» Fiction » The Protectors, A. D. Knight [ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «The Protectors, A. D. Knight [ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author A. D. Knight

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I flopped onto my girly four post bed. Exhausted from yet another fight with my father. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my dad but he can be seriously over protective. He doesn't want me to do anything at all.
Though I’m a princess, I have never been outside of this castle and my home, Tyranea, the capital of the Immortal World. My father keeps me locked away in the town, since I am the most gifted. That is why I’ve decided to go live with my cousin and his friends for a while on Bermuda Isle.
The door slammed, announcing the arrival of my brother, Allen. Allen is a foot taller than my five-foot-three height and at least twice as big muscle wise. His sandy blonde hair is cut short and styled to look like he just woke up from a very bad night of sleeping. His eyes are the only thing similar to mine. They are a deep scarlet, giving away our kind, vampires. A closer look at his eyes show that his pupils are jagged, indicating he’s hungry. His hunger, though, can wait for a while. My escape cannot.
He is one of my two favorite siblings, he’s one of two, not including myself, who isn’t a royal snob. I mean “royal” in the literal sense. I am a vampire princess of the Immortal World, he a prince, who wishes he could date more. He shoved the thick heavy deadbolt into place, locking the door to my room.
“Ready,” he asked me looking pointedly at my small sack on his bed.
“Just about,” I said shoving the charger to my untraceable laptop into my bag.
“Hurry, I don’t know how much longer I can keep them away without you getting caught,” Allen grunted in frustration.
All of us Hale siblings have a gift, and seeing as mine is the most broad and powerful, my dad is over protective. Allen can make duplicates of people he truely cares about, such as me. His job in my plan is to distract them.
“Fine, I’ll leave my violin behind,” I said throwing the small sack over my shoulder.
“Are you sure about this,” Allen asked me for the millionth time.
I set my jaw and nodded curtly. Pain flashed in his eyes for the shortest of seconds, but quickly faded away as he became emotionless. We, the Royal Family, are taught at an early age to never show emotion. I felt guilt rip through my gut as he fumbled with hiding his thoughts from me. Alex, my other favorite brother and the Royal Messenger, appeared in the room. He shut the drapes quickly and soundlessly.
Alex is the same height as Allen and same muscular build. He is the most cocky of all my brothers, or sisters for that matter. Alex’s hair is jet black, so black in fact, that it’s nearly purple. His skin is tanner than mine and rougher. Alex may be a prince but he is also the Messenger so he sees a lot of action.
I hugged Allen, tightly around the waist. Neither of us wanted to say good bye, fearing we’d never see each other again. I felt something wet drip into my hair. I pulled back, stunned, to see him crying. I have never seen him, nor anyone else in my family cry. To tell you the truth, it terrified me.
“Come with me,” I whispered to him.
“Christabella, you know in a heartbeat I would, but I can’t. It pains me deeply to see my baby sister go off on her own against the world,” Allen told me somberly.
“What am I, chopped liver? Nothing will happen to her. I will see to it,” Alex said fiercely.
“I love you both, but from this moment on I am no longer Christabella, The Vampire Princess. Now I am Mae, a simple vampire with an anger problem,” I told them hugging them both.
“I hate to cut this short but we really have to go, like, now,” Alex said as someone started pounding on the door.
I kissed Allen’s cheek quickly and grabbed Alex’s hand. In the next instant, we were in the hidden tunnels under the castle. The two of us ran at full speed through the Labyrinth of mayhem. We raced down the hall to our left at vampire speed. Both of us pushing ourselves to go faster. We froze at a fork in the tunnel.
“Which way,” I panted.
“This way,” he gasped pulling me behind him to the left tunnel.
I followed him quickly, trying not to trip and fall on my face. I could see the frustration in his face and hear it in his thoughts. I cried out in frustration as we came to a dead end. I punched the wall with all of my strength. Alex growled and grabbed my bloody hand. He wordlessly ripped a bit of fabric from his shirt and bound it tightly.
We back tracked to the fork and ran down the other tunnel and ran the other way. We could hear the sirens announcing my escape in the distance. With how much fuss there was you’d think I was a prisoner or something of that nature. Our breathing picked up as we pushed ourselves harder and harder.
We came out a mile from the air port and right next to the Royal Guard. I swore as one grabbed my wrist. No way was I gonna go down without a fight. I brought my foot up in a well executed round house. My foot connected with his gut. I heard the air rush out of his lungs as he let me go. I turned and ran at a human pace. I felt Alex take my hand as he caught up with me.
“They were expecting us,” I growled.
“I know, the question is who tipped them off,” he replied as the sirens began.
“I don’t care, but I can’t go back. Father will kill me,” I said as we ducked into a small abandoned café.
We darted into the back room, away from the windows and door. I flopped into the chair trying to catch my breath as the reality of what we were doing set in. I stared at Alex, wondering what I’d gotten him and Allen into. Alex slammed the door to the back room shut and pointed his hand palm out at the door. Alex turned to me as the door magically sealed. I nodded as he silently asked if they were coming. He swore both aloud and in his head. He knelt in front of me.
“Are you sure you want to make a break for it, Mae,” he asked me.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” I answered seriously.
“All right, when I say to, run for the Ferry Station and don’t look back or worry about me,” he told me with a nod.
I bit my lip but nodded. Growing up with ten older brothers and only two sisters made an impact on my manner. I know never to question my brothers when they got the serious tone in their voice. I also knew that my brothers can fight well, though not nearly as well as me.
Alex shocked me by giving me a tight hug. I hesitated for a second before hugging him back. He pulled away and his cockiness returned with a grin. I couldn’t help grinning back at him.
“Write often,” he told me as someone began pounding on the door.
I stood at the window as the pounding grew. Blood pounded in my ears as I checked to make sure my bag was secured tightly. I could hear shouts as the door complained at the hits.
“GO,” Alex shouted at me.
I gave him one final look before hopping onto the windowsill. I opened the window quietly and slipped out into the alley as the door burst open. I landed on the balls of my feet and took off running toward the Ferry station. Alex cried out making me freeze in my tracks. I turned to run back. His words echoed in my head. I closed my eyes debating on what to do. I took a deep breath and ran towards the Ferry station.
Forgive me brothers,

I thought.


"Fight! Fight! Fight," I heard the chanting slightly over the blood pounding in my ears as my fist connected with Logan's nose.
Logan wiped his bloody nose before trying to punch me again. That's the thing about warlocks, they're great at chants and spells but absolutely suck at fighting hand to hand.
Demons on the other hand, are trained to fight and not to lose. What do you know, I'm a demon and I'm winning the fight by a long shot. My fist connected with his gut as he narrowly missed me.
It wouldn't matter if he did hit me because he has no strength when it comes to fighting. His foot connected with my gut, winding me for a second as his second punch came.
Suddenly Ash was standing between us. Jake and Skye were holding me back as the principal walked out of the school. I didn't fight back as they dragged me away from the fight.
"Seth man, how stupid can you be," Ash asked as we all piled in his red mustange.
"He's had it coming a long time," I growled at the warlock in the driver seat.
"True, but now we're late picking my cousin up from the Ferry Station," Ash agreed.
"Oh yeah, guess I forgot,"

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