Romance with a twist., Lora Carlson [e textbook reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Lora Carlson
Book online «Romance with a twist., Lora Carlson [e textbook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Lora Carlson
We just stand there for a moment and after about 1/500th of a second then he says to me, “You know how to stand when you are going to start ballroom dancing, right?”
I think to myself, “Duh, of course. I mean who doesn’t?” But my mouth isn’t working right, so I put my hand on his shoulder and he puts his hand on my waist. Then we grasp hands and he pushes the top of the boom box with his sneaker and classical music slowly starts to play, Mozart I think, but what do I know? I’m lost in classical music, not tripping and learning how to ballroom dance.
He steps forward and I automatically step back. We move across the gym floor this way for a few steps before he turns me to the right and starts gliding us toward the bleachers. Every now and then he says things like, “Keep up with me.” Or “Step back now.” It isn’t that bad I guess, but I feel kind of weird with him holding me.
Halloween 101
After school Tracy and me walk to Halloween 101 the only Halloween store open 24/7, 365 days a year. When we get there it’s so crowded it feels like Christmas Eve at the mall. Tracy and I walk in and head to the section with the bright dresses and wigs. Then we start looking at all the costumes and there all so amazing it’s scary. But that’s because they’re all handmade and guess who makes them ALL (well with a little help).
MY MOM!!! I know awesome right; so that means Tracy and me get our costumes FOR FREE. So we started looking and there were some interesting ones.
#1 Blue little pointy hat, long same color of blue dress, white shoes.
#2 Red Tiara, strapless red dress pull-on sleeves, black heels.
I would say more but that’s when I saw Tina and her group of BFF’s arrive. They are:
Tina is wearing: purple tank top with skinny blue jeans. Hair: high pony tail.
Hair color: Blonde.
Katrina is wearing: Blue baggy shirt, short-shorts. Hair: 2 braids.
Hair color: Blonde.
Lulu is wearing: red dress, brown cowboy boots. Hair: pony over shoulder.
Hair color: Brown.
Missy is wearing: pink t-shirt, weight bell-bottoms Hair: sloppy bun on top of head.
Hair color: Red.
Sarah is wearing: green jacket, pink flowing skirt. Hair: bob cut with 2 pink hair clips.
Hair color: Light Brown.
Ally is wearing: light blue floral dress. Hair: down braided bangs on booth sides.
Hair color: Black.
Tina and her crew didn’t see us at first so we hide behind some costume racks. While were back there I, the smart one of the two of us, was making sure that Tina or any of her friends didn’t see us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tracy rifling threw costumes. Then all of a sudden she whispered loudly “hey I think I just found a costume”
“For me or for you?”
“Me, you dummy”
“Ha Ha sooooo funny Tracy”
“Why thank you, I try my best” since we were auguring I didn’t notice Lulu standing there until she said “Nice costumes, a hippie and a emo chick, Wait! Never mind that’s how you look all the time” with that she started to giggle and that evil giggling attracted the mob of Tina followers over to our hiding spot. I had to think fast, I searched the store for some costume that could distract them long enough for us to make our escape. Then I saw it, the perfect costume: C@$$!E. Cassie is the most famous teen sensation of the year! Almost every girl in the world knows and loves her except for Tracy and me. I point at the costume and say,
“hey look! A Cassie costume, but to bad that is the ONLY one left, I should know” after I say that I look into every single one of there eyes and see the terror of them not getting the costume first. They all broke into a sprint, running and pushing. Then all of a sudden, Tina who is in the back, grabs Lulu and Ally’s dresses and pulls them back, then runs and trips Missy and Sarah, going into the lead then like in slow motion Tina jumps, pushing Katrina down with her shoulders, and jumping over her with her legs apart like her cheer leading self. Then she lands, grasping the costume and, smoothing her hair, walks to the front counter. I look at Tracy and her mouth is hanging open just like mine. I mean, I knew Tina was a fantastic cheerleader, but how, why would she do something like pushing her sister down with her shoulders. This is a most likely the best time to tell you how Tracy and I know that Katrina and Tina are sisters. It happened during 3rd grade in the middle of the year. Tracy and I were at our cubbies, talking about summer and boys and the new toys we got for Christmas. All the other kids went back to class while we kept talking. Then the front doors blew open and Tina, Katrina and their Mom walked in. Tina was wearing little purple shoes with light purple socks that were trimmed with lace at the top. Her dress was purple; it puffed out then went skinny at the waist. It to had a lace trimming. The two front parts of her blonde hair was pulled back and held in place with a purple bow. Katrina was wearing the same exact thing but in pink. When I first saw them I thought that Katrina was a clone of Tina but then I saw that Katrina had wavy hair and was wearing glasses. Their Mom was holding their hands; she turned them around then knelt down to their height and said “ well this is a splendid school, don’t you girls think so?” she had a British accent, unlike her kids who had All-American accents. Katrina nodded her head and Tina said “ whatever” their mom ignored Tina’s comment and said “isn’t lucky that you to both got into the same class, considering sisters like yourselves usually don’t get into the same class together you girls are super lucky!” with that being said, Ms. Harrison walked out of the building leaving her fraternal twins standing there with their backpacks in their hands. When Tina turned around she saw us and froze. She dropped her backpack, ran down the five stairs towards us, she grabbed our collars and held us at an angle so our feet were behind us. She said through gritted teeth “if ether of you tell ANYONE that me and Katrina are sisters I will make your lives miserable!” with that she let go of our collars and walked away with a flip of her hair. Tracy and me fell to the floor on our backs. So for the three years we have been together in Woodwickerson Middle School and the two at Recordglance Elementary School we have told no one. Back to reality, with all the girls except Tina getting up we snuck over to the scary/gothic costumes. Tracy had forgotten her wonderful costume discovery and left it there. We started searching for costumes, and right away Tracy found what she was looking for; a evil angel. It took me awhile to find my costume but eventually I found the perfect costume. If you had forgotten I am being a devil and it is hard to find devil costumes that are NOT inappropriate, so when I found this devil costume I was happy. The strapless dress is a blood red silky fabric that goes down to my ankles. It comes with black ballet flats, and a cape that is black then fades into red.
We grabbed our costumes and ran to the accessories/make up section and started riffling through the merchandise. While I’m in my room reading that nights homework I hear my the song “If I die young” by The Band Perry and I realized that is the ring tone for Liam so I grab my phone and read:
L: Hey! Can you go to the park tonight??
A: uh… it’s kinda late…
L: I no but can you??
A: I guess…
L: see ya there! O_o
A: heh heh see ya x_x
Liam is of txt chat
Amanda is of txt chat
I put my phone into my pocket and jump out of my bed and walk over to the window. I open the window and climb through. You might be thinking “is she crazy?!?!? Her room is in the attic!” well, when I was in 6th grade I used to climb through my window to go with Tracy to party’s. I have a special way of getting down. I stood on the roof and sat down with my legs hanging off the edge. I put my hands next to my thighs and push myself up so I am holding all my body weight up with my arms. I flip over and slid down a little bit so my belly button is touching the rim of the roof. Then I push back and fall. I catch my self with my arms and wince with pain of my arms snapping into place. I drop and land, balancing on the railing. I jump down and run down the driveway. I grab my bike and jump on. The night air makes me shiver as I bike down Tucker Street.
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