» Fiction » Where you belong, Samantha Thomas [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «Where you belong, Samantha Thomas [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Samantha Thomas

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to pee. When I was done he met me at the door with his shirt off, holyshits! Word number 2 of the night. His chest was phenomenal. Ripped perfectly was the only way to describe it. He was the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen. He was Latino of some sort I was sure, but the tattoo on his chest held a flag of Puerto Rico confirming it. He came to me and placed my face in his soft delicate hands and started to kiss me slowly, and hungrily. I started to get that feeling again, that internal bliss, that warm fire, now was ablaze inside me. My stomach igniting with fire, and butterflies fluttering like crazy.

Somehow we made it to the bed, I hadn’t even known we were moving and then all of a sudden I was atop it. He was cupping and caressing my breasts, and kissing down my neck and chest then I began to panic, how could I not see this? How DID I NOT see this? Where this was all going?

Sex. I’m a virgin. I’ve never ever done anything like this before not ever, I’d never had the opportunity because no guy EVER looked at me not EVER. It was all so very surreal suddenly, me here with this guy, I don’t even know what I’m doing, or worse, if I’m even doing what-I-don’t-know-what-I’m-doing, wrong. All I knew was how wonderful I felt how hot -in every sense of the word- I felt right now, how pretty and sexy this monster made me feel. From what I understood, guys don’t talk, dance or kiss you this way unless they like you.

How bad could sex really be? I mean this guy doesn’t look like he has an STD, or whatever because from what everyone says STD’s hurt like a lot. He looks like he feels real good to me. I know I do, so I decided that was enough, he was enough my- wait I didn’t even know this guys name. I pushed at him signaling for him to stop and asked, “What’s your name?”
“Sergio. What’s yours ma?” he asked in his husky soft voice, it was so sexy, “Britney,” then his warm soft mouth was on my breast, and any inhibitions I had, or thought I had about this, about him, about sex, they were gone in a matter of seconds.

It hurt, at first like a lot, but he was so slow and gentle and careful, like he new everything, like he knew me inside and out. I suppose he did at that moment. I had never felt this, like this, like I have absolutely no words to describe clearly at all how I really felt. I was amazed that something like this existed. I was so stiff, and awkward at first but he coaxed me and helped and showed me exactly what to do, we had perfect synchronicity. I had-I guess you call it came, or cum, whatever- for the first time before we even started sex. He said it would help loosen me up. He had went down town on me and licked ‘stuff’ And oh my God! I had no idea what he was doing, he was kissing my stomach and legs one minute and then, between my legs the next.

I jumped and pushed him scared at the feelings I was feeling. They felt so good, so incredibly good, and weird at the same time, it made my body feel like it was sinking in hot vibrating water. It was insane, and he just kept going holding onto my legs, and I had my hands on his head the entire time, I gave up trying to stop him, and I really didn’t want to anyways. It was building up, up inside me until I felt like I exploded. And then his pant were off and he positioned himself on top of me, and he went inside.

And then it was over and we laid still next to one another, he had his arms around me, and that made me feel really good, I had my arm over his chest and my other underneath me. We didn’t say anything he just played with my hair, and I loved that, sent tingles and shivers up my spine. The quiet gave me the peace I needed after such a life changing moment such as this to cope and deal without feeling awkward, and embarrassed with trying to fill the silence with nothing I could possibly say he would want to hear.

Suddenly the bedroom door flew open and Ashley ran into the room, “Chica, we gotta go like now! Get your ass up and get dressed!” she was panicking and there for I, no longer in my silent bliss, came crashing down to this reality. As I struggled with my clothes rushing for god knows what I decided to try and find out, “What the hell happened?” the bedroom door was still open and over the loud booming music I could hear an abundance of foot steps coming up the steps and approaching fast.

“Shit! Lets go, say goodbye to Romeo,” Ashley said already in motion. I had barely got my last shoe on, my dress wasn’t even straight, I was about to be exposed if I made any fast moves when Marissa and loads of other kids stormed into this small hot bedroom. “You slut! I warned you!” Marissa screamed as she charged Ashley. The other people that had accompanied her just fanned out and Sergio hadn’t even gotten his pants on yet, they were here to watch the girl fight I guess. Joy.

Then to make matters even more hilariously worse, Matt showed up just as Marissa’s hands made contact with Ashley’s hair and he separated the two, that was our chance. Luckily she didn’t attempt a ‘low blow’ and we ran out the door. As we were escaping I turned to look back at the guy I just gave everything of me too, he smiled, I did too and then Marissa flew back into my peripheral, and with hands out stretched for strangulation she shouted through Matt’s arms, “You fucked my boyfriend for the last time bitch!” and we were flying down the steps, going, going, gone. “I cant believe she actually had the balls to swear! Silly cunt.” Ashley laughed as she peeled out of the drive way and took us home.

*end of flash back*

I never heard from Sergio again, not like I technically ‘heard’ from him in the first place. He was pretty much never seen again, M.I.A. I didn’t mind, he gave me many gifts that night that I could never repay him for, besides what would I even say to the guy? ‘Hey member me? The girl you banged at that party, well guess what? You put a baby girl inside me and I’m going to love and take care of her forever. Ok?’ yeah, yeah sure. Right away.

But I have to say, it would be real nice to see him again. He was probably from another school a few towns over, that could explain his absence. One thing I know is how beautiful our daughter will be, because he is. I hope she doesn’t look a thing like me. Just then my father stormed into the house. As he made his way towards the kitchen I could hear things falling and crashing to the ground. I wonder what the hell his problem is? Shit its another one of those days.

As he got closer I braced myself for his fists, I backed towards the kitchen cabinets so if he hit me hard I wouldn’t fly across the room again I’d be somewhat secure. When he reached me, I’m not sure I’ve ever been more frightened in my whole life, not-because he was naturally deranged, with his standard hair askew, heavy alcohol breath, bloodshot blood red eyes-but, because he was no where near that self of his.
He was dressed decent somewhat, in a navy blue blazer, sure it was probably from 1973 and smelt that way, but whatever, he had on kaki slacks with only one minimal stain on them. Oh and there’s a bit of ketchup on the pocket looks new. He looked normal almost, and he looked… excited?

“Britney cut your shit and get it together, I’ve got some great news for you.” he said, well guess talking nice isn’t included in the ‘look’ package. I didn’t for one second let my guard down, with good reason of course, “What is it?” I asked 100% founded skepticism. “Don’t you fucking get cocky with me, if you can shut your pie hole for a minute I’ll fucking tell you, damn.” he was out of breath and had an odd smile on his hard featured face he drove his hand through his hair buying a minute of thought to himself and I waited for him to continue. “The great news you’ve been waiting for, I’ve found a home for your bastard.”

chapter 3

I was shocked, stunned at a complete loss for words. I didn’t hear him I decided, I imagined the entire thing. Because how could he have said such a thing? That didn’t make a lick of god damned sense. “You’d think you be a lot happier than that after what the fuck I just went and did for you.” he spat still wearing a grin.
“I’m sorry I didn’t hear a word you just said.” he repeated it again, and I still would not except it. “Are you crazy? I want my baby she’s not going anywhere. She’s staying with me!” I couldn’t contain my panic I was losing my cool and fraying at the seams.

“Oh yes you are. I found some dumb fancy shmucks to take in this filthy bastard of yours and your going to give it to them you hear?” he made an advance towards me in hostility, I side stepped him my eyes were wide in horror, and I clutched at my swollen belly. “NO! NO! NOOOO!” my head was snapping left and right shaking my head shouting “NO! SHES MY BABY! MINE! I’M NOT GIVING HER UP I LOVE HER! YOU CANT MAKE ME SHES MY BABY!” I was hysterical he was still approaching me my eyes where blurry with torrential tears my whole body was quaking with fear.

Suddenly my fathers eyes became widened with hate and they became large and dark and when he reached me with his face touching mine, my upper arms in his vice grip he shouted, spit flying into me face, “Listen you slut! These are nice fucking folks and if I said your giving that fucking thing up you fucking are! You should be sucking their fucking asses for this fucking thing, because no fucking right person in their right fucking minds would wanna’ go and do suttin’ as so fucking stupid as this! And lastly you shut your cunt mouth Britney you keep shoutin’ your nonsense and go and get me some kinda charge, so help me! You hear!” he finished and shook me the entire time he spat at me, like a hissing rabid animal, when finally he finished with a punch dead center to my face. I barely knew what had hit me, as I hit the hard tiled kitchen floor before everything had gone black and silent.


I wasn’t sure how long I was down most likely long enough for my father to disappear, I awoke to a tremendous pain in my stomach and immediately thought of my baby I was panting hysterically and in between each pant screaming for my life I felt like I was dying and
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