» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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all.” I growled at them playfully. They both rolled their eyes and crossed their arms, looking at me for explanation.

“I don’t have time to explain it to you guys.” Cella snorted and her eyes glistened with humor and mischief.

“We could make time, we’re both pretty hungry.” Mason said, a fang popping from under his top lip. I barely stopped the shiver, vampires creeped me out slightly.

“You will not eat on the meat sacks… or blood pouches. Whatever the hell you’re calling them. The bell will ring  soon and you guys are already on your second strike.” They had violated all sorts of rules but had only been caught twice, Principal Valentine had given them three strikes before he stepped in directly. Nobody ever took his threats seriously, but there had been cases where vamps were taken out of school by the government and those instances weren’t few.

“He doesn’t have the balls to kick us out over tardiness, because then he’d have to kick out all the meat packets-“

“I thought it was meat sacks.”

“That do the exact same thing.” Cella said and waved off my excuse. The bell rang, loud and shrill above our ears, and I looked to them before running off to my classroom.


                I was sitting on the desk waiting when the students poured in. I far exceeded Freshfield school of the performing arts expectations, I could’ve gone off and done my own thing… had I not been a victor. Because I was I had to stay and Principal Valentine understood that, so he gave me a teaching position. I’d teach chorus and one dance class, I was still able to protect my people. For that I was grateful to Steve Valentine. The class, half skin and half were, all said hi as they went to their respective seats. The last student closed the door and sat down, I waited until they sat down and hopped off the seat. They looked down at the music and looked back up at me with flabbergasted looks.

“Can we complain?” One of the human males did, one of my favorites, I smirked and gave one curt nod.

“This is impossible to do.”

“We’d all have to work together, it’s not really that bad.”

“The vocals are outrageous, and the instrumentals are crazy.” These are the few I had managed to pick up. While they complained I walked behind the desk and pulled out my copy of the song.

“Quiet.” I said nonchalantly, they heard and quieted instantly as I sat back down on the desk.

“Pick up your instruments.” They grumbled softly but still did as I bade. I was, after all, Alpha. I looked up to the class and picked a girl to start, she huffed but said did nothing else. I look to the boy at the drums and he started off. I looked at the others as they geared themselves to join in. The saxophone came on and then the maraca’s stepped in. A boy started to sing and, even though his tone was a bit off, it worked. I bopped my head and closed my eyes as the song went on. The sax slipped up and I opened my eyes quickly, shaking off the fog that was quickly coming over me.

“What happened Trev?” I looked to the scrawny skin and he looked sheepishly at me.

“I had to take a breath.” He said softly, his face turning pink with embarrassment. Another skin male laughed and my eyes snapped to his. I walked to Trevor and took his instrument, I walked to where he stood.

“You can obviously do better,” I wiped Trevor’s spit off with my sleeve and gave him the instrument “here ya go.”

“Uh, no. I sing, and I don’t want nerd germs in my mouth.” No one else laughed and I cocked my head to the side.

“And you’re a good singer, so you’ve got good lungs. Which means handling the saxophone won’t be such a hassle. And before you say ‘whose going to sing my part?’ you don’t have a part, your particular voice isn’t needed for this song.” I said, tapping into my birth given Alpha rights and giving him the instrument. I walked down, tamping down my anger and turning back to the glass.

“Again, from the top. I trust you can handle it Jeremy.” I said with an evil little smirk. I sat back down on the desk and motioned to the drummer. I kept my eyes on Jeremy, crossing my legs and leaning forward a little, he had my undivided attention. His fingers played clumsily with the instrument and I winced, then made a slashing notion.

“I advise you to remember rule 31, Jeremy.” I said, snatching the instrument away from his hands, his face red with embarrassment and anger.

“Don’t say shit, if you don’t know shit.” I snarled as I turned away from him. I returned the instrument back to Trevor and smile softly.

“Your homework, practice breathing techniques. I understand you have asthma and I know it might be hard but try as best as you can, k?” He nodded with a grateful smile.

“Now, one of y’all pick a song.”


                I had been drinking water when I felt it, the hurtful pang in my mind when something was wrong. The flashes that I had grown so used to came to my eyes and I was useless to stop them. Somewhere in the school a wolf was getting beat on, I felt every punch and kick that he felt and I didn’t like it at all. Not being able to control myself I felt the energy around me crackle and zap, I sifted to where the boy was, standing over him in a protective stance. The humans backed up and narrowed their eyes at me.

“This has nothing to do with you, he overstepped his bounds.” One of the three males said, his chest puffing up intending to scare me. As if.

“Don’t put your hands on my wolves.” I growled at them, taking a threatening step forward.

“Tell your mutt not to step on my shoes.” The boy snarled and stood up slowly, blood came from his nose and my hackles raised as my claws came out.

“You fucking talk about my family, you’re lucky I didn’t fuckin’ break your jaw!” He growled, stepping forward, stopping when I put my hand on his arm.

“You weren’t saying shit when your ass was on the ground with my fucking boot in your mouth.” The boy on the left said I snarled, my eyes turning amber.

“Shut the fuck up and leave before you say something that’ll end up with your limbs in casts.”I growled out, my emotions going haywire. I knew I was signaling other victors, but it’s not like I could help it. It was all a part of my gifts.

“Looney, you good?” Leotis’ voice sounded in my mind, as my fangs grew in my mouth.

“You wouldn’t touch me, bitch. I’d have you put down before you could even put a scratch on me.”

“Shit, I heard that. Want me to get Ander over there?” Filly asked and I squeezed my  eyes closed. I had to reel it in, I knew I did and I tried so hard. But when one of the guys nudged me I couldn’t control it even if I tried. My eyes snapped open, revealing the crimson red that showed how angry I was. I punched the boy in his face then dropped to my haunches when the other boy made a move to grab me. The wolf took his shoulders and put him in a headlock, punching him with aggression. I grabbed the third boy before he went for the wolf and tackled him to the ground.

“Looks like you’re my bitch now.” I growled as I punched him in his face, enjoying the crunch of it as the bones broke under my fist. He struggled under me, trying to lift me off but my rage knew no bounds. I gripped his hair and slammed his head down, knowing he could probably get a concussion but… you don’t hit girls.

“Luna!!!” Ander boomed and pulled me off of the skin, squeezing around my mid-section. The wolf stopped punching and dropped his bloody faced prey, his chest heaving as he took deep breaths.

“You’re dead!! Next time I see any of you your all fucking dead!!” The boy with the broken nose yelled, clutching it. I kicked and bucked, trying to break free from Ander’s death grip.

“Fuck you, asswipe!!” I snarled, squeezing and clawing at Anders’ hands.

“Calm, love. Stay calm.” He whispered in my ear while holding me to his chest, slowly I calmed down watching as they got up and walked away cradling their bleeding faces.

“They’re not gonna do anything, you kicked their asses and I doubt they’ll do anything to risk facing your wrath again.” He whispered before kissing the side of my head. I relished in his touch, wanting it more and for a longer time. The wolf shook his head and I cursed the cruel god that birthed me as I moved away from my mate. My eyes were still amber, there was only so much my mate could do, as I walked to the boy.

“Are you Ok?” I asked, my voice gravelly with the wolf so near, putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked to me and gave a curt nod.

“Thank you. For helping out, I appreciate it.” I gave him one back and walked away, finally realizing my surroundings. They had chosen to beat up the boy in the bathroom, not very wise. If either one of us had decided to unleash ourselves they would’ve been screwed, royally.

“You Ok, now?” Ursula asked through the mind link and I growled in response, I didn’t want to be talked to too much, there was only so much I could take at this point. Ander sighed softly and crossed his arms, keeping his blue eyes on me.

“Shift?” I nodded, feeling the tension in my body almost snapping me in half. He took my hand and together we ran out of the bathroom, out of the school, and into the woods surrounding the school.


                We weren’t too far into the woods before we erupted into our animal forms, it felt good to feel the pain instead of anger. My bones stretched and turned, making disgusting wet popping noise, but I had grown used to the pain. Everyone that was born after I was born, the new generation, shifted into larger wolves. Our wolf form was exactly as tall as our human form, the same went for other species. This would be our, out of many others, gift to help when the war came. My wolf stood tall, stretching out her legs and shaking out her coat. It had been a while since I shifted. We looked to Ander to see he had shifted already, his fur sticking out wildly. That was one of the downsides to the new wolves, they turned your hair color. People like Ander, with weird hair coloring, had it bad. It’s hard to hunt, especially if the moon is full, if your fur glints at certain times to give you away.

                Our tongue lolled out and we trotted around him, my wolf was so brazen that she didn’t care about a war. She wanted her mate, and what she wanted she often got. We licked his cheek before loping off, not using our full speed. This wasn’t a hunt, this was just play. He yipped at us, chasing after us before using a sudden burst of speed to catch and tackle us. We rolled over, getting our red coat dirty but we didn’t care… well, she didn’t. It was good to be free, to have the whole Earth as your playpen. What was a playpen without a little dirt? He licked the top of our head and shook his head, I rolled my eyes but she yipped at him.

“I’ll do what I want, mate.” She growled playfully at him through the mind link.

“You’re getting yourself all dirty, wolf, your

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