» Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗

Book online «All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗». Author Ashok Aatreya

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was an insult of the court of Indra, which never witnessed such a seen. The whole spirit and excitement of the audience was lost in the wind and faces of the accompanist became colourless.
It was a worried affair for Ashwini-Kumars, the Doctors who immediately was called for Rambha, the court dancer and ultimately found cause of her depression was discussed. The black bee was exposed from the bra. Rambha along with Chandra Bhan were thrown out of the heaven and took birth as pigs on earth… this curse was due to the lust and falling from duties of court dancer for Rambha. Chandrabhan was cursed for his adventures for sex and playboy spirits.
Anand’s other births on earth were in the human form of Vidyadher, who was also in love with another Vidyadhari. ''They both could change their form and bodies in the air, their affection is unstable; they are ficle: thei feelings are variablre as their shapes.They can be just as hideously ugly as unaimaginably beautiful...'' Only after that birth he and Shaheen had taken rebirth to complete one more cycle of life.
'' What exactly was the story of my preveous birth and how could it be extended in this life? Has all that any relevance or significance to our present life? Anand asked this question to Vani Pandit.
'' I have very little time to tell you the details of this all, but since you have come with a special background, you'll yourself will get the answer in my chamber.''Please follow me alone.
Anand left his other companions outside at the entry point and went with V.P to his chamber. That was a place of worship where Anand was instructed to sit before the statue of goddess Durga. ... And what he heard was something never experienced in his life.He was almost in his slumber for some time and some voice was commanding his senses. What he heard in his meditative posture was very clear. The voice said: I know you would come today. Good. You would very soon meet your real love again. She is dearer to you than life itself.It was a chance that she had seen you in a compromising position with a beautiful wife of a priest of Shiv temple and to take revenge against you, she changed her mind, her senses of shifted loyalty, tempted and mis-led a lower clan Bhisti, who was taking his bath outside the garden of the adjoining Dargah, into sex enjoyment with her.Her mind was completly agitated.
It is said, women are not like rocks, but sky And at the thought of any mistrust suddenly arose, they burn like dry chips or straws easily taking fire., and tossed here and there by the gusts of hope and desperation.As a woman, she could tolerate anything in the three worlds but not ready to see her love lying in somebody's else's arms.
Shaheen as Vidyadhari played her game as a beautiful juvenile with her amorous gestures, of the eyes of Rati which freely and incessantly directed like the flashes of lightening towards the poor Bhisti by which the poor fellow was possessed by inward feeling of indistinct love.
With the hue of her tender lower lip she expressed her feelings-'' Oh my dear love I have not seen such a handsome person like you on earth so far .The irony of fate has thrown us togather. You have exerted a lot in your life, enough is enough. Now enjoy the syrup of a bee.''
'' But who are you my lady so charming and I dreaming? The man of low status asked .He rubbed his eyes as if really coming out of a sweet dream.
It was early spring in his small town and for last twenty generations 'they' were serving Dargah as water workers.This was perhaps first twilight in the whole of their great grand father's order that some 'Hoor' has appeared before him.He would always awake early in the morning before the sun rise ans after washing his face and putting on an old head-gear would work tirelessly in the Dargah...and only when it was evening he would go for little rest.There were no days for dreaming in his life.He smiled and then blinked his eyes again.
''What you are thinking, I am not a dream but a reality.You can touch can feel me...You can do anything you like with me...I am your love. I am Shaheen.She looked him straight in his eyes.
And then and there, there was no come back.It was some sea-shore, the wind was wild.Perhaps some sea-bird ( Shaheen) wanted to take rest for some time over the beautiful dome of the same Dargah which was made on the debris of an old Sanskrit Paathasala...known as kANTHABHARAN school of learning...The great mughals the son of marsh dwellers,claiming Arab descent, destroyed this beatiful small town when their army passed through the town.

But at last and not the least Anand had now taken a birth again in a reputed Rajguru family (he was later adopted by his Nana) of erstwhile state which will be his last birth as told earlier by the Vani Pandit and that too was to be confirmed from his Guru … who will perhaps meet him in Tihar Jail.
It was interesting to note that Anand was invited again by Vani Pandit, as and when he found time…Anand had to wait for that time… he visited V.P. at Badod one more time and known some very interesting aspect of his previous life and present happening in his career. Assured by Vani Pandit, he was happy to have known that this is going to be his last birth as human being since he had already met his Guru in Tihar Jail and will again meet him in proper opportune time.… His Guru will guide Anand for his future actions also and that meeting will be the turning point of his life…from that point he will see the real light of life….Anand believed in the words of V.P…but he was not remembering…whom he met in Tihar –Jail…accept the Jailor Mr Dave and some C.B.I officers who were unnecessarily trying to put him down by conducting false enquiries…and ultimately everything against him was proved wrong…but his sudden induction in the Ministry was a miracle…that is still a mystery for him which Anand was unable to solve. …and somewhere in that unseen there might be some hidden blessing of his Guru…when he wanted to ask aout his Guru …Mr Goverdhan Sharma,Vani Pandit told him…that will automatically come to your mind… presently due to some more Karma left in your life the memory is washed wrom your brain…don’t try to ask such physical questions…the answer will also come automatically to you …please wait and see…with these words, the mystery of his meeting with Guru still remained an unsolved story…Anand could not understand when and how and where he will meet his Guru…for that he thought to come again to V.P in Barod. ..V.P told him to be in touch since his life will take a great turn shortly.V.P also assured him that he will be in touch as and when needed through wireless ….Anand knew that when the Ex-Army Chief Mr. Joshi visited Barod, he was very much impressed by Mr. Goverdhan Sharma and wanted to keep regular contact with him. He insisted Mr. Goverdhan Sharma to put a wireless set at his residence....for his (Mr. Joshi) convenience because he wanted to talk to him …
Vanipandit was a real miracle not following the laws of nature and was a 'living- belief' certainly caused by some super natural power.


Anand and Bhairvi were married in sixties and that was the beginning of social changes in the traditional frame work of society, the change was slow. Bhairvi since that time, besides her jobs too was more of a house wife and liked to stay at home, was happy in the role of a house keeper and she also became a mother of his two children
She had little, almost no knowledge about Anand's past affairs with Sonal and what could also be described as fishy in context of Divine, her close old friend.She was more and more interested in day to day orthodox religious practices...It was only in that line she met with one mysterious old sorcerer lady very famous for her predictions . She also suggested corrective measures of evil spirits. She had a sort of inner feeling that some unknown evil had done its work on her husband Anand. But the sorcerer lady, foreseeing her danger, had instucted her to be little vigilant against one lady in particular whose name start with the capital letter 'S'.That lady had already entered in her house and living in the invisible form, although she was hundred percent harmless to his husband but will divide the love of her house and rule over her master whenever he remains out of his home.The lady also suggested her to go for help to Goddess Daridra (Kulakshmi).The elder sister of Lakshmi..only the perilous adventures of this ancient goddess can save her from the shadows of that invisible lady...and by the grace of the goddess Bhairvi could be free in three nights.The indication of that first night would be given to Bhairvi by the sorcerer.
Bhairvi started thinking in that direction since the moment the sorcerer inducted in her that psychological fear. She became worried about her family.
''Who could be that invisible woman? She asked this question to herself.This only question kept her engaged for whole of the day and she could not restrain herself to meet the lady again the same evening.Bhairvi reached her home. She lady was busy in her ''Black worship''. She was in her black gown.To her surprise the sorcerer was worshiping very ugly image of a goddess with inverted and black Swastik.Her forehead was marked by black mark.It was all time new image she had seen in her life of any goddess. Bhairvi could not witness this cult for a longer time and immediately came out of the room joining the open pooja platform in another small space.But her leaving the room was responded immediately by the call of the lady.
''Come inside Bhairvi, you have come in the most opportune time. This is 'Trisandhya' time .good for your cause.Take 'Bhabhoot'' from me and blessing of goddess.''
Bhaivi had no option but to go inside.''
''Combat your enemy, the invisible woman...look she is there...'' The lady ordered her .She was in trannce.
Bhairvi very silenty reached in the temple room. ...Perhaps towards antidote to evil...or towards some unknown world meaningless abstract or full of mystics beyond her reach...some supernatural feeling was there in the environment...some vague communication...or pervasive influence...she could not realise what all was happening to her at that moment...
The lady came close to her. She put her hand on her head which was covered by sari. Lady very politely asked her to put off the pallu and keep her head bare before the goddess.Then all of a sudden question session started.
''Do you get along well with your husband?
'' Not always well, but sometimes...
''Would you try to know who can be the invisible woman in your house ?
'' I am interested.''
''Are you jealous of he ?''
'' Perhaps''
''You are interested to get rid of her?''
Then see what is before your eyes...And there was suddenly a black curtain before her eyes. She was feeling a slow sleep.
The entire scene changed.She was in an old Vishnu temple.The door of the temple was closed so she was sitting on the floor of the big entrance. Her face was before an image 0f Garud. All the side walls of principal statue were crowded by crows.She was
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