» Fiction » I Am Your Superior, Taiga Uchiha [large ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «I Am Your Superior, Taiga Uchiha [large ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Taiga Uchiha

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asleep, waiting to arrive at the studio. X



As I was snoozing away, I feel someone touching me- or more like jabbing me in the ribs. I groan loudly and slowly open my eyes. I blink them a few times, turning to the source of the jabbing, trying to clear my eyesight. They finally clear up and focus. The source of the jabbing is goddamn Levi. I narrow my eyes, irritated, and an imaginary sweatdrop appears.

"You better have a good fucking reason you woke me up, Ackerman...", I grumble.

"We're almost there. You don't want to be left behind, do you? Next time I won't wake you up, brat", he monotone.

"I. Am not. A. Brat. Stop fucking calling me that, pigshit", I seethe as best as I can, considering I just woke up.

"No thank you, because you are a brat", he responds.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch", I say before gathering my things.

The bus stops and Levi decides to be the little shit he is and gets his stuff together at that exact moment.

"Are you fucking kidding me?", I say in anger and disbelief, "Hurry the fuck up."

He looks back at me and moves slower.

"Fine, be that way asshole", I say as I stand in the seat and step over his body and onto the walkway. I flip him off before saying,

"Hurry the fuck up, or get left."

And then I walk off the bus, following Clio, who was waiting on me. When we get to the sidewalk, Levi emerges from around the bus. We get to the studio and go in. The door closes on Levi and he almost walks into it as he's rushing to get through the door. I try to keep my laugh inaudible because that just looked so out of character for him.

I walk to the back and greet Master Worth as I pass his office. I go upstairs and remove my shoes and change into my uniform. I walk back down and see Levi disappear into the bathroom. I go into the training area and immediately spot Ryan.

-The fuck is he still coming here for?-

I turn around and go into the back. Soon follows is Ryan, after Clio and Drake leave into the training area.

"Hey babe", he says and leans against the stair's railing.

"You have no right to call me that. You lost it long ago", I spit back, trying to go into the bathroom.

He takes a brief look around and then launches himself onto me. He grabs my waist and smashes his lips against mine, forcing himself on me.

"Well, give it back. I want you all to myself (Y/N). I see the way that new kid looks at you and I hate it. You're mine, bitch."

-Is he talking about Levi?-

"Get off of me, manwhore", I say as I knee him where the sun doesn't shine and as he goes down, I snap kick him in the face causing his nose to bleed profusely. But to my surprise, he gets up and swings a right hook at my face, catching me in the jaw. My head jerks to the left. I regain my composure and look at him.

"You bastard", I growl.

I get into fighting stance and so does he. He throws the first punch. Right to my face. He hits me dead in the fucking nose and I hear a sickening snap and at that moment, I knew, that my nose broke. I turn my head back around and throw combinations of various kicks at him and land each one where I aim, probably breaking or busting something in his pathetically built body. Steroids. Him being the reckless shit he is, throws another punch, similar to the first one, and I step to the side and catch it. I then take my leg and kick his from underneath him and trip him, sending him to the ground with me in the upper mount position. But with him being bigger and stronger than me, somehow flips me over and starts throwing punches to my face. I hold a double arm block in front of my face to keep him from actually hitting me. I try to shrimp my way out, occasionally throwing a punch here and there when the opportunity arises. I'm almost out when someone yanks him off of me. He's thrown against the bathroom door. I stand up and Ryan comes after me again. I punch him in the face and kick him in the side of the head. He goes toppling down after that, unconscious and probably has a concussion. I brush myself off and then I address my so-called saviour, though I had everything in control.

"Thanks... Levi?", I say as I see that it is in fact Levi.

"Tch, go to the bathroom, you look disgusting."

"Hn. Last time I thank you for anything", I scoff before walking into the bathroom.

My nose hurts like a motherfucker. I look in the mirror and see and purple, bruised up nose.


My nose is also very bloody and I have a severely busted lip and bruised up cheekbones.

-Probably gonna have to have stitches for my lip... Great, just fucking great. And I'm definitely getting a restraining order put on him, like I should have long ago.-

And this whole fucking time, Master Worth had taken the kids to the Burger King across the street, so it was just me, Ryan, and Levi.

Twenty minutes until class starts, so there's no other students here.

-I really need to clean this up and call the cops..-




I leave the bathroom and bow myself into Master Worth's office. I open the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet to my left in the small office. I take out the first aid kit and take it back to the bathroom with me. I open the kit and take out the alcohol prep pads. I tear one open and press it onto my lip. I hiss in pain as I repeatedly smack the sink's edge with the palm of my hand.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck", I mutter over and over.

I remove the prep pad from my lip and lean my hands on both corners of the sink and hang my head between my shoulders.

"Holy fucking shit, that fucking hurt", I rant.

I retaliate from the pain and proceed to dig through the box as I hear someone behind me, knocking on the open bathroom door.

I turn around abruptly. It's Levi.

"What the fuck do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy?", I seethe.

"Well it looks to me like you're struggling", he states, stepping into the bathroom.

"The fuck are you doing, you nosy piece of shit?", I ask as he takes the kit and digs through it, pulling out a small white bandage, to bandage up my lip so it'd heal faster. He turns to me and approaches, his hands aimed for my mouth. I flinch when he touches the busted skin and I unconsciously punch him in the stomach from the pain I'm feeling.

He groans loudly as he doubles over slightly, clenching onto his shirt with a free hand, then he glares at me.

"Fucking hold still and shut the fuck up, brat", he spits.

"Don't call me "brat", and don't tell me what to fucking do, imbecile. Plus, I didn't even say anything so how can you tell me to "shut the fuck up", asshole", I spit back hastily.

"Just shut up", he sighs.

"Hmph", I huff and cross my arms, turning my head away.

He then tries to put the bandage on my lip again, turning my head towards him with the hand that was holding his stomach. As he does this, I dig my nails into my arm and hold my breath because my lip really fucking hurts. 

When he's done, I bend over and put my hands on my knees.

"OhmigodholyfuckthatfuckingshithurtlikehellI'mnevergoingthroughthatagainforaslongasIlivefuckinghell. Shiiiiiiiiiiit. HOLY FUCK", I rant at an incomprehensible speed and then yell at the end.

I catch my breath and uncoil myself from my miserable, in a lot of fucking pain state.

"Done?", Levi muses. 

"Done", I say very distastefully.

"Now for your nose", he says, taking out a prep pad and another small white bandage.

"Oh fuck no, I'd rather get infected and die than do that again", I say, backing up into the small bathroom's wall, my hands in front of me.

"Too bad", he replies and approaches me with an evil smirk, prep pad and bandage in hand.


"I fucking hate you. I hate your face. I hate everything about you. I seriously, absolutely, positively fucking hate you, damn jackass. And you look like one, too, fucking asshole. Get the fuck out of my face. Get the fuck away from me. I don't want to look at your damn smug ass face anymore", I rant as I sit Indian style on the nasty ass bathroom floor , crossed arms, mean and nasty glare, and pouting with bandages and gauze all over my face, arms, and legs.

He didn't see shit, I'm wearing gym shorts. I had to change into them before he bandaged my legs up, or more like he forced me to change so he could bandage me up.

He stands with his arms crossed, looking down at me with a satisfied smirk plastered on his smug face.

"Get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see your fucking face for a week", I tell him lowly, pointing at the door.

He snorts, then clicks his tongue before dropping his arms and walking out of the bathroom.

"Hate that motherfucker so damn much", I mutter under my breath in pure, relentless hatred.

I sit there for a few more minutes before getting up and walking out. I go upstairs, passing a still smug Levi, and get my phone. I dial 911 and tell the police my situation and they come. I also call my father to also tell him what happened.p

There aren't many people here for class, so when the Po-Po show up, it doesn't cause much of a fuss.

Ryan is still unconscious as they haul him out and into the police car.

"You'll receive a court date in the mail", the youngest, quite attractive officer tells me, handing me a small slip of paper.

"Okay", I say monotonously. 

He walks over to Levi and relays to him the same information he gave me, minus the slip of paper. They leave and I catch Levi glaring daggers at the officer that just spoke with me. I look at the paper and the numbers "912 290 9796" are scrawled on it.

"Hn", I grunt and walk to the office.

I bow myself in and throw the paper away.

"Don't need no damn boyfriend", I mutter.

I walk back out

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