» Fiction » Evolutions Problem, Tristan Depuy [rosie project .txt] 📗

Book online «Evolutions Problem, Tristan Depuy [rosie project .txt] 📗». Author Tristan Depuy

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third date that week we went to a fancy restaurant and Sarah looked scrumptious in her dress. During the diner she wanted to know something.

“ Why did you pick me when there are other girls just panting over you?” she asked. What a stupid question she knows she is the only one for me.

“ Cause to your different, the rest of the rest of girls in the world are all the same to me. Same shit different day. When I date someone she has to stick out and I have to realize it.” ..- I blush here-..“And you and me are exactly alike, its like you’re the girl version of me and I love that about us. Your smart and beautiful and your smart and really nerdy and I can talk to you about anything. I think that’s the reason you were sent to me by the god.”..- I get down on one knee and Sarah gasps- “ I don’t care if you aren’t my real true mate, you make me happy. I will love you until my dying day, will you marry me?” I ask. 

“ I don’t know if I had to much wine or something but I would really love to marry you.” We go back to my place and I didn’t plan for us to have sex but…… I take off her dress, then well you get the rest……

.. A Few weeks Later..

Sarah has been acting weird for the past couple weeks like she her abilities are out of control, she cant eat or sleep. And to top it all off the scales she is being nice to everyone. Sarah, Paige, Stephan and I were at the pack hideout. Sarah and Stephan were talking and I couldn’t hear what they were saying but Sarah was awestricken at something. She was acting weird and distant to me.  I was trying to figure it out when the pack came in and was carrying a sack of something moving. It turns out to be the vampire that captured my woman. He looks at Sarah and says..

“ Do you even know who this hair ball with fleas is”- he pointes at me- “ He is the dog that got your old lover/ my father Wes killed. Father thought I was died but no I was turned into a vampire by my saviors, they were to late to save my mother/ his wife. So after that I went looking for my father but when people told me he was dead, I went looking for you and have been stalking you for the past two years. Did you know you should really close your drapes when your getting undressed.” he says and smirks at the last part. i growl at him and see red.Everyone is dumbfounded, Sarah goes white well whiter, and runs out of the room but not before giving me a glare full of betrayal.


Why cant I find Sarah? Where could she be? How long could she stay mad at me? These questions couldn’t escape my mind.

My pack and I find her at of all places my house with Paige and her boyfriend waiting for me.

“ How could you.” she said.

“ I didn’t know.’ I say trying to save my ass. I don’t think its going to be easy.

“ If you did know would you have told me?” she asked me. Paige gets into the conversation when she shouldn’t be.

“ I never liked him in the first place.” she says.

“ of course If I had known I would have told you.” I say ignoring Paige’s remark.

“ Sure you would have, before or after you married her. Maybe on your death bed, and what would you have said. Something like ' Oh hey honey I’m home. Did you know I killed Wes and his blood was all over my paws.'

"But really I think you would have never told her unless you had to.” says Paige.  Sarah looks overwhelmed by the last two sentences and collapses unconscious. Stephan walks over from the other side of the room to see the damage.

“ well I’m surprised she didn’t pass out earlier. Didn’t she tell you she was pregnant? Pregnant women shouldn’t be under this much stress in one day.” he says.

“ What she can't be pregnant, she would have to be Alex’s true female.” states Philip. I’m drawling a blank, it was like all my senses were cut off. Could this be true, am I going to be a father. I smile and look down at Sarah, thinking I’m the luckiest guy in the world cause she is my one true female. The one I get to have for eternity. 

chapter 7

Chapter 7: (Sarah)

… What the fuck happened.. There were voices coming from the hallway. All I could make out was that someone was pregnant but who could that be. Who’s pregnant could it be Paige?? Alex walks into the room, he looks at me.

“ Sarah why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” he asked. I look dumbfounded, oh jesus the prego chick was ME!!! WHAT!!!

“ But, but you used protection right?” I asked.

“ Well of course I didn’t I wanted you to get pregnant.” he says.

“ What the hell, why?’ I ask.

“ Well the only way to find out if you really were my true mate was to get you pregnant.” he said

“ I thougth you said that you would find out if I was your mate was if I went on a date with me.” I said.

“ Umm yeah I lied to get you to go on dates with me, so we could well you know.” he said.

“ What!!!?” I said not because I didn’t understand what he said, I just cant believe it.

“ I’m sorry” is all he said. Then he left, what am I going to do. All I do for the next few weeks is stay in my room and don’t let anyone come in and I’m getting huge. I go outside the door to the hall because no one is home and go into the living room and I stop dead in my tracks.

“ So how have you been.” says the supposed to be deceased Wes.  I walk over and trip but he caught me before I fall on my face.

“ Whoa there sorry about that.” says Wes. I cant believe it, how could he be there.

“ Ummm can you tell me how you survived.” I say.

“ Well I was right behind the werewolf that was trailing you guys. So I went the other way when I knew you guys would be okay.” he says. “ But why didn’t you come back for me or even us.” I say.

“ Cause a few days before the attack happened I left to see a sacred fortune teller in the supernatural world. To see if my son and wife were really dead. She told me my wife was dead but my son was alive well somewhat.”- he sighs here- “ and I would have come back for you but the fortune teller told me that you were destined for someone else and would bring forth the child that would end the fued between the vampires and werewolves.” he says while laying a hand on my huge abdomen.

“ oh.” is all I can say, and alex comes from where he had been hiding.

“ why didn’t you just tell us that in the first place.” said Alex putting an arm around my shoulder. I lay my head on his shoulder, we kiss, are about to deepen the kiss when we are interrupted by Wes choffing.

“ Way to ruin a moment.” says alex.

“ Alex this is Wes, Wes this is alex the love of my life but also who I am currently pissed as fuck at.” I say.

“ and don’t forget about the father of your baby.” says Wes chuckling.

“ Hopefully.” I say, and Alex gives me a grin and kisses me. Maybe I can forgive him, well I’m going to have to before this baby comes.



..1 year later..

Lying in our bed I dream and think about that has happened sense paige and I went to rome. A lot of things have changed, Paige is going to be getting married to Stephan.  I am mated, and married to a great man named Alex. The endless war between the vampires and werewolves have calmed down a lot since Alex and I have had our child. He is only a baby now but he is growing much swifter than a normal infant. We desided to name him Luke after my husbands father. Alex and I are truly and deeply in love, there arent scissors the can cut our bond. I start to think about what the rest of our life is going to be like when alex ninja’s his way in and suprises me.  Then we snuggle up close.

“ What have you been doing in here honey?” he asks.

“ Nothing just thinking that I got really lucky to get to have a guy like you forever.”I say. He talkes me into his arms and gives me a kiss of sweetness.

..It’s a simple kiss that starts our forever..



Publication Date: 06-21-2011

All Rights Reserved

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