» Fiction » Lone Wolf, Abbie Davis [funny books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Lone Wolf, Abbie Davis [funny books to read .txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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“I have a family to get to,”I said running now,”But thanks for the offer.”

I ran home and walked into my parents there talking with the police. I ran to them as the officer smiled at them. He left as they held me close to them. I smiled up at them as it was nice to be here with them. Mom took me up the stairs and to my room. She sat me down on my bed as I told dad about that smell.

“So did you figure out the smell thing,”She said as I laid on my bed.

“Yeah I did,”I said as I sat up,”It means I found my Mate.”

“I googled it,”She said leaving,”Don’t stay up too late now.”

I smiled and went to my desk to get started on the work I had. I looked at my laptop as I saw my friends there. Max, Madison, Lacey, and Josh. I smiled as I looked at the three way chat.

“Hey guys,”I said working,”Homework time.”

“Yep,”They all said but Max. 

Chapter 7: Mason

 I watched her get out of her father’s car I think. It was a limo and she seemed to be trying not to get caught in the action. A man stepped out and smiled down at her. She gave him a hug and told him bye. It was like watching a girl leave her father for a while.

She looked like she wanted to cry. Before she turned to face the school and straightened herself up a little bit. She head into the school but was stopped by a boy with dark brown hair with what looked like blue bangs. He had grey eyes as we watched him walk up to her.

“Yo Nikki,”He said as she smiled,”What up?”

“Max,”She said hugging him,”How are you here? Why are you here?”

“My mom and dad got a new job,”He said slinging his arm over her,”Then after you left the school one last time I might have punched the guy that got you in trouble.”

She smiled as they walked into the building. I followed behind with Mike and Marc. We followed close behind as I didn’t like him near MY Nicole like that. I let out a low growl and she whipped around so fast her hair hit Marc and Mike in the face.

“What’s your problem?”She asked me.

“What you mean?”I asked as she eyed me,”All I did was you know.”

“Growl,”He said as I looked at him,”Nicole who is this?”

“Mason,”She said,”The guy I told you about after everyone else left our chat.”

“Okay,”He said facing me,”I’m Max Lucas. Nicole’s best friend and her wolf helper.”

“You're a wolf,”Mike said looking at him.

“Not really,”Nicole said,”He’s my best friend and he must know about this.”

I looked at her as you were not suppose to tell humans about us. I watched as she and him walked off. What was that all about? I looked at them as I saw her walk into the classroom. We were having class outside today for it was nice and a free day.

I told them to go and watch Max while I talked to her. I went in and saw she was looking for something. I closed the door and she jumped a little bit that. She spun around and met my eyes.

“You scared me Mason,”She said with a smile,”Why are you in here?”

“You,”I said as her eyes got wide,”But not like that kind of you.”

“I would hope not,”She said putting papers down on the desk.

“But why did you tell him about werewolves?”I asked as she looked down.

“Why wouldn’t I?”She asked.

“The law.”

“Well I didn’t know there was such a thing on us. I only knew that you shouldn't show the people around you. Max is like my brother. So I should tell him.”

“No you shouldn’t,”I said taking her wrist,”Now tell me the truth.”

“I was bitten,”She said crying,”Who else was I supposed to go to? I told my parents about it and I didn’t want to hurt him.”

“Where?”I asked moving my hands off her wrist.

She lift her shirt up to show a bite mark on her left hip. I traced the scar as she looked down at the ground. I held her chin up as there were tears in her eyes now. I brought her into a hug as I heard the door open.

“Ms. Mang,”I heard someone say,”You are suppose to be out here. You as well Mr. Black.”

“I was turning something in,”She played off as we walked out.

“I was making sure no one tried anything,”I said walking out with her.

We walked out to see Mr. White. The biggest record deal in the history of them. She ran up to other people by him as they seemed to be setting up for something. I took my seat by Mike and Marc as they watched them.

Mr. White stood up at the front as I saw a woman walk up and looked at the scene. She sneered at him as he glared at her. What can that be about? He looked at all of us and smiled as Nicole whispered something into his ear.

“Children of Westfront High School, Start, Louisiana,”He said with a smile,”You really didn’t move much you know.”

“Still,”Nicole said looking at him.

“I’m here today to show you a young girl with talent,”He said looking at her,”And her friends. Now before they start with a song I want to know what will be happening. They will sing a song then one of you get to challenge them to a battle. You as the guest will choose who wins. It will go on like that till it is time to end it.”

We all nodded as he stepped back and Nicole stepped up. She looked at them and looked at us. She took a deep breath in and they began to play a song.

“Up in the middle of fear,

I will show you the fire of me,

You think you don’t know me,

You think you can control me,

Shoot you can’t do anything.


Fangs out and ready,

Claws that pierce through you,

I’m a wolf girl.

Legs taller than you,

Faster and stronger,

You should have seen me coming.


You think that was nothing,

You act like that was lame,

Please tell me you didn’t say that,

Maybe you miss judge me.

But with my…


Fangs out and ready,

Claws that pierce through you,

I’m a wolf girl.

Legs taller than you,

Faster and stronger,

You should have seen me coming.


This is your last chance,

If I were you I would back down.

For I’m not here to play any more,

Like some baby you are.


I’m the big bad Wolf girl,

I strike fear into those who are nothing.

I’m sweet but dangerous,

Try and see if you can,

Escape my wrath babe,”Nicole sanged as they played.

Everyone cheered for them. Mike and Marc looked impressed as I knew she just sanged it to everyone. I looked at her as the name of her band was ‘Nicole and the Pack’. I looked at her as she smiled brightly at everyone.

Chapter 8: Nicole

 I looked at everyone as they seemed happy about that. We called Inner Wolf for we all knew that was me if I had one of my moods. I stood up as Dad came on again and looked at the crowd. There were very few hands up that wanted to challenge us to a battle.

“Okay so you,”He said pointing to the back.

“Sing Blow,”They yelled as we laughed.

“We are not on that,”I called back as everyone laughed.

“I will,”Mason said standing up,”Not being challenging you.”

Everyone laughed as he ran off somewhere as I watched him. I looked there and saw his dad. I looked at mine and motioned to the man in the woods. He saw and there stood mom sneering our way.

“Sadly our time is up,”Dad said as they started to pick up,”And Mr. Lincoln I’m checking Nicole out.”

“Go ahead,”He said as dad pushed me back into the limo.

“Drive,”He said as my other friends were picking up and talking about us.

I looked behind us as I saw mom and a man coming up fast. I looked at dad as he seemed to notice it. He took me back home but there really wasn’t a home to go to. I looked up as I saw the place I called my home for so many years was gone.

“Noo,”I cried as I was going to it.

“Don’t,”Mason said tackling me down.

I laid there and watched them bring out my things that were still fine but also two bodies not moving. I went to them and cried into my father’s arms. Without them I would never to get to see him again.

“What are we going to do Daddy?”I asked as he held me close.

“I’ll figure something out princess,”He said petting my head.

“We’ll take care of her,”I heard someone say behind me.

I turned to see Mason and his dad there. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. I forgot about their offer was still in the air. I looked at dad as he knew about the wolf thing.

“Fine,”He said as they smiled,”But she stays with Max for a little bit.”

“Why him?”Mason said looking ticked.

“For my parents are Foster Care approved,”Max said as I went to him,”It’s alright Nicole. Everything will be alright.”

I hide my face into his chest as he brushed my hair out of my face. I felt more arms go around me as everyone held me close. I smiled but heard Mason growl at them all. I felt them jump and look around.

“What was that?”Madison asked looking around.

“Most likely a dog,”I said glaring at Mason,”A really big dog.”

Chapter 9: Mason

 She has been staying with that Max guy for around a month. It was like she wasn’t allowed to leave them. I looked at dad as I heard chatter around the house. Everyone was screaming about rogues but I have a feeling that is not what is going on.

I looked at my father as he motioned me to go and check it out. I ran out with Mike and

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