» Fiction » The Protectors, A. D. Knight [ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «The Protectors, A. D. Knight [ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author A. D. Knight

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not," I said admiring the sword's beautiful carvings.
"You hold it as if you know how to use it," Skye said.
I spun around holding the sword tightly so as not to lose it when I swing, but gently so I can control it. I gave him my most mischevious smile.
"A little," I lied.
"Okay, let's see it," Ash said pulling another sword from the room behind me. "On gaurd."
"Wrong, first we bow," I said giving him a mockingly curtious bow.
He bowed then brought his sword up. I could tell by his thoughts he thought I was going to fail within seconds of starting. He thought about going easy on me.
"Oh and don't hold back," I told him with a mischevious wink.
"On guard, Cousin," he said bring his sword across to meet mine.
I perried and swung the blade above his head, barely missing. Sparks flew as I cut down and he cut up, our blades meeting. I spun, narrowly missing his blade whip in front of my face.
I spun around, my blade hiting his causing more sparks. The force of our blades hitting sent both of us staggering back. He recovered quicker than I did, bring his blade down towards me.
I closed my eyes and tapped into my sword fighting skils from the thirteenth century. I brought my sword up and blocked him, with my eyes still closed. I opened my eyes and struck up and across. He blocked. We both tried to strike down and across.
Sparks flew as everyone watching dove for cover. I could barely hear the swords clashing over my heavy breathing and heart pounding. I smiled at Ash and wiped sweat from my brow.
I sliced across one direction and he sliced the other direction, sending my sword clattering to the ground. Ash smiled thinking of a victory as the blade swund towards me. Without thinking about what I was doing I called out.
"Shadowslayer," I cried out.
My sword that was crafted speacial appeared in my hand and blocked Ash's. Ash's eyes widened in shock but niether of us paused. I weaved my blade as if I was using my hand instead of a sword.
I could hear Ash's breathing pick up as the fight went on. Sparks were flying more and more frequently. Shadowslayer knew his attacks and acted of it's own accord.
I cut across left, Ash cut across right. Our blades met and his shattered into a million peices. Ash fell onto his back from the impact of the blow. I gently put the tip of the blade on his chest.
"I win," I panted.
"I guess you do," he agreed panting twice as hard as I was.
I removed my sword from his throat and offered him a hand to help him up. He accepted my help with a grin as Angel and the others walked over to us. Angel's eyes widened as he saw the blade.
"Woah, you've obviously got a ton of power, girl," Jake joked.
"It wasn't my fault," I said my face reddening.
"You've got some serious moves," Seth told me.
My face reddened even more. I walked to the table and set Shadowslayer on the table gently. I grabbed a tissue from the box and began cleaning it.
"Where did this sword come from," Angel asked me.
"She called for it," Skye said before I could answer.
"Called for it," Angel asked confused.
"Yes, I have a bond with my sword that only a vampire can have. He's called Shadowslayer and he was forged for me at birth," I said without looking up.
Angel put the peices of the blade on the table with a sigh. I set Shadowslayer to the side and examined the damage we'd done. The hilt was fine but the blade was shattered into at least a hundred peices.
"I really liked that sword. It was a twelvth century original Rienisance sword," he started.
He might have said more if I hadn't laughed. Everyone stared at me as I laughed, stugggling to speak.
"Puh-lease, first off it's a fifteenth century sword at least. It's not original, it's a replica of Excaliber," I told Angel. "Whoever sold it to you, ripped you off."
"How do you know," Angel asked me.
"I know my swords especially my sword history," I said as modestly as I could.
I waved my hand over the blade. The blade shook violently and melded together onto the hilt. They all just gaped at me. At first I thought it was from what I did, but that was before I noticed a peice of the blade missing.
I looked down at my hand and drew in a sharp gasp. The peice that was missing was sticking straight through my hand. My eyes blurred as the pain started. Seth looked the most worried as I started to sway.
He carefully grabbed my hand and turned it this way and that. I bit my lip to keep from yanking my hand back. He pulled a pair of pliers out of the air. This time I did pull my hand back.
"It's nothing. A scratch," I said hiding my hand under the table.
"Mae, that needs to be removed," Skye said.
"No, I'm fine," I said jumping to my feet.
"Afraid, cousin," Ash asked.
"Me? Afraid? What? No! What," I rambled backing towards the door with my hand behind my back.
"Maybe afraid is too mild," Jake joked as I stumbled into him.
"I'm not afraid," I said with more force this time.
"Afraid or not, you need that removed," Jacki said.
I jumped, I'd forgotten she was even in here with us. I can't even read her thoughts, which is just plain weird. Jake grabbed my wrist, and instantly my instincts kicked in.
I flipped him over my shoulder, so that he landed with a loud thud on his back. My hand flew to my mouth as I gasped. I could feel my whole body shake as I struggled to apologize.
Jake took advantage of my shock and kicked my feet out from under me. I landed hard on my back, seeing stars. When my vision cleared I could see Seth sitting on me, one of his knees on either side of me. I tried to move my hand away but saw that Jake was holding one hand down, Skye the other.
I tried to kick out, but found out that Ash was sitting on my legs. I opened my mouth to yell at them, but Seth quickly covered my mouth.
"Mae, this isn't going to hurt at all," Seth soothed as if he was talking to a derranged animal.
Or a deranged vampire. I closed my eyes and relaxed completely. I felt a light pinch, then nothing. I opened my eyes to see that they'd let go of me.
"I say we get rid of the freaks all at once," I heard someone say in an office not to far.
"Patience. Logan, wants the girl so do her friends. We put the girl in danger with a hunter and they'll be stalled enough to pick off one by one," a voice answered.
I could tell no one else could hear them by how relaxed everyone looked. I sat up quickly and concentrated hard bringing a finger to my lips. No one made a sound.
"How do you know they will go after the girl," a third voice asked.
"Her friends will but I don't know about Logan," the first voice agreed.
I racked my brain for who those voices belonged to and strained to listen harder. I heard a slam like someone hitting a glass onto a table.
"What about Angel and that other one," the third demanded.
"They'll all go after the girl, if we make it seem like she was taken," the second said, believing his words more than anything.
"Shut up, someone's coming," the first snapped.
"Fuck," I swore.
Everyone stared at me as the reality of what I said hit me. I covered my mouth and turned bright red. I tried to choke out an apology but was stopped by everyone laughing.
"What's wrong," Skye asked me.
"Oh, it's just the principal telling my mom I've already lost my temper before school," I lied smoothly.
"Yikes," Ash said sympatheticly.
"My thoughts exactly," I said as the bell rang. "Come on, we have four more hours of school left."

Mae sure is one confusing person. She fights with such amazing skill, it's hard to believe by looking at her. She and I walked out of the library together. Her eyes were a brighter red now that she'd fed. My stomach growled at the thought of food. Mae waved a granola bar in front of my face.
"Thought you could use this," she told me with a sly smile.
"Thanks," I said accepting the granola bar as we stepped into our acting class.
She smiled and nodded, taking a seat next to me. She pulled out her copy of Romeo and Juliet. I bit back a smile at the thought of her being Juliet.
Mr. Walden announced that today I would be Romeo, and Mae my Juliet. Mae turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow. I felt my face heat up as I realized I'd thought my Juliet.
"Act one, scene one," Mr. Walden said with a deep breath.

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