» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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“You… you came.” My younger self whispered, looking into his eyes with absolute adoration. He hugged me close, kissing my red crown of hair and sniffing deeply. God how much I had wanted to do that back, to just drown myself in his scent. But I had restrictions, I always had restrictions.

“I’ll always come, love, I’ll always come and I’ll always be there.” He whispered softly before breaking apart from me.

                Things never got easier from there. They got darker, bleaker, and harder. At least for the were kind. The humans were quick to make themselves ‘safe’. As if they weren’t safe before. They placed all of the were kind, didn’t matter what animal you were, into ghetto’s. No one had a good feeling then. My family remained strong, however, and we stayed together. The ghetto’s weren’t that bad, we were placed in average family houses with average family meals and average family television. We were the complete picture of average human family happiness. Then the abuse started.

                The humans were slowly adapting to us, as long as we followed their rules and stayed where we were told. But we had to shift, eventually we couldn’t be the average human family and we had to become animals. The first months were agony, thousands of wolves, tigers, hell even dolphins were beat for shifting to their animal sides. I had thought that this was what I was created for, what me and Marissa had been placed on this earth to stop. I had been wrong. Marissa was killed, along with her mate and her unborn child, when she refused to obey to the humans rules. She quickly became the face of inspiration.

                That’s when we discovered, we had the upper hand. We dominated most of the population, we had the most money. We were more dominant. The humans saw this too, saw that the were population was resisting. They knew that when they pushed and we pushed back they would fall harder than we ever could. They backed off. But not completely, oh no. All of us had to have some sort of leash, because the government couldn’t leave well enough alone. The were’s had to have a chip implanted. The males had one implanted in their leg, the females had one implanted in their arm. The vampires had trackers too, they came in the shape of hunters. If one got too out of hand a hunter would be sent right away. The fey were left alone, no one wanted the wrath of a fey.

                Over the years our freedom stretched, we could go to the public schools. Me and my siblings returned to our old school, I don’t think Ms. Young was very glad to see me after learning about my wild side. Things had returned to how they were before the world found out about us. I had started to like my new life, thinking my purpose in it had well seen its prime. But, I should’ve known better than to think that.

Chapter 1

“Look, I really don’t want any problems.” The shifter girl said while backing in to a corner, her teeth rattling and her books shaking in her hands. I watched it all, keeping back but tensing my body for a fight.

“You shouldn’t have came to school then, mole.” The girl was in no way a mole shifter, goddess help those unfortunate animals, and in no way resembled the species with the tell-tale buck tooth. That was just what the human’s called us, seeing as we were the moles on the perfect face of society. Because, what could be more perfect than discrimination, hatred, and murder?

“Please… just let me go to lunch?” The girl begged making the tone of her voice going from scared to whiney, poor little peacock.

“Why do you need to eat, mole?”

“Yeah, last I checked mole’s don’t have mouths!” I sighed deeply and stepped from the doorway at the other end of the hall. I took my time walking to where they stood surrounded around the peacock, giving her time to notice me. When she did her whole body went lax and she let out a breath, her cool blue eyes lighting up.

“Come now children, surely you’ve got better things to do than to bother an innocent student.” My voice was as strong as ever as I approached the batch of students. They all had pimple ridden faces and black heads that I was sure they spent a long time trying to cover up in the mirror at mornings.

“Oh, it’s just Luna.” One of the girls said, then crossed her arms under her ample breasts. The males in the group swallowed and tried their best to ignore making direct eye contact with me.

“Oh, hey Rosa.” One of the guys said, using the correct name people in school called me by.

“Tiffany, is it? Why don’t you head on to the cafeteria, tell my siblings and Ander I’ll be there soon.” I told the peacock with a slight smile, I never once took her eyes off the girl who had her arms crossed and a smug smirk on her face. Tiffany nodded scuttling away from the corner, her face brightening in the way peacock’s normally do as she passed me.

                I licked my lips and crossed my hands in front of me, assessing all of them now and not just the girl. They were a crowd of punks, trying to feel better about themselves by picking on one of the least dangerous of the were’s.

“Now, I’m sure you guys don’t want to get an ass kicking today and I don’t want to give one. So how about we part ways with you apologizing to me for picking on an innocent were like that, deal?” I smiled what I hoped was my charming smile and waited for them to reply, when they took too long my smile flattened.

“Ok, look. You don’t like us, we don’t like you. Well known fact, we’re not gonna debate this. But you are going to apologize for picking on innocent, is that clear?” They all looked at me, stupidly I might add, as if they had no clue what language I was speaking. I took a step forward, snarling a little as my eyes changed to amber.

“Is. That. Clear?” They took a step back together and nodded quickly. I smiled politely and cocked my head to the side.

“See, that wasn’t that hard was it?” I asked cheerily then turned and skipped off. I passed all the mustard yellow lockers, ten years in that school and every time I entered it the color of the lockers still made me want to puke.

                I turned the corner and bumped into a body, I looked up and smiled.

“Couldn’t wait, could you?” I asked him as I walked around his huge body, secretly smiling that my mate had come for me.

“Well, normally with you a little while can last for the whole school day. It’s happened before.” He said walking behind me at a safe distance, I turned and walked backwards smirking at him.

“The mystery is all a part of the fun, baby.” I threw an over exaggerated wink at him then turned around and walked normally at his chuckle. We walked down the twists and the turns of the huge school until we hit the cafeteria.

“How bad is it?” I asked, my hand on the door handle, he shrugged one shoulder.

“No one’s stood and sung yet, so you might be in the clear… but most likely they were just waiting for you.” I groaned as I pushed the door open and took a left to where the wolves sat. Alissa’s worried face turned into a full frontal death glare.

“LunaRosa Greene!! Where have you been, lunch is damn near over and you haven’t eaten anything!! You’re going to be completely famished by the time we get home and mom hates it when you’re like that!!!”

“Ok, Ok. One, please be quiet your yelling isn’t helping any of the noise in here. Two, don’t worry I’ll eat something. And three, you don’t have to babysit me.” She looked at me for a minute more before her eyes snapped to Ander.

“Where was she?”

“Uhm, I am here, ya know?” I asked, my voice squeaking in the way it did when I was angry. I felt Ander smile and I felt the growl start up in my chest. He thought it was cute… it wasn’t.

“She was picking on a few skins.” My brow furrowed and my mouth opened in anger. Before I could say something Zelia came with Tiffany under her shoulder.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there, another pea needed my help. Thank you, for standing up for her.” With a nod from both of them they walked back to their corner. Alissa’s glare grew more feral, Jesse snickered and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Your gonna bust a vein if you don’t calm down.”

“Aww, did I miss the explosion?” A raspy voice said as Cara jogged back.

“I went to the bathroom did I miss it, did she explode on you yet?” Her green eyes searched my face with humor.

“Oh ha, ha. So I’m worried about my sister, sue me!” Alissa growled as she slammed down on the table bench. I couldn’t help the smug smile that blossomed on my face as I took my seat down on the bench, maintaining Alissa’s stare the whole way down. I saw what she was gonna do before she did and leaned back just as her hand lashed out to slap

“Really, A? Slapping?” She scoffed and crossed her arms.

“Go get some food, before we go to gym.” I pouted but did as she said, she took it as her mission to make sure I was fed. I stood and so did Ander I maintained my scoff but not my eye roll, these guys were borderline crazy when it came to ensuring I ate. I mean sure, I’d been known to go a little crazy on some skins when I hadn’t eaten. And, sure, there was that time when I had back slapped the shit out of a skin. But that wasn’t my fault, she came way too close to one of the pups and I had to protect them. It was my duty, after all, as the Red Luna to protect any and all who seek to harm the werewolf kind.

                As I walked to the lunch line several other Victors nodded at me. For the longest time we thought that there was only one person that was designed to save a full breed, the Red Luna. We had been wrong. All the gods had created their own Victor, crowning us as the person responsible for the whole species. We took pride of what we did and we watched over all of our brethren, as I had done earlier with Tiffany.

“Hold on a sec- Hey Luna, here!” Felicia said as she threw me a wrapped burger. “It’s got the works on it and everything, courtesy of Ma.” She said before turning back to her friends. Felicia was the Victor

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