» Fiction » The Attack, William Bryden [best story books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Attack, William Bryden [best story books to read .txt] 📗». Author William Bryden

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utterly pulverizes. Tons of holes had been drilled into it so it seemed…” Artemis’ words rang in my head.
“Oh my...” I heard a woman scream, but the voice was cut short by something that had come through the top of the plane and crushed her skull. I shuddered in horror of the situation.
The panicking increased to a drastic level.
“We are all going to die!” A man cried out. That didn’t help the situation at all. Ken, Viviane, and Artemis were nowhere to be found. I ran over to one of the bathrooms, but found it locked. There was blood coming out from under the door.
The captain came on to the intercom…
“Everyone please stay calm. We are going in for an emergency landing. Every one please go back to your seats and buckle your seatbelt.”
Everyone quickly ran to their seats and sat down to buckle the seat belts. Viviane, Artemis, and Ken all appeared.
“We were looking for you.” Said Viviane with a grave tone in her voice.
Artemis’ face was an expression of complete trauma. His face was pale and he wouldn’t stop staring straight forward. They sat down and fastened the seatbelts. The next few minutes were very bumpy, and every now and then something would come and blow another small hole into the planes hull causing even more panic. I kept looking out of the window. We were over land now. The engines were smoking. I saw something that seemed to be on fire streak across the window and hit the engine. The engine detached from the wing of the plane and started to fall towards the ground like a giant fireball. They plane careened to the left side where there was only one engine left. Everyone started to scream again. The plane started spiraling out of control. Utter terror gained control of the crowd as the plane started to tip downwards at a very steep angle. The wings were ripped off by more fire streaks and we started to spiral even faster.
Our plane was like a bullet trying to penetrate straight through the Earth. The problem was… we would fail. Our plane would be smashed into pieces. The back tailfin of the plane caught a draft and ripped the plane in half at a weak point. I was looking straight up into the sky in a split second. I saw one person who hadn’t fastened his seatbelt fly out of our back half of the plane. I saw Artemis tear up.
“Goodbye Michael.” He said.
“Goodbye Artemis. You were a great friend.”
The rest of us exchanged goodbyes and we sat in silence as the rest of the passengers screamed. I invited what seemed to be the inevitable for the second time. Time seemed to slow. I saw the passenger who had flown out of our half of the plane flailing through the air. It was a sad sight and a tear appeared in my eye. I saw him one second and the next his body was replaced by a bunch of red liquid when one of the fire streaks went straight through him. I let the tears flow now. Everything. My whole life would be down the drain in a matter of seconds. My friends would be gone.
As I thought of all the horrible things that had happened a couple of fire streaks went straight through our half of the plane and out the other side. I looked behind me and saw nothing but dread. Some of the people had been hit by the fire streaks and there were holes in them… Viviane started to turn her head but I put my hand out and stopped her from looking behind her. She knew I was trying to keep her from seeing a horrible sight so she subsided. The fall was over. We hit the Earth hard and the frame of our half of the plane crumpled. The people in the back must have immediately been killed. I felt the pain of a shockwave hit me and go up my spine. I slackened my jaw so the impact wouldn’t hurt my teeth, but it still hurt anyway. The part of our half of the plane that remained intact groaned and fell over. Another shockwave was sent through my system because of the impact, and everything went black…

* * *

I saw light. I ran towards it and stopped when I had gone into the light. I was in the middle of a white void… there was nothing for miles. Or what at least seemed to be miles. I ran in one direction. Nothing happened for minutes, and I wasn’t getting tired. I tried running another way… again nothing. I sat and tried to think, but I couldn’t because I kept hearing my name.
“Michael…” it said. “Michael…” I opened my eyes… at least it felt like I had. It was pitch black. The voice started to fade.

* * *

“Michael! Michael! Please be alive! Please!” I heard a voice say.
“Ugh… Ouch… That… hurt.”
“Michael! You’re alive!” I heard the voice say again.”
I opened my eyes and saw Viviane staring at me and in tears. She had numerous cuts and bruises all over her.
“Viviane… How did you… survive?” I breathed.
“No matter about that. We need to get you to safety.”
“Where is Artemis?” I asked urgently.
She didn’t respond and I feared the worst.
“Can you walk?” She asked.
“I might be able to if I am supported.”
She pulled me up and I put my arm over her shoulders. We started to limp forward. I looked back and saw utter destruction. The sight was horrible. The plane lay in pieces. Fire was everywhere. I saw bodies… so many dead or mortally wounded bodies lying all over the area. Bodies were dismembered, on fire, or only ashes. It was truly a sight meant only for the devil himself. Then I saw something that ripped my soul into pieces.
Artemis lay right next to where I had. There was a pool of blood around him. He had the look of agony on his face. He lay in a very awkward position. I could tell that he was gone, and that we had no chance of bringing him back. He was so pale. He was almost as pale as a ghost. I cried silently. I had experienced a plane crash, one of my best friends was now dead, and I had seen people die terrible deaths. I couldn’t take much more.
Viviane had dragged me a considerable distance and sat me down on a chair that was missing a leg. I dried the tears in my eyes and looked around to survey my surroundings. We were in a building. It looked like a building from a war movie. It was almost completely destroyed. The room we were in was the only one with the roof still standing, and the roof had holes in it. Viviane took out a medical kit, and started dressing a gash on my leg.
“Where did you get the medical kit?”
“From the ruins of the plane.”
“Oh… Ouch!”
“Whoops! Sorry.”
“It’s ok… how deep is it?”
“Not to deep. You should be fine in a matter of days.”
“Ok. Good.”
I sat back and looked around again. The sky was still black, but the little firestorm had stopped. The landscape was black too. The vegetation was all black or ashes. I looked back into the ruble of the building we were in. I shuddered at the thought that people could be in there. Dead. That’s what this place was. Dead. Everything was obliterated… Dead.
I looked back at Viviane. She had stopped dressing my wound and was drinking a bottle of water. I was pretty thirsty myself. I was also hungry. It was weird that I hadn’t noticed it before.
“Do you have another…?”
She thrust a bottle of water at me. I took it, surprised by her hostility.
“Um… Are you ok?” I just had to ask the stupidest question ever.
She just looked at me as if I had hit my head to hard or something, and started to finish her water. I uncapped mine and gulped the whole thing down in a couple of seconds. After I finished I got up wincing once or twice.
“Is there anything to eat?” I asked.
“Yes… there is some in the emergency pack over there.” She pointed to an orange pack lying on the floor on top of a counter top that hadn’t been destroyed.
I went over and opened it up. I took out some canned peaches and a can opener. I opened the can and ate the peaches in an instant. Viviane was staring at me the whole time.
“What are we going to do?” She asked, looking as glum as ever.
“Well… we better find out what happened and see if there are any more survivors.”
“I already checked. You were the only one alive.”
“How did you survive?”
“Same as you did. I don’t know.”
“Come on lets go.”
I started walking and Viviane followed. We walked in silence. We passed glances a couple of times, but did nothing more. She caught up to me and stayed by my side. I checked my pockets for anything. I found my iPod touch with headphones in it. I took it out and turned it on.
I handed Viviane one of the ear buds. “Here. It might help.”
She took it and I shook the iPod to shuffle it. It just happened to be In the End by Linkin Park.
“This really helps.” She said sarcastically.
We walked for a while listening to the song and then some techno when the song ended. She started to smile. I noticed, as her smile got bigger. She turned to me seeing how my expression would show. Her smile faltered but then she smiled at me. Perhaps she was trying to cheer me up.
“How could you be happy when we just survived a plane crash?”
“Well, you just gave the answer. We survived!”
“Yeah, but so many others died.”
“Yes, but isn’t it a consolation that you and I survived?”
I thought for a moment. I couldn’t say if it was or not so I shrugged my shoulders.
“I honestly don’t know.”
“Well we will see.” She said and kept walking.
The gravel, or more of what was left of the asphalt from the road, crunched underneath our feet. Everything around us was either ruble or on fire. I saw something small in the road. It was on fire and relatively small. I walked over and saw that it was just a rock. I looked up and saw many more. The ground was littered with hundreds of the little burning rocks. Viviane noticed this too and gasped.
“You don’t think…?”
“What? I looked at her quizzically.
“What could possible throw up so much burning rubble?”
“Well… All I can think of is…”
“An asteroid strike!”

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