» Fiction » Tales Of ForestClan, Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) . [phonics reading books .TXT] 📗

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Dawnsong opened her eyes gently. She hadn't been asleep very long, but her belly was growling for prey. Slowly, the grey tabby rose to her paws and padded out into the sunlight.
The ForestClan camp was alive, with cats young and old teaching eachother the ways of a clancat. Dawnsong loved life in the forest, it was so exciting. Unlike kittypet lives. That was just full of kittypet slop and lazy cats.
Remembering that she was hungry, Dawnsong padded over to the fresh-kill pile. Tigerpelt was standing beside it, his amber eyes staring around camp, especially on Sandtail.
Why is Tigerpelt so intrested in our deputy? Specklenose won't be delighted to hear that her mate is keeping a eye on another she-cat.

Dawnsong thought before taking a rabbit from the pile. Tigerpelt stopped looking at Sandtail and turned his attention to Dawnsong. "Have you been hunting?" He said gruffly.
"No, why?" The younger warrior asked curiously. Tigerpelt growled. "Hunt before you eat. Put the clan's survival before your own."
"Hey, that's not fair!" Rainpaw wailed. "Bramblestar is our leader, and he lets us eat, no matter if we've hunted or not!"
"Yeah!" Chickenpaw agreed. "You don't tell us what to do!" Tigerpelt yowled angrily. "I may not be Bramblestar, but I am a senior warrior and you should respect me!"
Thankfully, Sandtail had heard the argument, and she rushed over. "Rainpaw and Chickenpaw, Tigerpelt is right. Senior warriors are respected by all cats and shouldn't be disrespected." She then glared hard at the big tom. "Tigerpelt, Dawnsong has a right to eat prey. She has no need to go hunting, give her a break. Did you not see her yesterday? She was hunting nearly non-stop until sunset."
"Yes." Tigerpelt replied, but he shot a furious look at Dawnsong. He then flicked his tail towards the leader den. "Is Bramblestar awake?" He asked the deputy. Sandtail nodded. "He seems slightly troubled. Oakpelt is with him, along with Pinewhisker and Pebblestep. Since the foxes were sighted near to camp, he's been a little worried. I just hope he'll be alright at the gathering tonight."
"Can I speak to him?" Tigerpelt questioned. The deputy sighed. "I don't know."
Dawnsong decided this was her que to leave the converstaion with the limp rabbit. Silently, she strolled off towards a small patch of dead leaves and ate her prey.

"Sandtail, Tigerpelt, Pinewhisker, Echopath, Dawnsong, Otterswim, Spiderleg, Twistpelt, Leappaw, Swiftpaw and Rainpaw will attend the gathering." Bramblestar annonced in a clear voice. He beckoned the cats over with his tail, and they padded over. Dawnsong felt frightened and excited at the same time. Crowpelt and Noblesprit would be at the gathering, but she was worried if any of her clanmates caught her gossiping with CourageClan warriors. After all, she was half CourageClan.
As the cats left for the gathering, Dawnsong felt a pang of guilt. She had been caught by the CourageClan boarder yesterday, and some cats seriously doubted her loyalty to ForestClan. Especially certain cats, such as Tigerpelt.
"Do you think ReedClan will say anything about the attack?" Spiderleg asked. Bramblestar shrugged. "Only StarClan know that."
The cats then arrived at the sacred gathering place. CourageClan were already here, but ReedClan hadn't arrived yet. Dawnsong gave a smug little smile. Maybe they're trying to get over their defeat.

She thought. But her thoughts were distrubted when Noblesprit approached her slowly. His eyes flashed fear, which was unusual.
"Hi." Dawnsong greeted him. The tom just nodded, and then Dawnsong was concerned. "What's happened?"
"It's Ivypool." Noblesprit replied in a low, serious voice. "I promised Clawstar I would look after her when he was killed in battle. But she was attacked by a badger on patrol today, and it's all my fault. She almost died

." Dawnsong felt a bit worried. Was this accident going to affect their relationship? "How is Crowpelt?" She said, desperate to change the subject.
"He's been doing really well. Bravestar said he could make a excellent deputy when he's older." Noblesprit said. "Your brother is a credit to the clan." Dawnsong then peered round him. "Where is Crowpelt? I don't see him."
"Crowpelt? He's over there." The older warrior flicked his tail towards a small group of CourageClan warriors. Dawnsong reconised Lifesong, Wildleap, Peacerain, Adderfang, Sapphiresky and... Crowpelt! Joyfully, the little grey warrior rushed over, but then she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw what was actually going on.
"Another story?" Peacerain meowed, her shoulder carefully resting on Crowpelt's shoulder. On the other side, Lifesong and Sapphiresky were hanging on his every word. Dawnsong's eyes were clouded with shock and confussion.Why are these she-cats obessed with my brother? To be honest, he isn't that handsome to have she-cats following him everywhere.

She thought angrily.
"ForestClan!" Sapphiresky then hissed angrily, lashing her tail. "Back off! This spot belongs to us!"
"I've come to tell you to stop mauling my brother!" Dawnsong retorted, taking a step forward. "He isn't a kit, for StarClan's sake! Just leave him alone! He's the same age as me, and you lot are older than him!" Adderfang then rose to his paws. "Crowpelt doesn't have a sister. We are his family, like your clan is your family. He was born alone." He meowed, willing to stick up for Sapphiresky.
"Stop bickering, all of you!" Crowpelt hissed. "I will talk to Dawnsong. Alone." He then flicked his tail towards a small patch of long grass, and the ForestClan she-cat followed him. Crowpelt then sat down, his blue eyes blazing. "Why did you do that? You almost gave the game away."
"Me? I thought you had actually bothered to tell your new clan that you had ForestClan blood in your veins!" Dawnsong responded, her eyes hurt. Crowpelt just sighed. "What's the point? Everyone will doubt my loyalty, and they might kick me out. Then where will I go?"
"You still have a home in ForestClan," Dawnsong meowed, trying to presuade him to return. "After all, Treasureheart is CourageClan. She won't let you be exiled." Crowpelt sighed again. "She hasn't spoken to me since I became a warrior. Does Longstripe talk to you?" His sister nodded confidently, and then Crowpelt shook his head. "My only friends are my denmates, the medicine cat and the apprentices. I don't want them to know that I have ForestClan blood inside me. For now, pretend I'm rogue." He then padded away back to his little gang, and Dawnsong decided to listen in on a conversation going on with members of her clan and CourageClan.
"Newleaf's been terrible so far." Rockfall rasped, his voice very low. "Water supplies are low, and all the prey are moving. And Hazelfoot has run out of honey, so I have a sore throat."
"Our apprentices and younger warriors are taking prey." Tigerpelt growled. "I caught Dawnsong today taking prey when she hadn't been hunting. And she argued with me." Sandtail glared at him. "I told you, that arguement finished. We will speak no more of it." She then turned to Rockfall. "Have you had trouble with the bees again? We have plenty of honey."
Before the CourageClan warrior could reply, ReedClan scampered through the bracken noisly. Fishstar jumped up to Three Rocks and sat down on his rock. "Let the gathering begin!" He yowled. "ReedClan are doing well, we have welcomed a new warrior, Cinderfoot."
"Cinderfoot! Cinderfoot!" The clans chanted. Dawnsong joined in, despite she wasn't friends with her. Fishstar continued on. "However, despite this difficult time, the fish belong to ReedClan. We don't hunt much else, but I have been told that ForestClan have been taking fish from the river!"
Yowls of shock and anger rang out from the ForestClan cats. Bramblestar hushed them and looked up at Fishstar. "My warriors have only been on patrol around the boarder of your territory. We haven't laid a paw on your fish, neither a claw. Please tell us who told you."
"That doesn't matter!" Fishstar screeched. "You have stolen our fish, and from now on, I have told my boarder patrols to attack anyone who intrudes or attempts to prey-steal."
"You can't do that!" Twistpelt protested. "That's mouse-brained! Where is your proof that we've taken your precious fish?" Otterswim gently hushed her. "This isn't your place to speak."
Fishstar's got bees in his brain. If he dares tresspass on our territory, we'll rip him and his little clan to shreads.

Dawnsong thought. Bramblestar lashed his tail angrily. "ForestClan are not prey-stealers. Why would we want your manky old fish anyway? Come and say to my face that my clan are thieves!"
He wouldn't dare admit that, would he?

Dawnsong thought to herself curiously. She and the others watched as Fishstar slowly approached the ForestClan leader The ReedClan leader then yowled "Your clan are thieves!"


Eagletalon watched from camp as the moon shone brightly in the sky, shooting a white light wherever possible. His clanmates were at the gathering, and he was left with the rest of the clan. His friends and family.
"Every single one of you are like my family." Bramblestar had said once. "I will try to protect you all, and I hope you will try to protect me."
Eagletalon remembered these words off by heart, and whenever he felt low, he would always remember what Bramblestar had told them.
He didn't try to protect Lostsong.

Eagletalon then thought.
Lostsong had been his sister, the pretty little she-cat who was a valued member of the clan. She had been appointed deputy when Bramblestar became leader, and she did a very good job. Until rogues came to the forest, and they killed her. Eagletalon and his brother Lionclaw grieved for a long time, and they still did, despite it was a long time ago.
His thoughts were then disturbed when Brokenheart came over. She was a senior warrior, with a black pelt, a white muzzle and white tipped ears. She looked at him. "Are you going on patrol or not? Because Pebblestep and Icebound are waiting for you." She asked.
"I'm going now." Eagletalon annonced, rising up to his paws slowly. Brokenheart looked at him again, and then sighed. "You were thinking about Lostsong, weren't you?" The white and gold warrior nodded. Brokenheart shook her head sadly. "Such a brave warrior, but she died so young. Have you decided to avenge her death or ignore it?"
"Avenging Lostsong's death won't make her come back. It will only cause more trouble and more death." Eagletalon mewed sadly. "I will never forget her cheerfulness, neither her spirit. She hunts with StarClan now."
"Wise words." Brokenheart licked Eagletalon's ear. "You better hurry up now."
"Eagletalon!" A voice shouted from the nursery. "Can you come and help me out?" Eagletalon sighed in annoyence, and padded into the nursery. In here sat the queens and Oakpelt, the medicine cat. "Specklenose is giving birth. Can you go into my den and fetch a stick? It will really help to stop her screaming."
"Ok." Eagletalon mewed, padding back out into camp and into the medicine den. He then found a small stick resting beside a pile of dock. Quickly, he grabbed the stick in his jaws and went back.
"Thanks." Oakpelt took the stick from Eagletalon's jaws and gave it to the screaming queen. "Chew on this, it will stop the pain." Specklenose obeyed him, and chewed on the stick until there was three newborn kits beside her. The medicine

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