» Fiction » MY HATCH POCKET JOURNAL, BILLY COY [mobi reader TXT] 📗

Book online «MY HATCH POCKET JOURNAL, BILLY COY [mobi reader TXT] 📗». Author BILLY COY

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Kate at once carefully lets go of Mrs. Jerkins’ hand and turns and faces Letisha; she (Kate) looks so shocked and sad. She remains silent. Letisha at once shows her the way out, by angrily standing out of the way and stretching her hand out, pointed at the doorway.

Letisha - Continues


Out you go! We don’t need your help or your husband’s.
Kate sorrowfully glances at Mrs. Jerkins and she (Mrs. Jerkins) swiftly
touches on her. While crying, Kate walks out of the room. After she’s gone, Letisha walks to her mother.



What was that whore doing here mother?

On reaching close to her mother’s bed, Letisha realizes that her mother is silently crying.

Letisha – Continues

(Sympathetically and sadly) Oh mother, don’t cry.
Letisha holds her mother’s hand in hers and wipes her tears off her face
with her other hand. Maria walks into the room too, and walks straight to her mother’s bed.


I saw that witch along the hallway, was she from…?
She then notices her mother crying and she charges angrily: she
threatens to go back out and attack Kate.

Maria - Continues


If she hurt you or said anything to you mother, I…

Mrs. Jerkins straight away nods her head left and right, in disagreement, to stop Maria from going out of control and go after Kate.


I got here before she could do anything. I put her right in her place.
Mrs. Jerkins in need of an immediate answer looks up at her daughters;
she speaks silently but audibly.

Mrs. Jerkins

I can’t feel my legs…

Her daughters just look at her silently and begin to cry. She right away knows it’s all not well; she looks away from them and continues to cry too. Letisha bends over and kisses her mother on the hand that she’s still holding in hers. Maria just stands there crying and sadly looking on.


Mrs. Jerkins is comfortably seated up in her bed and she’s awake. Marco
walks into the room and stands by the doorway; he and Mrs. Jerkins look at each other and smile warmly. Mrs. Jerkins beckons at him, to come closer.

Mrs. Jerkins

Come over here.

Marco right away walks close to Mrs. Jerkins’ bed. When he gets there, Mrs. Jerkins taps on the side of her bed for him to sit there.

Mrs. Jerkins - Continues

Sit here.

Marco sits at the side of Mrs. Jerkins’ bed and they’re both comfortably looking at each other with smiles. They talk warmly and happily.

Dr. Marco

How are you doing ma’am?

Mrs. Jerkins

Fine, couldn’t be better.

Dr. Marco

That’s beautiful.

Mrs. Jerkins

Where have you been all this time?

Dr. Marco

…Around. Mrs. Jerkin
Around where? Here in the hospital?

Dr. Marco


Mrs. Jerkins

How come you have not been coming to visit me?
Dr. Marco

Doctor Walter’s orders, he told me to stay away from you if I can’t treat
you like a doctor should.

Mrs. Jerkins

Oh, so, are you now allowed to come

near me or you’re still on restraining order?

Dr. Marco

That depends. They both laugh.
Mrs. Jerkins

It seems you have had a charge of mind. Before you always looked at me with
lack and anger, I could see it in your

eyes even when you tried to hide it with a smile.

Marco gets up from the bed, stands up and rubs both his hands backwards, on the sides of his head, guiltily. But he remains looking at Mrs. Jerkins and her at him.

Dr. Marco

I must admit Mrs. Jerkins, I had some reservations back then, but now I’ve realized that it’s not
worth it to hold onto past heartbreaks and bad memories.
Mrs. Jerkins

What exactly are you talking about son?

Marco sadly looking sits back on the side of Mrs. Jerkins’ bed and holds her hand warmly into his. Mrs. Jerkins is looking back at him, in his eyes, attentively and sadly too.

Dr. Marco

The problem was me Mrs. Jerkins.

Whenever I looked at you, I saw my mother.

Mrs. Jerkins

Your mother…? Dr. Marco
Yes ma’am, my mother.

Tears start silently running down Marco’s eyes. Mrs. Jerkins is silently attentive as Marco caresses continuously on her hand while looking down at it.

Dr. Marco – Continues

She was quiet like you Mrs. Jerkins. He then looks up at her again, in the face.
Dr. Marco - Continues

She too suffered like you’re suffering. Marco breaks down it more tears.
Mrs. Jerkins (Sorrowfully) Come here boy.
Marco gets into Mrs. Jerkins’ embrace like a baby, crying so emotionally.

Dr. Marco


I had never got over it.

Mrs. Jerkins


I understand. Dr. Marco
I am so sorry Mrs. Jerkins, forgive me.

Mrs. Jerkins

I forgive you my son, I forgive you. They remain in embrace, and Marco crying.


Sabrina is seated behind her desk doing some paperwork; she has her eyes into the papers. Marco walks in gently.

Dr. Marco


Can I come in?

Sabrina is alerted; she looks up and sees him. She smiles.

Dr. Sabrina

Marco, of course come on in.

Sabrina sits up and leans back on her chair. Marco walks close to her desk and sits down in one of the visitors’ chairs.

Dr. Marco

Still working on those research project papers?

Dr. Sabrina

You can’t imagine; it’s a bigger job than

I anticipated.

Dr. Marco

If you need any help, I’m available.

Dr. Sabrina Thank you. Dr. Marco Anytime!
Dr. Sabrina

What a surprise visit; got something on your mind?
Marco leans forward, supported with his elbows on his laps.

Dr. Marco

Actually yes, there’s much on my mind

I want to tell you about, and get it all over with. Sabrina then leans forward onto her desk.
Dr. Sabrina

Bring it on.

Marco leans back on the chair smiling. He crosses his legs.

Dr. Marco

You won’t believe this, but it has been longtime coming.
Sabrina leans back on her chair smiling expectantly.

Dr. Sabrina

You know you can tell me anything.

Since med-school we have been sharing a lot.

Dr. Marco

A lot, but not what I’m about to tell you.

Dr. Sabrina


It’s now going to join the archive too. They both laugh briefly.
Dr. Marco

Anyway, do you still remember that time when Jenny almost caught us about to kiss, in the lab?

Dr. Sabrina

(Shyly smiling)

That was crazy. It was impulsive.

Dr. Marco


Right it was. But can you believe I

still preciously hold that moment in my mind. Sabrina gets up from her chair.
Dr. Sabrina

That was long time ago Marco.

She walks about, at the back of her chair; Marco remains seated with his eyes turning wherever she moves.

Dr. Marco

True love doesn’t have a lifespan, does it?

Sabrina realizes that Marco is going beyond the edge; she stops moving and stands at the back of her chair holding onto it while she looks calmly and critically at him.

Dr. Sabrina

Don’t tell me you’re… Marco gets up at once, seriously looking at her.

Dr. Marco

(Emotionally and passionately) Yes Sabrina, I am so in love with you,
actually, I have been since that moment in the lab.

His confession seems to weigh hard on her; she silently walks up to him and holds his hand in hers.

Dr. Sabrina (Sympathetically) Less talk Marco.
They both sit down face to face on the visitors’ chairs. She’s looking
straight in his eyes and so is he. She’s warmly holding his hand into both of hers, on his lap.

Dr. Sabrina (Sympathetically and compassionate) I love you too Marco, but as a very close friend. I would want us to
always smile, cry, laugh and grieve together, but only as very close friends.
Dr. Marco

(Tries to chip in)


Dr. Sabrina


Please let me finish Marco.

Marco looks unsettled. His hand is still in hers; she’s holding him warmly. She’s still got her eyes into his.

Dr. Sabrina - continues

I know what you’re going through. You may think I’m tripping, but to tell you the truth, there’s this guy I had a very big crush on in
high school, and I’ve always dreamed of seeing him again, someday...
Sabrina gets up from her seat and walks about while talking; it seems
what she’s talking about is weighing on, on her; she looks saddened but content. Marco keeps his eyes on her; he is relaxed.

Dr. Sabrina - continues

…But just last month while at the movies… She turns and looks at him, standing in one spot.
Dr. Sabrina – Continues


…He was seated right next to me! We talked

and I’m now so happy with him. We’re going steady.

Marco gets up gently while smiling and looking at her in an understanding way.

Dr. Marco

I wish you all the best Sabrina. I really do. Sabrina smiles so happy and excitedly; she rushes to him.
Dr. Sabrina That’s why you’re my best friend Marco, I love you.
She hugs him; he hugs her too and they both seem so happy and

Dr. Sabrina

I knew you would understand.

They get out of each other’s embrace, but she remains holding both his hands in hers.

Dr. Marco

I love you so much Sabrina, and the best I can do for you and me, is to let you go and be happy.
Sabrina looks so excited; she kisses him at once and briefly, on the lips.

Dr. Sabrina

Thank you Marco!

Dr. Marco


Promise me that you’ll always be happy with that guy.
Immediately Sabrina answers:

Dr. Sabrina I promise! Dr. Marco
Very close friends for life!

Dr. Sabrina

(Repeats after him)

Very close friends for life!

Dr. Marco


Less then get back to hospital business.

Dr. Sabrina

Oh yeah.

She lets go of his hands and he starts walking out of her office as they both smile at each other. She remains standing in the same spot. Marco waves at her as he walks out.

Dr. Marco

Goodbye my sweet princess… She waves back at him too.
Dr. Sabrina

Goodbye my sweet prince…

Marco walks out of her office and she remains standing in the same spot smiling candidly.




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