» Fiction » Creations, Leah [best young adult book series txt] 📗

Book online «Creations, Leah [best young adult book series txt] 📗». Author Leah

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The Board of Administrators
The Silver Moon Academy
“Well this is going be fun.” I thought as I rubbed my neck, “Hope no one dies because of me.”

Silver Moon Academy

Three pairs of identical uniforms lay sprawled out over my bare bed. Am I really supposed to wear these? I thought to myself. The uniform consisted of a navy blue skirt with a yellow and white stripe around the edge, white leggings, and a white tank top that I was to wear under a navy blue jacket with a yellow and red striped tie.
I signed and shoved all three uniforms into an old suitcase filled with things I was required to bring to school. I picked up the small list and examined it.
I had everything on the list, which just about cleaned out my room. The only thing left was another one of my mom’s items, an old purse. I went over to it to double check that everything was inside. Everything I need was in fact inside, the diary, a needle, thread, and cloth.
“Leah, are you ready to go?”
Dad. My mind quickly switched gears. What was he hiding from me? Why did he need me out of the house? What was their little “problem?”
I forced my thoughts to slow. Don’t spoil your opportunity, I scolded myself, this will be fun. I finally get friends. “Coming Dad!” I shouted out the door.
I grabbed my suit case and emergency purse and flew out the door and down the stairs, tearing some of my stitches on the way.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked as soon as I appeared around the corner.
“Of course!” I smiled and opened the door that led to the garage. When I was young, before the world knew about crazy Dr. Phelps and his rag doll of a daughter, Dad used to make Mom a new car for her every birthday, so we owned about seven or eight homemade cars.
“Which car are we taking?” I asked turning to see him.
“The Nissan.” Thing is Dad liked to make his cars, models of real cars with a few twists.
I got in and fought the seatbelt into place. It was going to be a long drive out of the forest and into town, not to mention the two and a half hour flight to Main and a forty-five minuet boat ride to Moon Sway, a private island bought by the school. I opened one of my favorite novels and began to read.

The wind flew with my hair, the delicate spray of water hit my face as the island loomed up out of the sea. The ferry docked at the small port near the front entry way.
Two tall wooden doors were placed under an arch, marking the entrance to the school. I grabbed my stuff and bustled off the boat onto white sand only to be trampled by other students.
“Welcome,” A voice sounded from a loud speaker. “Welcome to Silver Moon Academy!” The crowd cheered as the doors opened.
I took in a gulp of air before following the crowd. I turned and took one last look at the disappearing ferry out the shutting gate.
Here was another set of open doors that led into a large corridor that split into three hallways that was decorated like a roman castle. The walls were a dark red with statues placed in all corners of the room.
Whoever was leading us led us down the first hallway to the left that was covered with candles. Decorated light brown doors aligned the walls of the hallway, each with a small number written on a golden plaque in the middle. At the very end of the hall way was a set of double doors hiding behind two white columns. The doors were pushed open and we were lead into the Cafeteria. No, cafeteria wasn’t the word to describe it, although that was clearly what it was. White benches attached to four long tables filled the room. A single gigantic chandelier overflowing with candles hung in the center of the room attached to the high ceiling.
A tall thin woman dressed in a silky blue dress that covered her feet stood by a table overflowing with teachers. She smiled and held up a glass, “Ladies and gentle monsters, welcome to Silver Moon Academy!” the crowd roared and cheered until they were silenced by a hand. “I am Madam Elvira, your headmaster. In a few minutes you will be shown to your room and any questions you have will be answered, but for now take a seat at the first table to your right and let the feast begin!”
The long white table was labeled “First Years” and was filled with different varieties of foods; there were raw fish, eyeball soup, spider bread, and human foods too. I, not being a fan of the soup, chose to eat human food. I sat down near the end of the table and grabbed a roll along with some steak and noodles.
Soon after dinner had finished and dessert was served, the girls and boys were separated and split into groups of three. One group went with the nature teacher Mrs. Rosa, who was -basically- a living tree, another group went with the girl’s gym teacher Mrs. Lockhart who was a sea monster, and the last group went with the English teacher Mrs. Stewart who, as far as anyone could tell, was completely normal. I was led by Mrs. Lockhart.
“Now,” Mrs. Lockhart turned and looked at the small group of ten. “I will be showing each and every one of you to your own room along with answering every question you have. All the girl’s dorms are on the second floor. First and second years share a hallway to your left. Any questions?” No one moved. “Very well, off we go.”
She led us out the double doors, past the main gym, down a hallway crowded with pictures of students, and up a flight of stairs. We entered into a long hallway that broke into three others. Mrs. Lockhart led us down the first hallway and stopped by an old wooden door.
“Inside there is your bathroom, complete with showers, stalls and a row of sinks.” She smiled and continued on only to stop by a set of glass doors.
“Through those doors is a relaxing room. Inside are several games along with bean bags and televisions. Beyond that is a balcony.”
She continued forward until she came to a room on the left marked with the number one.
“Tina Cameroon, this is your room. Please, come with me.” Nobody moved. I was beginning to wonder if this Tina girl had come when Mrs. Lockhart suddenly turned around and made her way through the door, a tiny girl -about the size of my arm from my wrist, to my elbow- followed her in. It took about five minutes until she was done with her and as soon as she was she went to the next room with the next girl.
About five doors down she called out what I thought was an interesting name, “Yuvanna Leyva, this is your room.” Before she could continue, a tall girl wrapped tightly in cloth, stepped forward and interrupted.
“Ruu,” She said, “I liked to be called Ruu.”
“Oh, alright.” The teacher looked a little taken aback by the sudden outburst, but got over it quickly. “Please, follow me.”
Once we had gotten to the end of the hall, we moved on the right side. I couldn’t help but wonder why she hadn’t put anyone into the last room, room eight, so I asked.
“Um, Mrs. Lockhart,” She turned her scaly self around to look at my through dark green eyes that matched her claws.
“Yes.” She smiled showing a wicked arrangement of teeth.
“What about room eight?”
“What about it?” She asked.
“Why didn’t you put anyone in it?”
“My dear, it is occupied by a girl that came just a little sooner than you.”
“Oh, okay.” She turned and moved on to the next room.
Five minutes later she called my name for room ten. “Leah Phelps, this is your room.” I stepped forward, trying not to make a fool of myself. “Follow me.”
She led me into a small square room with a bare twin bed in the far right corner. A desk was placed next to the foot of the bed, facing the wall. An empty white wardrobe sat in the very left corner of the room.
“What do you think?” Mrs. Lockhart asked, interrupting my thoughts.

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