X-MAN SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [top 5 books to read TXT] 📗

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after RITA gives you some head.
Esau looked the two women over.
Ok young blood, you got a spot?
Without looking at Esau she pointed.
I’ll be waiting down here, honey.
Esau followed the young woman up the stairs to the second floor. The woman opened the door and stood aside. Esau walked into a large room that only contained a bed and a strong smell of marijuana. Still not talking, the woman sat on the bed and waived Esau over. Esau slowly walked over to the bed and she begins unzipping his pants and pulled out his hard penis and put it in her mouth.
Esau could feel her warm lips going up and down on his penis, but he didn’t want to climax like this he wanted to fuck. Esau slowed removed a stocking containing coins and hit the woman, as she fell back on the bed she involuntarily bit down hard causing blood to gush out.
Esau hit her again and again than raped the obviously dead woman, dragged into the bathroom and placed her into the tub, removed her panties and placed them in his pocket. Esau folded her arm in an x and made a bloody X on the bathroom wall and took a snap shot before leaving out the back door.
Esau walked slowly down the dark street, pulling his coat tight to hide the blood and boarded a Greyhound Bus for Chicago and joined the Chicago G’D’s street gang as a drug dealer. Esau became more and more addicted to crack and prescription drugs and began using more drugs than he sold, when the gang leaders found out he was severely beaten and kicked him out the gang.
In May, 2007 Esau got job as a laborer for the DB Construction Company which, was constructing a building at 44th South Western Avenue. All day he pushed heavy carts and wheel barrels, loaded supplies and material for the carpenters, electricians and other tradesmen. It was a dirty job and he hated it, but what he hated more was the disrespect he received from his co-workers and his boss. His boss was a young black woman named ADA and she was a total bitch. Ada was always yelling at him and accusing him of being lazy and late reporting for work or coming back from lunch. The tradesman with their tool belts strapped around their waist and the neatly pressed uniforms was constantly yelling at him to hurry up.
Today was a hard day, Ada and the tradesmen were on his ass and to make matters worse, he was told that today was his last day, he was being fired. During his lunch break Esau sat alone at the lunch bench and downed Valium, Ativan and Librium with a gulp of coffee and day-dreamed mostly about Ada, he could think of a lot of imaginative ways to make her suffer. He visualized how she would look dead and naked in a bath tub after being fucked in the ass, but he knew it was too soon after the last one.
Lunch over, Esau get back to work!
Ada screamed.
Esau looked up from the bench and saw Ada towering over him. She was a tall woman, at least six feet and she seemed to enjoy looking down at him with her upturned nose, too much makeup and gapped teeth. Esau could feel the pills working and he knew he was losing control and felt crazed. He got up from the bench and looked up Ada.
Fuck you, you ugly motherfucker!
Ada was dumbstruck she made a fist and screamed.
You’re fired, you little fuck!
Esau walked off the construction site.
Esau sat in the crowded bus and looked at an attractive woman reading the newspaper. The woman was in her late twenties, dark skinned with long hair. Esau rubbed his penis.
The woman got off the bus at 51st South King Drive and walked west Esau was a few steps behind. She turned at Calumet and walked south. Esau noticed there weren’t any people on the street and the many abandon buildings. As the woman approached an abandon building and Esau was about to grab her heavy-set man came out of another building.
ESTER I have told you to call me when you’re coming home it’s too dangerous out here!
I’m sorry pops my cell went out.
Ester and her father went into their building while Esau walked past.
Shit! I wanted some of that pussy!
Esau continued walking on Calumet Avenue and at 52nd South Calumet Avenue he stopped at a neighborhood tavern and sat at the bar. Two men and an old drunk woman was at the bar and two other men were playing chess.
What you having?
Gin and tonic!
Esau downed a couple more pills with his drink and looked out the grimy windows of the tavern. He noticed a young woman leaving the Arab Grocery store across the street. It was about 5:30 pm and starting to get dark. The woman wore a battered overcoat and was carrying a shopping bag.
Pointing out the window at the young woman.
Who’s that pretty young thing?
Bartender looks out the window.
That’s MAGGIE she lives around the corner!
EXT. 5225 South Prairie Avenue-10 January 2007 NIGHT
Esau left the tavern and followed Maggie her 5225 South Prairie Avenue and watched as the lights came on in the first floor apartment. Esau walked slowly passed the decrepit three and four story brick apartments. Steel shutters covered the abandon businesses. He went around to a gangway next to the building and waited and watched. There were no curtains on the window and he noticed one of the windows was partially opened. He swallowed a couple more pills as he watched the woman undress and walk around the small apartment wearing only a bra and pink panties. He got another erection and knew he couldn‘t wait any longer. He found an old crate, pulled himself up to the window, squeezed through the small opening in the window and entered her apartment.
Ringo’s flight landed at O’Hara Airport at nine in the morning. It had been a long bumpy flight from the FBI Academy in Quantico Virginia where Ringo had spent the last two days brainstorming with the Behavioral Units profilers. While at the Academy his lieutenant, DAVID O'SHEA called and told him about the killing of Maggie Williams and Peggy Smith and the rape and murder of two women in Gary that matched the perps MO. Ringo was anxious to get to the scene, maybe this time the killer had left a clue, and had made a mistake. Ringo removed his overnight bag and cane from the overhead compartment and waited as the first class passengers departed, ten minutes later he was limping down the long airport concourse. He noticed a black woman holding the hand of a small boy and as they passed Ringo winked and the child looking back returned the wink and gave a gap-tooth smile. Suddenly the child let out a loud laugh and Ringo glanced back and saw the child struggle loose from the woman’s grip and laughing run into the arms of a well-dressed man. Ringo watched as the two embraced and continued on. Was there anything more magical than a child’s laughter I thought and for a brief moment felt depressed?
Growing up as an only child Ringo always wanted a big family with lots of children running around the house causing havoc, but his wife Elizabeth was too busy, first going to college to get her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and then working her way up to becoming a Vice President at Abbott Laboratories, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She often told him about how she hated his job, the late nights and the violence. We both knew that Ringo could probably get a higher paying job as a college professor or researcher, but he loved being a police officer and on more than one occasions his wife told him that he loved his job more than her. He guessed that it was only a matter of time before their marriage fell apart, she had her priorities and he had his.
But right now his slight depression or his marriage had to be put on hold, there had been another rape and murder and that was all that mattered. Ringo maneuvered my way through the arriving and departing passengers, his mind elsewhere. He didn’t want to believe that it was the works of the same man or rather the same monster that had brutally killed two black women in Chicago and maybe two more in Gary
He thought about little else on his flight back from the academy. Ringo reached the automatic doors pushed the button and entered the men’s room and splashed some cold water on his face and rubbed briskly. He pulled a paper towel from the dispenser wiped his face and looked in the mirror. His eyes were blood-shot and he needed a shave, his dark skin was still tight, but he looked tired and looked older than my thirty-three years. Long ago he had decided he looked better with a baldhead rather than a head of premature mingling graying-hair. He went into one of the stalls, sat on the stool and raised his left pants leg and looked at the ugly scar that ran from my calf to my ankle. He removed a small jar from his pants pocket and gently rubbed the medication on the scar.
Ringo quickly left the wash room and hurried outside.
Ringo’s partner Evetta Lunden was doubled parked at the curb and she waived as he came out the door. Serious rain and snow had arrived, cold and unannounced; causing overworked storm drains to back up, flooding basements and in some of the poorer area in the city the streets were assailed by filth. Auto collisions played a drumbeat on the urban streets as impatient drivers hurried to get nowhere.
Ringo threw his bag into the back seat and climbed into the unmarked Crown Victoria and slammed the door. Evetta switched on the wipers put the car into gear and the tires whined on the wet pavement as she pulled into the maddening O’Hara traffic. They sat in silence as he laid his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes as they carefully entered the Kennedy Expressway, heading east.
Is it him?
We think so, same MO. Panties missing, propped up in the bath tub and a big X carved into the torso, same thing in Gary.
Got a name on the Vics in Gary?
Yep, Rita Maxwell a working girl and Mary Mitchell a Gary school girl both raped and murdered in 1991.
What about the latest Vic?
Peggy Smith twenty-five, 5’3”, 110 pounds, short black hair and dark skin, no known boyfriends, worked as a clerk in Black Pride bookstore on 51st Street and was a source of joy and help to her mother, KATHERINE and her Alzheimer afflicted father, ROBERT. Peggy was found this morning after
Esau looked the two women over.
Ok young blood, you got a spot?
Without looking at Esau she pointed.
I’ll be waiting down here, honey.
Esau followed the young woman up the stairs to the second floor. The woman opened the door and stood aside. Esau walked into a large room that only contained a bed and a strong smell of marijuana. Still not talking, the woman sat on the bed and waived Esau over. Esau slowly walked over to the bed and she begins unzipping his pants and pulled out his hard penis and put it in her mouth.
Esau could feel her warm lips going up and down on his penis, but he didn’t want to climax like this he wanted to fuck. Esau slowed removed a stocking containing coins and hit the woman, as she fell back on the bed she involuntarily bit down hard causing blood to gush out.
Esau hit her again and again than raped the obviously dead woman, dragged into the bathroom and placed her into the tub, removed her panties and placed them in his pocket. Esau folded her arm in an x and made a bloody X on the bathroom wall and took a snap shot before leaving out the back door.
Esau walked slowly down the dark street, pulling his coat tight to hide the blood and boarded a Greyhound Bus for Chicago and joined the Chicago G’D’s street gang as a drug dealer. Esau became more and more addicted to crack and prescription drugs and began using more drugs than he sold, when the gang leaders found out he was severely beaten and kicked him out the gang.
In May, 2007 Esau got job as a laborer for the DB Construction Company which, was constructing a building at 44th South Western Avenue. All day he pushed heavy carts and wheel barrels, loaded supplies and material for the carpenters, electricians and other tradesmen. It was a dirty job and he hated it, but what he hated more was the disrespect he received from his co-workers and his boss. His boss was a young black woman named ADA and she was a total bitch. Ada was always yelling at him and accusing him of being lazy and late reporting for work or coming back from lunch. The tradesman with their tool belts strapped around their waist and the neatly pressed uniforms was constantly yelling at him to hurry up.
Today was a hard day, Ada and the tradesmen were on his ass and to make matters worse, he was told that today was his last day, he was being fired. During his lunch break Esau sat alone at the lunch bench and downed Valium, Ativan and Librium with a gulp of coffee and day-dreamed mostly about Ada, he could think of a lot of imaginative ways to make her suffer. He visualized how she would look dead and naked in a bath tub after being fucked in the ass, but he knew it was too soon after the last one.
Lunch over, Esau get back to work!
Ada screamed.
Esau looked up from the bench and saw Ada towering over him. She was a tall woman, at least six feet and she seemed to enjoy looking down at him with her upturned nose, too much makeup and gapped teeth. Esau could feel the pills working and he knew he was losing control and felt crazed. He got up from the bench and looked up Ada.
Fuck you, you ugly motherfucker!
Ada was dumbstruck she made a fist and screamed.
You’re fired, you little fuck!
Esau walked off the construction site.
Esau sat in the crowded bus and looked at an attractive woman reading the newspaper. The woman was in her late twenties, dark skinned with long hair. Esau rubbed his penis.
The woman got off the bus at 51st South King Drive and walked west Esau was a few steps behind. She turned at Calumet and walked south. Esau noticed there weren’t any people on the street and the many abandon buildings. As the woman approached an abandon building and Esau was about to grab her heavy-set man came out of another building.
ESTER I have told you to call me when you’re coming home it’s too dangerous out here!
I’m sorry pops my cell went out.
Ester and her father went into their building while Esau walked past.
Shit! I wanted some of that pussy!
Esau continued walking on Calumet Avenue and at 52nd South Calumet Avenue he stopped at a neighborhood tavern and sat at the bar. Two men and an old drunk woman was at the bar and two other men were playing chess.
What you having?
Gin and tonic!
Esau downed a couple more pills with his drink and looked out the grimy windows of the tavern. He noticed a young woman leaving the Arab Grocery store across the street. It was about 5:30 pm and starting to get dark. The woman wore a battered overcoat and was carrying a shopping bag.
Pointing out the window at the young woman.
Who’s that pretty young thing?
Bartender looks out the window.
That’s MAGGIE she lives around the corner!
EXT. 5225 South Prairie Avenue-10 January 2007 NIGHT
Esau left the tavern and followed Maggie her 5225 South Prairie Avenue and watched as the lights came on in the first floor apartment. Esau walked slowly passed the decrepit three and four story brick apartments. Steel shutters covered the abandon businesses. He went around to a gangway next to the building and waited and watched. There were no curtains on the window and he noticed one of the windows was partially opened. He swallowed a couple more pills as he watched the woman undress and walk around the small apartment wearing only a bra and pink panties. He got another erection and knew he couldn‘t wait any longer. He found an old crate, pulled himself up to the window, squeezed through the small opening in the window and entered her apartment.
Ringo’s flight landed at O’Hara Airport at nine in the morning. It had been a long bumpy flight from the FBI Academy in Quantico Virginia where Ringo had spent the last two days brainstorming with the Behavioral Units profilers. While at the Academy his lieutenant, DAVID O'SHEA called and told him about the killing of Maggie Williams and Peggy Smith and the rape and murder of two women in Gary that matched the perps MO. Ringo was anxious to get to the scene, maybe this time the killer had left a clue, and had made a mistake. Ringo removed his overnight bag and cane from the overhead compartment and waited as the first class passengers departed, ten minutes later he was limping down the long airport concourse. He noticed a black woman holding the hand of a small boy and as they passed Ringo winked and the child looking back returned the wink and gave a gap-tooth smile. Suddenly the child let out a loud laugh and Ringo glanced back and saw the child struggle loose from the woman’s grip and laughing run into the arms of a well-dressed man. Ringo watched as the two embraced and continued on. Was there anything more magical than a child’s laughter I thought and for a brief moment felt depressed?
Growing up as an only child Ringo always wanted a big family with lots of children running around the house causing havoc, but his wife Elizabeth was too busy, first going to college to get her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and then working her way up to becoming a Vice President at Abbott Laboratories, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She often told him about how she hated his job, the late nights and the violence. We both knew that Ringo could probably get a higher paying job as a college professor or researcher, but he loved being a police officer and on more than one occasions his wife told him that he loved his job more than her. He guessed that it was only a matter of time before their marriage fell apart, she had her priorities and he had his.
But right now his slight depression or his marriage had to be put on hold, there had been another rape and murder and that was all that mattered. Ringo maneuvered my way through the arriving and departing passengers, his mind elsewhere. He didn’t want to believe that it was the works of the same man or rather the same monster that had brutally killed two black women in Chicago and maybe two more in Gary
He thought about little else on his flight back from the academy. Ringo reached the automatic doors pushed the button and entered the men’s room and splashed some cold water on his face and rubbed briskly. He pulled a paper towel from the dispenser wiped his face and looked in the mirror. His eyes were blood-shot and he needed a shave, his dark skin was still tight, but he looked tired and looked older than my thirty-three years. Long ago he had decided he looked better with a baldhead rather than a head of premature mingling graying-hair. He went into one of the stalls, sat on the stool and raised his left pants leg and looked at the ugly scar that ran from my calf to my ankle. He removed a small jar from his pants pocket and gently rubbed the medication on the scar.
Ringo quickly left the wash room and hurried outside.
Ringo’s partner Evetta Lunden was doubled parked at the curb and she waived as he came out the door. Serious rain and snow had arrived, cold and unannounced; causing overworked storm drains to back up, flooding basements and in some of the poorer area in the city the streets were assailed by filth. Auto collisions played a drumbeat on the urban streets as impatient drivers hurried to get nowhere.
Ringo threw his bag into the back seat and climbed into the unmarked Crown Victoria and slammed the door. Evetta switched on the wipers put the car into gear and the tires whined on the wet pavement as she pulled into the maddening O’Hara traffic. They sat in silence as he laid his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes as they carefully entered the Kennedy Expressway, heading east.
Is it him?
We think so, same MO. Panties missing, propped up in the bath tub and a big X carved into the torso, same thing in Gary.
Got a name on the Vics in Gary?
Yep, Rita Maxwell a working girl and Mary Mitchell a Gary school girl both raped and murdered in 1991.
What about the latest Vic?
Peggy Smith twenty-five, 5’3”, 110 pounds, short black hair and dark skin, no known boyfriends, worked as a clerk in Black Pride bookstore on 51st Street and was a source of joy and help to her mother, KATHERINE and her Alzheimer afflicted father, ROBERT. Peggy was found this morning after
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