» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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Luna is going to be pissed.” When he spoke of my mother my wolf seemed to snap out of her puppy like demeanor and stood, shaking her coat out as she huffed.

“You didn’t have to be snotty about it.” She sneered lifting her lip before walking deeper into the woods, loving the feel of the leaves and twigs crush under her weight.

“Wolf, wait!” My heart broke at his words, but luckily my wolf didn’t care enough to show any emotion. Sure in the human world I ignored him to my best ability, but we were wolves now. Things should’ve been different, things that could never be in our human skin popped out when fur was grown. It hurt that he didn’t see it. He ran to where we were and walked along side us, our shoulders occasionally bumping.

“I only do it for her, wolf, you know that right?” His blue eyes begged my wolf to understand, his soft whining begged me to understand. I didn’t know who the ‘her’ was, but she hated her. We humphed and walked a little faster, careful not to go down a path with narrow trees. It sucked to get stuck between them because you weren’t paying attention, it was embarrassing too.

“Is the ‘her’ your human mate? Or is the ‘her’ the one given to you?” My wolf asked, stopping to sit down and look at him. This wasn’t going to be let go any time soon.  He stopped walking and his tail twitched before he turned around, there was something different there; something that told me this wasn’t Ander or his wolf, but a combination of both.

“We wouldn’t need to have two if your human would just make up her damn mind.” My wolf seemed stunned at first before her hackles slowly raised. Oh great, I thought, wolf argument.

“It doesn’t matter if her mind is indecisive, you shouldn’t be with them. With her. She’s not right for you, she doesn’t belong.” He snarled viciously and walked around her, his fangs bright and pointy as his lips curled.

“She doesn’t belong with me? Or does she not belong in our world?”

“You know the answer to that, don’t hunt me like I’m prey when I’m trying to help.”

“Don’t you think we deserve to be happy? Do you think we enjoy your human’s constant whiplash of emotions she splays onto us?” I forced myself to the surface and looked to him, this was more Ander’s fight than his wolfs’.

“You do, you deserve to be happy more than anything. If she can give you happiness, great… but only for a short time. It’s been long enough.”  He snarled viciously, I was sure that the only reason he hadn’t pounced was because I was a female and his rightful mate.

“You aren’t taking us away from her, she’s happy and I’m happy. So back off, Luna.” They walked past us, being careful not to touch us. We sat still, with our head down.

“And another thing, if that lion male touches you again I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” That was the last thing he said before running back to the school and ending the conversation.

Chapter 3

I tromped back in to the school for the last class of the day, dance. It wasn’t like I hated dance, I just hated that I had another teacher to assist me. His eyes looked to mine before he snarled lightly and walked further into the class.

“Nice to see you too.” I grumbled before moving to address the class. This class wasn’t mixed at all, it was fully human. They needed the skills it took to be light on their feet, shifters were born with that ability.

“Good afternoon class.” I said, my voice projecting off the wooden floors and the ceiling. They grumbled their greetings while they were stretching.

“So we’re going to pick up where we left off, before the bell rang. Can anybody tell me where that is?”

“The quickstep.” A girl supplied while lifting her leg over her shoulder and throwing a furtive glance at Ander. My wolf snarled in my head but I ignored her, he was happy and she was happy. I couldn’t ruin that, not like I had ruined everything else.

“That’s right Karen, the quickstep. I trust you all did the homework?” Each person supplied a CD with one track of music on it. I nodded while I sorted through it, my fingers stopped moving and I smirked.

“Michael? A lovers’ song? Do you have a partner in mind for this song?” He was one of the more shy students, it had shocked and thrilled me that he’d chosen this song.

“It’s actually for you, Ros- I mean Miss Greene.” I smiled brightly and walked to the radio. I popped the song in and walked to him.

“I assume you’ve planned a dance as well, then?” His hands landed on my waist and he brought me closer, a shy smirk appeared on his face.

“Yes.” Was his answer before the music started, his feet led; they moved mine and all too soon I got wrapped up in the music. The twirls and the quick movements were invigorating, pumping my body up with the adrenaline that was needed to continue the dance. At one point I was airborne, but his feet still moved before he brought me down. I smiled as he twirled and spun us around before finally dipping me down on the last note. We were both breathing heavily as the class clapped and gave praise to Michael for his performance.

“Well done, nicely planned and excellent rhythm. I’d say you just got a passing grade in my class.” The class clapped again as Michael blushed bright red and sat on the ground, cradling a bottle of water.

“That was a fun little demonstration of the type of dancing I’d like to see from you. It doesn’t have to be as… invigorating as Michael’s was, but something along those lines would be wonderful. You’ve got 45 minutes. I suggest you start now.” I ended my last words and picked up my own water bottle and sucked down a few gulps. I heard his angry footsteps come towards me before they stopped right next to my hip, I looked to him to see his face calm but tight.

“Is there something you wanted, other than to scare the living shit out of me?” I asked through the pack link while watching the students.

“What in the bloody hell was that Rosa?”

“Oh, so I’m not wolf anymore?”


“Never mind. That was me demonstrating a dance for the class.”

“You and I both know that’s not what it was. You danced with that bloke to get back at me and my wolf.”

“Because everything just has to be about you, doesn’t it Ander?”

“What in all the hells are you talking about?”

“That demonstration was purely educational, maybe you and your wolf need to work on your sense of smell.”

“We know what we smell, that was attraction an lust out there.”

“Not female attraction, and certainly not mine!” I snarled at him, throwing him a glare before I walked around to check in with the students.

“We’re not done with this conversation, Rosa…”

“You may not be, but I am.”With that I closed off my mind and focused on teaching and not going to the nearest corner and balling my eyes out. My eyes zeroed in on Karen, rage fired up in me and magick swirled around me in tendrils. She makes him happy, I thought internally and backed up. My wolf snarled at me, questioning my logic. Like always I ignored her and went with my gut. I walked around, looking as they danced and giving them a few pointers. I struggled with trying not to criticize and ridicule Karen, she couldn’t help who she loved, so I agonized over Ander. Why couldn’t he see that, even though it was scarred, I gave my heart to him whenever I could? I shook my head of all those thoughts and focused on the dancing. Across the room Ander was helping one of the girls who just ‘couldn’t get the positions right’.

“Miss Greene?” A timid voice asked and I blinked out of the fog to look at the girl “The movements ar too quick and I… I really don’t want to fail this class but I just can’t get the right rhythm.” I put my hand on her shoulder and her life played in front of my eyes like a flicking movie.

                Her mom had died when she was younger, an avid dancer and beautiful woman. Her father hardly cared for her, separating himself as much as possible to avoid the pain of seeing a face that looked so much like his beloved. She tried so hard to keep her mother’s memory alive in the best way she knew how; dance.

“Miss Greene?” Her soft voice said, breaking me from her life, her blue eyes wide and scared.

“There’s a medium paced quick step you can do, and if you can’t don’t worry about it.”

“But, the marking period dance-“

“I take whatever you can give to me, don’t push yourself too hard. Practice with the medium, if you like it use it.” I smiled and walked past her, her hand reached out and grabbed my arm but I didn’t startle. I knew it would happen.

“You saw, didn’t you? I’ve heard that you can see people’s past and their futures.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.

“You’re a great dancer, your mother would’ve been proud; but I think you know what else she would’ve said.” I said softly, inclining my head. Her face flushed with guilt and she let go of my arm.

“She’d say ‘don’t aspire me to be me, be you because you’re brilliant just the way you are’. That’s what exactly what she’d say, I advise you listen to her.” I walked away from the big eyed girl and took a deep breath. It took a lot of energy to listen to the dead on the spot.

“I don’t get you, one minute you’re professing your undying hatred for them; then the next you’re helping them connect with their dead relatives.” Ander said through the mind link. I looked up, searching for his disapproving face only to find he was talking to a guy about foot placement. I wouldn’t answer that, because I had nothing nice to say.

                The day went on without another incident, I didn’t see the skins that had tried to pick on mine so I hadn’t tried to pick on them. A few glares and snarls may or may not have been thrown but… was I really expected to not be just a little angry? We drove back to the shiftertown in the family car, silence spread all around.  The tapping of someone’s foot was the only music that was provided and I smiled at the tune.

“Are you trying to say we should go Christmas shopping soon, Alissa?” I ask and adjust myself in the front seat to look at my younger sister, her green eyes looked to mine with pure innocence.

“I didn’t even say anything..” her voice trailed off innocently, something she’d spent years perfecting. Jesse snorted and rolled his eyes, but kept his hand firmly on the steering wheel. Something’s wrong, my wolf told me and I looked closely at

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