» Fiction » Taking This Too Far., Alexandra Wolf [best young adult book series txt] 📗

Book online «Taking This Too Far., Alexandra Wolf [best young adult book series txt] 📗». Author Alexandra Wolf

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straight nose. His lips are nice, she thought. She shook her head at that. What the hell was wrong with her? She took a seat next to Nate. She tried not to care but Vincent’s nearness made her heart race. Oh, God.

“Juliana, are you okay? You looked flushed.” Vincent asked the question.

“I’m fine.” she lied. “So you two best friends already?”

Both Nate and him laughed. “Sure, something like that.” said Nate. He turned his attention to Vincent. “So what are you up for it?”

“Up for what?” Juliana asked. They both ignored her.

“Yeah, I’m down. What time?” Vincent asked him.

“Midnight.” he said.

“Alright, I’ll pick you up around eight. So be ready.” Vincent told him. He got up from his seat. “Okay, well I’m heading out.”

“Cool.” said Nate. “See you then.”

Juliana was getting real upset. Her brother and his new friend were making plans to go out. This wasn’t sitting well with her. She decided they were both going to answer her.

“Okay.” she told them. “First of all, Nate, you’re not going anywhere without asking for permission and second of all, where are you two talking about?”

Vincent looked at Nathan. “You tell her.” Nathan frowned at him. Vincent grinned back.

Nathan explained to her that they were going to wait in line for a new video game that was going to come out at midnight. He’s been waiting for it. He told her that Vincent had agreed to drive him there.

“Are you kidding?” Juliana exclaimed. “Over a damn video game?!”

Vincent wanted to laugh but he didn’t dare. Nathan begged his sister. He promised to clean her room and bathroom for a week. He seemed to really want this damn video game.

“Fine, but you have to clean my room for a month.” Nathan’s frown turned into a smile.

“Yes! Okay. Promise.” Nathan was about to walk into the living room when Juliana stopped him.

“I’m going too. Knowing you, Nathan, you’d probably shove an elderly man to get to your video game.”

Nathan walked away laughing. Juliana turned to Vincent who was grinning at her. He shrugged and said, “Kids these days…”

Chapter 16

“What am I doing here?” mumbled Juliana to herself. Vincent, Nathan and her have been waiting in line since eight-thirty. She was tired and hungry. Vincent and Nathan had tried to convince her to stay home but she was too stubborn to listen. She was now surround by males ranging from pre-teens to even adults, she had seen a couple girls but they seemed to grow bored and left. Why would they want to stay in line for a stupid video game? Juliana had no other choice but to accompany her brother. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Vincent but she just wanted to make sure her brother was well behaved.

It was about eleven-thirty. There was a sudden breeze. Juliana shivered. Vincent seemed to notice and offered her his sweater. She shook her head, but he still gave it to her. She didn’t refuse once she had it on. It was so warm and his scent still lingered on the sweater.

All of a sudden, a employee from the video store came out. He was a short guy with glasses. He seemed to be a little irritated. He called out to the crowd. “We will be opening the doors in about twenty-five minutes-” he was interrupted by the shouts of the men in line. He raised his hand for silence and continued. “Like I said, in about twenty-five minutes we’ll be opening. We hope for you to please stay in line and calmly leave once you receive your game. If there is fighting anywhere inside or outside of our store, we‘ll simply close it.” He gave them a simple nod and he returned into the store.

Nathan turned to her. “Hell yeah. I can’t wait until I get my hands on it.” said Nathan with stars in his eyes. Juliana stopped herself before she rolled her eyes. She closed her eyes for what seemed five seconds. Vincent shook her. “Hey. It’s time.” he told her.

One later, they were on their way back home. Nathan was in the passenger seat talking about how all his friends at school were going to be jealous of him. Vincent drove quietly while he listened to Nathan. Juliana was in the backseat falling asleep oblivious to everything that was going around her. Vincent parked in his car in their driveway. Nathan got out and opened the front door, thanked Vincent and went in. Juliana took her time stepping out of the car and making her way into her home.

Vincent grabbed her hand. She turned to face him. She instantly knew he wanted his sweater. If he wanted it back, he needed to release her hand. She looked up at his face, his eyes looked warm and when he suddenly smiled. Juliana started to say something but completely lost her train of thought. “You want your jacket?” she asked him with her head down. He put a finger under her chin and raised her head.

She didn’t have time to react. His lips crashed hers. He only meant to give her one kiss but her lips were so warm and soft, he couldn't help himself. He was about to pull away but Juliana wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her senseless. She had no mind to even think of the consequences of this kiss. Vincent needed to stop before anything more happened. Juliana slowly peeled her arms away from his neck. Vincent couldn’t help but grin at her. Her face was flushed and her lips were rosy. Juliana simply turned around, wished him goodnight and walked inside her home.

Vincent smiled all the way home.

Chapter 17

“Hey Jules.” said Jake as he took a seat behind her. There was still ten minutes before class started. There were a couple kids talking at the end of the classroom. Juliana had her head down on her desk.

“Hi.” she said without any enthusiasm. She raised her head and turned her body so that she was facing him. She stared at him. “Jacob, why are males such jerks and use women?”

Jake just looked at her speechless. “Well?” she asked him.

Suddenly Jake smiled. “Who’s the guy?”

Juliana straightened up. “There’s no guy. I was just simply asking a question.” She hoped Jake couldn’t tell she was lying. She wasn’t the greatest liar but he didn’t know that. Jacob looked at her. “Not all guys are like that. Why are you smiling? I’m being honest. Some guys use their looks to get what they want…you know it’s the same for girls-” Jacob put his hand out to stop Juliana from interrupting him. “-yes, girls do the same. They use their looks to get nerds to do their homework.” he ended his speech with a nod.

Juliana wanted to laugh but she didn’t dare. Jacob obviously believed in what he told her. “So how do you know if a guy is being honest?”

“Yeah, that’s hard to say. You just have to find out what the guy is all about. I’m pretty sure Vincent is an honest guy.” Jake laughed at Juliana’s pink face.

“Hey Jules.” said Sophie as she came into the classroom. “Morning Jake. What’s so funny?” He shook his head. “Juliana.” he said simply.

Sophie looked at Juliana and smiled. “Where’s Vince?” She took the seat across from Juliana.

“Why would I know where Vincent is? I’m not his mother. I’m not even his girlfriend.” Sophie looked at Jake who was grinning. Something else was going on and she wanted to know one way or another.

“The only reason I asked was because you were supposed to have dinner with him, remember?” said Sophie, innocently.

“Of course, I remember. I just, er, it’s a long story and I rather not get into it. Okay?” Sophie nodded. Sophie looked at Jake. He seemed to know what was going because he still had that stupid grin stuck on his face, she’ll text him during class to get the 411.

“So, I got my acceptance letter to NYU on Saturday.” exclaimed Sophie. Juliana and Jacob congratulated her. “ I know isn’t it great? Jules, you and I will take New York.”

“Watch out, New Yorkers.” joked Jake. Sophie stuck her tongue out at him, he blew her a kiss making her smile.

Juliana decided that Jake was right. Vincent seemed honest-so far. Nathan couldn’t stop talking about Vincent. This morning when their mother arrived from her business trip, Nathan told his mother how “tight” Vincent was. Since her brother didn’t see anything bad in Vincent, she had to give him the benefit of the doubt, she just hoped that he didn’t kiss her again. Not that she didn’t enjoy it, hell she more than enjoyed it. She loved it. His mouth was so warm and sweet. She shook the memory away. Better if she kept her distance until she graduated and left California.

The bell rang and students started pouring in.

Juliana took a breath and waited for him to enter the classroom.


Juliana was sitting on top of a picnic table under a big tree next to the school as she waited for Sophie who was talking to Jake by his car. She could tell that finally Sophie had fallen for Jacob. Why wouldn’t she? Jake was one of the sweetest guys on earth and very cute. She couldn’t help but smile as Jake gave Sophie a kiss on her cheek.

Seeing that made her think of Vincent. She was almost glad that he hadn’t come to school because she was able to concentrate in class. In some way, she was curious why he hadn’t come to class. She would have asked Jacob but in someway she knew that wouldn’t be wise and in no way did she want to text Vincent. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. Maybe he wasn’t at school because he had another girl. Yes, that was it. He had another woman.

Juliana kept hearing something. She heard it once. Twice. What was that buzzing noise? A bee? She finally figured it was probably her phone that was buried at the bottom of her purse. She took her time taking out her wallet and other stuff that was stuck in there.

“I could have been dying for all you know.” said a voice from behind her. Juliana stunned turned to see Vince. He had a smile on his face.

“What are you talking about?” she asked confused.

“I’d been texting you and I called you twice.” he told her as he took a seat next to her. “I was late to school because my little sister wasn’t feeling well so I stayed with her.”

Okay, she was half right. He had been with another girl but she had been his little sister. She felt stupid for assuming such idiotic ideas.

“Aw, is she okay?”

He looked at her. “Bella is going to be alright.” he smiled then. “She had a test today that she didn’t want to take so I let her skip it.”

“Aren’t you the best brother?” she said, sarcastically.

“Thank you.”

“I was being sarcastic.”

“I know.” he grinned. “So what’s going on with those two?” Vincent was referring to Jacob and Sophie who were talking and smiling.

“The love bug bit them.” she told him, matter-of-factly. Vincent chuckled at her answer.

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