» Fiction » Alpha's Slave and Mate, Abbie Davis [free ebook reader for iphone .txt] 📗

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stop that. I didn’t want to explain why there was a wolf in my room. I lowered her shirt over it as my door knocked.

I went to it and there stood my mother. She looked at me with eyes that seemed to know what was happening. She came in and looked at Payton as she slept.

“Jason I was thinking that you might be able to,”She said as it was a little late,”But you have to give it some time. And you will have to teach her how to act like us.”

“Yes ma’am,”I said a little bit happier,”I’ll start right away with that.”

“You better wait till I say it is alright for you too,”She said leaving,”Or there will be punishment for it Jason.”

I nodded one last time and she left. I looked out toward the window as it was a little late to reword that you can’t turn her thing. I went back over to the bed as she was waking up now. I sat there the way I was next to her. She looked around and saw me there and gave a kind smile up to me.

“How you feel?”I asked as she smiled.

“Good,”She said looking at me,”Did you tell me not to turn.”

“When you are first bitten sometimes you turn unless an alpha tells you other wise,”I said as she looked up to me,”Now we just have to not let them know for sometime. And I have to teach you how to be like us and not a slave.”

“Fun,”She said sitting up,”But you is your scent so intoxicating?”

“For I’m your mate,”I said kissing her,”And it leads you in.”

She nodded as we kissed. I felt the bite mark I left on her. She let her arms wonder my body as it was going great.

“Jason I need to see you real quick,”I heard dad called.

“I’ll be back,”I said as she laughed at me.

I left her there as she got up to go and I guess clean up. I went up to the office dad was using and looked at him. Mom was behind him signing papers as David was in the corner looking at me. Okay what did I do this time?

“You can’t just take them anywhere you like to,”Dad yelled at me,”She is the one that needs to stay hidden from the world.”

“But why hide her,”I argued,”She is amazing and needs to see the world just like the others here. You don’t even let her go to a regular school.”

“For her own safety,”Mom said,”Her mother told us to make sure she was well taken care of and we have. She has a nice room to stay in. Good people to be around. And no one knows how special she really is.”

“So you can’t turn her Jason,”David said,”It would put everything into danger. Even us.”

“Is it you’re scared she would do something about the way we run things,”I defend,”Payton hasn’t got a reason for that. She loves it here and I know she would fit in well. If you told the others she was my mate then you wouldn’t have to worry about them getting up and trying to be turned as well.”

“Jason!”Dad yelled,”Ming is not someone you just turn! You can find someone else to be your wife! So drop the subject of it being her!”

“What will it take for you to see this is right!”I argued,”She hasn’t even get a say in any of this! None of them do! And her name is Payton not Ming!”

I stormed out of there without an answer from them. They can’t talk about her like that. I don’t care if it would put us in danger. And maybe they’ll see I was right when she wins their hearts soon.

I walked into her slipping on a nightgown or something. It was blue and almost silk like. I took hold of her from behind and she jumped at little bit. I made her face me as she gave me a smile.

“How about we have some fun,”I said into her ear.

Chapter 9: Payton

I woke up to this strange feeling this morning. I have been a wolf for about a couple weeks or so. That night he came back we did it and I really didn’t really mind this time. Others I would have questioned it.

Two days after me turning they found out and Jason hasn’t let anyone near me. They want to get me for allowing him to do it to me. So I have been locked in here since then.

I went to the bathroom and got sicked. I was alone in the room. Jason went to school and left his body guard here to watch after me. I looked around and found a test that I keep in my personal item bag. I did it really quick and found something interesting. I looked for my phone but I couldn’t find it.

I looked at the time as it was already two in the afternoon and I been feeling bad since five this morning. I laid down incase it was that I was sick. Well I can say I was not sick at least.

I looked out the window to see Jason came home early today. He said he was and kept his promise. I went to put my shoes on and when he opened the door he kissed my forehead. I looked at him as he gave me a cheeky smile. He put his arms around me as I smiled up at him.

“You ready to go,”He said as I nodded,”Your day of relaxing starts now.”

He lead me out to his car and we got on the road with his guard and Lucas. I sat in the front seat as he drove us somewhere. I smiled as I remembered what I had to tell him about. As soon as I was about to. His phone ranged. He picked it up sounding like he didn’t want to deal with it.

“Hello,”He said into it,”What you mean I have to turn around...David I don’t make you turn because something happened...No she was in my room the whole day...Well then how did the pipeline blow up...You can’t blame Payton for everything...Fine we’re on our way back.”

“You alright?”I asked as he turned around.

“Something happened at the house,”He said as I looked at him,”You didn’t go any where did you?”

“No I stayed in the room getting sick like you left me,”I said as he nodded,”Why do they think it is me?”

“For some odd reason,”He said looking at me,”Mostly for they think you are going to try and take over the pack.”

“I would never,”I said as I wanted to tell him about the thing,”Jason um I’m…”

“The place is flooded,”Lucas said as I looked out at it.

“There’s people still locked inside,”David said looking at me,”What did you do?”

“Nothing,”I said looking at the raising water,”But I am going to help.”

“Payton don’t,”Jason said as I dived down low.

I soon was able to breath under the water. I looked around and saw the other slaves there as well. Some of them already got out but some were still under. I made a bubble around us and soon a light filled up around our little group.

It happen in a flash and I mean that. Light went around us and we appeared in front of a building. I looked up and read the greek lettering on it. Greek and Roman Hero Schooling. What in the world? 

Chapter 10: Jason

 ~*4 years later*~


I looked over the room for she hasn’t been here since. Mom and Dad has never let me forget that I was the one that turned her and how she allowed many of our slaves go. Maybe they were right about her. I left for school without them saying a word to me.

Once I got there I saw a car that was never there before. I watched as the most stunning girl got out. That when the familiar sea, green apple, and chocolate smell hit me. I looked up at her face as she was looking up at me.

Payton ran over to me with wide arms and gave me the hug I waited for. I spun her around as I knew she would come back to me. I sat her on her feet as she looked different some how.

“There’s someone I want you to meet,”She said dragging me over to the car,”Mom unlock the door real quick.”

When she did a little boy no more than three came out. He hugged her leg as he looked up at me. He looked like her but like me as well some how. She looked at me with big eyes as I tried to put together what was happening right now.

“Jason this is your son Alex,”She said as the boy hugged my leg,”I was pregnant that day and been trying to get back here. But it’s difficult when you are also trying to bring everyone with you.”

“So you were trying to fix it all,”I said picking him up,”Where are you staying?”

“I was hoping maybe with you again,”She smiled hugging my arm,”The three of us together at last.”

“Yes,”I said kissing her nose as she smiled,”Bring Alex back later and I’ll take them back with me Mrs. Miley.”

“I’ll see all of you later then,”She said as we put Alex back in the car,”Sit back Alex.”

With that she drove off. I held Payton near me was we headed into the building. I lead her to the office to get her things and we began our day with each other.

Soon after we got their things loaded and we headed home for trouble I guess. She sat up there as Alex talked about everything that had happened while I was missing. He was bright like her but respective as well. It was nice seeing someone that I helped bring into this mess up world.

“He’s a wolf isn’t he,”I said as she nodded.

“It was weird without you Superman,”She said holding on my arm,”Oh their outside waiting.”

She slumped into her seat as I forgot to tell her this might happen. David stood there with Josh as I pulled up. I told her to stay there as she tried to hide below the window line. I got out as David walked up to her side.

“Leave her alone,”I said catching his arm.

“She is no longer welcome here,”He said,”She’s the reason we are all in this mess.”

“Actually I really know why it happen,”She said behind me,”The pipe was cracked and when they went to fix it the pressure built up and it exploded. I didn’t do anything to it.”

“Still you’re not welcome,”David said getting ready for

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