» Fiction » Taking This Too Far., Alexandra Wolf [best young adult book series txt] 📗

Book online «Taking This Too Far., Alexandra Wolf [best young adult book series txt] 📗». Author Alexandra Wolf

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On facebook. Did you know that Vincent has a girlfriend?” Juliana was surprised by that. She sure as hell didn’t know and yet yesterday he introduced her as his “date.” This really upset Juliana. She felt as if Vincent was using her. If he was trying to make a fool of her. He made a mistake. Juliana texted her back.

“No. I didn’t know. What’s her name?” Sophie texted her seconds later.

“Her name is Hayley Norman. She’s seventeen. She’s from Chicago. I really can’t say much. Her profile is private.”

Juliana thought was she was doing was stupid. She felt like a little girl being nosy finding out things about her boyfriend, but that was the thing: Vincent wasn’t her boyfriend nor did she want him to be it. She had more important things on her mind. She placed her head on her hands and groaned.

She texted Sophie telling her to stay off the girl’s page; it wasn’t any of their business. Juliana threw her phone on her bed and took a long hot shower. Vincent kept running through her head. Why, she asked herself. She had no reason to be thinking of this guy. He was nothing of hers. He was her partner for a project and that was it. She didn’t expect for them to actually get along.

She combed her hair, dressed in her pajamas and got in her covers. She took a look at the time: eight forty-seven. It was too early to go to sleep but her body felt exhausted. Before she knew it she was asleep.


Juliana made her way to her first period. She was dreading it. She didn’t want to see him. When she arrived to class, she couldn’t help but glance at his seat. It was empty.

“Jules. Hey, did we have an assignment?” Sophie asked the question. Juliana jumped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s okay. I was just daydreaming.”

“Daydreaming? About…?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Juliana took a seat at her desk. She tried to keep her mind on anything except Vincent. Just then he stepped inside the classroom. Juliana cursed silently. He didn’t even look her way.

The bell rang and Mr. Andrews started to talk about something they were going to learn. Juliana couldn’t focus. Her mind kept wondering off. She tried to concentrate on what Mr. Andrews was speaking about but she simply couldn’t.

Before she knew it, the bell rang. “What’s wrong?” asked Sophie with a concerned face.

“Nothing, why?

“You seem out of it.” Sophie said bluntly. Juliana knew she didn’t mean it to be offensive, she was just worried.

“I know. I just have a lot on my mind, you know? I haven’t heard from Columbia and I’m pretty nervous.”

“Jules, come on. You know you got in. No doubt. You’re an amazing writer. Stop worrying.” Juliana smiled at her and thanked her.

They left class and continued to their next class.


Vincent dazed off in his last period. Trigonometry was definitely not his favorite subject. Vincent felt as if Mrs. Sanders would not stop speaking but before she could continue the bell rang and school was over.

Vincent wasted no time and left. He stopped at his locker to drop off his notebook when he sees Juliana walking out of the school by herself. Vincent followed her.

She was making her way to her car. Vincent called out to her. “Juliana.”

She stopped and turned around. “What?” she said, irritated.

“Are you okay?” he asked. She seemed uneasy.

“Great. Can I go now?” She turned around and continued walking. Vincent just stood there for a minute. Was she mad at him? He didn’t remember saying something rude to her. He ran after her. “Does this have anything to do with what I said on Saturday about you being my date?”

She turned around and glared at him. “Maybe.”

“Maybe?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Juliana took a breath and calmly asked him a question. “Why did you introduce me as your date when you have a girlfriend?”

Juliana could tell she caught him off guard. “I have a girlfriend?”

“Yes. That’s what I just said. Look Vincent if you think your little games-” Vincent cut her off.

“Juliana, I’m not playing games and I don’t have a girlfriend. She and I broke up two weeks ago.” Juliana relaxed a bit. She could tell he was being sincere. He hasn’t given her a reason not to trust him

“Oh. I just…never mind. I’m sorry. I never meant to accuse you but I…”

“Don’t worry about it. How about you make it up to me?” Vincent grinned at her.

She smiled back. “How?”

“By letting me take you out on a real date.”

Chapter 10

“You said no?” shouted Sophie. Juliana was in her living room with her feet up on her coffee table when she told Sophie what had happened after school with Vincent. Her friend was obviously very upset. “Why?”

“Sophie, he broke up with his girlfriend two weeks ago. I’m not about to be someone’s rebound.” In a way, Juliana wouldn’t have agreed to go out with Vincent even if he had broken up with his girlfriend three months ago. She didn’t know the guy well enough.

“You’re right.” exclaimed Sophie. “I didn’t even think about that.” Juliana quickly changed the subject. She asked Sophie if she’d received any news on NYU. Sophie had told her that she may hear from them next week. The girls talked until Sophie had to get going.

“I’ll call you later tonight.” said Sophie and hung up.

Juliana got up and made her way upstairs. Her mother was still at work. Juliana decided to visit her brother who was in his room. She knocked at his door.

“What?” he shouted.

“It’s me. Want to get something to eat?” It took him a minute to answer.

He opened his door. “Where are we eating?”


Nathan took a bite of his cheeseburger. Juliana had taken him to In-N-Out. One of his favorite restaurants. As Nathan enjoyed his food, Juliana only looked at hers.

“What’s wrong with you?” Nathan asked the question. Juliana was definitely shocked. It was the first time her brother has asked her anything in awhile. She composed herself and answered him.

“Just a bit worried. I haven’t heard from Columbia.”

Nathan put his burger down. “Julie, you shouldn’t worry. You’re great at school. You’ve always been great at writing. If they don’t accept you, it‘s their loss.” Juliana smiled. Getting a compliment from her brother meant the world to her. “I remember that one story you wrote about the little girl who got lost in the woods trying to look for her doll.”

Juliana chuckled. “Nate, I wrote that in fifth grade. How do you remember that?”

He smiled. “I thought the little girl was brave when she encountered all those obstacles in order to obtain her doll. I wish I had that kind of courage.”

“Nate, you’re very brave.” he smiled and continued eating. Juliana just stared at her brother, he was so smart. She didn’t want to push her luck so she didn’t ask him what was wrong with him. Baby steps, she told herself.

When they finished eating, they threw their trash away and left the restaurant.

“Thanks, Julie.” said Nate.

“Anytime.” she said. “If you ever need anything, you can talk to me, okay?”

“Yeah, I know that now.” he said.

“Hey, it’s only six. Do you wanna do something else?”

Nate had decided to go to the mall. He told Juliana that he wanted to check out the prices on some guitars that he was interested in. Juliana had asked him what kind of guitar he wanted, he had told her that he wanted a Gibson. Juliana tried her best to keep up with the conversation but she had no clue the different types of guitars, styles, prices. It was way too much for her.

They stopped at Sam Ash. The store consisted of nothing but music instruments. Nate’s eyes seemed to sparkle. Juliana walked around the store while Nate asked one of the employees for help. Juliana was glad she had the chance to bond with her brother. She needed this to get Vincent off her mind.

“Jules.” It was Nate calling her over.

“What’s up?” she asked.

He held out a black vintage Gibson guitar. “What do you think?” he asked her. He seemed to love it because he kept on grinning.

“Pretty cool.” she told him, taking a look at it. “How much?”

“I don’t know. Excuse me sir.” A man with tattoos and a mohawk came over to them

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“How much is this one?” Nathan asked him.

The man didn’t skip a beat. “1,198 dollars.” Nate smile turned upside down.

“Oh, okay thanks anyways.” Nate said as he returned the guitar from where he found it. Juliana’s heart sank. Her brother seemed to really want this guitar.

“We’ll take it.” said Juliana.

The man took the guitar. “Okay. No problem. I’ll put it in a case for you and ring you up at the counter.”

Nate hadn’t moved. “Nate, are you okay?” asked Juliana.

Nate simply nodded and smiled. “Thank you. I owe you so much.”

Juliana grinned. “Hell yes you owe me.” They both laughed at her reaction.

Chapter 11

Juliana parked in their driveway. Nathan couldn’t stop thanking her. He seemed to really appreciate what she did for him. Juliana had told him to shut up already because he was getting annoying.

“Alright, Nate. Now remember, you said you were going to try your best in school. I really hope you keep your word.” said Juliana stepping out of her car.

Nate smiled. He went to the trunk to retrieve his guitar. “I will. I promise.” He was being honest. Nathan knew Juliana wasn’t doing this to bribe him but because she wanted him to do well in school. Juliana felt his sincerity. She smiled back.

They stepped inside their home. Their mother was in the living room with paperwork on the floor and coffee table. Juliana’s mother looked up to see her son smiling and running upstairs.

“Hi mom.” shouted Nathan, happily.

“Hi.” she shouted back. She looked at Juliana. “What’s he so happy about?”

Juliana took a seat next to her mother and lay her head back and closed her eyes. “I bought him a two thousand dollar guitar.” She opened one eye to see her mother’s reaction.

Her mother started to laugh. “Two thousand dollars? Juliana, why would you buy him a guitar?” Juliana explained to her mother the agreement both she and Nate agreed upon. Her mother smiled at her and told her how proud she was of her for trying to help Nathan out. Juliana told her it was her job to watch out for her little brother. She excused herself and went to her room.

Juliana set her purse down on her dresser and sighed. She smiled to herself. She enjoyed the day with Nate. The smile left her face as soon as she remembered she had homework for chemistry.


It had been two weeks since Juliana had bought Nathan his guitar. Her mother texted her during fourth period telling her that she received a phone call from
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