» Fiction » Time Frame, D G Harney [recommended ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Time Frame, D G Harney [recommended ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author D G Harney

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500 feet loomed ahead of us. Just looking at the challenge it represented sent our pulse rates into the stratosphere. The question was not whether we should try but could we do it.

“What do you think Frank? It looks like something that would test our skills and then some! It should be easier than our D-Day climb…there aren’t any machine guns harassing us.”

“We could use a little more challenging climb than what we have been doing. Kind of makes me nervous though since we haven’t seen a challenge like this since then. Of course we had those other problems there that added to the usual climbing problems.”

“Ah! What the hell let’s do it...nothing ventured…nothing gained. We can always find another easier one if this proves to be too tough!”

It would be hard to envision the cliff from a word description but I will try. The first seventy five to one hundred feet was sheer rock with a few visible fractures needed for permanent pitons. The next few hundred feet was ninety degrees straight up with fractures and finger and toe holds acceptable to us. The next few hundred feet appeared to be The Big Challenge. There appeared to be a cave of sorts about three hundred, maybe three hundred fifty, feet up. Since it was late in the morning we wondered whether we could make it to that cave and spend the night there before climbing again. We decided to try it since if by chance we couldn’t make it by dusk we could easily repel and start again early the next day. Or give it up and move on!!

We did make it to the cave well before dark. Our training and experience proved to be enough. We hauled our camping gear up to the cave and spent the night. The cave turned out to be much more than we thought or could envision from the ground. It was a near perfect place to spend the night and possibly the next day or so exploring.

Looking out of the mouth of the cave as the sun set and darkness reared its blackness created a picture that no artist could duplicate. A quarter moon and billions of stars made us realize how puny and insignificant we are. We turned in with that thought in mind and both slept like babies after our grueling day on “our” new rock.

We were up at first light. We cooked up a substantial breakfast, coffee and packaged ready to eat dinners. Our first look at our cave showed a twenty foot wide, high ceiling and a floor that climbed at about a twenty to thirty degree angle as far into the mountain as our torches could penetrate. The floor was covered with what appeared to be years of small rocks falling from the wall and ceiling. There was no sign that either man or animal had been there. Climbing would be easy but with our camping gear being back packed it would be relatively slow going especially as the day wore on. We packed everything and set off to the unknown. Little did we realize a real and uncanny adventure was really about to begin!!! Nor did we know what this awesome adventure and life changing event that was about to take place would do to our otherwise normal and simple lives.

We started into the cave. After several hundred feet the cave twisted and turned but kept rising at the same rate. We found only one path to follow almost as if the cave had been man made with a destination in mind. To this day I often think that this was the case but while in the cave we could see no evidence to back such a theory. We hiked until our muscles told us to take a break and after checking our watches found that we had hiked for over seven hours without a break. We decided to spend a few hours resting. Since there was no night or day in the cave our bodies told us when to sleep and rest.

After sleeping and having a little food and high energy candy bars we set off again. Guessing that we were doing about a mile an hour and that we had traveled for seven hours we started to question how far this journey would take us and what we might find at journeys end. We would soon get the answer to that query. Four hours into our hike we had an answer but more, many more, questions would soon greet us.

There it was. What appeared from a few hundred feet away in the light of our torches to be a steel door turned out to be just that. We approached the door with great trepidation. This is scary. What is this huge, heavy piece of steel doing here? How did it get here? Who put it here? Do we dare attempt to open it? Can we open it? What will we find on the other side?? Atomic waste dump!! Our thoughts were racing as we questioned each other. What should we do??

We decided to put a pot of coffee on our alcohol stove and relax a bit. This totally unexpected event was taxing our decision making processes and we both had to do some serious thinking before delving into this new and unexpected unknown!!

After a couple of cups of coffee and some fairly heated discussion we decided that first we would see if we could even move the huge door. Then we could decide what next. It turned out that the door moved easily. How could that be? It must weigh tons. We needed to expend minimal effort and the door moved. We must have said it together…lets do it. We pushed the door open far enough to allow us to see what was on the other side.

What a surprise!! We entered a great room. It looked like an unused warehouse of some sort. In the center of the room were several palettes of bicycles. They looked like they would be the age of those that an antique store would be selling if they could find them. I remember my older brother getting one which would put them in the 1927 class.

Now that we were here and there appeared to be no immediate danger we moved along to see what else we would discover. Another door appeared at the end of the great room. Another question. Should we keep going? Why not? We did keep going and more amazing things happened.

Chapter 5

We opened the door and found two startled teenagers drinking, of all things, cokes and from bottles seldom seen. They were dressed in clothes that we had only seen in movies depicting the early 1900’s. Where are these guys coming from?

I finally broke the silence and asked them where we were. One of them spoke up. “You are in my father’s warehouse.

“Where is that? What city?”

“Ashtonville” was his answer.

“Never heard of it.”

“Not many people have!!”

We chatted for several minutes. They were curious about our clothes, back pack, shoes, climbing paraphernalia, how we got there through the restricted steel door. We learned that no one was permitted to go out through that door and to their knowledge no one had at least in their short lifetimes.

What first was a fearsome event now had turned into something that was very interesting and that needed more explaining. We asked the boys if they would show us around, sort of a guided tour and that we would pay them to do it. They volunteered to take us around and were actually embarrassed when we offered to pay them. Nice kids.

They took us to what turned out to be the front of the building and into a wide and well built street. Our first thought was “Now we get it. This is a movie set based on the early part of the century.” The street was lined with several circa 1925 parked cars. A new looking Ford Model A with it rumble seat open was parked near the door. My favorite car as a kid. When I graduated from high school there was a similar car for sale on our street. It would have been an ideal graduation gift and only 35 dollars. My parents didn’t agree…I got a wrist watch.

The frame buildings which lined the street were identical to those in my town during my early childhood. The street lights were vintage 1900. Everything was vintage 1900. If this wasn’t a movie set did we get caught up in one of those fictional time warp things?? My brain was speeding rapidly to a destination unknown.

There were a few older people walking the sidewalks and apparently window shopping. They hadn’t seen us yet!!! I asked the boys if it would be all right to leave our back packs in the warehouse and they said OK…they will be safe there. That would make walking and sight seeing easier. We dropped them inside the warehouse door.

We decided to investigate our “discovery” and determine just what it was we had “discovered”. Weird?? We hadn’t seen anything yet!

The boys took us up the street and gave us a little briefing on all the businesses and the people that worked in them. Drug store, hardware store, doctor and dental office, a small post office, a library and other businesses one would expect in any town. All were well kept, neat and clean as were the people in them. What a nice movie set! Almost too nice to be a movie set. A waste?? Our kind of home town?

As we got near the end of what appeared to be the business district one of the boys asked if we would like to meet his father. He is the mayor and the head of the bank. “We would very much like to meet him” was our immediate answer. They led us into the fairly busy bank and towards the rear where a sign on the door indicated the manager dwelled. The boy knocked and was invited in. He told the man sitting behind the desk that he had two strangers that he wanted him to meet. “Bring them in was the response.’

As we entered the shock on the boys father’s face was evident. He asked his sons to leave and close the door behind us. “Your clothes tell me you are not from this area.” “Where did you come from? How did you get here? What are you doing here? “His questions never seem to stop. He was obviously under great stress. Our curiosity was reaching a peak when he finally took a deep and troubled breath and sat back down at his desk.

We took a minute and briefed him on the events of the past three days. After we had finished he made some remark about how he knew he should have sealed off the entrance to his warehouse but didn’t think anyone was capable of climbing “our” rock. He then started to tell us where we were and why we
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