» Fiction » LawBreakers, Marisa Maichel [ereader manga TXT] 📗

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forward until he reached my lips. We made out for ten minutes until his cell phone made a sound.

"Shit." he said, reaching for it. "Oh, shit!" he said. "I'm supposed to be at a meeting in thirty minutes. I-I have to go. Nicole, you need to go home. I'll see you later."

We showered together, I borrowed sore muscle cream from him, and he got dressed. He wore his usual suit and tie. In fact, he wore the same suit and tie he'd worn that day so it looked like he'd never taken his clothes off. "You can stay a bit longer if you want. I'll leave money on the counter if you want to order something. This meeting will probably be no longer than an hour. If I'm not back in two or three hours, go home." he said. We kissed before he left like a normal couple. I searched through the house until I found a stash of hard liquor.

I picked up bottle that I'd tasted before and liked it. I poured myself a drink. I also ordered Chinese food. I laid on his couch and watched reruns of different shows everyone secretly hates but watches anyway. I waited for maybe an hour before the doorbell rang.

"Nicole?" said the person delivering.

"Sarah?" I said. Sarah and I get along okay, but we aren't friends or anything. Plus we live like twenty minutes away from each other by car. She lives in a trailer park.

"Do you live here, Nicole?"

"You could say that."

"It's amazing."

"Thank you." I paid for the food and let her leave. As she left, who should show up but David.

"Perfect timing." I told him. "The food just arrived." He sniffed the air.


"Nic, it smells amazing. I'm starving." I smiled at him. We scarfed down dinner and watched Romeo nd Juliet, the nineteen sixty two version.

He kissed me again and we made out some more. I touched his abdomen, another thing that drove me crazy about him. He told me he loved me and kissed my neck.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, inhaling and kissing my neck. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry..."

"You-" I began, but he cut me off with a kiss.

"I love you so much. I'm so sorry...."  he started again.

"It's not your fault."

"It is. "Ncole, I'm-"

"Shhh. Shut up and kiss me."

"With pleasure." We continued kissing. He held me down and pressed himself on top of me. We finished in about two hours and by that time I really did have to go home or Mom would think something was up. I went to bed early and went straight to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, my entire body was sore. I found some more sore muscle cream and applied it all over. When I put on a flirty black skirt, put on a red v-neck shirt with a black bra, and red high heels, I found a greasy breakfast waiting for me. Bacon, eggs, toast with butter, sugar, and cinnamon.

I ate quickly and grabbed my purse and monogrammed tote bag. I grabbed my keys and climbed into my car. I had to stop and get gas, so I grabbed a coffee and salad as well. Lunch at school is not tasty and costs like three dollars. Lunch from the local gas station costs a lot less and is much more delicious, because the woman who owns this station makes the salads and fruit trays from scratch and adds natural preservatives.


She sells them for only a dollar a tray, so it's a bargain. I know this because she also happens to be my old babysitter and we still talk occasionally.


I drove to school and walked down the hallway, ignoring stares from jealous girls, guys, lesbians, and straight boys. Lisah looked pissed, and I relished the glory in that. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. Five minutes later, she was dressed in a tight tank top with no bra, and a super-short skirt. Slut.


Seriously, who does that? Beau was impressed, but things were awkward now and had been for a while. John also couldn't take his eyes off me. I found this amusing and ironic, as I hadn't thought about him in a couple days.

Josephine followed me everywhere. She cornered me in the bathroom and called me a cheating whore.


"Right, because I'm the one who stole another girl's boyfriend." I cornered. She slapped me. Careless, because a female teacher heard the slap and came to investigate. She got a detention, while I got off scot-free. I walked into David's classroom, and his jaw practically hit the floor when he saw me. He dropped a pen he was holding.

When class was done, he shut the door and pushed me to his desk. He kissed me, pressing me against the counter.


"You are so intoxicating," he whispered. He started to unzip his pants, when the door opened. It was  the principal.

"Am I interrrupting anything?" she asked, eyeing us.


"No, I was just asking him a question about homework," I stumbled on my words.



Dance With Me

 Mom was going to be gone on a business trip for a month. Which meant lots of time with David. After the incident with David's friend, we were a lot more careful in public. I used the tips from the Estee Lauder makeup artist to make my face "sexified". And David loved it.





There was a dance that night. Actually, there were going to be dances every night for two months. I suggested that David bring me, but he said that was too risky. And he was right. So I went with Keisha.


"Hot teacher alert!" she whispered in my ear. I looked over at David, and my knees went weak.


"Come on, girl. Let's party!" Keisha told me. I agreed.


"Ice" by Sarah McLachlan played. David was talking to other teachers and stealing glances at me. I danced with Keisha and my other friends. About thirty minutes later, "Dream On" by Aerosmith played. To my surprise, David clutched my hand and asked me to dance with him. I agreed with a second thought.



I followed him to the center of the dance floor. He bowed to me, and I curtsied. We were already getting a lot of attention, so it didn't matter. We held each other's hands, and suddenly we were spinning and dipping. I was having so much fun, I didn't notice all the looks we were getting.



Publication Date: 03-13-2012

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