» Fiction » NEVER ENDING STORY, Tifanny [web ebook reader TXT] 📗

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you were gone, mistress.” I felt a little prick in my stone cold heart. Dad just passed, of course they would still be mourning. Heck, I still was. I had a soft spot for them. They were family, with the lifestyle I’m in now and the constant attacks in the future I couldn’t bear leaving them. It would break my heart.

“I promise you I won’t. How are your studies Laura? Would you like to transfer to mine? I can never have one too many acquaintances.” Her scrubbing stopped. Her heart drummed faster. She’s an orphan. Her parents died in an accident when she was eight my father generously took her in and paid for her everything. She’s like a little sister I never had. She was a beautiful, graceful girl with fading freckles on her cheeks and my favourite read hair braided. I had grown fond of her since my stay. She was attending a delinquent school and from the looks of it, she didn’t mingle well too. She stayed quiet.

“Is that not to your liking?” I asked when she remained silent.
“No! Mistress, I would love that. But am I not a burden? I am just a servant girl. I should not impose any further.” I shook my head in disbelief. She wasn’t imposing on anything. On the contrary, I cherish her. I would like if I could watch over her.

“Oh Laura, you’re like a little sister to me. I would like it if you go to the same school as me. Please. If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for me. Just so you know I’m furious dad let you go to that sad excuse for a school. You are a bright girl you deserve better.” I took her hand and gave her a sincere look.

She smiled her sweet little shy smile and gave me a slow nod. “Good, tell Fred to transfer you ASAP under my orders. I’m sure that old coot would jump in joy. He’s more worried about you than I am.” I chuckled and let her resume.

Charlotte knocked the door of Max’s room. She would spare herself from another humiliation such as the other night when she stormed into his room and found him half naked, only a thin towel blocking her view of his manhood. She shuddered at the idea. She entered as the door slowly creaked open. He was on the bed, staring at the ceiling just like her when she had nothing else to do after retiring from the papers. He instantly pulls himself up and sat on the edge of the bed and gave me a do-you-have-something-to-say look. She assumed Fred already told him.

“May I sit down?” I bit my lower lip.
“Please, make yourself comfortable.” He tapped the bed gesturing me to sit next to him so, I did. I took a few seconds to prepare myself. He never took his eyes off my face. I knew after this he won’t let me go hunting alone ever again.

“Yesterday, I was hunting and I had an unexpected encounter with a…male vampire.” He narrowed his eyes and let out a low growl. I tugged the end of his shirt as a protest.

“No! Look at me I’m fine! I killed him soon after. Its just, I think there would be more. I thought I shouldn’t keep it a secret from you.” Tightening my grip on the end of his shirt, I kept looking at the floor afraid to look at his face. He clenched his teeth together. I can tell when his jaw flexed.

“Are you okay?” He manages to say between his teeth controlling his burst of anger.
“The cuts and bruises already healed before I came home yesterday. There’s nothing else.” He stood and walked to the door. I quickly followed and took his wrist wanting him to stay here. He stopped and stayed still like a statue.

“Where are you going?” Not sure if he heard me I asked him again. He flinched, his body tensed up. “Did I do something wrong?” Letting go of his wrist. We stayed there for a while not moving a muscle. He sighed and took me to the bed again. With his face as tense as his body not changing he put his hand on mine.
“I’m sorry. I’m just mad and frustrated at myself. I should’ve been there for you. What if that scumbag got you? I won’t be able to forgive myself. I’m sorry, Charlotte. So sorry…” He covered his face with his large hands letting the guilt consume him. Then he landed his eyes on her face. The most mesmerizing face he has ever seen. None can compare. He slides his index finger along her jaw line. She shuddered and backed away. That hurts his feelings but he knew after what she went through it wasn’t easy to trust another male.

He sighed. “I need to tell you…who I am…was.”

Chapter thirteen

I slapped his hand away. I don’t know what happened, the touch was too sudden the image of Charles made me shudder. His face disgusts me. I soon backed away I needed space to calm myself. I could see that inflicted pain upon him. The guilt I felt was unbearable. He lowered his face and sighed.

“I need to tell you…who I am…was”

“What do you mean?”

That’s my brilliant reply. All these time I eager wanting to know and now that he was finally opening up to me I just gave him a question that makes me sound like a untrusting bitch not to mention I suddenly can’t stand him touching me. Oh well, story of my life.

I stood by the mini table in a safe distance from him. He shot me the come closer look and had I abide his command. My body was moving on it’s own. I was unable to control myself, the voice inside my head was screaming to be in his embrace and forget about the world.

But I can’t I had to get myself together. Images of Charles and his betrayal flashed before me. I sat myself in an uncomfortable distance. His face keeps popping up in my head and I felt nauseas when it did. It took me all I had to hold back the bile that was slowly finding its way up.

I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable that still hadn’t spoken a word. The silence was killing me. I took a quick glance at him and saw how tough his jaw looks; his eyelashes were long and his nose sharp and perfect. He had the most gorgeous eyes usually silver but its black right now. I noticed how all vampires’ eyes turn black when hungry or mad. Unconsciously I touched my eyes. I slightly jumped when he cleared his throat.

“I’m over a century old. I came from a powerful family of leaders; I have the blood of a warrior running in my body. When I was fifteen my family was assassinated by the Night Hunters they were an association…an organization made up of seven of the most powerful night drawlers. They were called generals. They are like elders of the council only they were from the dark side, civilians. The council manages aristocrats, nobles.
My whole family were brutally murdered whether it was a woman or a child. No one escapes…but me. I was the sole survivor of the ambush. My father had saved me. He gave me his last words before closing the doors shut. I was too busy cowering to remember his words. I was trembling in fear. I felt helpless, drowning in the misery of being weak and that left a never healing scar. After a few hours I sneaked out needing to get myself somewhere safer.

The scene they had left behind mortified me. My father, mother, siblings…everyone I knew. They were violently killed; their heads decapitated with their guts spilling out and the blood…the never-ending pool of blood. I had to get out of there. The place I called home the people I called family were all gone. I had nothing left. The only thing I had left was my life, the life my family saved to carry on the bloodline. The next few years I wondered the whole world in hope of finding the reason of my existence. Why did they choose me? I spent those years in agony, guilt and misery. Then I realized, I knew what I wanted…no…had to do.


He groaned in pain. Perhaps the bad memories were flooding back to him. Oh, how I wanted to straddle him in my arms and make everything all right again. I moved closer just in case he was seeking comfort. I had to be there for him, no one in his or her right mind would leave him alone like this. He seems so pitiful and vulnerable. His strong protective defence shattered by painful past memories, a small part of me felt his pain too as if we were half of a whole. I felt what he felt and vice versa.

I gently caress his thick arms in a slow manner making his body relax from my touch.
He’s been through a lot through thick and thin. Never thought that I would see such pain from him. He was always bright and warm when he saw me. A train of thoughts came rushing, the damage someone could inflict in others horrified me.

“I needed revenge and I won’t let anyone be in my way. Being the noble I am I didn’t need to go through the transition. I had the most perfect and pure vampire genes. My powers fully awaken when I was eighteen. I took on assassination jobs to make a living. I took everything they gave me politicians, drug dealers, vampires. You name it. In no time it made me famous in that kind of world.

Soon, even the night hunters took notice of me and I knew I was close to completing my revenge. They had ranked me as a general but I was greedy. I wanted more no one was going to stop me. I was like a madman, revenge made me lose my mind. I pushed myself to get stronger and I knew I did when I got the leader’s rank. They were all bowing down to me. All of them!

The bloody murderers of my family, they took everything away from me! I had to starve by the road and they won’t even bash an eyelid. Now that I have power, money and status they worshipped me like I was a god. They made me realised everything had to do with those three things that tore my life apart. Then I met my match, my other half. The one who was created just for

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