» Fiction » Fire Wolf, Abbie Davis [short story to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Wolf, Abbie Davis [short story to read TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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Welcome to my Life

Fire is powerful and dangerous. It can burn through the world if we let it. I had to keep myself from exploding on the people who I care about. I had to run from everything that had meant something to me to keep them safe. I had this gift since I could remember. I was born this way but I honestly didn’t want it.

I was a different kind of wolf from them all and I wanted to hide it from everyone. My family was like me with the elemental power and the werewolf thing. I just had to leave so the new alpha wouldn’t get to me. I ran till I saw a man that could help me out and take me into his pack. I was lucky that he did and treated me like one of his own even though I was at the bottom now.

I severed the alpha here and not being the alpha. It let me kept my profile down and thankfully that was something that I needed this time. There was just a problem with that one though. I was severing the one person I would need the most in my life. I was with my mate everyday and by his side every moment of the day.

I shouldn’t be complaining about this but I’m trying to hide it from him. I got two friends who know my secret and that he is my mate but don’t say anything about it. I was grateful to have them and they don’t know about my fire power that I have running in me.

“Stop daydreaming and be still,”Nick said,”I’m trying to get this right now.”

“Sorry Nico,”I said using the nickname he said for me to,”I was just thinking about my past.”

He was the alpha and had a thing for art. He would put me in a spot to stand and draw me. He said it helps with the stress of the day when he does this. He was also the same age as me, so eighteen, and since his father took me in we were kind of close. Nick was about 5’7” with blue eyes and black hair. He was tan for he loved being in the sun so much. I always thought that was nice since I was kind of the same way.

I was about 5’4” with sea green eyes and black hair with fire like streaks in it. They are natural and he said that was his favorite part in drawing me was my hair. It was wavy and flowed like a calm river. I was tan like him for being outside was great to me. I loved the feeling of being in control of everything and being free.

Right now Nick had me standing in the garden with my hair flowing over my shoulder. I was wearing a red t-shirt that read ‘Fire is in my eyes’ on the front. I loved this one for it was the one his dad got me. I was also in blue jean shorts that went to about the middle of my thigh. I was looking down at a flower as he worked on it. The sun was starting to set in the background as we sat there.

“It’s a beautiful day today,”I said getting bored.

“Yeah it was,”He said as he worked.

“What is on the schedule for tomorrow?”

“Don’t know yet.”

“That sounds fun.”

“Will you stop talking and be still for me.”

“Sorry I’m getting bored sitting here.”

“I’m almost done with this.”

“Okay then.”

I stopped talking as he continued in silence. I looked at the little blue flower remembering my other three halves. I had four twins and we all had a different power. Jason, Maria, and Katie were their names and we were like one of brain. If one of us thought of something we all had the same idea as them. It was a connection we shared with one another. I miss them and that same connection that annoyed the heck out of me.

Jason was the second oldest and he could do water. He was younger than Maria by 2.5 minutes. Maria could control air and she was the oldest of us all. After Jason by 2.5 minutes was Katie and she was like a little know it all. She had earth but was more of a book kind of person in all. Last there was me and I was only younger than Katie by 5 minutes for some reason. I didn’t care for, Maria and I were close together. She was like a little mother to me and helped me stay calmer than when the other two tried.

“I’m done,”Nick’s voice said pulling me back,”It’s the best one I’ve done of you.”

“They are all good Nico,”I said standing up,”I think they are all good seeing that you drew them.”

“What if I didn’t then?”He said putting his things up.

“Then they would be like a highschool drawing against your master pieces,”I said as I helped him,”They be for no reason than to turn in for a grade. Yours belong in a museum for how good they look.”

“You’re just saying that,”He said as we walked back inside the manor,”If you have seen my sister’s drawings you wouldn’t say that.”

“No I would tell her to look at yours and learn what real art is.”

“That would be kind of mean.”

“But true.”

“No it wouldn't be.”

“Yes it is.”

“No it’s not.”

“Fine ask her when she comes to visit next and see.”

“Deal and if you are wrong you have to...let me draw your back with scars and any birthmarks you are hiding.”

“Deal and if I’m right you stop doubting yourself in it.”

We shook as I hoped she would agree with me on this one. I had a wolf pawprint on fire on my right shoulder that I have shown no one. It showed who I was really, if they knew about that pack’s alpha family. He lead me to his room as I looked at all the different pictures of me there were. There was one with me by the river with my hair flying in the lake that I loved.

“Megan how about you go to the kitchen and see if they need your help there,”He said as I nodded.

“I’ll see you later Nico,”I said running there.

I slide down the banister and walked into the kitchen like nothing happened. I saw Nikki and Adrian in the back talking as they got things ready. I walked over to them and sat on the counter top.

“I am so done with today,”I said organizing the bowls for them.

“Tough day in art world,”Nikki said with a smile.

“No,”I said looking at them,”I’m tired. I’ve been up since three this morning and didn’t go to bed till midnight last night. I was up working on some things that Nick’s dad told me to keep working at.”

“I think you and Nick are the only ones still doing what he had said,”Adrian said as he had a point,”Don’t you think it is about time to move on with it.”

“Never,”I said standing on the countertop now,”For that will be saying he is dead and to me he is not.”

“Get down before you break something,”Nikki said as I jumped down,”What would Nick do without his helper girl.”

“Get Luke to do it all for him,”I said as Luke came in and looked at me,”Man he walked in on that one.”

“Please don’t die for that,”Nikki said as he came over to us.

“We’ll give you a good funeral if you do,”Adrian said as I smiled.

Luke was the same height as Nick with brown almost black eyes and blonde hair. He was the beta of this pack and somehow got me every time I was joking around. He was the police over me when Nick wasn’t around to protect me.

“Hello Luke,”I said nicely,”How may I help you?”

“What was that you said?”He asked as I looked at them,”And don’t tell me another one of you fibs.”

“We were talking about if I got hurt,”I said looking down,”I said that you might take over my job if that happens.”

“Let’s not find out,”He said leaving us be,”Now get back to work.”

I stuck my tongue out like a child as they laughed at me. He is just so...Ugh, I can’t find the words I need. He is like the thorn in my side. The one person that can make me just….

“My child remember the power you are hiding,” I heard my mother say in my mind,”You don’t want him to know about it.”

I took in a deep breath as the heating hands stopped the flames from showing. I looked at them and went to my room. I needed to cool off some before I blow something. I walked into the fully fireproof room in the mansion. Actually mine and Nick’s rooms are both like that for a good reason.

I closed the door as my hands caught fire. I stared at the small flames as it danced around my fingers. I looked at it in a trance at the red amazement. I took a deep breath in and it grew and shrunk in time with it.

“Wait for my call or for me to come get you all,”I quoted my father,”When that happens you know it will be safe.”

I looked at the window as I never heard the call or see him coming my way. I was five when we all got separated from each other. The four of us went four different way. I stayed in the land area. Katie went the other way from me. Maria went far north as if going to Canada. And Jason went south as if to Hawaii.

“When is it safe dad?”I asked the air around me,”When shall I come back home to you and them? It’s lonely here without y’all.”

“Megan,”I heard someone say,”Are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine,”I said putting my hands out.

“Nick wants you,”Nikki said opening my door,”He said that it is important.”

“I’m on my way then,”I said walking out.

I went to the door five from mine. I was at the beginning of the hall and he was at the end. I knocked on the door as he told me to come in. I walked in as his girlfriend was there arguing with him.

“Look you are not going to boss me around,”Nick yelled at her,”I said I don’t want do that with you.”

“Yes you will,”She slapping him.

My heart stopped as I saw that. I looked at him as the red hand was appearing on his face. I held the wolf and fire back as I watched him take her by the wrist and beat the living daylights out of her. She fell to the ground as I walked up to him.

“Nick you wanted to see me,”I said trying to hide the fear and hate I had right now.

“Yes I did,”He said looking at me,”I need you to ask the boys about the hunt tonight. To see what all we might need to bring back.”

“Is that all Nico,”I said as he calmed down at that name.

“Yes it is Meg,”He said as the girl ran out of there,”Just stupid people being themselves.”

“You know she has slept with almost every guy in the pack,”I said leaving,”Now she want you.”

Why Must this Happens to Me
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