» Fiction » The Forgiven, Ian Mcluckie [best e reader for academics .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Forgiven, Ian Mcluckie [best e reader for academics .TXT] 📗». Author Ian Mcluckie

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Alec “ , David said while patting Alec on the shoulder .
“ One other thing David , this is an old house with lots of memories . Its been around a long time and there’s some strange goings on , nothing dangerous but strange all the same “ . David shot up of the chair , “ what do you mean , its haunted I’m going to be chased out the house by some mad axeman “ .
“ No , no “ , laughed Alec , I didn’t mean to scare you , I’ve been here 30 years and never seen the mad axeman , but I’ve seen something strange , not of this world but beautiful all the same “ .
“ God you’ve got my heart going now Alec , is there a gun in the house “ , David said with a nervous grin .
“ Now I wish I hadn’t told you now , you’ll be safe enough , I better go now if you need me , just phone the numbers beside the phone at the front door “ .
“ Ok Alec , and thanks for everything , you’ve been very kind . I’m meeting with aunties lawyer Bill , then I’ll tell you what I’m going to do with the house “ .
“ So you haven’t decided to sell then “ , asked Alec .
“ Well I would like to keep it , but I don’t know if I could afford the upkeep , I hope there’s some cash with the house Alec , but wait and see what Bill says , it all rests with that unfortunately “ .
“ Ok David , enjoy the house have a good look around , I think you’ll find a few surprises for you just around the corner , pleasant ones only “ .
“ I can hardly wait “ , said David sounding a little nervous . The two made there way to the front door and Alec left . David stood in the hall way just looking around , feeling alone and a little uncomfortable .
He was alone now , in a house that made him nervous . He felt aware that it held many memory’s , and not all of them good , he was sure . Like lots of other people you can walk around a strange house , and get a number of different vibrations , and some he did not like .
“ Ok David , first things first lets gets some lights on , if I’m going to run into the grim reaper then I want to see him first , so I can run like hell “ , he laughed , “ come on what age am I , 25 years old not a kid , want a bet “ , he laughed again this time glad to hear a familiar voice in his ears , even though the house by now was pretty dark . “ Its too quiet in hear “ , he said making his way up the stairs to get his cd player in his gear bag . As he made his way up the stairs , he suddenly froze near the top , he had seen a shape and it had moved . For the first time in his life he was scared , very scared , the shape moved again , and he felt panic begin to rise inside .
“ Oh christ , hello “ , he shouted , “ is there someone there “ . There was no answer only a scraping sound .
“ Fuck , where’s the switch “ , he thought as he franticly searched the wall for the light switch . He froze again , the sound had moved closer , and now he felt terror inside but continued to search the wall for the switch . David’s hand brushed something , it was the switch he made a grab for it and flicked it . Suddenly all the lights came on in the hallway and he quickly scanned it while walking backwards towards the stairs incase he needed to bolt for it . Now in front of his eyes was the thing that had scared him so much , it was a cat , a blooming moggie just sitting there looking at him .
“ Bloody hell , how did you get in “ , David said , as he moved toward the cat .
He knelt down and picked the cat up , which made a soft purr . David laughed and was glad to get rid of the tension .
“ How did you get in here “ , he asked the cat , “ I wonder if you were my aunts “ , he said stroking it . “ I bet you’re hungry “ , he said making his way down the stairs toward the kitchen , leaving the hall behind and unaware that the cat was not alone in the hall , and that it had a companion , a very strange and ghostly companion .
In the kitchen David gave his new found friend some milk and a little cold meat from the fridge that Alec’s wife had left . The cat ate the meal with relish and great satisfaction , as if it hadn’t been fed for a few days .
“ My did you give me a fright little one , Alec’s story really got to me I nearly crapped myself up there “ , he chuckled but really glad of the company .
“ I wonder what other surprises this place has in store for me “ , he asked half expecting the cat to answer him . By this time the cat had finished its meal and had jumped down from the table and made its way to the front door . David followed it and opened the door , the cat ran out into the darkness .
“ I take it you have a hot date “ , he shouted after it , “ but please no singing to you’re girl friend , I want to sleep tonight “ , David laughed and closed the door , and locked it .
“ Ok time to explore “ , said David rubbing his hands together and made for the living room . “ What a grand place “ , he thought as he strolled into it and walked over to the portrait of lady Elizabeth . “ My , I could go for a girl like you “, he said to the painting . “ You’ve got all the quality’s I like in a girl , looks , a place of your own and of course money , but the temper that will need to go , I think a course of H.R.T. might do the trick “ , he laughed remembering that his mother had a terrible temper , but after H.R.T. she was a pussy cat . And if it could work for her then it could for you “ , he said tapping the portrait ,” Lady Elizabeth “ .
David strolled about the rest of the house , going from room to room picking up things of interest that caught his eye .
“ Some of this is worth money “ , he thought , “ really old , an antique dealer would give his right arm to get in here “ . David looked at and picked over some other pieces that interested him . He thought of selling some of it , that way he could keep the house , but it would be a shame to start breaking it all up , but I suppose I could , only as a last resort he decided .
David yawned tired from his eventful day , “ time for bed “ , he thought , and started to make his way up the stairs to the bedroom , David started switching of the lights as he went up , leaving the house behind him in total darkness . Suddenly a light he had just switched , suddenly came back on , he stopped dead in his tracks , too scared to turn around and too scared to run for the bedroom . Slowly he turned around half expecting to see someone standing behind him , but there was no one . He let out a breath of air unaware he had been holding it .
“ This place is getting to me “ , he said , “ its probably a faulty switch “ . Reaching out he flicked the switch again and the house was plunged into darkness again .
Not hanging about in the hallway , he quickly made his way to his bedroom humming a little tune , and feeling more than a little spooked .
David got ready for bed and switched on his compact disk player and was glad the music brought a comforting effect to his unusual surroundings . Getting into bed he was glad the bedroom had a bathroom as he didn’t fancy a late night trip back into the hallway . Leaning over he switched off the bedside light and the cd player , and lay back thinking about what it must have been like here , when the place was filled with lords and lady’s having grand balls and party’s . People would have been wined and dined , and sat about bragging about this and that , and of course brought along there mistress to have there bit of fun . I wonder how many had been in here or maybe died in here , he didn’t like to think of that so he put it to the back of his mind . Thinking only pleasant thoughts , he soon drifted into a deep peaceful sleep .

In the middle of the night , while he was asleep . Someone came into his bedroom , not by the usual method of the door , but by walking through the wall . This someone was a women , a very beautiful one , she walked round his room looking at all the strange things this man had
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