.

“ Fine whatever I’ll go on a stupid fucking date with you, happy?” she says. She doesn’t look like she is happy with but I guess she figured out she has feelings for me but wouldn’t say anything. And yes I’m really very happy.

“ Immensely.” I say. We end up going on many dates and had fun on all of them. We really like each other, but we still need to go on many more so she can fall in as much love as I have. And let me tell you the sex is great, the best I ever had. Like when we were on our

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