» Fiction » Creations, Leah [best young adult book series txt] 📗

Book online «Creations, Leah [best young adult book series txt] 📗». Author Leah

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and looked at me; crimson blood ran down his mouth and his eyes were a deep shade of red.
“You are coming with me.” He wiped his chin and picked me up. I could do nothing, but lay unconscious in his arms.
I woke up in a Victorian styled bedroom. Silk sheets covered my aching body. The windows were covered with dark purple curtains, and the walls were a lacy kind of black. It would have been heaven if I wasn’t in so much pain. I couldn’t really feel anything except two holes in the right side of my neck, burning my skin. He was sitting in a chair not far from the bed. He stared at me and grinned, his fangs poking out from under his lips. “Ah, Lauren, you have awoken!”
My voice was hard and ghastly, “How do you know my name?”
“Oh, has your mother not told you?”He asked, “Why, sweetheart, I am your father. You’ve been asleep for a couple of days, how are you feeling?”
My heart stopped, I felt faint and nauseated. My “father” had a worried look on his face, “Aren’t you glad to see me? I am very glad to see you. Now I can finally be with my little girl, forever.”
“What do you mean, “Forever”? Why did you leave me if you loved me so much? Where are we? And more importantly, what the heck did you do to me?!”
It took him a minute to answer, as if he was trying to choose his words carefully.
“Well, dearest, I had no choice but leave you. Your mother was furious with me and told me to leave.” He sighed. “I thought it was best for you to not know who or what I was. As to the answers your other questions, I believe you’ll find out soon enough.
I was furious, yet I didn’t strangle that man, something kept me from hurting him.
“You might as well get ready. Meet me in the kitchen in ten minutes.” He slid out of the room and shut the door behind him.
I slowly raised the sheets and slid both feet from under me. I sat up and walked over to a nearby closet.
I opened the double wooden doors and gasped. Inside were tons of strange clothes. Tattered shirts stacked several shelves; skinny jeans were placed upon the floor, skirts of all colors hung on black hangers. There was a small box filled with chain necklaces and bracelets. I frowned and slipped on a blue skirt over a pair of jeans along with a ripped up T-shirt.

Instead of meeting with “dad” in the kitchen I decided to take a walk. The fall leaves fluttered in the breeze, the air smelled like pumpkin pie. “If only I could walk here with him...” I thought.
Suddenly the breeze shifted and a delightful smell ran up my nose. It smelt sticky and sweet; and I wanted it.
I ran towards the scent, I was thirsty, but I didn’t know what I was thirsty for. I entered peaceful little a clearing. I stopped dead, it was him. He was kneeling over a bleeding knee. He looked up at me and smiled.
“Hey Lauren,” His voice was as sweet and kind. “I was running through the woods and I fell, but I’m alright now. Say what are you doing here?”
I was lost for breath. “Oh um, I was walking and I wanted to…go to the clearing because sometimes I come here to think.”
“Are you okay Lauren? You look really pale.”He looked worried and concerned. “You sick or something? Want me to walk you home?”
He struggled to his feet and limped towards me. He stopped to put his right arm over my shoulder. I was about to thank him when I realized something. I wanted to tell him I love him.
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you this. I, well I… I love-.” I stopped and inhaled the air. It was the scent. It was coming from him. Thirst overthrew and I felt different. I felt faster and stronger. All the sudden I was the predator and he was my prey.
I slowly tilted his chin towards mine. I could hear the blood flow from his veins, it was like music to my ears. He closed his eyes and puckered his lips, but that wasn’t what I was after. Not anymore. I bit down, hard. He howled in pain, but for some reason I didn’t care. Blood rushed into my mouth, the sticky liquid felt warm in my throat. It was delicious, but I wanted more. I bit down harder and harder until I felt him go limp in my arms. I licked my lips, my thirst satisfied.
I fell to my knees. In my arms was the one I loved. I’d loved him since we were little kids. I wanted to be with him so badly and now he was gone. I felt hot tears stream down my face and fall onto his shirt.
“Wake up....WAKE UP!” I cried, “Don’t leave me!!! I didn’t want this to happen!! Please WAKE UP! I love you.”
I cradled him in my arms and stroked his lifeless face. This was my fault. “I love you!” I cried in my mind, “I loved you! Please come back.”
Leaves crackled behind me and I turned to see my father standing by an old oak tree.
“YOU!” I screamed. I put his body gently on the ground and ran towards my father, “You were here this whole time, weren’t you?!”
“Yes.”He whispered.
“Why didn’t you stop me? He would have been alive!”I screamed.
“I wouldn’t be able to stop you if I tried.” He said stepping closer to me, “You are so strong for someone your age, honey.”
He tried to pull me into a hug. Rage filled my heart and I pushed him away.
“No!” I yelled, “Don’t touch me! Get away from me! You are not my Dad!”
He gasped and instantly became furious. “Lauren Renee, how DARE you say that to me? He was a stupid mortal! He deserved to die!”
I completely lost it. I put my hand on my dad’s shoulders and threw him into a tree. The tree fell to the floor, but Dad was perfectly fine. I swung a couple of punches, but he blocked them all. He never moved to attack, he just defended.
“He is not stupid!” I cried throwing another useless punch. “He never deserved to die!” I ducked and threw another punch. This time I hit him. He sound was as though someone took a baseball bat to a glass vase. His right shoulder shattered into pieces.
“That was for saying he was stupid!”
I grinded my teeth and kicked him in the shin. He howled and fell to the floor. “That was for saying that he deserved to die!”
“Lauren…please…” He croaked, “I didn’t mean what I said…I’m sorry. I love you sweetheart…”I grabbed his neck, tears flowed from my eyes and I couldn’t think straight.
“And this is for saying that you’re my dad...and for lying to me.” I squeezed his neck harder.
Father looked at me with tears in his eyes and whispered hoarsely, “Whatever you do, sweetheart, know that I will always be with you. I love you…” He took one last breath and fell dead.
I needed to escape. I closed my eyes and began to sing. My voice was soft at first but gradually grew strong.
I was a murderer and because of that I hated myself. I didn’t want to ever hurt like this again. Everything hurt, the tears burned my face, and I couldn’t move, hear, or see. I felt lost. My soul couldn’t take this anymore, I put all of my emotions in a little glass jar in my mind. The pain was still there, but now it wasn’t as painful. I couldn’t smile, frown, or cry. I hurt people because of my emotions, I thought, now I can’t hurt anyone any more.
I briefly went into town to change the way I looked. I dyed my hair, I couldn’t stand my natural shade anymore, it reminded me to much of him and dad. I dyed it a bright blue color with green streaks. It doesn’t fit my personality, but that’s why I like it so much. Bangs cover most of my face and the rest of my hair comes up to about my shoulders then flows down my back, ending in little curls.
I lived in solitude, stuck in a nearby cave. I was forever thirsty, yet I did not drink. I couldn’t accept who I was. A few weeks later, away in the cave I found a note on the cold floor. It read:

Dear Ms. Nagy,
We have been informed that you have not been enrolled in a proper school for your special abilities.
We are happy to tell you that we have found a school that welcomes people like you. You start Thursday. We will send someone like you to come and collect you and your things.
Due to your extra special abilities you will be staying with us for a while. Books will be provided. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided accordingly.
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