» Fiction » Platinum Dust (Urban Fiction), K.C Blaze [free romance novels TXT] 📗

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and her trifling ass girl Beverly that I was there in the first place.

She placed the ice pack on my hand and started swabbing my nose with peroxide.

“Play Halo by Beyoncé” I instructed and instantly the CD player searched then played one of Felicia’s favorite hits. I took a moment to enjoy the serene movement of the fish swimming in the tank, the music and the beautiful woman before me. Felicia started to dance seductively in front of me.

Damn this girl is beautiful. She towered over my chair staring down at me like some type of Amazon woman. I could feel my pants’ getting tighter. When I looked down I remembered the blood on my clothes.

“Oh shit” I went to stand up and she pushed me back down. Her tiny fingers undid all of the buttons on my shirt when she was done she slid my shirt to the floor and eased my wife beater over my head. She undid my watch and placed it on the dining room table.

“You ever wanted to make love?” She was serious and it caught me off guard.

“What you talking about?” My eyes followed the sway of her hips and I put one had over my hardness.

“Making love? What you mean like slow fucking? Then yeah” she smiled and looked at me with sad eyes. Halo started over.

“No I mean like express your emotions, how you feel about someone through your body, through touch?” Her eyes never left mind and it was hot all of a sudden. I wanted to take a shower get the blood off of me but something told me that if I moved I’d be ruining something.

She started taking off her cat suit exposing her bare breast. Her dark nipples looked like Hershey Kisses on top of chocolate cupcakes. My dick started jumping especially when she got to her flat stomach. Her stomach was perfect even skin tone, no blemishes or stretch marks. My dick was out of control when I saw that she wasn’t wearing panties. Her pubic hair was trimmed in a perfect triangle above her pussy. It was already slick with juices. I wanted to grab her and fuck the shit out of her but instead I stood up and picked her up by the waist. She wrapped her legs around me and her arms around my shoulders. Her fingers stroked the lines of my cornrows while I used my tongue to outline her lips. When we reached my room I lay her down on the bed gently while I undid my pants. She only stared at me in a silent trance. It was in that moment that I saw something in her eyes that looked like lust or could it be love. Feeling close to an explosion I lay in between her legs pressing my chest against her pussy. I didn’t care about my hand or anything else at that moment. I focused all of my energy on softly biting her stomach. I understood slow sex, I understood fucking but what she wanted me to do I haven’t done before.

I don’t make love not to anyone Why? Because love is deceptive it smiles in your face while it plots on how to hurt you. I have yet to fall in love and you will never hear me say that shit to anybody. She used her fingertips to trace the outline of my face. Her romantic mood was throwing me off a bit. I didn’t know if I made her hot or if she enjoyed watching me kicking another man’s ass. I moved down to her pussy and blew on it to see her clit jump that shit turned me on. Moans started from her stomach and escaped from her mouth. Causing me to press my mouth against her clit. All of her juices soaked my lips before my tongue spread her open. I sucked like I was hungry. I pulled her into my mouth flicking my tongue softly until her legs started to jerk and her hands pulled my face closer into her wetness and just when I thought she might cum I moved my mouth. She arched her back gripping my white goose feathered comforter between her fingers. I put my arm around her waist using my wounded hand to lift her up as I slid inside of her inch by inch until she started sucking my ear. I knew if she felt as good as I did she was in a damn good place. Our eyes locked and for the first time in my life I looked a woman in the eyes during sex. The moment was too intense so I looked away first. Did I like Felicia? Yes, but was I in love? I didn’t want to allow myself to go there. Her pussy wrapped around my dick like a fitted glove causing me to move closer to a climax with each stroke. I wouldn’t be satisfied until I heard her scream…


When Raheim broke our stare it said it all. He wasn’t mine and never would be. I’m not one of these stupid chicks who flocks after him because he’s fine and he is fine and I don’t walk around oblivious to the fact that he has multiple women. But when he’s with me he makes me feel like I’m the only one in the room. He doesn’t look at other women when I’m around and I always have his undivided attention. Just from studying Rah I know I can’t be clingy it turns him off. So I make myself unavailable I don’t answer my calls every once in a while and I’m not so quick to give up the goods. We have a policy where neither of us says anything we know the other doesn’t want to hear and so far it’s worked but I’m beginning to feel like its backfiring. Tonight I wanted to tell Rah that I loved him. That I know it’s crazy and most would say stupid but it’s true. When I stared into his eyes I wanted to see if he felt the same but he looked away and I knew he didn’t. I was turned off but I knew I’d have to fake an orgasm to make him move up off me. The affection I felt a moment ago faded quickly. I started moving faster and faster on his dick.

“Yeah, ohhhh right there” He started moving faster and faster until I could feel his dick stretch my pussy. I was all ready to fake it when he did the unexpected kissing me slow and intense until I began to shake. He knew I was a sucka for a good kiss. He spoke into my cheek and the heat of his breath made me want to be closer.

“Be real with me Felicia, you said make love to you and I want to but you may have to teach me” I didn’t want to cry but my eyes began to water. Not because he said his best line but because I didn’t want to have to show him how to love me. If he didn’t feel love I couldn’t teach him. I kissed him for a long moment and moved in circles up and down his shaft. I wanted to remember our last time. I could only be his friend and I was cool with that but I couldn’t handle the emotional shit that came along with loving him. He was the epitome of every woman’s dream. He was universally fine, he had long money, and his crib was lavish and just being with him bumped up your status. He told me once that sometimes his looks was a blessing and a curse and I could believe that.

Every woman wanted him for a reason and most of it was for status or materialistic reasons. But me, I just wanted to love him. An hour later and he was sound asleep. I made sure his hand was wrapped tight with a ripped t-shirt and I threw his bloody linen suit into a trash bag. I was gonna burn it when I got home. I took one last look around and tried not to picture myself as his woman. The night was a little breezy especially for what I was wearing. I got my hustle on walking to the corner to look for a cab. His block was too eerie. Nothing but shadows and tall trees and lawns that looked professionally manicured in the day but gruesome and spooky at night. I tried to look straight ahead when I noticed a silver BMW riding slow beside me. When I looked over to find an old white man wearing black rimmed glasses and silvering yellow hair sitting behind the wheel I felt a little better until he asked

“How much do you charge?”


Two Close for Comfort

Chapter Two

“To close for comfort”


Bang, Bang, Bang

The only person stupid enough to bang on my door at 12 noon on a Wednesday was my baby brother Amir. I decided to take my time until I heard the banging persist. I knew something had to be up. I swung the door open ready to snap until I saw how panicked he looked

“Rah? You’re alive”

“Yeah nigga and so are you, what the hell is your problem?”

“I just heard on the street that a crazy dude killed you” he was serious as hell and that’s what made it so funny. He pushed past me and flopped on my couch.

“The sad part is that you’re just hearing about it and who the fuck told you that?” My little brother is just as pretty as I am if not prettier. His body is built like a brick wall. He works out religiously and acts all health conscious. He’s trying to be an actor or a reality TV star but he’s a nerd and I do mean a real nerd the kind that reads dictionaries for fun. Can quote Shakespeare or tell you why the sky is blue. He’s in college trying to be a meteorologist or some shit.

“You really should try to stop cursing”

“Aww nigga don’t come over here in my muthafucking house telling me shit and tell those niggas on the street to get there shit right. I didn’t get my ass whipped but I kicked a niggas ass”


I watched my brother’s face cringe with each foul word and I enjoyed it. He always thought I was beneath him because my mom’s treated him better than me and he goes to church three days a week.

“So Aunt Sadie says ya mom been writing? I refused to claim her as my mother because moms don’t hate a kid because their pops ain’t shit.

“Yeah, well she’s been writing you too. You should hear her out. She really is sorry” He tried to look all sincere like he really did believe her.

“Sorry for what? For kicking me out at eleven years old? Or sorry for blasting my dad’s chest wide the fuck open? I’m sure she is sorry. She can’t be nothing else but sorry” His nose started flaring like he might say something. I didn’t want to upset him but he was upsetting me.

“Look, what you chose to do is your business but

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