» Fiction » Lone Wolf, Abbie Davis [funny books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Lone Wolf, Abbie Davis [funny books to read .txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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Marc by my side, since they had to guard me sadly. I walked out to see five wolves there. I looked around and saw that two were trying to fight the others off.

“Shift,”I said as we all did.

I landed in my sandy wolf in front of them. I mindlinked all of them and listened on their little talk. I was surprise when I heard her voice.

“Get out of here!”Nicole was demanding.

“Why should we,”They played with her,”For we are the ones that made you into this.”

“You attack my friend and that was the last straw,”She said with an alpha’s voice.

“What’s going on?”I demanded as she turned around to face me.

“Mason I can explain this,”She said snapping at the guy as he tried to attack her,”And you stop that before I let you know what crazy is.”

“Like you would do that,”He said as she seemed to get ticked.

As she went to attack the grey wolf beside her jumped taking her down. She looked at him like that was stupid. He allowed her up as she looked at the others in front of her.

“Thanks Max,”She said then looked at me,”I haven’t been able to come here for them. They came the day after my foster parents died, wanting me to come with them. I tried to tell them about this but they never listened to me. So as a reminder of what happen when I was five they bite Max. Lately it has been a battle to even get to school and back.”

“All need to say,”I said looking at the rogues,”Now leave before it gets worst.”

“Your puny little pack against ours,”He said as about thirty more wolves walked out,”You think she was the only one I had bitten.”

“But why her,”I said looking at Mike as he ran for back up.

“Can’t you hear it,”He said standing proud and tall,”The alpha in her. She would have made a perfect daughter to me. I want her in my pack and I will get her all to myself. For I am her WOLF father.”

“That’s it,”She said attacking.

No one stopped her this time. I think no one was dumb enough to stop her. She bite his neck as he went to dodge her attack. I watched as she tried to hang on while he threw her around. She lost her grip and was thrown into a tree.

I watched as it fell on top of her pinning her to the ground. She whinned as it kept her there. I watched Max go to her side as they were surrounding her now. Come on Dad where are you at? I watched as he couldn’t take them all on alone.

“Save her Mason,”I heard dad said coming to my side,”Don’t just stand there.”

I ran and stood by Max. I let out my growl as she whinned again. I looked at Mike and Marc as they came to get the tree up. We fought them off as they removed the problem.

“It hurts,”She cried.

“What hurts?”I asked standing over her now.

“My side,”She whinned as the pack fought them off,”It hurts too much.”

“Will be back for her,”The rogue alpha said.

I watched them leave before turning my attention back to her. She laid there unshifted holding her side. Maria brought a blanket to cover her as they took her away. I looked at Max as he been silent this whole time.

“What,”He said looking at me.

“Stay here real quick,”I said going to find something to change back into after.

Chapter 10: Nicole

My side felt like I was hit by a truck. Or would it be an eighteen wheeler? I can’t even think right now. But What the hell was I thinking when I attacked him? I mean come on Nicole you know he can take you on in a heartbeat. I looked around as the darkness has been around me for quite some time now.

It soon started to fade to that day. I looked at it as my dad was in his office as I was getting lessons from one of his clients. I laughed as I hit the wrong note and my dad’s head shot up at that. He rolled his eyes at me as I began to play the song he was teaching me. I sat there as he played the piano and I was on guitar by him.

“Now start to sing it,”He said.

He was from a group and I was learning one of the songs they liked. He really liked The Script and so I was learning Hall of Fame.

“Yeah, you can be the greatest

You can be the best

You can be the King Kong banging on your chest


You can beat the world

You can beat the war

You can talk to God, go banging on his door


You can throw your hands up

You can beat the clock (yeah)

You can move a mountain

You can break rocks

You can be a master

Don't wait for luck

Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself


Standing in the hall of fame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame


You can go the distance

You can run the mile

You can walk straight through hell with a smile


You can be the hero

You can get the gold

Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke


Yeah, do it for your people

Do it for your pride

How are you ever gonna know if you never even try?


Do it for your country

Do it for your name

'Cause there's gonna be a day...


When you're standing in the hall of fame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame


Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion

On the walls of the hall of fame


Be students

Be teachers

Be politicians

Be preachers



Be believers

Be leaders

Be astronauts

Be champions

Be truth seekers


Be students

Be teachers

Be politicians

Be preachers


Be believers

Be leaders

Be astronauts

Be champions


Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame


You could be the greatest

You can be the best

(Be a champion)

You can be the King Kong banging on your chest


You could beat the world

You could beat the war

(Be a champion)

You could talk to God, go banging on his door


You can throw your hands up

(Be a champion)

You can beat the clock (yeah)

You can move a mountain

(Be a champion)

You can break rocks


You can be a master

Don't wait for luck

(Be a champion)

Dedicate yourself and you gonna find yourself


Standing in the hall of fame,”I sang with him.

Daddy clapped for me as I smiled. I was only three but was very musically inclined as daddy put it to people who doubted me. The guy who was giving me the lesson told me a few things and I listened to each word as he went over it with me. I nodded my head as he had to leave.

I went to sit with daddy as the door knocked at us. He placed me in his lap as he told them to come in. In stepped the police force and my mom. I smiled at her as she smirked at us. I lost my smile as they took hold of me.

“Daddy,”I cried as he stood up.

“What do you think you are doing?”He questioned them trying to get me,”I have the right to raise her.”

“There was a report of child abuse sir,”The guy that had me said,”So we have to take her.”

Daddy tried to get to me as I cried and tried to get to him. The darkness slowly came back as soon it was replaced with the light. I raised my arm up and my eyes began to work finally. I looked around to see I was in a hospital type place.

“Nicole,”I heard Mason say as he came to my side.

“What happen?”I asked as Max came as well,”Did we win?”

“She fine,”Max said as Mason looked at him,”Yes we won.”

“Good,”I said horsely,”What happen to my side?”

“You broke three ribs,”Mason said sitting on the bed beside me,”I thought I lost you.”

“And yet you stood there for some time,”I said as he gave a laugh,”Why?”

“I had to wait for the order I thought,”He said as I gave a weak laugh.

“It hurts to laugh,”I said going to hold my side.

Mason took my hand and gave it a sweet kiss. Max looked at us and then walked out as if feeling awkward now. Mason looked at me as I blinked my eyes a few times. He smiled at me as if thinking about something. What could he be thinking about now? 

Chapter 11: Mason

I stared at her admiring her now. It was only the two of us in here but it felt like we were alone everywhere. She gave a smile as I thought about life when she was mine forever. But then I wondered how she was bitten by him?

“What?”She asked looking at me.

“How did you become one?”I asked rubbing a spot on her hand,”The full story.”

“I was playing in the woods by myself,”She said looking at the door,”I was running around with a stick playing a game I made up. That’s when I heard it. I snapped my head to the sound and saw the brown wolf with a scar running down his face.

“I didn’t feel afraid of him but the opposite oddly. He came to me and that’s when I saw the real size of him. He was bigger than me and I slowly became scared of him. I started to run back home but he had me block that way by another one.

“So I spun on my heels and ran the other way. I was barefooted so I didn’t worry about losing my shoe. I really didn’t care if I DID lose a shoe. He followed me and When I thought he was gone I stopped and turned around. I saw nothing there. I smiled but soon I felt a pain on my hip.

“I spun and saw him standing there. I lost conscious for a little bit but came back and they were gone. I raised my shirt up and saw the mark there. I wanted to cry but I knew I had to tell them about it. So I ran home to tell my parents and real father about it.”

I nodded and soon she went back to sleep. I smiled down at her as I had to leave her

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