» Fiction » MY HATCH POCKET JOURNAL, BILLY COY [mobi reader TXT] 📗

Book online «MY HATCH POCKET JOURNAL, BILLY COY [mobi reader TXT] 📗». Author BILLY COY

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so sorry mother.

Maria walks into the room and she’s so surprised to see her long-lost sister. She has flowers in her hands, for her mother. She first stands back looking at her sister in disbelief.


Tisha is that you?

Letisha carefully lets go of her mother and gets up from the bed and walks to her sister as their mother sits upright and looks on.



Yes sis, it’s me. Back from the dead after ten years.

Maria (So happy) Oh my God!
Maria runs happily to her sister and they hug. Their mother has a smile
on her face now, seeing her daughters reunited.

Maria – Continues


Where have you been?

They let go of each other; Maria stands back looking at her sister admiringly, with arms spread and in a swinging expression.

Maria - Continues

Look at you, so grownup and looking good.



…and so sexy…

Letisha makes a turn around, in praise of herself. Their mother is smiling amusedly at it all.


I couldn’t agree with you more. There’s pause.

How about Peter, how is he?

Maria walks to her mother, to give her the flowers.


(In contempt) Peter is bad news.
Mrs. Jerkins

No he’s not.


What do you mean: bad news?


These are yours mother. Mrs. Jerkins takes the flowers in her hands.
Mrs. Jerkins

Thank you. Letisha walks closer to her mother’s bed too.

(Hopelessly/doubtfully) Mother thinks he will come out of it…

Out of what…?


He’s on drugs.


Oh my God! What happened to him?

Maria glances at her mother and looks back at her sister, in a suggesting way.


After dad and mum’s divorce, and you gone,
he just went on to make a total nuisance of himself. Letisha looks so saddened. She takes her mother’s hand in hers and also
that of her sister, in her other hand and assures them while looking at them one to another.


We shall never be apart, ever again.

Mrs. Jerkins

Come here my two beautiful daughters.

Their mother is so happy; she spreads out her hands and hugs both her daughters at once.



Mrs. Jerkins is seated up in her bed and Dr. Marco is standing beside her bed and they’re having a fight.

Dr. Marco

You don’t understand anything about it, do you Mrs. Jerkins?
Mrs. Jerkins

I wasn’t born yesterday.

Marco moves about in protest; swinging his hands up and down.

Dr. Marco

Don’t give me that Mrs. Jerkins, I am not interested in such crap.
Mrs. Jerkins

That crap, as you put, is what got me this far.
Dr. Marco

Cut it out Mrs. Jerkins, you don’t believe you can live longer than just a month,
and I am supposed to listen to that because you’re old enough to be a wise-bug.

Mr. Jerkins


‘A wise-bug…’ huh!

She sits up straight and critically points at him while looking at him so angered. She speaks in a relatively deep and angry voice.

Mrs. Jerkins Look here son… Dr. Marco
(Chips in fast) I’m not your son. Mrs. Jerkin
Whatever, but you’ve got to listen to me carefully boy…
Marco looks away from her in rebellion, swinging his hands up and
down, once, in disbelief, as he speaks.

Dr. Marco

(Chips in/smiling in disguise) Oh my God, I’m now not just ‘son,’
but a boy, I’m no longer your doctor???

Mrs. Jerkins

Maybe subconsciously you’re not.

Mrs. Jerkins must have touched a nerve, because Marco angry turns around and critically looks at her, with guilt though.

Dr. Marco

(Calmly but strong)

And what has that got to mean? Mrs. Jerkins looks away from him.
Mrs. Jerkins


I think you know what I mean. Marco gets so infuriated and points at her angrily.
Dr. Marco


You don’t know shit about me old lady!

Dr. Sabrina walks in and catches him unaware ‘threatening’ her (Mrs. Jerkins).

Dr. Marco - continues

So don’t imagine…

Dr. Sabrina (Chips in angrily) Stop it Marco! Dr. Marco

And what are you doing here, this is… Dr. Sabrina
(Chips in furiously/orders) Get out Marco!
Dr. Marco


No, you get out, she’s my patient! Mrs. Jerkins watches on in total silence.
Dr. Sabrina

Get out Marco or I go call Doctor Walter to fill you in on your stupid behavior when it comes to Mrs. Jerkins.
Marco feels so offended; he points at her in bid of saying something so
‘strong’ to her but he’s lost for words.

Dr. Marco

You… Damn it!

He angrily storms out of the room. Sabrina then breathes a sigh of relief;
she walks to Mrs. Jerkins.

Dr. Sabrina

Forgive him Mrs. Jerkins. He can be such a pain sometimes.
Mrs. Jerkins

He’s not a bad boy. I think he’s just so mad at himself over something dark in his past. But he’s not mad at me; I think I’m just a way of escape from his fears.
Sabrina remains ‘ignorantly’ looking at Mrs. Jerkins; she looks so



Mrs. Jerkins is in a coma; she’s lying in her bed and on a resuscitator machine, with tubes in her nose and on her hands. Letisha is seated

beside her bed on a stool holding her hand in hers. Tears are running down her eyes; she’s crying silently. She’s looking in her mother’s face.


Mother, I was a fool to stay away for all that long. I am so sorry. But
now I’m back mother, please don’t leave us. We all love you mother.
(A beat)

The doctor said you won’t walk again, but I believe in God you will mother,
I know you will…

She then kisses on her mother’s hand. Dr. Sabrina walks into the room with a clipboard in her hands and a stethoscope hanging from her neck.

Dr. Sabrina

Good morning ma’am.


Good morning doctor.

Sabrina straight way looks on the computer showing the sustainability and stability of Mrs. Jerkins’ life and begins writing down some notes.

Letisha - Continues

I thought it was Marco…

Dr. Sabrina chips in as she puts the clipboard beside Mrs. Jerkins, on the bed; and then gets out a syringe and a bottle of liquid medicine from her gown pocket.

Dr. Sabrina

Dr. Marco could not handle this patient properly, so I was asked by our superior to take over.
She (Sabrina) then sucks some of the medicine from the bottle by
placing the needle of the syringe in it, from the cover. She then injects it into the water-bag connected to Mrs. Jerkins with tubes; it’s (the water- bag) hanging from a stand.


Why couldn’t he… Dr. Sabrina (Chips in)
I also can’t tell you why he gets so emotional and personal when it comes to this particular patient.
(A beat)

Will you please give me a moment?

Letisha gets up from the stool and gives way for the doctor to check the patient. Sabrina checks Mrs. Jerkins’ heartbeat with her stethoscope.


Maybe there’s some attachment he feels with mother that can’t allow him to deal with
her well enough.

Sabrina stands face to face with Letisha.

Dr. Sabrina

I heard you’re a psychiatrist... Maybe you can help him well.

I’ll be glad to do so, if in case he really has a problem and needs my help.
Dr. Sabrina

I’ll talk to him. Thank you. Though I

know it’s not…


(Chips in)

Well, though my mother is lying here fighting for her life, it doesn’t mean
I should stop salvaging other people’s lives.

Dr. Sabrina

You’re such a kind and smart woman miss Letisha.

We’re all doctors, though serving different purposes. Sustaining human life is our main concern.
Dr. Sabrina

I’ll always keep that in mind.

Sabrina walks out of the room. Letisha sits back on the stool beside her mother’s bed looking at her ‘so sorry’ and sorrowfully. Maria walks in, Letisha sees her; she (Maria) walks straight to her mother’s bed, where Letisha is seated. Maria touches on Letisha’s shoulder in a comforting way, looking at her mother.


(Sadly) How is she?
Letisha takes her mother’s hand in hers while crying silently.


(Shaking her head left and right, hopelessly) I don’t know Maria, mother really
needs our prayers. Maria starts silently crying too.
Letisha – continues


How did it go with dad?



Less just forget about that evil man! Letisha looks up at Maria.


He refused to help our mother!



We shall try and pay all the bills on our own. I know we shall manage somehow. Less
just forget about him.

Letisha looks back at her mother so sorrowfully, and both Maria and her cry on, silently.



Mrs. Jerkins is lying in her bed; she’s conscious and awake. A young beautiful woman, sassily dresses, walks in hesitantly, and she straight away walks to Mrs. Jerkins’ bed. Mrs. Jerkins looks at her knowingly and silently. The young woman stands beside the bed and they both look at each other silently. She (the young woman) starts crying silently; she gets out a handkerchief from her hand-bag and cleans her nose as she cries.

The young woman


I am so sorry Mrs. Jerkins.

Mrs. Jerkins keeps silent, but she keeps looking at her attentively.

The young woman - Continues

(In grief)

I’ve come to pay all your hospital bills

Mrs. Jerkins. That man is so evil, but

I had to be concern because I was the major cause to your family’s disintegration.
The young woman breaks down into more tears.

The young woman -Continues


I thought I was so in love with him. He made me feel good, but it was never my intention to take him away from his family or to cause
you pain Mrs. Jerkins, I was young and stupid, but now I know better, and I’d never want it to happen to me either.
Mrs. Jerkins has tears running down her eyes too. She slowly moves her
hand, to try and take ‘the young woman’s’ hand in hers. The young woman instead notices it and holds into Mrs. Jerkins’ hand. Mrs. Jerkins talks painfully and silently.

Mrs. Jerkins


Go home Kate. It’s okay.

At that same time, Letisha walks in, and when she sees Kate, all hell breaks loose. She stands back furious.


(So bitter)

What is this bitch doing here
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