» Fiction » The Attack, William Bryden [best story books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Attack, William Bryden [best story books to read .txt] 📗». Author William Bryden

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The End of mankind… or more like our mankind. This is all I know. Humanoids have come to take the planet from us. World War 3? No it is a planetary war. Our planet verses their planet. They say if we surrender we will be given the chance to die quickly and painlessly. We have already begun to wage war on them. They have weapons like no other. They inflict pain with their minds. Somehow they are able to magnify their brainwaves to send messages to our brain of pain and suffering. Once they are done watching you writhe in pain, they kill you by making your heart stop with more brainwaves. I’ve only experienced the pain and suffering, but my time is coming. Countless of our kind have died already. Half the population died in the asteroid attack. If only I were so lucky. I am now running for my life alone and hopeless. There are no people in sight, just cracked earth and the scorching sun above me. All buildings I pass are in rubble and ashes. Not a living thing could have survived this. The Earth trembles beneath me as I run. I fear the worst. Another asteroid has hit, but this time in the eastern hemisphere. Running is all I know to do now. Run and run as far away from those creatures that call themselves humane. As a word meaning having the good qualities of human beings, as kindness, mercy, or compassion, I know for a fact that whoever they are, they are not humane. They are sadistic, evil, and care nothing of the destruction they cause. They plan to rebuild the planet to their likings and don’t want any interference from our, what they call, primordial race. They insult our intelligence and our lives with their actions and words. I feel that it is over for us unless our lord and savior means otherwise. I wish it were all a dream, but unfortunately it is all too real. If their leader, which I have only seen once, decides to show his face to me, I would gladly kill him even if it cost me my life. I now feel that the end is near for me, for there is another asteroid on the horizon with two figures guarding it. They have spotted me. Just know that as I type this message to the people of the future, I hope that all of the world will eventually know what happened to us. The humans…


“I had it all… Knowledge, money, athleticism, and even a little fame from my athletics and grants. It sounds like I am any other tycoon with a little athleticism right? Wrong! I am different from all you humans. I have seen things that you will never see. I am a…”
I noticed Artemis’ red head and blue eyes along with his glasses peeking over my shoulder. I slammed the book and hit him across the face with it.
“Ouch! I just wanted to see what you were writing,” he faked innocently.
“Well maybe you will when the book is published.”
“Do I have to wait?” He asked.
“Yes, everybody does.”
I wondered why my room mate, Artemis, wanted to see my book so much. I scanned the room to make sure I had everything ready for tomorrow’s flight to Baltimore, Maryland. Artemis and I were just finishing up here in England at Oxford University. We had graduated with our bachelor’s degree and were finally going home.
“I’m ready to clear this dump.” Artemis did a victory dance.
“You are not… And you haven’t even packed yet,” I retorted. He stopped, went over to the dresser, and started pulling out the top drawer.
“What are you…?”
“Being clever,” huffed Artemis. His complexion of happiness turned to one of work.
“More like being a moron,” I said when I saw him dump all the clothes in the drawer into his wide-open suitcase. He went back and put the drawer back in, and took the next one down. He did the same thing with that drawer, the next one, the next one, and the next one, until all the drawers were empty and his suitcase looked like it was barfing out clothes. He spread the clothes out and then sat on it.
“Help me zip this up would ya?”
Why should I? I thought and went over to zip it up for him.
“Thanks,” said Artemis after I zipped it closed. I stood back and looked at the suitcase. It seemed that it was about to explode.
I headed for the bathroom to get ready for the night. I sighed and looked in the mirror. My black hair looked like it always did. Wild, messy, and dry from all the chlorine I picked up from swimming. My face looked dry as usual and I looked into my dark brown eyes and saw… nothing. All the girls had commented about my “cute nose” and “perfect chin”, but I didn’t see anything other than the regular Michael Park, who of Korean and Scottish descendents had the weirdest culture mix of them all. But the paparazzi didn’t care about that. They just cared about my face that always looked like it was in a scowl, my muscles, and the rest of my body that was said by a magazine to be perfectly hydrodynamic. I don’t care about those things though… I just wish that I could have some peace to myself. I came back to reality and did a mental check to make sure I was thinking right, and then picked up the grimy toothpaste tube. It was covered in dried toothpaste. I picked up my “too-old” toothbrush and I put some toothpaste onto the brush, then I shoved it into my mouth. I hadn’t even started to move the brush when the door violently opened.
“Got to pee! Move.”
Artemis pushed me out of the door and slammed it shut. I stood in front of the door for a moment and then walked off and looked out the window. It was nice looking at the pale orange of the sunset contrasting the purple, blue, and black shades of the sky. It looked like the time when I heard the news about my father. I was caught up in the moment and thought about my father.
I remembered when he threw me in the pool when I was really young. He would always pick me up and throw me half way across the pool and I would land screaming like a little kid could. I loved it though. I always loved the water, but that all changed about fourteen years ago. He left and never came back. I saw my mom crying one day when I saw a black car in the driveway. My mom said that dad wouldn’t be coming back and I felt like a part of my soul had been ripped off, chewed, and swallowed, never to be found again. I always stared out over the sky waiting for that plane that I had ridden in so many times to come back, but that was another story.
I thought about the memory over and over but it was interrupted when a pebble hit the window. I looked down to find three girls looking at me through the window.
“Not again…” I mumbled to myself while I opened the window. I heard the girls screaming at once.
“Oh my gosh! It’s Michael!”
“Will you marry me?!”
“Look at his muscles!”
“Look! Go away and leave me alone! I have things to take care of!”
“Like what?” the blonde asked.
“Just go away!” I shouted furiously. They kept shouting and shouting like little embarrassed girls, so I shut the window immediately and walked toward the bathroom. I heard the dismayed sounds of disappointed girls right after I closed the window, but I didn’t care. I was at the door to the bathroom when Artemis came out.
“I heard girls screaming. Did those three girls come again?”
I nodded my head and went inside the bathroom. I spat out the disgusting mix of toothpaste and saliva and threw away the toothbrush. Getting a new one was on my to do list. Artemis was at the window when I came out and he was shouting to the girls.
“What’s wrong with me? I’m muscular and athletic too right?”
He flexed and I laughed. He obviously hadn’t been to the gym in a while and he just looked about average. Then I flexed. Artemis’ smile fell. I heard the girls screaming outside, but I ignored them and walked over to my bed.
I sat on the edge of the bed doing a quick mental check of all my belongings. I had my toiletries packed, my clothes packed, my power book and camera packed, and all the other accessories I had were packed. I laid down and decided to go to sleep. Artemis came up to my bed.
“You want to go to the party the professors are throwing for the students?” He inquired. I thought for a moment. It would be the last time I saw any of my friends so I decided to go.
“Yeah. Sure I’ll go.”
I got up off the bed and followed Artemis out of the room and to the courtyard. I heard some rap music playing, but I wasn’t interested in dancing. Instead I just looked for my closest friends to hang with. I couldn’t find them at first but eventually I found them in a corner talking and laughing. I walked over to the guys and sat down next to Jeremy.
“Michael! My man! How’s it going?”
“Good. Those girls came again, but I did the same thing as last time. So how about you Jeremy?”
“Life’s great. The girls are digging me.” He pointed to some girls standing a bit away looking and pointing at me, but Jeremy thought they were pointing at him. “And it’s the last day of college!”
I laughed as the girls came over and sat next to me on the bench. Jeremy took his words back.
“On second thought… scratch the part about the girls.”
I nodded and turned to the girls, and said the same thing I said to all girls who try to talk to me.
“Look girls. You’re pretty and all, but I don’t want a relationship right now, I have important things I need to attend to before I get into a relationship.”
The girls all looked at me in awe and then ran away from the bench.
“Mission accomplished,” I told Jeremy.
“You have got to be crazy. You just ditched some of the hottest girls in the whole school.”
“So?” I asked.
“So, you are an idiot. What man who had a chance like that would give up on all of the hottest babes in school?”
“One that has important things to take in before he gets a relationship.” I replied stubbornly.
“You always say that,” he replied unsatisfied.
“Well, considering this might be the last time we see each other,” I said making it sound like a movie, “I didn’t get

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