Romance with a twist., Lora Carlson [e textbook reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Lora Carlson
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He repeated, “ I can teach you to ballroom dance,” and without a pause he rushed on and said, “and will you go with me to the Halloween dance?”
I was so shocked that I stared blankly at him for what felt like ten minutes but was actually more like ten seconds then replied, “Sure I’d love to.”
Liam got this huge grin on his face and told me he’d call me later, then slowly walked away backwards. It was kind of cute, but kind of awkward since he tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and almost fell. He turned red and gave me a little wave before he turned around and ran down the street. After that I rushed ahead to Tracy, who riddled me with questions after she found out what he wanted.
The Dance......But Not Really
At my house Tracy and I asked my mom if we could have a sleepover that night.
She said, “As long as you have fun and no one else comes over.”
My mom is average in size and height. Middle aged with long, shiny, curly, black hair. She has BIG dark blue eyes and a small nose, small chin and small ears. My dad, on the other hand is HUGE (he used to be a wrestler.) He has buzz cut brown hair, green eyes, a sharp chin and nose. Once he came into the room we said hi to him and before he could try to hug us Tracy and I ran upstairs. We turned left at the top and then continued down the hallway and to the last door on the left. We turned right and I jumped up and grabbed onto a hook in the ceiling and pulled down. The little door came down with a latter that folded out. My room is in the attic so we climbed into my room.
Once we were up there Tracy remembered that she didn’t have her stuff so she texted her older sister Claire (sometimes she can be really stupid). It went something like this:
T: Clair can u brings my blanket& pillow over to Amanda’s?
C: y do u wants them?
T: cause were havin a slepover
C: lily’s over I’m buzy
T: ppppppllllllllzzzzzzzzz 4 meh!!!
C: hmmmmm… fine
T: thx so much!!!!!
C: whatev Ur welcome
Claire is off txt chat
Tracy is off txt chat
So Tracy and I played X-box until she came over. When Claire finally got here my big sister Jamie got to the door first. Tracy and I waited at the top of the stairs where we could watch them. Their conversation went like this:
“Hi Claire. Sup?”
“My little brat, I mean sister, asked me to bring her stupid stuff over.”
“Ohhh that makes sense… I’ll take that stuff-and-what-not. Teehee.”
“Thanks. Oh, you want to come over to my house Jamie? We’re having a sleepover too.”
“What do you mean “we” Claire?”
“Oh duh. Ha-ha. Lily’s at my house.”
“Omg! Really! I’ll go ask my mom.”
“Ok, I’ll wait for you.”
(Distant) “Mom can I go over to Claire’s?” We could hear her feet pounding across the living room to the front door.
“Well can you come over?”
After that they did this awesome handshake that all high school girls know (Boo hoo! I’ve been trying to get Jamie to teach it to me but she won’t.)
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you what they look like. Claire is a tall brown skinned girl with brown hair dyed dark red. She has creamy light brown eyes with a small nose and big lips. Not huge lips but bigger than normal lips that actually makes her SUPER pretty.
Then there’s Jamie, my brick-headed sister. She’s really short for her age and has brown hair, green eyes and is super mean. Like Miss Raymond, cause she’s like a devil that came to kill me from the deepest holes of hell. Mom keeps telling me to stop saying hell, but I don’t say it very often so I don’t get it.
Anyway Tracy and me were all set up ready to watch a scary movie (Nightmare on Elm Street. YHA!!) At 9:00pm I got a text so I answered.
L: so Amanda wat time should I pick u up Friday? & Wat time 2morrow?
A: wat? O this is Liam umm Fri 6 & 2morrow after school at ti gym
L: ok 4-ti dance wat color r u wering??
A: red & black im a devil
L: k good 2 no gtg bi!
A: bi c u 2morrow!!
Liam is off txt chat
Amanda is off txt chat
Apparently Tracy was reading over my shoulder and said
“Amanda what were you and Liam talking about?”
“Oh right I forgot to tell you Liam is going to teach how to ballroom dance and take me to the Halloween dance”
“That is… AWESOME omg ok you need a costume and makeup oh! And shoes-“
“Tracy, shut up, aren’t we exposed to be watching a movie?” I gesture at my TV
“Right! Sorry…”
So we watch the movie. Tracy and me watch it over and over and over again till my mom comes up and says “ WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TURN THAT FREAKING THING OFF!” and she’s telling me to stop saying hell.
So I yell at my mom for saying hell and she yells at me for yelling in the house at night and Tracy can’t take it any more and yells so loud that a jet engine sounds like a mouse!
My mom and I are so surprised we stop and just stare at her. Normally she is so uhhh… soft not loud and I sit down on the floor next to her and my mom walks out stunned. When she leaves and we burst out laughing and about half an hour we fall asleep and that’s that.
The next morning I woke up and thought to myself today is Wednesday and the dance is on Friday and Liam is teaching me today so tomorrow Tracy and I can go to Halloween 101. Tracy and I got dressed and then went outside to wait for the bus with our breakfast bars. When the bus came we got on and went to the last seat on the left cause it faces backwards so we can look out the back window.
When we drove past the last bus picker-upper place we were going pretty fast then suddenly we stopped and Tracy and I were slammed backwards and we hit our heads on the back of the seat and I fell of on to the floor when I got up to my knees and saw why we stopped. Tina Harrison had walked on to the bus.
She walked over to where Liam was sitting and with one of his friends. She gave the other guy the stink eye; he got up, and moved so she could sit there. She sat down, looked at me and laughed hysterically. Liam saw me and stood up, pushed pass Tina and walked over to me.
“Are you OK?”
“ I’m fine” (I blush)
“Well then, remember after school” (he winks at me)
“ Right ok, umm” I try to stand up “Ow! I think I twisted my ankle”
“Oh! Here let me help you.” He moves next to me, puts his arm under mine and helps me up.
As I’m getting up I look over at Tina and smile to myself. She looks soooooo jealous. When we get to school Tina stands up and is walking down the aisle when she trips and Roger catches her. I think she wanted Liam to catch her, but she looked happy anyway cause he caught her in a way so it looked like the dip when you’re dancing.
At school I pass a sign-up sheet for the decoration committee. I text Tracy and tell her were I am.
A: trace COM 2 ti wing bi Mr. r office
T: y? Do u need meh Amy?
A: yea so COM ok!
T: oky doky art-a-choky!!!!!
Amanda is of txt chat
Tracy is off txt chat
(Trace and Amy are our nicknames)
After Tracy comes I show her the sign-up sheet and say,
“We should sign up!”
“ Uh, are you sure?”
“Well if you do it with me I’ll take you to Halloween 101” I say tempting her.
“OK! LET’S DO IT!!! WHAT ARE WE WHATING FOR!!!” she practically screams.
“ Tracy McMullen shut up”
“Ok……… yea!” she whispers so I take out my special pen and look at the sign up sheet.
Katrina Harrison
Lisa Lenders
If you’re thinking, “who the hell is Lisa Lenders,” you don’t know who Lisa Lenders is (Of course you don’t). She is the world’s smartest girl and one of the most pretty. Lisa has long blonde hair always in a braid down her back, eyebrow length, strait, bangs, sparkling light blue eyes and black-rimed glasses. She normally wears a super short black skirt with a white long sleeve shirt with a collar, knee-high black socks and white heels. (Weird combo I know). After we signed up Tracy realized something “Katrina signed up, but, what about Tina wouldn’t she be signed up to?” I said, “I guess not” so we walked away.
After school I went into the gym and stood there staring at the door looking for Liam. Then Liam comes and for some reason he comes in the back door and scares me when he says: “Uh… hi” I turn around and I look at him like really look at him… all that’s different is the boom box he’s carrying. But he still seems different to me.
He walks onto the stage and sets the boom box down, plugs it in and looks at me and says: “Come.” With a little underhanded wave, which reminds me of some movie, but I can’t think of what it is. It’s hard to
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