» Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗

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tragedy of her life was surfaced. —‘I am in the battle…I was in the battle…I am worried…Ahsas has no father at least before his eyes…I will not let him drop…He will swim across the sea…no anchor still. he is fighting against gravity…he is conceived out of wedlock…Asad proved a big fraud. no name no house no shelter but played ,played and played all bad games…I am fortunate. I am not a prostitute…still a fire…I am tempered steel…no ordinary woman…they wanted ‘Nikah’ after delivery…they wanted to kill my Ahsas.BY Grace of god…He is moving on earth with his two firm legs. He will prove good racer…They planned to kill him.Asad too was party. He was being paid for a deal, counting bunch of notes. Was he a broker? The Anglo-Indian lady whom we called ‘Amma’ was involved in the heinous and criminal activity. I OVERHEARD them.Ahsas with twenty other adolescent girls and boys were being sent to Arab countries. The ship was ready. PAPERS and Documents were being signed. Ahsas, your and my Ahsas was going to be a big entertainment for cruel camel race. The girls as house workers or sex workers or slaves whatever the ‘term’ best suited to use and to be made ‘legal’.I RAN AWAY from home with Ahhsas.Exposed the matter to a top Police Officer.He gave me shelter. I was shaking. The raid made everything clear. Asad faced long trials.He was sent to Jail.
I exposed the mafia.I never dreamed it.I fought the entire MAFIA.I was their target.They were my taget.We both were dager’s drawn enemies.I made my position strong and became arch-critic of fundamentalists.Asad was the top new leader seducing Pakistani youths for a new Jihad.It was nothing but new face of Satanism imported from America. One night before I approached the Commissioner Police I was locked in a Police custody……three more women were also locked in the nearby room …they were arrested in the charge of treffiking… …it was almost late night…I was brought from Roshanbibi KA Pagalkhana. Some one knocked at the door….The lady with Ingrid jewelary and long kurta -salwar…some reputed social worker and human right worker…She talked to me about wrong charges framed against me and assured me all help.A very sr police officer came in the morning…he hoped we had good sleep…he had bundle of Asad’s papers and also wanted me to identify a photo …IT WAS SAADAT! In police language INTERNATIONAL HARD CRIMINAL…They took me in confidence and told me about their activities.To my surprise Asad and Saadat were handcuffed.Sitting on the back seat. They were planning to kidnap Ahsas…our Ahsas.The ship was ready for Abudhabi…and by that ship Ahsas was to be transported as a prospective small rider child slave and a camel jockey. He was only five years old at that time.Saadat waited for this day .My number was next.this was in their plan.Large sum of money was thrown for this sport. I was told by the senior Police officer that after kidnapping they are taken to foreign country without any legal status, even no one to protect them. They are tied with ropes and forced to live under hardship of extreme heat and dust for weeks together without any rest. They live in fenced training camps with their camels seven days a week in heat, when complain, beaten and kept without food to keep them low weight and without flesh .I was shown the photographs of the pathetic conditions of children who suffer and when kidnapping plan of Ahsas was exposed by that activist lady before Police,Asad and Saadat were nabbed with the gang. She put tremendous efferts and persuation. Her name was Shabana,she was a wife of a University Professor. I thanked god with tears rolling on my face.
.Asad was the local Pakistan agent of local gangs for this heinous act and he was involved for child kidnapping and women trafficking. The lady Pakistani activist, who was also a journalist. She was a campaigner against the cruel practice of camel- sports.
I was determind to give a tough fight to these ELEMEMNTS.
I was happy to see my so called husband Asad and my one hour husband handcuffed .Asad was ridiculously sitting as a poodle in the back-seat of his boss my ‘one hour husband’.
(Your SHA…)

Some memories of old encounters were still fresh in the mind of Anand, the way he tackled the terrorists, in western Rajasthan’s famous Mallinath animal fair near Utterlai, Barmer. From Circuit House Anand moved his Anti-Terrorist squad in high spirits. It was in the very early hours of morning. It rained heavily last night and was still drizzling. Although he had no hard intelligence, information he moved with excitement with whatever little information he got from his higher officers and after making a sketchy plan and briefing his colleagues he drove directly in an old jeep.Last night few villagers who were the informers also reported to have seen some Pakistani infiltrators in the fair ground and their motif was not known. In the history of the Mallinath fair no such presence and activities of Pak agents was informed earlier and after a lot of permutations and combinations Anand could plan his strategy to safe guard the security of the people place and property. The area was very sensitive since the Under Ground Air Base of Air Force of strategically importance was very close to Mallinath Animal Fair.
Anand reached there with his team before the sunrise and sent his messengers in all four directions to gather more, intelligence information of the infiltrators. He wanted this information at the earliest so as to plan the next move in the right direction. He also discussed every possible eventuality.
And before something unpredicted happened, Anand enjoyed a cup of tea from a local stall and talked in normal manner like a city-dweller with the tea vendor.
The climate was good in the morning but at noon it worsened as his commandos moved ahead. Heavy rain had reduced the possibility of direct action although the target was not far away. It was difficult to walk. Most of them slipped and fell in different direction. There was a clear possibility of encounter with insurgents at any moment. Anand with one of his scout fell to a depth of about four meters while probing forward. Luckily it was a rudderless situation for him. He reached his respective position by targeted time. The enemy was very close but there was no hint of them yet…. Just before “first shoot and sight action” his team had to follow him from the rear position. And from three other directions before the possible escape of infiltrators.
It was a little isolated area with smoke blowing from the scattered fire places of fair visitors. Hundreds and thousands of camels, horses, cows, and buffaloes were visible in the vast stretch surrounding fair ground of Mallinath in Tilwara area of Barmer district the nearest border town from Pakistan.
It was actually a river belt. The strange thing and the miracle was this, the river would go underground only for three days but the water was not deep more than two- three feet and that could be collected from any place under the silvery sand of the river by digging by hand.
As per the intelligence report two Pak-Military officers not less than the rank of Majors had already infiltrated the fair area and they were hiding themselves in the disguise of animal traders. “They also made a deal of two camels from some Utterlai camel trader… The money was to be transferred as the outcome of the final transaction for which they were waiting for the owner of the camels….”
But on the reverse side the story was just different. There was no camel deal or the trade business as such… but the “two informers of Uttarlai areas were coming with some secret documents of Utterlai Air Force Office and these documents were going to be handed over to Pak officers… Anand came to intercept the so-called camel deal and wanted to arrest the intruders living or in pieces.
His team commandos were prepared expecting them any minute. Every step they took was with great care. Anand was under the watchful eyes of Dasrath who, as a stalwart of many such actions, was absolutely cool and composed. Suddenly two suspicious faces appeared just from opposite side, when heavy rain fall took a halt…. Three more persons with camels approaching near them were definitely the informers. When they came close near a Khejari tree, Anand took position and shot in the right leg of one of the insurgent which was a sure shot, has he fell down on the ground ? The firing from both the sides continued and suddenly one of the other officer logged a hand grenade towards them which could not reach the target and within no time Anand and his aide used heavy smoke bombs, circled them as per plan and arrested both the senior Pak officers. These officers had the dubious links with one senior officer of state police who had close associations with the Mafia don of Bombay blast.…Anand seized an important C.D on that basis a large cache of arms including A.K -47 riffles, A.K -56 guns ,hand grenades were also unearthed from the border area of Barmer. A truck load of these arms were on the way to another terrorist outfit stronghold in a nearby Dhani…two residents of that area were on regular pay role the Pak officers.

The most unfortunate part of Anand’s last encounter day. It was prosperous part of Mumbai, a suburban small colony of Andheri (west) where about 200 families lived. The colony was well connected to market which always remained crowded .Anand got the information that two Pakistani intelligence officers were hiding in one of the flats of this locality and they kidnapped a young unmarried girl (News papers reported wrong that she was Anand’s daughter Deeksha) who was living in the capital with his father. The kidnapers were planning to move from here to some other place and already threatened her of dire consequences if she opened mouth In this case. One of her boy friends was also entangled. Since this apartment and its seventh floor suddenly became a suspicious activity centre, the information leaked through some very reliable source that made Anand to take immediate action…It was a sensitive move and everything was to be handled with delicacy. The day was 14 August, the independence day of Pakistan. India got freedom just after this day.
He got a short notice of high alert for reaching the spot. With one of his aides he reached by motorcycles within 20 minutes. They were both briefed by the informer on the spot that the Pakistani officers might use any weapon from the hide-outs, if challenged and because of this Anand had to move very tactically. He also spotted one of the officers in the window and to his surprise and astonishment the face seemed very familiar… once he could not believe his own eyes. He was at loss and for that moment his mind was blank… ‘Was he really Ahasas..?’ Then who is the other chap hiding in the room… he thought of sending his aid first to knock flat no. 703 in the seventh floor of the multi-storey building.
And this was Anand’s heart throbbing and puzzling moment of life… his other self was before him… his own being, his own image, his own blood was before his eyes as an enemy of his nation and a big threat to the national security and people. He had to decide within the smallest fraction of the second, what was to be done, because the picture was very
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