» Fiction » I Am Your Superior, Taiga Uchiha [large ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «I Am Your Superior, Taiga Uchiha [large ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Taiga Uchiha

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get sized."

I walk to the door and knock. Master Chief opens the door after a minute.

"They're ready, sir", I inform him.

He nods.

"Thank you, (L/N). You'll be the first to get sized."

"Yes sir", I turn to the cadets, "Shinsumi, you're in charge while I get sized", I tell him, knowing that he's a responsible person.

"Yes ma'am", he replies and takes his position.

I follow Master Chief into the supply room, waiting to get sized.


After getting everyone sized, we go back to the room. Master Chief walks in and all the cadets, including myself, stand at attention in respect to his rank.

"You will get your uniforms tomorrow and will wear them next week. Remember to polish your shoes, and for those who don't know how to, the cadets that do will teach you", he announces.

He leaves and I order them to sit.


"Seats, aye ma'am."

"Tomorrow when we get our uniforms, including our shoes, those who do not know how to shine their shoes will be taught. Also, females, if you do not know how to do your hair, you will be shown by the cadets who have been in the programme longer", I explain to them.

Our drill instructor walks in right as I finish. All the cadets stand at attention in respect to her rank. She sashays over to me dramatically, a huge grin on her face. She stops by me and laughs, as do I.

"Hey (L/N)."

"Hey DI."

If you couldn't tell, we're really good friends.

"I'm going to take them out to drill. Are you doing anything with them?", she asks.

"No ma'am."

She turns to the cadets.

"At ease", they all relax, "we're going outside to drill, change into your drill shoes then line up at the hatch, starting with the first row.

They grab their shoes from their bags or from under their desks and change into them. They then line up according to row. I walk to the already open hatch and walk out.

"Line up on the right side of the passageway in front of the double doors", I order.

They do as I say before I walk back into the classroom while DI watches the cadets, taking them outside to the drill deck.

Our teacher, who's new, is Chief Daniels.

"Are you going to stay in here, Chief?", I ask him.

"No, I've got some stuff to do."

"Can I get the keys to the classroom for when we come back in?"

He nods and hands me his keys.

"Thank you, Chief."

Again, he nods.

I walk out and then to the drilling area. I pocket the keys and stand by DI, waiting for her orders.

"Okay! Those of you who don't know anything, pair up with someone who does. If you have any questions, ask me or (L/N)", DI orders, quite loudly at that.

After she's done speaking -yelling- they pair up and someone approaches me. I glance at them and groan inaudibly.


It's Levi, or Ackerman in ROTC. I turn to him.

"Yes?", I ask.

"You're going to be my partner", he says, or more like orders.

"Oh, am I now? Ackerman?", I inquire, quite sarcastically, "Who said?"

"I did."

"Oh, really? You can't just order me around. If you have forgotten, let me remind you. I am your superior. You are not mine. But since you oh-so nicely asked, yes, I will work with you", I snap and roll my eyes before walking off.

-That bitch, who the fuck does he think he is?!-

I notice he's not following me, but rather staring at me slightly dumbfounded.

-Guess I'm the only one who talks back to him, huh? That arrogant prick.-

"Well, are you coming or not?", I ask impatiently.

He shakes his head slightly and reluctantly follows.


The class period goes by, with the teaching Levi, again, but not martial arts, and getting a lot of questions. Needless to say , Levi really didn't learn much with me getting all kinds of questions every minute from multiple cadets. I take my phone from my back pocket and check the time.

"Cadets!", I yell, gathering the attention of all the cadets, "Line up at the double doors, it's time to leave."

They line up.

"Forward march."

I march them inside.

"Cadets, halt."

They stop.

"Fall into the classroom. Fall out."

They go into the classroom. I walk in after them. They're standing beside their seats, waiting for permission to sit.

"Seats", I order.

"Seats, aye ma'am."

And they sit, starting to talk. The afternoon announcements come on and they're still talking.

"Eyeballs!", I yell.

They turn their attention towards me.

"When the announcements are on, you will lock it up", I tell them.

They grumble, rolling their eyes and sucking their teeth.

"And if you have a problem with that, you can get on your face and give me twenty five push-ups", I warn.

They shut their mouths after that and glare at me. Now we're waiting for the dismissal bell to ring. It does and they stand up, only to have veteran cadets to tell them to sit down. When they do, I stand up.

"Attention on deck", I say loudly.

They all stand to attention, waiting to be dismissed.


They all leave, after gathering their things, as do I, walking out to the buses.



Walking to the buses was irritating as usual. As I shove people out of my way and getting cursed at by the ones I did, I make it to my bus.

-All these damn idiots. At least I made it in one piece.. Yee!-

I mentally high-five myself as I'm the first one on and get to sit in my original seat. I basically own that seat. I -literally- skip there and plop down into MY seat, facing the window, my back to the outside world and my knees to my chest, and squatting in the seat like Smeagol, then immediately pulling out my headphones and plugging them into my phone and then into my ears. Right as I turn my music on, I feel the seat sink and I look over my shoulder, bright-eyed and curious. My excitement was gone the second I realised who sat there. It was Levi. I groan and roll my eyes, my shoulders slumping while turning back to my phone in front me. He looks at me and doesn't look away, to my dismay and uneasiness. I can -literally- feel his eyes on me.

-If he's checking me out, I'll fucking kill him. No joke.-

I turn around and get all up in, ahem, extremely close to his face in less than a second, pulling out a headphone.

"What do you want? Why are you looking at me? And why are you sitting here?", I ask lowly and fast, not caring whether he understood me or not and showing my clear irritation.

"You're acting a lot different than when we first interacted at the studio. More to say, you haven't acted like that since. Second, I'm still trying to figure you out. Finally, can I not sit here?", he says straightforwardly, not sugar-coating anything, and not breaking eye-contact.

"Your point is? It's none of your business why I do the things I do and act the way I act. And you can just give up trying to figure me out, it's not ever going to happen. And yeah, you can sit here, but I don't like it. Someone else is supposed to sit here, that isn't you, as I am responsible for them", I state quite snarky.

"My point is that I want to know what happened to the cute, embarrassed, blushing you. And I'm not going to give up. Lastly, how are they your responsibility?", he inquires and I go red from embarrassment and anger.




"They are my responsibility because I teach them", I say and turn back around to the window.

"Does that mean I'm your responsibility?", he asks.

"Not necessarily since you're older than me", I reply deep in thought.

He starts talking again as we near the middle school and I put my headphone back in. Suddenly, the headphone I just put back in, is yanked out of my ear. I jump and turn around.

"The hell was that for?!", I shriek.

"I was talking, dipshit", he says blandly.

So rude...

My face contorts in anger and frustration.

"Don't. You. EVER touch my headphones again, got it, bitch?", I say menacingly, poking him in the chest with each and every syllable, and moving closer with each poke.

"I will do what I want", he states, moving his face closer to mine.

-Who the actual fuck does think he is!? He is not special in any fucking way, that piece of shit. Wait! He's lower than shit. Germ, yeah that's what he is. A damn germ.-

As I rage in my head, I feel his breath fan across my face. I pull back.

"You're fucking impossible, why can't you just mind your own damn business and leave me the fuck alone unless I have to teach you?". I ask while turning around and adjusting myself to where I'm actually, properly, sitting, not expecting an answer.

And I don't get one.

-Thank the Lord of all Horse Shit.-

We arrive at the middle school. I watch the kids go by, walking to their buses, from the window.

-I can't fucking wait until I get my licence.-

I sigh, making the part of the window my mouth is nearest to, fog up. I turn my head and watch the kids that are getting on. After about 10 minutes, Clio gets on and she looks for me. She walks to my seat and looks at me funny and confused. I shrug at her and turn to glare at Levi, who is looking at Clio blankly. She sighs and finds the nearest seat to us that's open. I turn back to my window and lean my head against it, closing my eyes. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn and glare at Levi.

"Lay your head on my shoulder", he demands, but all I hear is my music and see his lips moving.

I take my headphones out and say,

"Huh? The fuck do you want now?"

He sighs.

"I said lay your head on my shoulder. It's more comfortable than that window."

I look at him real funny like and scoff.

"Your shoulder? No thank you, I bet it's harder than this damn window being as fucking bony as you are. And since when did you give a shit? Plus, I would never even dream of laying my precious head on a dirty stranger's shoulder", I snap, with a bit of surprise at what he demanded.

His eyes twitches at the word "dirty".

"I am not dirty. And suit yourself, brat. But it's always an open offer", he shrugs, glaring at me, then looking forward.

"Don't call me "brat", asshat", I seethe then put my headphone back in.

I lean my head back against the window and fall

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