» Fiction » I am not Mahatma, Harshavardhan C [english novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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with the militants, carry them for their self-protection and finally gun down the militants as right of self-defence and to declare war against the terrorist organizations, as was done in Pre-Independent India by Indian National Army, formed by Subhas Chandra Bose, during the freedom struggle against the foreign government. The peak of anger of the Indians was very well understood by the entire world. Since then it stands as the perfect example for the common man’s victory over the great power, and then what is the fate of the petty terrorists, in the hands millions and billions of the common men, when the latter turn towards violence.

And also to file a suit in the court of law against the state for its failure to provide protection to the citizens as a matter of prevention.

Finally, every citizen in the world is demanding counter guarantee by their state for hundred percent peaceful living in this world” Arjun opened the mind book of the common man.

“It means the author is safe, being supported by the common man. Then why don’t’ you fish out the name of the author Arju?”

“Yes of course, I can reveal. But after that if you want me to show the author means it becomes a herculean task for me to trace him and produce the author before you dear”


“Because he is in exile”

“Don’t worry, I will never ask you that, and I myself will try to find out” She said convincingly.

“But, the author has been already exposed dear”


“Yes of course, the author has already sent emails to all the heads of the terrorist groups, which are instrumental for advocating the great terror in the name of their self-cantered ideology.

When once they open their mail boxes, they will be attacked by the most powerful virus.

There is no anti-virus found against it so far in the world. From east to west and from north to south, no gladiator will over power the most powerful virus. The canes, the riffles, the machine guns, and the atom bombs couldn’t withstand it.

The great history of the Indian Freedom struggle is the best live example, and it is an eye opener to all the civilized” He put her in suspense.

“Please don’t’ brain storm me Arju” “Okay dear, I will certainly reveal that, and the virus is ‘Peace and Non-violence’. I hope now you might have traced the name of the author”

“You mean Mahatma Gandhi?”

“No dear, Gandhi never said, nor wrote that he is Mahatma”

“Then tell me, who is that Mr. X Arju?”

“Sorry, you have promised me dear not to question me?”

“Okay, then you need not, but at least can you give me a clue?”

“Yes, the clue is that he is certainly not Mahatma” He said quite pleasantly.

“Sorry, I am again confused”

“Then I will give you one more clue. I remember, you have expressed a great doubt about ensuring a common man freedom from fear. And I hope we can now ensure the common man, as it is rightly said as

“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, Where knowledge is free, Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls, Where words come out from the depth of truth, Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection, Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit, Where the mind is led forward by thee. Into ever-widening thought and action into that heaven of freedom, My Father, let my country awake” Arjun read out a sonnet.

“I have got it Arju”

“Then tell me dear”

“Visvakavi Rabindra Nath Tagore?” She said jubilantly.

“You are right; the common man has taken his inspiration from the famous poem of the poet Laurite Rabindra Nath Tagore”

“I am again confused Arju”

“It just common sense dear. It is the hope of every human being in the world to move freely and fearlessly. It is the unanimous voice of the citizen of the world, who is the author of the book ‘I am not Mahatma’ dear”


“Nothing secret in it dear. It is honestly the hue and cry of the common man?”

“Fantastic and mind blowing. Is it your own analysis Arju?”

“No, no dear, the credit goes to the common man only. Please praise the world citizen, and also don’t ignore some more gentlemen”

“Who are they?” She was eager to know.

“The victims of counter terror” He replied her.

“Who?” She was shocked to hear.

“Yes, some select few of the unselfish and praise worthy terrorists”

“Are you mad or what Arju?”

“I am not, but on knowing their demand, you all may be shocked”

“They are bloody criminals and how could they demand?”

“Please don’t belittle them dear. Don’t forget that they are also the citizens of the world. They have also got every right to demand their state”

“What demand?”

“Equal rights with their fellow beings and right to live, means protection for their lives”

“That is really fantastic. What a beautiful analysis, and approach to the burning problem Arju? And I am the luckiest bride in the world to have not only a handsome husband but also an intellectual too” She had all praise for him.

“Are you joking?” He was embarrassed.

“No, I am really complementing you my dear hubby”So saying she kissed on his fore head.

“Please reserve your complements dear, till the whole world shall awake and walk towards a society, in the earthly heaven, where all should enjoy fearless freedom and priceless peace”

“That’s fine and I wish that day will definitely come Arju” She said heart fully.

“Well, when a common man could do the best for the world through his book, then why can’t we try to protect the common man, the citizen of the world dear?”

“Sure, sure, it shall be our first priority” She supported him.

“Then, what is your next priority dear?”

“I want to fulfil my parents’ last wish”

“All the best for your dreams to full fill, and let us move dear”


“Trust me and just follow me dear”

Both of them got into his vehicle.

It was just a forty minutes’ drive. He straight took her to a village, abating the forest. There was a big gathering. Surprisingly, she could notice her college mates, colleagues, friends and the villagers, who were all tribal people. They were cordially invited and offered bouquets by the friends and villagers.

“Arju, I am confused, I couldn’t understand, what is going on here?”

“Please wait a minute” He gave her a remote to unveil a screen.

Honey pressed the remote, and the light green colour curtain, with the design of a dark green velvet cloth was opened slowly.

There were the bust size sculptures of Late Dr. Glady D’Souza and comrade Anthony Kumar, made of bronze.

One of her colleagues gave her garlands and Honey garlanded her parents amidst claps, and they all raised slogans as “Comrades Glady and Anthony Kumar Amar rahe hi, (Long live the comrades)”

Arjun put another remote in her hand, perhaps to give her another surprise. She was almost in trance, as what all happened was real or only illusion.

“Come on dear, please unveil it” He alerted her again.

She just pressed the remote. A beautiful, multi-colour and marvellous curtain was slowly opened, and there was a very big board, beautifully displayed in multi colours as: “Peoples’ Multi-Specialty Hospital”

It was constructed in fond memory of Comrades, Late Dr. Glady D’ Souza and Anthony Kumar.

On reading the letters on the board, tears rolled in her eyes.

“I have never neglected you dear” He said quite humbly.

“You are a true gentleman Arju”

“Oh, don’t over praise me dear”

“Let me complete Arju. You always understand the needs and the necessities of not only the poor and the common man, but also everybody around you, which is the rarest of the rare qualities in humans, and hence I call you humane”

“No dear I am just like any other common man you know”

“Please let me Arju, no one could expect that a cop would take-up such a daring step, a gigantic task and successfully complete it”

He was not thrilled nor could speak out any of his heartfelt feelings over her phraseology about him. But, he was very calm and cool, besides firm in his stand.

“No true citizen of the country will forget such great comrades dear. I am fascinated by their ideology. I know that what I have done for them is nothing. Of course, anybody can do this. And I don’t’ think that I have done anything great. What all I have done is, I have just accepted the ex -gratia, for the loss of the lives of my parents, though my mum refused to accept any help or favour from the state, as the widow of Late Solomon Raj, my great dad. But for the poor, I am forced to accept the compensations and with those amounts only I have constructed the Hospital. I think this is what you want to acknowledge your parents’ last wish?”

“Thanks, I wholeheartedly thank you Arju. There is generally a misnomer that cops are always known for their stone hearts, but after knowing you, I am feeling guilty and I am unconditionally withdrawing the misnomer that the Indian cops are stone hearted” She said emotionally.

“Thanks, I think you’re the first lady being victim of losing the valuable lives of your parents in the hands of the cops, but I still expect that all must unanimously complement Indian cops as Indian bobby in the history of world policing”

“Not only me, but also all the public should congratulate you for your supreme sacrifices and great achievements. And further you are so complaisant to take care of everybody. But, why have you forgotten your great parents, the gladiators who are the one and the only officers for inspiration and roll model to all young police officers in the country Arju?”

“I am not an untrustworthy son of famous police officers dear. I have fulfilled my parent’s ultimate desire. I have started rehabilitation homes for the victims of terror including the civilians, the widows of the cops and their children, surrendered militants and their children and also widows, children and dependents of the departed comrades with the amounts pooled up by selling the landed properties of my father in his native state and the house of my mum, constructed with her personal earnings in the city” Arjun said in quite humility.

“Hat’s off to you. I sincerely wish you that you deserve the fitting title Mahatma”

“No, don’t be so emotional dear. There are only three people, who could be called as Mahatmas, the first being Mr. Mohan Das Karam chand Gandhi for advocating peace and non violence and the second one is Bapu Jagajeevan Ram who is the champion of the downtrodden and finally Mr. Jyotirao Poole for taking up the cause of the backward classes all through his life. But, I Am Not Mahatma dear. Take it for granted that none of the uniformed men and women could ever become Mahatmas. And I am still a cop, not even become humane as you wish me dear” He denied her appreciation, rather politely.

“Arju, you always try to keep yourself happy, only when you find all people around you are happy. You are really a true gentleman Arju” She complemented him.

“Sorry dear, please don’t blindly trust men especially me. In fact, I am not a gentleman. You will come to know that in our first night” He whispered in her ears.


“Hush, it is a top secret and please don’t be hasty in exposing it” So saying, he pulled her and hugged her quite emotionally.

“Shut up, now I confirm that you are definitely not a gentleman” She pushed him away.

All the invitees wished them all the best in their marital life.

Chapter: 60

The first night---------

It was a nuptial’s suit. Honey came with a glass of hot milk.

Arjun was anxiously waiting for her on the water bed beautifully decorated.

She just kept the glass on the tepoy near the bed and sat in the sofa.

He signalled her to come close to him.

She denied.

He got down the bed and tried to hug her.

She pushed him away seriously.

He again tried her.

“Hush-, it is just

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