X-MAN SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [top 5 books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «X-MAN SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [top 5 books to read TXT] 📗». Author BRIAN R. LUNDIN
the detectives took seats.
Ringo posted colored 11x 14 crime scene photos of the victims on the wall board.
Willie didn’t little lord fuckup tell not to wear those pimp clothes.
Detective Willie Burke had spent most of his career as an undercover vice officer and still wore the flashy clothes of the street people but he had more informants than anyone in the bureau. Charley Turner was stocky and had a loud gravelly voice and he always looked like he was angry at somebody or something, but he could find trace evidence that others missed.
Yes sir, O’Shea said I should wear a suit and tie and look likes a detective, not a pimp.
Everyone in the room laughed.
We are dealing with a sick puppy and our guy is probably black, organized, reasonably intelligent and clever. I think he is caught up in some kind of fantasy world where he has the power of life and death and I suspect that he thinks that killing poor black women in the poorest sections of the city, nobody would give a damn, but he was wrong we give a damn. You know there is a theory called the Locard Principle of Exchange which states that when a crime is committed the offender, in this case the X-Man always leaves some evidence at the scene and take some evidence with him; a fingerprint, some DNA, a tire track, a footprint, something that would leads us to the bad guys, but our guy is extremely careful, he leaves no fingerprints or trace evidence. The only fingerprints are the victim’s, the cops or friends with solid alibis, and you know our ambitious states attorneys are not going to try a case unless it is airtight. With our guy, we don’t know if he knows the Vics or picks them out randomly. FBI experts tells us that most serial killers lives in the area where we hunt their victims and usually leaves a signature, something to identify him as the killer, in this case our guy leaves four signatures; the missing underwear, the X cut into the victim body, the X on the mirrors or walls and the propping up of them in the bathtub and they were all killed on the 10th of the month. Luckily, his MO hasn’t changed, all the victims are relatively young attractive black women that lives alone or is alone at the time of the murder, all the Vics were strangled with nylon panty hose and a large X was carved into their body, all the victims were raped and three are members of the Melony Fitness Center, me and Evetta are going over to the M.E. officer later today, doc what you got?”
Doctor ANTHONY DIXON was in his early sixties, maybe five feet tall and weighed maybe 140 pounds and was considered an expert in the field of forensic science. He was fastidious and seemingly had a hand fetish because he was always washing his hands and cleaning his nails. The doctor stood in front of the group, took out a nail file and started cleaning his already spotless nails. He wore black pants and a white, heavily starched shirt and a pressed white laboratory coat with a plastic, pictured ID badge clipped to the top pocket.
Not a lot to tell you about Peggy, she was raped before and after death, she died of manual strangulation, multiple stabs wounds and suffocation, same as the others. The stab wounds were per mortem but made with a slender bladed knife and if I remember correctly the other Vics were cut up with kitchen knives. We didn’t get the body for two days you know, so it was hard to get too much. There were small traces of marijuana in her blood and we sent the handbag over to the lab but we found nothing under the nails or on the fingers. We found sperm which is being examined for DNA and hopefully our unsub, is in some DNA database, if not when we get a suspect we can check to see if there is a match, we’re still trying to determine if Peggy was killed while in the bath tub or somewhere else.
As the doctor sat down the door opened and MONIQUE BROWN, the Department Clinical Psychologist entered. Monique Brown was very dark with keen features and prominent cheekbones She looked like one of the old Regal Theater showgirls, trim and athletic looking with a small waist, shapely legs and the haughty air of an Indian Princess, out of time and place, but royalty nonetheless. Her voice was soft and soothing and still had a charming North Dakota accent Monique walked in front of the group.
I just received a fax from the FBI’s Criminal Profile Unit and it might interest you, they wired me a telex with all kind of qualifying statements, but what is interesting is that they interviewed fifteen sexual psychopathic serial killers deemed criminally insane and lust murders, and the most striking thing about most of their cases were the explosion of sadistic violence that went far beyond just raping their victims; carving symbols into their bodies, removing parts of the body and mutilations. They concluded that our Mr. X-Man is probably a sexual psychopath which, they defined as an individual that receive uninhibited gratification in criminal, sexual or aggressive impulses and the inability to learn from past mistakes, he is also a quiet, isolated individual with a schizoid personality and is charming, intimidating and use sex and violence to control others to satisfy his selfish needs. He is lacking in conscience and feels no empathy for his victims. He is probably black and can blend in with the neighborhood, in his early twenties and a bookworm. Psychopaths are glib and superficially charming, and many psychopaths are excellent mimics of normal human emotion; some psychopaths can blend in, undetected, in a variety of surroundings, including the corporate or business environments. There is neither a cure nor any effective treatment for psychopaths; there are no medications or other techniques which can instill empathy, and psychopaths who undergo traditional talk therapy only become more adept at manipulating others. The consensus among researchers is that psychopath stems from a specific neurological disorder which is biological in origin and present from birth; this may explain his fascination with women underwear and the use of panty hose as his kill tool. All of his victims have the same physical characteristics; young, small; dark skinned and wore their dark hair cut short, maybe they remind him of his mother or an abusive foster mother. His foster parents, probably the mother, forced him to participate in girlish activities, sewing, ironing and the like. He probably had an intensive period of bedwetting way past the preschool age, enjoyed torturing and killing small animals and probably had an extensive juvenile record for petty crimes; shoplifting, truancy and violence towards other children and he may have had a problem establishing a sexual identity. He more-than-likely appeared immune from punishment and nothing probably seemed to modify his behavior so I would guess that the foster parents finally gave up and he was sent to another foster home and his behavior worsen. He has no real father to identify with and who knows what his foster fathers were like. He probably went through a period of being a peeping tom - a voyeur, maybe looking at the other foster girls as they dressed and undressed or he could have a testosterone imbalance like that sicko Richard Ramerez, the so-called “night stalker,” who raped and killed a lot of young women in the eighties. As he got older he may have had an unpleasant sexual experience with a prostitute, but here is what interesting, an older woman or young girl may have raped him at an early age. As he got older maybe he found a girl that he liked and thought she was interested in him, but only to find out later that she only felt sorry for him. This would have happened in his late teens or early twenties. He had a lot of guilt and tension developed around his sexual identity or lack of it and it has been building. He may have tried homosexual affairs that also went nowhere. So he dedicated himself to reading erotic magazines and books and became an insomniac, he may be hearing voices and/or misinterpreting reality, he lives in his own made-up fantasy world, where he is all-powerful and sexually potent. It might be helpful for you to know what kind of person you are dealing with and maybe helpful in catching him, which, I know you will, our guy thinks he’s super clever like that character in Silence of the Lambs, but he’s not as sharp as you guys. If this unsubs is a sexual psychopath, which I think he is, rather than a psychotic, remembered he could be very charming especially to young impressionable women. He could be very attractive and is probably a pathological liar, a Ted Bundy type and has a grandiose sense of self- worth and importance. He is probably impulsive and is very, very angry and receives erotic satisfaction by killing and raping the women. He probably hates himself; he is willing to abandon his job, family and any friends if he has any. From the reports I’ve read he mutilates the bodies, carving an x into their chest and poses and props them up, he could be getting off from the act of killing itself. You’re searching for a very dangerous and sick individual that needs help, and I don‘t think he‘s going to stop killing.
Monique sat down and Ringo stood up and looked at Evetta.
In most of the killings there were no indications of forced entry; no broken windows or kicked in door.
Ok Guys let’s get to work.
Let‘s go to my office.
Ringo followed Monique into her office and looked at her framed diplomas from Duke University, pictures of her and her parents overlooking a deep canyon in the Grand Canyon National Park and a picture of a young girl. She turned on CD player and the wailing sound of Miles Davis filled the small room and her desk was filled with yellow legal pads.
(pointing to the four-cup espresso maker on a desk)
Want a cup?
No Thanks, too strong for me.
She poured herself a cup and walked pass me to her desk I noticed her smell, sweet and tropical.
Sit, please, you look worn out as she shut the office door.
Long day.
Ringo flopped down into a comfortable, high back chair. After sitting in her favorite easy chair Monique kicked off her shoes, tucked her knees to her chest and looked at Ringo with a professional intensity.
How is the case going?
Ringo spread his index finger and thumb a half apart.
How is Detective Ringo handling all this?
Going along.
Monique sat down her coffee cup went to a file cabinet and retrieved a folder and took a chair beside Ringo and crossed her long athletic legs. She smelled sweet and clean as if she had just gotten out a scented bath and maintained an erect posture that emphases her full figure.
How do you deal, mentally and emotionally with all this violence? How can you function when you see people mutilated and murdered in all kind of grotesque’s ways?
It’s what I do, somebody got to stop them, and somebody has got to be concerned about the
Ringo posted colored 11x 14 crime scene photos of the victims on the wall board.
Willie didn’t little lord fuckup tell not to wear those pimp clothes.
Detective Willie Burke had spent most of his career as an undercover vice officer and still wore the flashy clothes of the street people but he had more informants than anyone in the bureau. Charley Turner was stocky and had a loud gravelly voice and he always looked like he was angry at somebody or something, but he could find trace evidence that others missed.
Yes sir, O’Shea said I should wear a suit and tie and look likes a detective, not a pimp.
Everyone in the room laughed.
We are dealing with a sick puppy and our guy is probably black, organized, reasonably intelligent and clever. I think he is caught up in some kind of fantasy world where he has the power of life and death and I suspect that he thinks that killing poor black women in the poorest sections of the city, nobody would give a damn, but he was wrong we give a damn. You know there is a theory called the Locard Principle of Exchange which states that when a crime is committed the offender, in this case the X-Man always leaves some evidence at the scene and take some evidence with him; a fingerprint, some DNA, a tire track, a footprint, something that would leads us to the bad guys, but our guy is extremely careful, he leaves no fingerprints or trace evidence. The only fingerprints are the victim’s, the cops or friends with solid alibis, and you know our ambitious states attorneys are not going to try a case unless it is airtight. With our guy, we don’t know if he knows the Vics or picks them out randomly. FBI experts tells us that most serial killers lives in the area where we hunt their victims and usually leaves a signature, something to identify him as the killer, in this case our guy leaves four signatures; the missing underwear, the X cut into the victim body, the X on the mirrors or walls and the propping up of them in the bathtub and they were all killed on the 10th of the month. Luckily, his MO hasn’t changed, all the victims are relatively young attractive black women that lives alone or is alone at the time of the murder, all the Vics were strangled with nylon panty hose and a large X was carved into their body, all the victims were raped and three are members of the Melony Fitness Center, me and Evetta are going over to the M.E. officer later today, doc what you got?”
Doctor ANTHONY DIXON was in his early sixties, maybe five feet tall and weighed maybe 140 pounds and was considered an expert in the field of forensic science. He was fastidious and seemingly had a hand fetish because he was always washing his hands and cleaning his nails. The doctor stood in front of the group, took out a nail file and started cleaning his already spotless nails. He wore black pants and a white, heavily starched shirt and a pressed white laboratory coat with a plastic, pictured ID badge clipped to the top pocket.
Not a lot to tell you about Peggy, she was raped before and after death, she died of manual strangulation, multiple stabs wounds and suffocation, same as the others. The stab wounds were per mortem but made with a slender bladed knife and if I remember correctly the other Vics were cut up with kitchen knives. We didn’t get the body for two days you know, so it was hard to get too much. There were small traces of marijuana in her blood and we sent the handbag over to the lab but we found nothing under the nails or on the fingers. We found sperm which is being examined for DNA and hopefully our unsub, is in some DNA database, if not when we get a suspect we can check to see if there is a match, we’re still trying to determine if Peggy was killed while in the bath tub or somewhere else.
As the doctor sat down the door opened and MONIQUE BROWN, the Department Clinical Psychologist entered. Monique Brown was very dark with keen features and prominent cheekbones She looked like one of the old Regal Theater showgirls, trim and athletic looking with a small waist, shapely legs and the haughty air of an Indian Princess, out of time and place, but royalty nonetheless. Her voice was soft and soothing and still had a charming North Dakota accent Monique walked in front of the group.
I just received a fax from the FBI’s Criminal Profile Unit and it might interest you, they wired me a telex with all kind of qualifying statements, but what is interesting is that they interviewed fifteen sexual psychopathic serial killers deemed criminally insane and lust murders, and the most striking thing about most of their cases were the explosion of sadistic violence that went far beyond just raping their victims; carving symbols into their bodies, removing parts of the body and mutilations. They concluded that our Mr. X-Man is probably a sexual psychopath which, they defined as an individual that receive uninhibited gratification in criminal, sexual or aggressive impulses and the inability to learn from past mistakes, he is also a quiet, isolated individual with a schizoid personality and is charming, intimidating and use sex and violence to control others to satisfy his selfish needs. He is lacking in conscience and feels no empathy for his victims. He is probably black and can blend in with the neighborhood, in his early twenties and a bookworm. Psychopaths are glib and superficially charming, and many psychopaths are excellent mimics of normal human emotion; some psychopaths can blend in, undetected, in a variety of surroundings, including the corporate or business environments. There is neither a cure nor any effective treatment for psychopaths; there are no medications or other techniques which can instill empathy, and psychopaths who undergo traditional talk therapy only become more adept at manipulating others. The consensus among researchers is that psychopath stems from a specific neurological disorder which is biological in origin and present from birth; this may explain his fascination with women underwear and the use of panty hose as his kill tool. All of his victims have the same physical characteristics; young, small; dark skinned and wore their dark hair cut short, maybe they remind him of his mother or an abusive foster mother. His foster parents, probably the mother, forced him to participate in girlish activities, sewing, ironing and the like. He probably had an intensive period of bedwetting way past the preschool age, enjoyed torturing and killing small animals and probably had an extensive juvenile record for petty crimes; shoplifting, truancy and violence towards other children and he may have had a problem establishing a sexual identity. He more-than-likely appeared immune from punishment and nothing probably seemed to modify his behavior so I would guess that the foster parents finally gave up and he was sent to another foster home and his behavior worsen. He has no real father to identify with and who knows what his foster fathers were like. He probably went through a period of being a peeping tom - a voyeur, maybe looking at the other foster girls as they dressed and undressed or he could have a testosterone imbalance like that sicko Richard Ramerez, the so-called “night stalker,” who raped and killed a lot of young women in the eighties. As he got older he may have had an unpleasant sexual experience with a prostitute, but here is what interesting, an older woman or young girl may have raped him at an early age. As he got older maybe he found a girl that he liked and thought she was interested in him, but only to find out later that she only felt sorry for him. This would have happened in his late teens or early twenties. He had a lot of guilt and tension developed around his sexual identity or lack of it and it has been building. He may have tried homosexual affairs that also went nowhere. So he dedicated himself to reading erotic magazines and books and became an insomniac, he may be hearing voices and/or misinterpreting reality, he lives in his own made-up fantasy world, where he is all-powerful and sexually potent. It might be helpful for you to know what kind of person you are dealing with and maybe helpful in catching him, which, I know you will, our guy thinks he’s super clever like that character in Silence of the Lambs, but he’s not as sharp as you guys. If this unsubs is a sexual psychopath, which I think he is, rather than a psychotic, remembered he could be very charming especially to young impressionable women. He could be very attractive and is probably a pathological liar, a Ted Bundy type and has a grandiose sense of self- worth and importance. He is probably impulsive and is very, very angry and receives erotic satisfaction by killing and raping the women. He probably hates himself; he is willing to abandon his job, family and any friends if he has any. From the reports I’ve read he mutilates the bodies, carving an x into their chest and poses and props them up, he could be getting off from the act of killing itself. You’re searching for a very dangerous and sick individual that needs help, and I don‘t think he‘s going to stop killing.
Monique sat down and Ringo stood up and looked at Evetta.
In most of the killings there were no indications of forced entry; no broken windows or kicked in door.
Ok Guys let’s get to work.
Let‘s go to my office.
Ringo followed Monique into her office and looked at her framed diplomas from Duke University, pictures of her and her parents overlooking a deep canyon in the Grand Canyon National Park and a picture of a young girl. She turned on CD player and the wailing sound of Miles Davis filled the small room and her desk was filled with yellow legal pads.
(pointing to the four-cup espresso maker on a desk)
Want a cup?
No Thanks, too strong for me.
She poured herself a cup and walked pass me to her desk I noticed her smell, sweet and tropical.
Sit, please, you look worn out as she shut the office door.
Long day.
Ringo flopped down into a comfortable, high back chair. After sitting in her favorite easy chair Monique kicked off her shoes, tucked her knees to her chest and looked at Ringo with a professional intensity.
How is the case going?
Ringo spread his index finger and thumb a half apart.
How is Detective Ringo handling all this?
Going along.
Monique sat down her coffee cup went to a file cabinet and retrieved a folder and took a chair beside Ringo and crossed her long athletic legs. She smelled sweet and clean as if she had just gotten out a scented bath and maintained an erect posture that emphases her full figure.
How do you deal, mentally and emotionally with all this violence? How can you function when you see people mutilated and murdered in all kind of grotesque’s ways?
It’s what I do, somebody got to stop them, and somebody has got to be concerned about the
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