» Fiction » Fire Wolf, Abbie Davis [short story to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Wolf, Abbie Davis [short story to read TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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me and he faced me. I could smell a scent of her faintly on him. I looked down to see a red, gold, and orange rope bracelet on his wrist. It was the same one we had but ours were the powers we had color. That one belonged to Megan.

“Hello,”I said looking at it and holding the picture up,”I was wondering if you seen this girl. Or well her older self really.”

“That looks like Megan,”The girl with him said.

“Yeah and I think I know more,”The guy with him said looking at me.

“I haven’t seen her,”He said but then thought about something,”My sister is here. If you can find her come with her and we’ll see then.”

“I will do that,”I said a little bit happier now.

I ran back to dad as he was in earshot of it all. He nodded and the four of us split up and went to find Mandy Lightning. I looked around the corner and there was her mate. I went to him and asked about her. As soon as I said her name she showed up.

“Hey Maria,”She said nicely.

“Mandy can we come with you to visit your brother?”I asked as she laughed.

“What for?”She asked still laughing.

“My sister,”I said showing her the picture.

“That looks like Megan,”She said staring at it with awe.

“That’s her name,”I said.

She told us we could and we went to stay with her. Okay so in three days we get to go and see Megan hopefully. I went to the room I was staying in as I missed our one room. Even though now we would have had our own rooms. But I miss when we were one of mind and heart.




I stood there working on that stack as someone walked in and put their arms around me. I turned around and was kissed by Nick. He smiled at me as I went to put his shirt up.

“You know you didn’t have to do that,”He said looking around,”Where are yours?”

“In that stack over there,”I said pointing over to it,”I didn’t know where you would want them. So I been putting them over there.”

He gave me a nod and went to hang them up with his clothes. I smiled as Adrian and Nikki walked in and shut the door behind them. They ran to me with arms wide open. I laughed as they hugged the daylights out of me.

“I’m glad your alright,”Nikki said with a smile.

“I would have been better if you wouldn’t have said anything about it,”I said holding up the letter I wrote.

“Told you,”Adrian said as I laughed.

We stayed there as we all helped straighten the room up more. After a while it was only me and Nick as he was drawing me in front of his bed. I smiled as I knew everything might work out for me. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I felt arms go around my waist bringing me closer to them. Then I heard him whisper into my ear.

“Be my Luna.” 

They Know about my Flame



I woke up to one of the maids walking in and saying that my sister plus some were here. I nodded and she left. I got out of bed without waking up Megan. I walked out and locked the door not wanting them to see her yet in case they really weren’t her family.

I met Luke on the way down and we both went to the living area of the house. We walked in to see the group of four and my sister. Mandy ran to me and hugged me tightly as the other group was looking around.

“Where’s Megan at?”Mandy asked looking around.

“She is not up yet,”I said not fully lieing.

“You said we get to see her though,”The girl with black and white hair said,”Can we please see the girl?”

“When I am sure of something,”I said looking at the group,”Tell me about your Megan.”




I woke up to the absence of Nick. Where did he go? I got up and went to the door. It was lock yet again. I pulled on it but nothing worked. I looked around but there was no letter from him. What is going on?

I looked up as I got a bad feeling about this. I looked at the window and went through that. The sad thing was we were on the top floor. SO I was high up right now. I looked at the small edge and saw nothing but losing my Nick. I closed my eyes as I took one step out of the window.

I walked on the edge to Nikki’s room and knocked on the window. She didn’t move an inch. I did it till she saw me and almost had a heart attack. She opened the window for me as I jumped in.

“Megan what are you doing?”She asked as I went to Adrian's room.

“I got a bad feeling about this,”I said as they both followed me,”Nick locked me in his room and I know he is here.”

“I think he wants you to stay there then,”Adrian said as we walked into the kitchen.

“I know but I got this instinct feeling,”I said walking into the living area,”and it’s never wrong.”

I walked into a pack attacking someone and Nick. I ran in and got that wolf off of him. I landed as I saw my siblings. I smiled as they did their power. Time to shine bright I guess. I did three back flips and landed with my hands a blazed by Maria and Jason with Katie next to him.

We stood shoulder to shoulder as that pack looked at us. I looked over at Luke as I gave him what he wanted. I smiled sadly as the other pack looked at us.

“Time to show them who they messing with,”Maria said in my head.

“I get the right,”Katie said.

“Right middle,”Jason called.

“Left middle,”I sounded.

“And Left to me,”Maria said as we looked at each other.

We all fought with our powers in play. We worked as one with each move flowing into the next one. I looked at Nick every now and then to see if he was alright. I caught the ones going to him and burnt their tails. It took us a few minutes to have them running away from the house.

“MEGAN!”I heard my siblings yell in my ear.

“Hey,”I said as we grouped hugged.

“We been looking every where for you,”Maria said holding me the longest.

“You missed the mindlink,”Katie said reading my mind.

“Now I’m regretting it,”I said as we laughed.

“Do you ever listen,”Nick said as I turned to face him.

“No,”I said going over to him,”But it was more of an instinct tough.”

“No fair,”Maria cried as I laughed,”I was suppose to find my mate first. Not you.”

“What does she mean by that,”Nick asked as I laughed.

“I’m the baby of the quad,”I explained,”So therefore get everything last but better.”

He nodded with his arms around my neck as I stood sideways as they looked at me. I smiled at them as I saw Maria tense up a little bit. I looked at her as she was looking around for something. I looked at Adrian as she looked at him.

“He’s my mate,”She thought to herself.

“No way,”I said as she went red.

“What?”Nick asked as me, Katie, and Jason all looked at Maria,”I have a feeling I’m missing something here.”

“Adrian is Maria’s mate,”I sang as Nikki went to go get him.

“Shut up Megan,”She said as I smiled.

“No for he is my friend first,”I said as he came over here,”So I get to be involve with this thing.”

“What thing?”Adrian asked looking at me.

I looked at Maria as I saw Adrian tense up and he’s eyes went a clouded white. What’s going on? I waved my hand in front of his face but still nothing happened. I looked at Nikki as she looked at him again.

“He did this when you freaked out at the cabin,”She said as it hit me.

“He’s seeing the past again,”I said looking at dad,”Is that a natural thing?”




I watched as the quad as Megan calls them ran up to the house. I was watching as Jason was spinning her in a circle. She looked like she was dizzy beyond compare. He stopped her and someone yelled at her to sing Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab. She stopped for a second to regroup herself. Then she sanged.

“(I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,

An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun)


Get out your guns, battles begun,

Are you a saint, or a sinner?

If loves a fight, than I shall die,

With my heart on a trigger.


They say before you start a war,

You better know what you're fighting for.

Well baby, you are all that I adore,

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be.


I'm an angel with a shotgun,

Fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.


Sometimes to win, you've got to sin,

Don't mean I'm not a believer.

? and major Tom, will sing along.

Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer.


They say before you start a war,

You better know what you're fighting for.

Well baby, you are all that I adore,

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be.


I'm an angel with a shotgun,

Fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.


Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa


I'm an angel with a shotgun,

Fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back..


I'm an angel with a shotgun,

Fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

(I'm an angel with a shotgun)

And I, want to live, not just survive, tonight.

(Live, not just survive)


And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.


They say before you start a war,

You better know what you're fighting for.

Well baby, you are all that I adore,

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be,”Her little beautiful voice sanged out.

“How can she do that?”Katie asked hanging upside down from her bed,”It can’t be possible to sing a song while still dizzy.”

“That was too easy,”Megan said jumping on her bed,”And I’m surprise that I didn’t pass out from it.”

“Maybe it’s because she is not really our sister and is an alien from a different planet,”Jason said as they all stopped,”Sent here to destroy us all.”

“Strating with you,”Megan said getting down and going over to attack him.

“Stop tickling me,”He cried as she laughed.

“It’s Megan,”Maria said,”She is talented more than we are. Like Katie can remember facts and all. Jason is good at sports and other things boys do. I’m good at taking care of people and calming down Megan. She is good at art, writing, singing, and playing.”

“And don’t forget some of the boy stuff,”Megan and Jason said together.

“Yes and that,”Maria said,”But I think the biggest thing about all of this is, that we complete the other one. Without Katie we would be lost. Without Jason we would have no idea how to win anything. Without me none of you would be able to help Megan out.

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