» Fiction » The Forgiven, Ian Mcluckie [best e reader for academics .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Forgiven, Ian Mcluckie [best e reader for academics .TXT] 📗». Author Ian Mcluckie

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brought . She walked around gracefully and quietly so as not to disturb the man sleeping in the bed . She was mystified by the cd player and the electric razor what on earth could they be she thought . She drifted over to the bed and couldn’t take her eyes of the young man in it , how handsome he looked . She had watched him since his arrival this afternoon and thought he had a warm kind face , not unlike someone she used to know and love but never forgot , it all seemed a long time ago now . Today the memories came flooding back to her , memories of a love of sunshine , of a best friend who treated her like a lady . A friend who showed her passion and kindness and gave her gifts . Someone who made her feel alive not just a maid , but sadly there love was not to be . His mother had seen to that , the lady Elizabeth had taken there love away , and forbidden it .
So I did something stupid , she thought , I took my own life which I deeply regret now , she thought . But I have been punished for it for 200 years , how much longer must I suffer this loneliness , this pain , this sorrow . She lifted her head and looked at the room about her , I am bound to this house can not leave it , chained to it like some herded animal . How she craved for another chance another go at life , to again feel the wind in her hair , the rain on her face . All the wonders of life that people take for granted and how I’d like to love again to have another go at life , to get a second life and learn from my mistake . She turned at that final thought and left , walking through the wall into the hall and was gone , back to her place where she would pine and dream of what the future might hold for her .


The morning light flooded through the large bedroom window , filling the room with bright sunlight . David woke feeling refreshed and ready for another day , and all the wonders it might bring . He lay in bed for a while listening to the radio and thinking , but something puzzled him there was a strong smell , a smell of perfume filled his room . How odd he thought , but he felt it comforting and was happy to lie in bed and enjoy the moment , letting the sweet sent flow over him .
After he was dressed he headed for the kitchen feeling hungry. He cooked a meal of fried eggs and toast with lots of coffee , when suddenly the cat jumped up on the table and startled him .
“ Hello there my little friend , how did you get in , got a secret entrance “ , asked David . The cat came over to him purring loudly , obviously looking for something to eat . “ I suppose you’re hungry after a hard night out with you’re girlfriend “ .
David petted the cat and gave it the last of the cold meat and milk . All the while he was thinking , there’s something strange about this cat , something I can’t put my finger on , just a feeling . But it would become clear later on that there was something very different about this cat , dangerously different .
David made a mental note that he better go to the local village to get some supplies and on his way , stop in and thank Alec and his wife , for leaving me the food .
David jumped with fright as he heard a load crash from up the stairs . He turned and ran out the kitchen and up the stairs , not knowing where the sound had came from he stopped , and listened . He heard a noise again which came from the door to his left , which was partly open . David slowly went through the door, and in front of him was a set of stairs which led up to another door . Strangely at the top of the stairs , in front of the door , was the cat .
At Davids feet , was a small table which the cat must have knocked down the stairs . He bent down and picked up the table , and put it the right way up and made his way up the stairs toward the cat , and the other door .
“ Hello little fella what are you doing here “ , he asked .
The cat meowed and jumped at the handle , trying to open the door .
“ You want in here , is this where you stay “ .
David tried the door and it opened a little but it seemed to be stuck , or something was holding it back , from the inside . He put his shoulder to it , and it moved a little more , thump , thump he hit the door with his shoulder , and the door burst open . David expected someone to be there , but there was no one . The cat rushed in David followed at a slower pace , a little scared of what he might find . The room came as a bit of a shock , it was very small and bare . It had a bed at one end and a set of drawers by a small window . The place was dusty and he guest it must have been servant quarters , but oddly it looked like someone had been in here . A dress was hung up on the wall , and the room was filled with a funny smell , it was perfume and fresh , and was the same as he had smelled in his bedroom that very morning . One other thing that puzzled him was a candle in the corner , it wasn’t lit but it looked new and had been used . David sat on the bed beside the cat which , was curled up in a ball.
“ Who stay’s here “ , he asked the cat , which lifted its head and let out a cry as if he understood what was being said .
“ What’s going on , I wish someone would tell me “ , he said to himself .

There was a loud knock at the front door, which made David jump of the bed and run down the stairs and open the door .
On opening the door he found a smart dressed man standing there .
“ Can I help you “ , David asked .
“ Yes I’m Bill Murray , you’re aunts lawyer I think you’ve been expecting me “ .
“ Yes please come in “ , said David not certain whether to be glad to see him , since so much hung in the balance with this man , and what news he had to tell him .
“ What do you think of the house then David , isn’t it something else “ , Bill asked .
“ It sure is , but to tell you the truth I’ve been scared stiff half the time “ .
“ You’re aunt always said , you would have you’re hands full just staying here “ .
“ She’s right there , did she ever say anything about the house Bill “ , David asked .
“ Well when you could get her to talk about the place , all she would say was something very sad happened here a long time ago , and that the pain lingered on , and that it would until it was put right . But what she ment I really don’t know , sorry David that’s all I know “ , Bill said as he took a seat , in the living room .
“ Its all a bit strange , I found a room in the attic that seemed to be servants quarters , but I got this feeling that it was still being used . And now I think of it I woke up this morning and my room was filled with this strange perfume , and I found the same smell in the attic , perhaps there’s a connection something I haven’t seen yet “ .
“ It’s a mystery “ , said Bill , “ anyway David we have some business to sort out and I have some papers for you to sign , which makes you the new owner “ .
David signed the papers for the house and they chatted more about it but the mystery still remained that , for the time being .
“ Ok that’s that out the road David “ , Bill said , “ now I’ve got some good news for you , you’re aunt was a wise old lady and had some good investments , as well as a fair bit of cash in the bank which is now you’rs “ .
“ You’re kidding , I didn’t no there was any cash “ , David said , the excitement beginning to grow .
“ Know the government tax this its called death duties , it’s a bit unfair but it’s the law . Now the figures I have are after tax is off “ Bill said looking through his bag for the papers with the
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