» Fiction » Time Frame, D G Harney [recommended ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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gone for our normal two weeks and they will have to take the reins.” Frank responded.

“Good! I am in about the same boat so I know what you are saying. I have been trying to figure out a good way to visit with Clarence and still get some rocks under us. Why don’t we just drive into Ashtonville for our visit with him and since we can only remain there for two or maybe, and that is a big maybe, three days we won’t be wasting time doing some climbing that we have done before. After we leave Ashtonville we can do our rock work.”

“That is a great idea. Let’s do it!!”

We ended our conversation and got on with our business. I had located on a recent Colorado map the approximate location of Ashtonville and could see that it would be an easy drive in and out so that at the most we would loose only three of our fun days.

But, surprise, surprise! I picked Frank up the first week in July. We loaded all his gear and our rations into my van and we were off to Ashtonville. We did stop for a quick bite to eat at the town Clarence had told us was his usual stopping place for supplies and to get the latest news of the real world.

After eating and a pit stop we were off on what we thought would be about a thirty or forty minute drive. That was not to be. After driving long enough to reach Ashtonville it was nowhere in sight. “What the hell is going on?” I asked Frank?

“Beats the crap out of me!! We should have been there ten minutes ago!” he answered.

We drove another few minutes and decided to stop and think about what to do. We both hit the same thought at the same time….Clarence told us what happened to him. Why didn’t we listen?

I came up with a brilliant after thought…”How stupid can I be. Until we comply with the weird situation Clarence told us about we could not possible get into Ashtonville like this. It looks like we will have to go to the town through the ‘back door’ as we did last year. We kind of wasted three or four hours screwing around before we figured the obvious out. No sense in crying over spilled milk lets find our rock and get climbing.”

Our summer rock climb had been slow in coming because of our screw up. The anticipation of our visit with Clarence no doubt was the cause. Three hours later we started unloading our gear at our rock and by sundown were safely in our high rise cave consuming our “ready to eat” gourmet dinner, a re-run of our last years episode The climb was easy since we had left pitons in place We spent the night in the cave as we had the last year. The next morning the walk through the cave was fast since we had a goal in mind and knew what lay ahead of us. Clarence seemed happy to see us and that we were well. It didn’t take us long to get into our ideas of how we could make lots of money by playing our cards right. Clarence was not very happy with our ideas but we pressed him on the good works he could do if he had larger amounts of money to work with.

First we had to know if there was any way he could buy and sell stocks. It turned out that he was already doing that by phone. Now how in the world did they get phones connected to the outer world in Ashtonville? It turned out that Western Union had run a telegraph line through the town many years before and some inventive citizen had the foresight to run a phone line into the neighboring town also years before. We were again in another world within a world.

Then Clarence informed us that he had overlooked telling us that Ashtonville was not the only community caught up in this time frame. A larger city a few miles south also on his property was experiencing the same time frame conditions. This city was located on a large parcel of land that his father had leased to some local townspeople before the time problem was discovered. It was here where he was also able to bank, trade stocks and purchase, exchange or sell major items including gold, silver and other commodities. All of this activity was confined to trade with the local people and was not done on a national level.

“How did you accumulate all that gold and silver that you have warehoused in your bank Clarence?” Frank asked.

Clarence started another history lesson for us. “My great grandfather had found some pretty good silver and gold mines early in his life. He discovered silver on one of his properties shortly after he opened his first bank. He was a conservative of the first order probably because of his European upbringing in a wealthy but down to earth family during tough times in Prussia. Over time he used up all of the vault space available for storing his silver and gold bars. He built a new and bigger bank in Denver and that became another place to store large amounts of gold and silver.

In fact, one of the most productive silver mines in the country was on his property here. Veins of nearly pure silver laced with gold were discovered and mined until the mine became untenable from a financial point of view. He always felt that gold and silver had solid value and would be accepted by everybody. He created his own mint and started making coins that were used for money in this town. As time went on and the population grew, actually it grew rapidly, people started complaining about having to carry those heavy coins.

At about this time he started to deal with the newly opened United States government mint in Denver. They needed large quantities of both gold and silver which he gladly supplied. He accepted some of the minted coins in payment and stored most of them in his banks. He had so much mintage that he actually built another new, larger bank which had a huge vaulted storage area dedicated to his raw gold and silver and the minted coins he was receiving in payment from the mint. Some of those coins are stored in the bank here in Ashtonville too. In addition to the coins received in payment he accepted long term government bonds as well as gold certificates. He seldom if ever cashed in on any of these valuable items and most are still in his banks. He just purchased new bonds as sine if the bonds matured. I doubt that he ever knew the value of his holdings and as of now most of them are still in the vaults. I have no idea either of their worth. I have been going to have my people make and inventory of my holdings but never seem to get around doing it.

My father was an astute business man among his many other talents and started printing his own bank notes. He stored the equivalent amounts of gold or silver to back up those notes just as the government did or said they did. As people became aware of his move and felt confident that the paper they received was “as good as gold or silver” the use of his coins stopped completely. Over the years he closed his mint and the yields from his mining operations were put into storage and if needed more bank notes backed by that gold and silver would be issued. Eventually all of his notes were called in and government paper money was then used. It had to be screened for old money, the new bills could disappear.

His mining operation played out but not before he had accumulated a vast fortune which is still warehoused here and in our Denver bank vaults and in several other secure places. We do watch the prices in the real world and I expect that one day we will be moving this valued stock and getting into investments that can appreciate better or faster. We don’t know yet whether the coins here would survive if moved. I had intended to take some into the real world and see but just never have gotten around to it. We really don’t have to do anything…so human nature being what it is we have done nothing. Time will dictate our actions. In the meantime our Ashtonville legal tender backed at about 1,000 percent by a real value security…gold and silver… is no more.”

Clarence took a deep breath and continued. ”As I mentioned, during the early days of his mining operations he sold silver and gold bullion to the Denver mint receiving gold and silver minted coins for payment. Most of these coins were still stored in our large Denver bank vaults especially built for such storage. They are still there as new as the day they were minted. We have never inventoried them but there are millions of both silver and gold coins available should we need them. Gold and silver prices don’t change much so we see no reason to sell them since they are such a good store of value. ”

When we told Clarence of the impending crash on Wall Street he was disturbed. He had a lot of his investment money in stocks. Our months of research on which stocks to buy now and when to sell them was now met with a welcome smile. We had brought what cash we could afford in the hopes that he could or would invest it for us. Turns out that our Federal Reserve Notes were unheard of by this banker and probably would not be usable for what we had in mind. There was no Federal Reserve Bank in his world. Clarence wondered aloud about how he could buy and sell stock in a market existing twenty years past.

Both Frank and I were simultaneously coming to an identical conclusion. What we had been hearing during this visit and our last had awakened the larceny in our souls. Our contemplating acquiring huge amounts of wealth had caused some brain cells to die or stop working. There is no way that Clarence could gain from events already past in our world. If there were a way to buy stocks in his world and trade them in his world then anything would be possible. We had wasted a lot of time thinking of ways to beat the system. Our hopes of making really large amounts of money had definitely disappeared.

Frank brought up the subject just as I was about to. “You know, Matt, we have been overlooking the obvious. There is no way that Clarence can buy stocks, bonds, antiques or other valuable from the real world into his and take advantage of situations long passed. For us it was a case of wishful thinking, wishing that we could make a lot of easy money. I guess my Dad was right. There is no such thing as easy money. You get what you earn. What you work for. I think we should apologize to Clarence if we led him to believe that he could use his time frame problem to his advantage in this manner.”

He picked up on
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