» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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if you were gonna ignore it, I would ignore it too. I just ignored too much.” I watched, my eyes observant. I caught the way Libby’s eyes flitted down to his lips and how gently he held her as if she was still sick. They loved each other, they always would. They were just such the odd couple, it was always destined to fail.

“You don’t have to ignore now, now we can be together.” Her eyes lit up, her tone hopeful and bright.

“I don’t-” She slammed her lips down onto his, running her hands through his hair and brining herself closer. A huge smile lit my lips and I dropped the air pocket. With triumph I walked back to the dining hall and to my probably cold soup.



                I never did go to the place that everybody was talking about, I knew I would need rest for the training that qould start in the morning. I had a feeling that everybody else went though. I stood with the other victors, the only one that looked well rested and sighed.

“You couldn’t help yourself, could you? Ya just had to go with the in crowd.”

“But moooom, everyone was doing it.” Evangeline grumbled, throwing a frouchy glare my way.Zena chuckled next to me, I guess the thing everybody was so ecstatic about had an age limit and she was well below it. I rolled my eyes and lifted Zena up.

“You know what to do right, short stuff?” She nodded and I lifted her higher. I took the air from my ears using my element and knew the other victors did as well. I felt the amount of air Zena was taking in and knew the amount that she let out would be much more. She released a blood curdling scream that I heard slightly even though I’d blocked my ears. Leo had created a sound tunnel with his element so that literally everyone in the caves, no matter how deep a sleeper or how deep in the tunnels they were, owuld hear her. A collective growl ripped through the air,and it almost tramped the smell of fear that came with it. Slowly they poured into the main hall, their eyes aware but groggy.

"Welcome to the first day of training!" I said brightly, my hands on my basketball shirt clad hips. As ,y eyes scanned the crowd I could see understanding and dread seeping into the, as a collective whole.

"We're not starting immediately, so you're lucky in that respect. But from now on things are going to be changing. You will all show up in athletic attire, if you don't have any some will be given to you. You must all be on time, so to those few who enjoy sleeping in, better luck next time. Our meals will no longer be luxurious, but hearty and what we need. What we need isn't a craving, it's a necessity and if you wanna whine about it... I honestly don't care. That's not our department. We've been sent to condition you into the best you can be and the strongest you could be. Now, go on and get breakfast then go get changed. We've got a long day ahead of us."



                Everybody quickly ate their breakfast, munching and crunching on bacon and oatmeal. There was almost a serene silence, something that was rare in the were community. Spoons were scraping bowls and the carnege that  was going on witht he bacon though made me cringe.

“Net, ya ustal Dmitiri!” A roar wrang thruoghout the eating hall and one pissed off bear stormed into the dining hall. She was huffing, her brown hair flying as she practcally ran to the food bar.

“My ne sdelali ne govorit' Ursula.” Always calm and collected, Dmitri walked in behind her. The air around her, contrary to his facial expression, hurried and scared.

“Da ? Nu ya sdelal , tak otvalit'!” /she said, briefly turning around, my lips quirked slightly. My mind worked hard to translate, but either way I continued to eat.

“Vy buduchi irratsional'nym. Vashi emotsii blokiruyut vam uvidet' real'nuyu logiku pozadi nego.” Imploringly he started talking with his hands and that… was where he went wrong.

“Do I look fucking stupid to you, huh? Do I look like a fucking child, you need to speak with our hands to, huh?” She growled, stopping her walking process completely. Biting my lip I turned around completely, like all the other shifters.

“You’re not seeing it clearly.”

“And am I fucking blind that you have to blindly wave your hands around Dmitri?!” She roared, walking towards him the rage in her eyes making every shifter stop eating and move to protect their own.

“There’s no need to curse, as is there’s no need to make this public. Pochemu nam ne vernut'sya v nomer, lyubvi?”

“Ne chertovski nazyvayut menya tak! You want to fuck another sow, because they’re all here? And you thought I wouldn’t be upset?”

"Is it your time of the month? You shouldn't have reacted so negatively." I felt every male in the room wince and smelt the anger rise from every female. It was true, Ursula was in heat. But, it was common sense never to bring that up. Bears were way to blatant for their own good.

"Fuck whoever you want to fuck Dmitri, I no longer care." Lie, she titally cared. They'd paired off before Urse had even come over here. They'd grown up together knowing they would be mates. Urusla threw a knowing and hateful glare my way and I quickly shut down bothmy train of thought and my link to the victors. Just to be safe. She turned and walked toward the food, I could smell the salt of her tears, regardless that they were unshed. The hall stood quiet and Dmitri stood there, nobody really knew how to react to the outburst; especially the bears. They never really showed emotion in public, or ever, really.  She went to the psuedo buffet line and angrily stacked food before stalking to the Victor area. We all looked down as a whole, eating our oatmeal as quickly and silently as possible. I didn’t have to look to know that he watched her the whole time. I heard the softest of sighs before he went to sit down with a group of male bears.

“Thank God I’m not the only one having trouble with my mate.” One of the bears muttered.

“I think it’s all the dirt.” Another one agreed, mumbling around his oatmeal. Ursula bent the spoon that was in her hand, adding heat to it and melting it in her hand. I gulped and feared for  the bear, knowing when Urse got mad, she got really mad.

“Snap out of it.” I whispered to her through the link, locking eyes with her close to transitioning ones.

“Nado li napominat' vam o vsekh vremen vy byli s uma v vashey mat ?” She said calmly, way too calm for my liking, back.

“Of course not, this is me paying you back. You calmed me down, kept me from killing my mate and several others. This is me helping you out. Calm down, you need a clear mind for training or else you’ll hurt one of them.” She averted her eyes and shook off the melted fork. I let out the breath I was holding and sat back slightly. Everybody was tense around me, watching us and waiting to see what would happen. I rolled my eyes and bit into my bacon. So nosy.



                Everybody changed clothes and found their way to the training room. A room wide enough to fit at least two football feilds. It closely resembled our training field in Eternal, except it wasn’t blinding. Equipement lined the walls, and mats lined the floor.

“Here’s how this will work. Everybody is being grouped off by animal. Wolves with Luna, lions with me, so on and so forth. Today is just a test, literally everybody will be tested. Don’t worry, it won’t be anything too difficult. We just need to see where you are and how much training you need.” Leo said in his ‘good guy’ tone, making me roll my eyes and shake my head slightly. People began grouping off until there were giant clusters of people.

“Tonya Vell.” A gilr with black hair and brown eyes came forward. Her hair was in a tight ponytail and her eyes hard, she was ready.

“We’re gonna do a basic spar, the only thing you need to do is pin me. If you’re able to grab my neck or touch my heart, the test is over. Got it?” With one shake she got into a crouched stance. My lips quirked slightly and I matched her stance, unable to keep the excitement down. She watched me, so I gave her a fake weakness and adjusted myself; making it look like I had a weak left side. She smiled went to kick my left ankle from under me. I grabbed her leg and dragged her to the ground. She gave a squeak of surprise and her eyes widened before she came back to her senses. She hit the ground and I dragged her closer to my body, hoping she’d see the opening. Luckily, she did and kicked my chin, probably chipping a tooth, managing to disorient me enough to make me drop her leg, She stood quickly, not putting her back to me. I let my wolf out and crouched again, really looking at her. Her ankle would be sore from my grip, and she’d hit the ground hard. I would need to get to her back, or take out her legs. She let out her wolf too, her claws coming out with her fangs. She got too cocky, for her she would have to focus too much on staying the way she was and not shfiting completely. I swiped her legs from under her and gripped her throat as she struggled to get up. I changed back and let go. She looked down before changing back, but kept her eyes down. The wolves clapped sparsely and sent sad looks at Tonya.

“For the rest after, don’t do what I do. Actually, do not reciprocate anything your opponent does. Tonya messed up because she bought out her wolf to fight mine. There will be rogues involved, they’ve done what I did thousands of times. I doubt any of you would have needed to do that. If you’re skilled at it, they’re experts at it. If it uses too much energy to do, don’t do it.” I gave Tonya a reassuring smile and called the next person, prepared for a long day.



“Carmen Rodriguez.” She was one of the last few I called because I could feel the power wafting from her, even though she was an omega. She fiddled with her fingers before stepping up, I looked to the other groups and saw her friends watching her with worried eyes. My eyes narrowed in confusion, but I quickly masked the look and smiled at her.


“As I’ll ever be, I guess.” Her voice was quiet and she stopped a foot away from me. I backed up slightly and crouched down a little, she watched me with nervous eyes before stepping back and putting up her fists. Lilia giggled at that, but I quieted her. I hadn’t been wrong, I knew that, she was strong. But what was this? I noticed how slunched she was and knew she was trying to protect her stomach, so I quickly punched her there. She grunted and grabbed her stomach, leaving her face unprotected. Sighing mentally I punched her in the face and she went to the ground. I was worried, but I had to continue. I moved to grab the back of her neck before she moved quickly and grabbed my wrist and twisted. I grit my teeth and looked at her, her eyes were a pale blue and her mouth was in a tight grimace. She punched me in my nose, definitely breaking it before reaching for my throat. I grabbed her wrist

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