» Fiction » Blow the Man Down, Holman Day [e ink epub reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Blow the Man Down, Holman Day [e ink epub reader TXT] 📗». Author Holman Day

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board with me. She is locked in a stateroom."
Old Mull stopped his patrol with a jerk. "She?" he demanded. "You mean to tell me you've got a woman aboard here?"
"We're engaged--we want to get married. So she came along--"
"Then why in tophet didn't ye go get married? You don't think this is a parsonage, do you?"
"There were reasons why we couldn't get married ashore. You have to have licenses, and questions are asked, and we were afraid it would be found out before we could arrange it."
"So this is an elopement, hey?"
"Well, the young lady's father has foolish ideas about a husband for his daughter, and she doesn't agree with him."
"Who is her father?"
"I don't intend to tell you, sir. That hasn't anything to do with the matter."
Captain Downs looked his passenger up and down with great disfavor. "And what's your general idea in loading yourselves onto me in this fashion?"
"You have the right, as captain of a ship outside the three-mile limit, to marry folks in an emergency."
"I ain't sure that I've got any such right, and I ain't at all certain about the emergency, Mr. Bradish. I ain't going to stick my head into a scrape."
"But there can't be any scrape for you. You simply exercise your right and marry us and enter it in your log and give us a paper. It will be enough of a marriage so that we can't be separated."
"Want to hold a hand you can bluff her father with, hey? I don't approve of any such tactics in matrimony."
"I wouldn't be doing this if there were any other safe way for us," protested Bradish, earnestly. "I'm no cheap fellow. I hold down a good job, sir. But the trouble is I work for her father--and you know how it always is in a case like that. He can't see me!"
"Rich, eh?"
"Yes, sir!" Bradish made the admission rather sullenly.
"It's usually the case when there's eloping done!"
"But this will not seem like eloping when it's reported right in the newspapers. Marriage at sea--it will seem like a romantic way of getting rid of the fuss of a church wedding. We'll put out a statement of that sort. It will give her father a chance to stop all the gossip. He'll be glad if you perform the ceremony."
"Say, young fellow, you're not rehearsing the stuff on me that you used on the girl, are you? Well, it doesn't go!
"Captain Downs, you must understand how bull-headed some rich men are in matters of this kind. I am active and enterprising. I'll be a handy man for him. He likes me in a business way--he has said so. He'll be all right after he gets cooled down."
"More rehearsal! But I ain't in love with you like that girl is."
"We're in a terrible position, captain! Perhaps it wasn't a wise thing to do. But it will come out all right if you marry us."
"What's her name?"
"I can't tell you."
"How in the devil can I marry you and her if I don't know her name?"
"But you haven't promised that you will do your part! I don't want to expose this whole thing and then be turned down."
"I ain't making any rash promises," stated Captain Downs, walking to the rail and taking a squint at the top-hamper. "Besides," he added, on his tramp past to the other rail, "he may be an owner into this schooner property, for all I know. Sixteenths of her are scattered from tophet to Tar Hollow!"
"You needn't worry about his owning schooner property! He is doing quite a little job at putting you fellows out of business!"
Curiosity and something else gleamed in Captain Downs's eyes. "Chance for me to rasp him, hey, by wishing you onto the family?"
This new idea in the situation appealed instantly to Bradish as a possibility to be worked. "Promise man to man that you'll perform the marriage, and I'll tell you his name; then you'll be glad that you have promised," he said, eagerly.
"I don't reckon I'd try to get even with Judas I-scarrot himself by stealing his daughter away from him, sir. There's the girl to be considered in all such cases!"
"But this isn't stealing! We're in love."
"Maybe, but you ain't fooling me very much, young fellow. I don't say but what you like her all right, but you're after something else, too."
"A man has to make his way in the world as best he can."
"That plan seems to be pretty fashionable among you financing fellows nowadays. But I'm a pretty good judge of men and you can't fool me, I say. Now how did you fool the girl?"
It was blunt and insulting query, but Bradish did not have the courage to resent it; he had too much need of placating this despot. The lover hesitated and glanced apprehensively at the man at the wheel.
"Don't mind that nigger!" yelped Captain Downs, "How did you ever get nigh enough to that girl to horn-swoggle her into this foolishness?"
"We met at dances. We were attracted to each other," explained Bradish, meekly.
"Huh! Yes, they tell me that girls are crazy over hoof-shaking these days, and I suppose it's easy to go on from there into a general state of plumb lunacy," commented Old Mull, with disgust. "You show you ain't really in love with her, young man. You'd never allow her to cut up this caper if you were!"
He stuck an unlighted cigar in his mouth and continued to patrol his quarter-deck, muttering.
Bradish lighted a cigarette, tossed it away after two puffs, and leaned against the house, studying his fingertips, scowling and sullen.
Mayo had heard all the conversation, but his interest in the identity of these persons was limited; New York was full of rich men, and there were many silly daughters.
"Look here," suggested the captain, unamiably, "whatever is done later, there's something to be done now. It's cruelty to animals to keep that girl shut up in that stateroom any longer."
"She didn't want to come out and show herself till I had had a talk with you, sir. I have spoken to her through the door a few times." He straightened himself and assumed dignity. "Captain Downs, I call it to your attention--I want you to remember that I have observed all the proprieties since I have been on board."
Captain Downs snorted. "Proprieties--poosh! You have got her into a nice scrape! And she's down there locked in like a cat, and probably starving!"
"She doesn't care to eat. I think she isn't feeling very well."
"I shouldn't think she would! Go bring her up here, where she can get some fresh air. I'll talk to her."
After a moment's hesitation Bradish went below. He returned in a little while.
In spite of his efforts to pretend obliviousness Mayo stared hard at the companionway, eager to look on the face of the girl. But she did not follow her lover.
"She doesn't feel well enough to come on deck," reported Bradish. "But she is in the saloon. Captain Downs, won't you go and talk to her and say something to make her feel easy in her mind? She is very nervous. She is frightened."
"I'm not much of a ladies' man," stated Old Mull. But he pulled off his cap and smoothed his grizzled hair.
"And if you could only say that you're going to help us!" pleaded the lover. "We throw ourselves on your mercy, sir."
"I ain't much good as a life-raft in this love business." He started for the companionway.
"But don't tell her that you will not marry us--not just now. Wait till she is calmer."
"Oh, I sha'n't tell her! Don't worry!" said Captain Downs, with a grim set to his mouth. "All she, or you, gets out of me can be put in a flea's eye."
He disappeared down the steps, and Bradish followed. A mate had come aft, obeying the master's hand-flourish, and he took up the watch. In a little while Mayo was relieved. He went forward, conscious that he was a bit irritated and disappointed because he had not seen the heroine of this love adventure, and wondering just a bit at his interest in that young lady.
An hour later Mayo, coiling down lines in the alley outside the engine-room, overheard a bulletin delivered by the one-eyed cook to the engineer.
The cook had trotted forward, his sound eye bulging out and thus mutely expressing much astonishment. "There's a dame aft. I've been making tea and toast for her."
"Well, you act as if it was the first woman you'd ever seen. What's the special excitement about a skirt going along as passenger?"
"She wa'n't expected to be aboard. I heard the old man talking with her. The flash gent that's passenger has rung her in somehow. I didn't get all the drift be-cause the old man only sort of purred while I was in hearing distance. But I caught enough to know that it ain't according to schedule."
"Good looker?" The engineer was showing a bit of interest.
"She sure is!" declared the cook, demonstrating that one eye is as handy, sometimes, as two. "Peaches and cream, molasses-candy hair, hands as white as pastry flour. Looks good enough to eat."
"Nobody would ever guess you are a cook, hearing you describe a girl," sneered the engineer.
"There's a mystery about her. I heard her kind of taking on before the dude hushed her up. She was saying something about being sorry that she had come, and that she wished she was back, and that she had always done things on the impulse, and didn't stop to think, and so forth, and couldn't the ship be turned around."
Mayo forgot himself. He stopped coiling ropes and stood there and listened eagerly until the cook's indignant eye chanced to take a swing in his direction.
"Do you see who's standing there butting in on the private talk of two gents?" he asked the engineer. "Hand me that grate-poker--the hot one. I'll show that nigger where he belongs."
But Mayo retreated in a hurry, knowing that he was not permitted to protest either by word or by look. However, the cook had given him something else besides an insult--he had retailed gossip which kept the young man's thoughts busy.
In spite of his rather contemptuous opinion of the wit of a girl who would hazard such a silly adventure, he found himself pitying her plight, guessing that she was really sorry. But as to what was going on in the master's cabin he had no way of ascertaining. He wondered whether Captain Downs would marry the couple in such equivocal fashion.
At any rate, pondered Mayo, how did it happen to be any affair of his? He had troubles enough of his own to occupy his sole attention.
Their spanking wind from the sou'west let go just as dusk shut down. A yellowish scud dimmed the stars. Mayo heard one of the mates say that the glass had dropped. He smelled nasty weather himself, having the sailor's keen instinct. The topsails were ordered in, and he climbed aloft and had a long, lone struggle before he got the heavy canvas folded and lashed.
When he reached the deck a mate commanded him to fasten the canvas covers over the skylights of the house. The work brought him within range of the conversation which Captain Downs and Bradish were carrying on, pacing the deck together.
"Of course I don't want to throw down anybody, captain," Bradish was saying. There was an obsequious note in his voice; it was the tone of a man who was affecting confidential cordiality in order to get on--to win a favor. "But I have a
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