» Fiction » NEVER ENDING STORY, Tifanny [web ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «NEVER ENDING STORY, Tifanny [web ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Tifanny

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the lady win" I said before taking a sip of the earl grey tea.

He stared at me long and hard with those mysterious eyes.

Charles puts his teacup down and slowly leaned into me. I gasped, too stunned to move. His face crept closer to mine. I stared deep into his glowing amethyst eyes, my body went numb. I felt his lips against mine; I closed my eyes savouring his lips. Our kiss became more eager. Slowly, the darkness overwhelmed me. I felt a sharp pain puncturing the skin of my neck. It burns. It hurts,…it hurts. I moaned in pain. Help me…please…


Chapter five

I had the weirdest dream last night. Thinking back about that dream made the hair on my skin stand up. It gave me goose bumps. I hastily ran my hand down my neck, touching all the places ‘it’ could be. Nothing. There’s nothing. No pain no bruises. I just felt sore all over and a really bad headache. In addition to this weird frenzy, I didn’t remember what I did yesterday. I recall being in the study doing those stupid boring papers. I shook my head a little trying to remember.

Vain attempt.

I walked down the stairs slowly trying not to trip over and headed downstairs. The dining room was twirling around. I leaned against the wall for support. I can’t even stand straight. I had this incredible urge to vomit. I quickly ran to the bathroom and hurl over the toilet. As I tucked my hair behind my ear my eyes widen at the sight of blood. I touched the bottom of my lips and felt moist liquid. My blood…

I rinse my mouth and headed back to the dining room, encouraging myself to be calm.

Fred was still on his vacation. The maids did made me some breakfast but its not the same without Fred. The maids aren’t that friendly, they did treat me with respect but they just think of this as a job. I want them to treat me as family just like Fred. I miss that old coot.

I arose from my seat barely touching the food on my plate. I wanted to vomit again if I forced myself to swallow. Cold sweat accumulates on my forehead. I wiped it off with my handkerchief. I walked wobbly to the study as my fragile hands grabbed the handle of the door pushing my way inside. I collapsed on the leather seat.

I straighten myself and forced myself to go through those documents.

I heard a knock on the door. I heard Laura’s soft voice asking permission to enter.

“Come in” I said not lifting my eyes from those papers.
“Mistress, there are guests asking to see you”


“Let them wait in the living room, I shall attend to them in a minute”

I watched her gently close the door by the corner of my eyes.

I never had ‘a’ guest since I took over. Now there’s ‘guests’? Makes me wonder who they are and what they want from me.

I paused at the door for a moment, sorting my thoughts and taking a deep breath. I walked in while they were in the middle of a heated conversation. They all stood up to acknowledge my presence.

“Sit. Tell me, what is the reason you gentlemen have come to my home?”
“My name is Harrison, this is Terry and Joshua.” The red head pointed to the blond and black haired.
“Well all do to respect, Master Isaac is…” He stopped in courtesy.
I nodded to let him continue.
“Dead. I wish to let the council know of your ‘succession’.”

What are they talking about?

“Let them know, but leave me alone afterwards. Laura, see them out” I just wanted this to be over…fast. My headache is killing me.

I must say I’m pretty damn good at acting. I don’t even know about this ‘council’ they speak of. I know dad was an aristocrat but they actually do have a “council”?
Well if they leave me alone, I’ll have nothing to argue about. Yet, It bothers me. I should stop being so curious about this council. Curiosity killed the cat.

I walked to my bedroom. In need of some rest.

I strolled down the dark road with only the moonlight showing the way. It’s been a week and I was looking forward to seeing Charles tonight. He promised he’d stopped by my place for dinner. This is the first time he’s been to my house. I had the maids cleaned the whole mansion this morning. Not a speck of dust in sight.

I hummed and I skipped down the road towards the mansion. It’s a clear night tonight I thought. The stars sparkled and the moon glowed, such a perfect night. I took a deep breath. The air is so fresh in the countryside. I twirled letting my arms sway in the gentle breeze. Then, I heard a chuckle.

“Having fun?” I blushed, embarrassed by my action.
“Not anymore, you ruined it for me”
“What are you doing outside? Since you’re here, I supposed we could walk together?” I nod slightly. He took my hand in his and led me to the mansion. His hand was freezing. I never noticed it before. I just stared at the back of his head following his lead.

He stopped.

“What’s wrong?” I said in response.
“Umm, can I come in?” He asked awkwardly.
“Of course.” I giggled at his question. Who does that?

During dinner, I didn’t touch my food. The smell is disgusting. I excused myself to the bathroom, staggering along the way. I crouched over the toilet sit, wanting to throw up this morning’s nonexistent food. Only it wasn’t food I was vomiting, it was blood. I had been vomiting blood the whole week, I felt faint and leaned on the wall of the hall. I felt myself slipping away. In front of me I saw Charles with a grin on his face. What are those? Fangs? I wanted to scream but I had no strength left. I knew my death was near.

He bit my neck and felt myself drifting away. “Why…are you..doing..this to me?” I murmured. My eyes barely open.

He laughed.

“You’re just a weak human. What good would you do? I was assigned to kill you and I took my own sweet time.” He smirked. His face was so near.
“I...loved you” Tears rolled down my cheeks, feeling betrayed. My body was no longer able to move.
“How naive. I just wanted to kill you I never loved you. NEVER.” He licked the blood dripping from my lips.
“Pity, you were delicious too” He stood up and left me…to die.

I was hardly alive waiting for death.

I felt someone nearing me, his shoes making tapping sounds…louder and louder. I had a glimpse of his pure silver eyes staring down at me. That was the last thing I saw.

Chapter six

“Elizabeth, where are you?”
“Isaac, over here.”


A warm touch landed gently on my cheek. Its familiar, I know this warmth. My eyes slowly open but the blinding lights made me close them again. Adjusting myself to the brightness, I opened them to see the pair in front of me. My vision went blurry as tear weld up.

“Oh, honey. Don’t cry.” She wiped my tears with her thumb.
“Mom…” She stretches out her arms with a smile on her face. I ran into her arms, weeping in need of her affection.
“I miss you so much” I managed to spell out between my sobs.
“Honey, we missed you too. What are you doing here? You don’t belong here, sweetheart” She cupped my face between her hands.
“But...I...” In midst of the confusion, dad grabbed my shoulders making me face him.
“Listen sweetheart, you don’t belong here. You need to go back. We love you, stay strong.” He gave me a tight hug and pushed me away.

I fell into an abyss reaching my hand out towards him hoping he’ll grab it. Their faces disappeared as the darkness consumed me whole.

“MOM! DAD!” I opened my eyes in shock.

Then it hit me.

I can see every speck of dust in the air. So many colours, it’s as if I’m seeing a new world. It’s magical. I can see what I can’t before. I slowly turned my head to see the mirror beside me. I froze, stunned. Is that me? I’m…beautiful. My hair’s black? I stared at the mirror again.

My eyes staring back at me with a bright emerald green glow. I smiled, parting my lips. Thus, showing my fangs. FANGS?! My eyes widen in shock.

I need to sit up, but the excruciating pain made me stop. I can’t even lift a finger; my whole body was completely paralysed.

Not to mention my throat was burning, dry, coarse.

“You’re awake already?” That voice. Deep and rough, it made body ache all over making me wanting more…whose voice was that?
I had a hard time turning my head towards the voice since my whole body hurts.

A man. A handsome young man with silver eyes and his messy dark brown hair making him look manly. His shirt clung on his huge arm, nothing but muscles beneath his skin. I gasped at his appearance. My heart…. What? Its not beating! I panicked.

“Hey, calm down! Relax.” His voice. GOD HIS VOICE! It sent a shiver down my spine. I wanted to sit up, but my stupid body won’t move! And it hurts like hell…

As if he understood what I wanted, helped me up.
“Thanks” My voice sounded so…I can’t even describe how it sounds. Heavenly, yes that’s it! I’m a whole new person!

“Drink this, I bet you’re thirsty” He held out a glass containing strange red

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