» Fiction » LawBreakers, Marisa Maichel [ereader manga TXT] 📗

Book online «LawBreakers, Marisa Maichel [ereader manga TXT] 📗». Author Marisa Maichel

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and eyes, I look like Romeo."

"Give me not unto love's true mind" I said. "Marry me, Nicole! Tonight, one a.m. In the meantime, love me like crazy. Because you drive me crazy." he said. I kissed him.

"Love me, Nicole. Kiss me. I love you..." he whispered. Then he stopped. "Nicole, get away from me. We shouldn't be doing this." he said again. I knew this was true, but I couldn't get enough of him. "Nicole, never ever think I don't love you. It's" He produced a velvet box. "I meant to give this to you. Keep it, until you graduate. Then we can announce our love." he said. He kissed me, and I left his home.

I kept feeling his heart beating against mine. He was beautiful. I loved him. But he was my freaking TEACHER! Vidal Sassoon and Estee Lauder

I sat in the chair at a Vidal Sassoon salon. I was getting ready to have my hair done, then I was going to Estee Lauder for a free makeup consultation. The stylist's name was Ashley. She had already called my face a "work of art" and she asked if I'd ever gotten plastic surgery. She found it unbelievable that I havn't. She was a chatterbox. She applied some sort of color that I've never seen before on eyes on my eyelids. She proceeded to put red blush on my cheeks. I don't have a problem with red blush, but the amount that she put on my cheeks was excessive. She sloppily plastered black lipstick on my lips. Again, no problem, but not the look I was going for.

"You like?" she asked. I looked awful. "It's not the look I was going for." I told her. "Really? You look like a Goth girl." "Because I'm wearing black?" I replied.

"Of course. No self-respecting fashionista wears all black." she quipped.

"That's not necessarily true," I answered. She continued to argue until the manager overheard us. "Did you even ask her what she wanted?" the woman said. I looked at her nametag, which read Skye Mccready.

"No," Ashley said nervously.

"She doesn't look Goth, she looks like a whore. It doesn't wow anyone. What color is on her eyes?"

"It's a mix of black, gold, grey, and brown eyeshadow." Ashley said confidently.

"It doesn't look nice at all, especially with her dark skin tone and hair. It's a complete do-over. Go in the back."

Ashley went in the back while Skye Mccready re-did my makeup. She gave me Victoria's Secret eyes, and pink, full lips. My lips are already pretty full but she made them look more bow-shaped.



I left feeling satisfied and pretty. I had bags to put in my trunk. In addition to getting my makeup and hair done, I also did some shopping. I found a pretty red dress that would kill David if he saw it and a tight green dress with long sleeves. I popped the trunk and put the bags in one by one, and when I was just about to close my trunk, I felt familiar hands on my waist.

"David..." I breathed.

"Nicole. What are you doing here?" I felt his breath on my neck, and it smelled like parsley.

"I'm just shopping. What are you doing here?"

"I'm just stopping to say hi to you. I still need a baby gift for my sister. She's having a hard time adjusting also, and she needs a young, skilled babysitter."

"I could babysit for her," I offered.

"Thank you. You'd be earning some money, and it gives me an excuse to see you outside of school."

I turned toward him. Before I could say or do anything though, our moment was interrupted.

"David! Good to see ya, buddy!" someone called out. I turned to see who the offender was, and saw an attractive guy with brown curly hair and a lopsided grin.

"Hey, Riz."

"This your girl?"

"No, this is a student of mine. Riz, this is Nicole, Nicole, this is Riz."



Luckily, Riz left after giving me a flirtatious smile and David touched my breast.

"David, we're in public!" I whispered harshly.

"I don't care. I love you, Nicole, and that's all that matters to me. You're mine. Mine..." I was creeped out by his rant and headed toward my own car again.

"You can't deny that we have something, Nicole!" he said, grabbing my arm. I just nodded and got in my BMW. I glanced at myself in my side mirror. I looked hot. Amazing, incredible. I almost fell in love with myself. I looked at myself in the mirror again. It was amazing, the change done to my face. I was pretty and beautiful before, now I looked better.




I had finished math and English homework, now I had to finish History so I could work out. I work out maybe once a day, my favorite machine is the strength bar. I like sweating, I like adrenaline. I finished the worksheet, it was about worthless quotes, and I walked to our exercise room. Mom waved at me from a treadmill. I waved back. I sat in front of the leg press, and started pumping my legs on the thing.

Pretty soon, I heard the doorbell ring. Guess who? My stalker.

 "Nicole! I'm sorry, I-I thought that this was someone else's house!" he said, sounding freaked out.

"It's-" I began.

"Well, well well. Mr. Drake. What brings you here?" my mother asked. Have any of you had a mother appear at the most awkward time ever? Say yes.

"I'm sorry, I thought this was someone else's house. I'm still getting used to this neighborhood." he said. Mom raised an eyebrow.

"You live here?"

"A few houses over. I live in 1929. Again, I'm sorry. Nicole, I'll see you at school." He left, and I felt suddenly alone. I went back the exercise room and turned my iPod up all the way so my mother wouldn't start playing Twenty Questions. I got lucky until dinnertime.



"So, he's gorgeous." Mom said, waving her fork around with a piece of steak on it.

"He is. Everyone wants a piece of him."

"You included?"

"I won't deny that he's starred in my favorite fantasies. He's perfect, I can't find a flaw with him."

"How old is he again?"

"Twenty five."

"Shoot. Would he be willing to date a thirty seven year old woman?"

"I'm not sure. He might," I said honestly.

"What's he like in school?"

"He's professional. He loves what he does and he knows his stuff. He's really smart. He's also nice. One time The Bitch was making fun of me in class and he totally stood up for me. He made her feel as low as she is."

My mother knows about my frenemy Lisah. She continued asking questions about him until she was satisfied.


I was sitting at cheerleading practice. I was waiting for Keisha to finish the routine. She's a cheerleader. She tried to get me to join, but I didn't for several reasons.

1. Lisah is a cheerleader.

2. I already have several clubs I've made a commitment to.

3. I tried to join and failed when I was a freshmen.

4. I could have tried again, and I was actually a cheerleader for a few months, but a misunderstanding got me kicked out. What happened was, a senior girl, a captain that is now graduated, hacked into the school system and changed her grades so she could stay on the team. I was doing some work on a computer and didn't log out. She didn't know it was mine until it was too late. She only got caught because of the cameras all around the school.

So I got kicked off the team, suspended, almost expelled, and no one knew who actually did it until it was too late, as she had already graduated and was on her way to Brown University. I was offered a spot back on the team, but I declined because I already had too much stuff to do and Lisah had joined the squad. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

I wasn't the best cheerleader, but I wasn't the worst either. I was so good I made Varsity, that's something.



Rachel Spying

David turned out to have gone to my house on purpose.

"I wanted to see you," he explained the next afternoon, laying beside me in his bed. "I've become addicted to you, Nicole. I'd drink poison if something were to happen to you. I love you, Nicole."

"I love you too."

"Do you really?"


"Rachel didn't love me."

I sat up quickly.


"My ex-girlfriend. She's obsessed with me. She thinks I'm her husband. I'm not, I filed a restraining order against her. If you see her, she has long blonde hair and will probably be staring at you through binoculars. That's how crazy she is. I suppose I did do a few things I shouldn't have, like have sex with her after we broke up. I messed everything up. I broke up with her because I caught her spying through my cell phone and computer. I was ticked that she didn't trust me. We got into an argument, and I broke up with her.

She didn't take it well. She threatened my life, and my family and friends' lives. She even threatened my cat's life. I took Misty and hid her with my sister until I could get a restraining order. I moved and changed my phone number. I don't know how she found me, but she did. So if you find her looking at you, blame me."

"You seem to blame yourself for everything," I noted.

"That's because everything that ever happens is all my fault. I should not have led Rachel on and when I noticed the signs of craziness, I should have broken up with her right away. I suppose I was curious and a little bit turned on. I was not in my right mind. I was completely addicted. Like I'm addicted to you, but you're not crazy. You're perfect, a little too perfect."

"I'm not perfect, I'm doing something illegal right now, as are you."

"I know. If we get caught, I'll be blamed. I'll be fired and arrested. I could lose my house, I could lose my family and friends. I'll be heartbroken. If I lose you, I'll shoot myself. I will kill myself. I'll be lost and hurt. I can't lose you, Nicole. My life literally depends on you."

This little rant scared me until he kissed my belly button. He's obsessed with my stomach for some reason. I looked down at him and rubbed his curly blonde hair. It's his hair that I'm obsessed with. Of course I love other aspects about him, and he loves other aspects about me.  He started kissing

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